View Full Version : Benefits of joining Copperstate Mustang Club?
05-14-08, 09:44 AM
I want to bring up a subject that will be touchy for the club administrators, but which has been on my mind for a long while. So rather than beat around the bush, I'll just come right out and ask...
What are the benefits of joining the Copperstate Mustang Club?
I haven't renewed my membership in two years because of several reasons. 1) No more newsletters. 2) No discount for members at car shows. 3) Difficult to find out when/where events are taking place. 4) Too expensive.
Call me cheap if you want, but I'm not retired like some, and have 12 hours of work to squeeze into every 8 hour day, and have 4 kids. The show events have an exclusionary feel to them. It's not an open environment. But maybe that's okay? Maybe you have plenty of club members, plenty of volunteers, so it's working out great? These are just my thoughts.
What does the $30 club membership get me if I can just show up to events and pay a couple bucks more to participate on show day? Wait...what does the $30 get me in the first place?
Maybe a lot of people feel the same way, and don't bother to join, or maybe it's just me.
I'll tell you what I and a lot of people I know do every Saturday evening... We go up to the car show at Safeway just N of 83rd & Union Hills. Now THAT is a freaking awesome get-together, at no cost, and you don't need to "know someone" in that club because it's same time, same place every week. Maybe CMC should do something like that... Or maybe folks out here on the west side could get together up there every Saturday with CMC signs on their cars and park together.
05-14-08, 10:06 AM
Ok First of all its only $25 to join for the WHOLE family in one household, We have 3 free events per year, Ice cream social, Pizza Night and a Pancake Breakfast, We do tons of cruises, We are a non-profit club so when you come to car shows to show off your baby, 1 its pride in ownership, 2 its helping out a good cause, 3 its to hang out with friends and family and have fun. I have been in this club for almost a 2 years now and im on the board. We do all kinds of fun things, as far as the newsletter, you can have it mailed, and if you have not renewed that could be the reason you have not gotten one. Obviously you have internet, as far as finding out when events are taking place you can go to the calendar on ( and its all there, Plus Jeff posts it on here also as he is our website administrator. How can you say its too expensive for all the free things we have for the entire family, You can have 10 people living in your household and they all come to the free events, now what would the cost be for you too take all 10 of them out to dinner compared to $25.00 per YEAR. That equates to 8.33 per event, I dont think you can feed 1 at Mcdonalds for that. Im sorry if you feel its too expensive, but its not and we are the largest and best club in the united states. We all have jobs that we go to, we are not all retired, as a matter of fact the president of the club Jacostang, works very hard. Im sure most of the members on here will agree with me on this. As far as a touchy subject yes, You got me. We are certainly not a bitchy club or mean or nothing, but the club is what you make of it, we do Photo shoots with a great camera lady, and also a lot of members drive up too the pavillions on saturday night just to hang out. I hope this has shed some light on your frustration and we would love to have you back in the club.
I want to bring up a subject that will be touchy for the club administrators, but which has been on my mind for a long while. So rather than beat around the bush, I'll just come right out and ask...
What are the benefits of joining the Copperstate Mustang Club?
I haven't renewed my membership in two years because of several reasons. 1) No more newsletters. 2) No discount for members at car shows. 3) Difficult to find out when/where events are taking place. 4) Too expensive.
Call me cheap if you want, but I'm not retired like some, and have 12 hours of work to squeeze into every 8 hour day, and have 4 kids. The show events have an exclusionary feel to them. It's not an open environment. But maybe that's okay? Maybe you have plenty of club members, plenty of volunteers, so it's working out great? These are just my thoughts.
What does the $30 club membership get me if I can just show up to events and pay a couple bucks more to participate on show day? Wait...what does the $30 get me in the first place?
Maybe a lot of people feel the same way, and don't bother to join, or maybe it's just me.
I'll tell you what I and a lot of people I know do every Saturday evening... We go up to the car show at Safeway just N of 83rd & Union Hills. Now THAT is a freaking awesome get-together, at no cost, and you don't need to "know someone" in that club because it's same time, same place every week. Maybe CMC should do something like that... Or maybe folks out here on the west side could get together up there every Saturday with CMC signs on their cars and park together.
