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View Full Version : Bad Weather In Louisiana!!

05-15-08, 07:13 AM
Well Guys, we had a pretty huge storm pop out of nowhere yesterday and cause havoc across most of Louisiana including

Livingston, East Baton Rouge, Accension, and Tagipahoa Parishes.

Mobile Homes on top of trucks. Trees everywhere including I-12. 38000 people without electricity last night. With about 10000 still out and no idea when it will return. McDonalds has a completely missing golden arch sign. Buggies from walmart were in the middle of the highway. New construction on a walgreens collapsed on one side of the building.

My parents house had the electricity pole broken and pulled their outside meter box completely off the house. Trees down everywhere. One tree on top of my brothers trailer (he moved out Sat & Sun. --so lucky) My electricty pole is laying on the ground. A tornado touched down within 750ft of my house. Caused havoc down my whole street. Where my brother moved it pulled all of the post supporting the carport out into the yard (the carport didnt collapse.. yet. A 4ft diameter 100yr old HUGE white oak broke completely in half next to his house (fell the other way luckily) It pulled roofing up and yanked his back door away from the house. I have a busted water line leaking into my house (shut the water off at the main):nono:

If your wondering my whole family (5 generations) lives down the same road for about 2 miles of a stretch. Next door to each other. My grandmothers house took on water it rained soo much soo fast.

Whats bad is that we are still in this storm for the next 2 or 3hours. With tornado warnings. And the media hasnt said the 1st word (Im staying at my in laws right now and about to go home and start repairing the damages!):dontgetit:

to make things worse.. Last thursday my car was burnt to the ground by an arsen. And Im in the middle of a huge investigation. Just cant get any worse right now!

Really Miss My Cruiser: 2001 MG Cobra - SRA 430s Tubular K A Arms Coilovers C/C plates, Bassani ML headers, X pipe, magnapack, FRESH PAINT JOB and NEW FRONT BUMPER <--- oh and an electricty line is hanging on my burnt car or what used to be a car

05-15-08, 08:17 AM
No good man. Hope everyone is ok out there.

05-15-08, 08:38 AM
Thats just aweful, I will pray for you and your family.

Mr. Austin
05-15-08, 10:06 AM
oh man. im sorry thats deffinatly a hand full hope everything comes back into order.

05-15-08, 11:45 AM
Ok , it has to get better!! Take it one day at a time.. Be safe and we will keep ya in our prayers!!

05-16-08, 07:29 AM
I appreciate all the comments and prayers! Im really starting to think THIS SITE ROCKS

05-16-08, 07:40 AM
Awww, We are not just pixels and Icons Saleen, We are a family, When one is down we are there for them. Trust me I know cause I have been there. Take care hun! Let us know if you need anything and we will try to help you and your family out.