View Full Version : Rocky Point Questions???????????????

06-04-08, 10:07 PM
So I am planing on going down to rocky point in the next few weeks. I haven't booked a place to stay yet. Where are some good places to stay and what all is down there to do? Any help would be great since I haven't been there yet.

06-05-08, 12:44 PM
I haven't been there in quite a few years, but I have stayed at a few places, and one I liked was penasco del sol. http://www.hotelrockypoint.com/ not to spendy either.

06-05-08, 03:39 PM
Baja hotel.....

06-05-08, 07:04 PM
Manny's was my favorite place to hangout/eat/drink down there. It's been a few years though...

06-05-08, 07:18 PM
Manny's was my favorite place to hangout/eat/drink down there. It's been a few years though...

Still there and hoppin.........Baja is 200 ft down the road.....during season much va jay jay to be seen....not that I look or anything....I've heard from this guy I knew :creep:

06-05-08, 07:44 PM
Agreed about Baja Hotel, it is pretty cheap. If you want to spend a little more money the Sonoran Sun and or the Sonoran Spa are nice, but more expensive and they are a 10 min drive from the party spots

06-05-08, 08:39 PM
My fave was to have fresh shrimp on the barbi then head to JJ's Cantina. We also went off roading, although I don't know if it was legal...we were never caught!

06-05-08, 08:47 PM
jj's is cool .....but just a little drive out....bunch of old folks

06-05-08, 11:10 PM
We have alwys stayed at the Playa Bonita, if it's still there!! Fresh shrimp ****tails downtown on the rocks!!

06-10-08, 09:48 PM
+1 for the sanoran spa. The rooms are huge, the parking lot and beach are private and secure.

Now what kind of trip is this, are you bringin ladies with ya? I have had some great times down there with a g-friend but I had a LEGENDARY guys weekend that still leaves us giggling years later.... both trips were good but I don't think I will bring women with me anymore, too much fun with out them.

06-10-08, 10:01 PM
leave the ladies home.....just found my rocky point pics today.....questionable activities going on....

06-11-08, 09:02 PM
Well my cousin has a gorgeous house down there in a secluded housing section with a private beach only about 50 yards away. Its only about a 5 minute drive from all the bars and shopping and activities depend on what you want to do. We rented quads down there (they werent top of the line but easy and fun to ride), The fish market is unbelievable and cheap, and of course theres always the most popular activity...... Drinking and as far as my favorite place to go it had to be manny's....... Great Food and drinking all day long. Any questions hit me up and i will try to answer them for you

06-18-08, 08:47 AM
Baja hotel.....


06-18-08, 06:31 PM
You just have to be very carefull driving to and from, a Mesa Fire Fighter was badly injured last week comming back fro Penasco, so be very careful!!!

06-18-08, 06:36 PM
First of all is he going to be allright?? Second, what happened? Just wondering since I have never been to Mexico.

06-18-08, 07:06 PM
Looks like he will be "ok" but it might be he will never be on the truck anymore due to all the surgeries. He was behind another SUV when an oncomming vehicle tried to pass and the truck in front of him swerved to avoid the oncomming car and it was too late.. Head on.. and this happens alot on the two laner..

06-18-08, 07:13 PM
I am very sorry to hear that.

06-18-08, 07:27 PM
don't let the stories that you hear scare you off. There are a million of them and I have never had a bad experience down there.

06-18-08, 07:50 PM
My brother owns a few places in Las Palomas, its absolutely beautiful there. My family is building a 4 bedroom fully furnished palace in this same project that will be rentable in the next 90 days as well. Dont let all the stories get you worried, my other brothers been to Mex 2 times in the past 3 weeks and has had no issues, from what I understand the issues are really in Mexico City, however to stay on the safe side Id really just stay out of the towns after dark. Sorry to here about the accident. Definitely need to be careful there, theres speed limits but no one really seems to pay attention.

If your interested check out the photos and feel free to call my brother Tom he'll help all he can, he knows this part of Mexico very well, his father in law is part owner of this resort. Check it out HipGetaway.com (http://hipgetaway.com/Site/Photos.html)

With it’s hip designer touches and eclectic lounge vibe, our Mexico getaway is just what the doctor ordered. Some like to call it, “Mexico City Modern”, but for at least a few days, we’d like you to call it “home”. Tucked away on the fourth floor of the Cristal building, our space in the Las Palomas Seaside Golf Community overlooks the mellow Sea of Cortez, some cool pools, a lazy river, and a very cozy jacuzzi.

The photo below is a picture shot from the balcony of the one bedroom fully furnished condo for rent.

06-20-08, 11:24 AM
Thats very cool Joe and just to let yo guys know I have been to Rocky Point over 20 times and the only problems I have had is with other drunk Americano's but you have to watch that road it is very narrow and accidents happen all the time. I have seen a few very bad accidents on the Mexican side and a couple on the the US side just south of Ajo, people get tired and, well you know what happens..

El Jefe
06-20-08, 11:43 AM
Well my cousin has a gorgeous house down there in a secluded housing section with a private beach only about 50 yards away. Its only about a 5 minute drive from all the bars and shopping and activities depend on what you want to do. We rented quads down there (they werent top of the line but easy and fun to ride), The fish market is unbelievable and cheap, and of course theres always the most popular activity...... Drinking and as far as my favorite place to go it had to be manny's....... Great Food and drinking all day long. Any questions hit me up and i will try to answer them for you
HPS cruise? :laughing1:

06-20-08, 05:30 PM
And don't come back to the states on a Sunday, the border sucks coming back unless you cross on a week day, non-holiday.

06-20-08, 05:46 PM
HPS cruise? :laughing1:

I would not drive anything less then a truck down there. IT is interesting to see a dirt road with a stop light on it.....

06-21-08, 02:08 PM
Thxs Dave, anyone looking to go to Mexico as a group should contact this same website www.hipgetaway.com (http://www.hipgetaway.com) in about month or so. It is in the process of completion now. This place is like 3800 Square feet with 4 bedrooms and a 1600 sq ft balcony overlooking the ocean, so when anyone is planning a group trip to Mexico keep this place in mind. I honestly dont know any other place nicer than this area in Mexico. My family wanted a place we could all go together to. They just finished the first walk through and should begin furnishing in the coming weeks. This place will be fully furnished with like 6-50inch flat screen tvs. My Dad said he wanted a place like CRIBS, well from everything Ive seen it should be over the top. It will be rentable for 800.00 a night or something like that, but realistically it is like 200 per couple in a 4 bedroom.

Theres windows everywhere that open completly so the whole balcony is wide open. They are planning on 8-10 bar stools so that gives you an idea of how large this kitchen is. If you look over to the right near the window, there is also a wetbar, they are determining now wheither or not to fully stock, or they may just leave it as an option of what someone would want when they rent it. At an additional cost of course. Its really cheaper to just BYOB.

Sorry it seems Im always promoting something, just is kind of the way my life is. If anyones interested in either of these condos let me know and I will introduce you directly to my brother Tom so your sure to get the best rates.

More photos of the resort as well as this awesome condo Click Here (http://gallery.mac.com/ttokoph#100183)

We also have some condos in Las Vegas at the Cosmo coming in the near future. If you love Vegas these are going to be freaking insane. Its great having a brother in Real Estate, its getting me in on some pretty awesome places.

06-21-08, 05:09 PM
OK lets Go!!!!!

06-22-08, 12:01 PM
HPS cruise? :laughing1:

I like where your head is at!!