05-14-08, 11:03 AM
Thanks Trisha!!
Oh and you also recieve 20% off parts at Berge and at Five Star Ford(ask for max)
We give over $5000 a year to thses charities..Diabled American Veterans, Christmas Angles, Both East and West Food Banks, and Jennabears Foundation(Newly Added this years as one of our designated charities)
Also we provide 2 $500 Scholarships to the Ford ASSET Program at Gelndale Community College!!
You do get a discount on this falls Monsson Madness Car show for being a member!
So being a part of The CMC is much more than "just a club" we give back to the community east, west wherever....
The newsletter like Trish stated, once your a member you can either have it mailed to your house or get it off the web site but if you do not choose then we assume your going to get it of the web.
Sometimes an event comes up to quickly and then we do a "Blaster Message" to all members of the club over the phone to let people know whats going on. This helps remind people and also get the info out but once again if we do not have your info then it doesn't get to you. You do not have to be a member to see the calendar and we are going to Johnny Rockets this Friday and then cruising over to meet up with the Wild West Guys..
Just to let you know I have two jobs, Paramedic and Union Officer so my daysare very full to, along with getting the newsletter out every month. We are always asking for volunteers to help out with events, always.
Wow am I tired.....
If you have anymore questions or just want to chat please feel free to call me!!!
Thank You!
05-14-08, 11:10 AM
wow, trish nailed it right on the head. and i will most defiently agree with everything she has said. and i am 29, work full time, and have a family. and lemme tell you, i have never been a part of such an awesome group. they are extremely down to earth, VERY family oriented, and just flat out the most awesome drama free group you will ever find. they work to make things avaliable to everyone, and do things on both sides of town. take this weekends dinner meetup at johnny rockets in glendale, a perfect example. i have found that this is one of the best local car clubs in exisitance. and more then worth the 25 bucks a year. and i get a mailed newsletter every month. and trust me, i read it cover to cover. this is an awesome group. and don't just take my word, show up to a meet and talk to a few people.
05-14-08, 11:34 AM
I gotta agree with what everyone has said so far. I am 22 years old, a full time starving college student, and I live up in Prescott. Now please don't tell me that $25 a year is too expensive for you because I paid it AND I make the trip down to Phoenix on the weekends for events just because of how awesome this group is. I am a new member for the past few months and cannot even describe how great this club is. I do photography on the side to help pay for school and Dave (the president) and the rest of the club have gone out of their way to help me out whenever they can to get me more business.
In all honesty, "too expensive" is just not a very valid excuse... $25 is a very small price for the greatness of this club. If you base your benefits of the club on only monetary or material things then maybe it's just not for you, I certainly didn't join just for discounts or otherwise. The awesome friends and great family environment are far more beneficial than any other value you may get from being a member. How many other groups will accept new members as if they have been here all along and how many other groups will send cards and phone calls to someone in the hospital? My opinion, you need some better excuses as to why you shouldn't be a part of it or else you're in it for all the wrong reasons.
Just my humble opinion :hi:
05-14-08, 02:40 PM
Wow, I don't really know what to say but thanks so much!!! Like I said, a club is as only great as its members!!!!
05-14-08, 03:07 PM
I'm glad you spoke your mind, and very happy for all the honest replys. I have never been a club member of any club, anywhere until I joined CMC 8 years ago. Meeting the club members at one show convinced me it was a club to join for the family. I'm married with four children and two Mustangs. Trish provided all the highlights. And add to that the feeling of caravaning with 20 or 30 'Stangs for a pizza lunch or a photo shoot by the lake. Nothing like it. During the holidays some of our club members take the time to adopt a family or two and provide needed items directly to the family.
So the invite stands-come out to an event (any one) and chat with a few people and join in. You'll be glad you did.
And take a look at the time the members and espescially the board puts in for this club to be as great as it is. It's amazing.
Chris B.
05-14-08, 03:10 PM
And as far as I'm concerned the Copperstate Mustang Club has THE BEST MEMBERS!!
I live in Anaheim so it's a little far for me... but I would join!
Giddy Up!
05-14-08, 04:13 PM
I speak for my family of three with two mustangs and three jobs, when I echo everything Trish, Dave, Hank, Chris, Jenn and others have said about the club. There are events to satisfy everyone's interests. Cruises, shows, dinners, drags, the Pavillions and so much more. Next are group seats at a Diamondbacks game! I can remember being in a caravan to the Flagstaff car show when one of our new members blew a radiator hose and over-heated. We all stopped along the highway and did what we could to get her back on the road and to her first show. It was hot and inconvenient but no one complained. Everyone stayed to help and make sure she was OK. I can say that even though our son graduates this fall and may move and take his cars with him it wouldn't matter. I will still be a member of this club because it's just a GREAT group of people doing anything they can to help others. Come to Johnny Rocket's this Friday and see what you are missing. Your calendar will always be as full as you want it to be.
05-14-08, 04:18 PM
i think the secret is get involved.manny people dont see what all is going on in this club till they activly join and that is not only going to one or two this club are a lot of good people trying to make life more fun and they do a verry good job.its more like a big fammily:highfive:
crazy ray
05-14-08, 05:28 PM
I am not a member, but I have attended some of their events and I have to say i was treated as thou i was one. Like it was said, bring your pride and joy to the shows and start talking to people.They don't bite. I have met some great people from CMC. As for the money, take your family to the movies. That will cost you a arm and a leg.
I don't know, you just can't make everyone happy. They just want more, for less.
I agree with everybody's comments, I am new to the club and don't know very many of the members but every event I have been able to attend they have made me feel very welcome and have always had a great time.
definitely worth the $25.00.
Copperstate Mustang Club ROCKS!!!!:perfect10:
05-14-08, 06:26 PM
And another thing, why would we have over 250 members and been around for 30 years if its a bad club hmmmmmmmm?????????????????????????
05-14-08, 06:43 PM
Hell, I ate $25 worth of pancakes and sausage at the pancake b'fast a few months ago.
05-14-08, 10:44 PM
^^ Thats was you!! He He!! :-)
05-14-08, 10:48 PM
We have members from Cali, New Mexico, Florida, Michigan etc.. so you can Join and then you get the awesome newsletter that Berge does for us. So just dont worry about the drive, we will save you some pancakes hehehe.:pepper:
I live in Anaheim so it's a little far for me... but I would join!
Giddy Up!
Chris B.
05-15-08, 08:10 AM
How come there are no replies from CObraFan? Not enough good reasons yet?:biglaugh:
20% discount on parts at Five Star and Berge has sold me, signing up now!
Mr. Austin
05-15-08, 04:15 PM
these are all great reasons i had actually wondered myself why i should sign up but i never knew any of this. i did attend the berge ford show and won the third in my class and i know i met a couple people from there and for the most part the people there were really cool and i dont know where you meet or when or anything but honestly i think i might just show up and attend a meeting and join!!!Finally get to meet some of you in person!
05-15-08, 11:56 PM
Club Application (
Mr. Austin
05-16-08, 12:12 AM
haha that was easy! might be fun. thanks!
Check's in the mail.........
05-16-08, 07:27 AM
Awesome, Just awesome, Welcome to the club you two!!!:woot1::pepper::pepper:
05-16-08, 07:30 AM
All ya had to do was ask Austin, Thats what we are here for, To have fun and show off our babies and did I mention have fun? And we also have some fantastic people who are always willing to help with tech questions. Dont ask me cause I ask all of them lol.
these are all great reasons i had actually wondered myself why i should sign up but i never knew any of this. i did attend the berge ford show and won the third in my class and i know i met a couple people from there and for the most part the people there were really cool and i dont know where you meet or when or anything but honestly i think i might just show up and attend a meeting and join!!!Finally get to meet some of you in person!
I will tell you that I have heard other people talk about how many clubs that they have been in at different times and have wondered some of there reasons why they have been in so many clubs?
There are many reasons to join many clubs:
1. Maybe your club that you loved was broken up for what ever reason?
Copperstate has been around for over 30 years.
2. Maybe your club did not have many events?
Copperstate has more events than I can even attend, and shows and so forth (many already mentioned)
3. Maybe your club did not sponsor the community?
Copperstate: for example is helping out with Stage 3 Motor Sports on there open house this comming weekend. Why does a club have to do that? The answer is: They don't, but they do it because of the extended family of mustang people.
My only wish is this: With so many activities going on, I wish that I would be able to attend all of them. But that is were the beauty of the club is, it seems as though there is always something to get involved with even with a limited schedule.:laughing1:
Oh I forgot one more thing.
I was completly impressed when Dave made my car Mustang of the month and offered to put the car in Berge Fords show room for a period of time. I was unable to do that as I drive the car daily, but Dave (The President of the club) actually took his own car down there so that Berge Ford would not be without the CMC car of the month.
Thanks again Dave.:bouncy:
Mr. Austin
05-16-08, 09:08 AM
Well im feeling lazy so im going to ask on her then bug off and look but when do you guys meet? And for those who are going tonight to the johnny rockets. i may be meeting you there but not with the stang.
Mr. Austin
05-16-08, 09:09 AM
All ya had to do was ask Austin, Thats what we are here for, To have fun and show off our babies and did I mention have fun? And we also have some fantastic people who are always willing to help with tech questions. Dont ask me cause I ask all of them lol.
Haha i like bein gin the wild west stangs because of how much closer they are and some characters in the club but i am deff looking forward to attending a meeting
05-16-08, 09:13 AM
A Lot will be there tonight, We meet once a month in phoenix off thomas and 32nd (I think) @ 1pm, No need to bug off lol, Go to the website ( and view the calendar, as you will see it fills up before the end of January for all the events. See you tonight Austin :)
Well im feeling lazy so im going to ask on her then bug off and look but when do you guys meet? And for those who are going tonight to the johnny rockets. i may be meeting you there but not with the stang.
05-16-08, 09:17 AM
yeah, and the club does things all over the valley, and the meetings are held on the second sunday at 32nd st and thomas. so its central to everyone in the valley. i wish wwm did thier meetings on a weekend day, i would like to attend them more, but with them being at glendale stadium, and what not, i cannot make them. i personally like being involved in whatever i can. and sometimes i spread myself thin, but i make it out. and no one in the cmc will EVER make you feel guilty for not making a ton of stuff. they are always just happy to see you. no pressure from any of them to be anywhere or do anything. just show up when you can and have a damn good time!
btw- austin, please be sure to say hi tonight if you make the third friday. i will be bringin my cobra down. :laughing1:
Mr. Austin
05-16-08, 09:36 AM
okie dokie!! p.s. i may not recongnize alot of you if we havent met in person. so you might have to say something. just to be completly honest. im really bad at those things.
I'll make it out there some day!
05-16-08, 09:58 AM
Most CMC memebers wear our name tags so you can recognize us.
okie dokie!! p.s. i may not recongnize alot of you if we havent met in person. so you might have to say something. just to be completly honest. im really bad at those things.
05-16-08, 10:54 AM
okie dokie!! p.s. i may not recongnize alot of you if we havent met in person. so you might have to say something. just to be completly honest. im really bad at those things.
trust me man, same here. i always recognize cars, and rarely people. lol. not sure why. but i am hard to miss, 6'8" 320lbs. i don't hide well..:sticktonge:
Mr. Austin
05-16-08, 10:57 AM
haha ok well Hopefully i will see you guys there not sure though i need be packet for camping before i go. i will prob be there around 6
Chris B.
05-16-08, 11:48 AM
It should be fun! I'll be driving the ROUSH since the 69 Mach is on the Berge Ford new car showroom floor!:woot1:
I think everyone should just quit the Copperstate club. Your a bunch of really uninteresting people that never do anything or go anywhere.
The monies collected from members are used by someone we never see to support an extravagent lifestyle and pays the mortgage on a large mountain top home. :kneel: :highfive: :pepper: CROOKS I TELL YA!
Im kidding of course! :hide: Trish!
Copperstates cool. I Have noticed though you arent saying anything since you decided to start this OH NO..... :gayalarm:
Come on man lifes to short to be angry. Live a little. Have fun! If you dont want to become a member of CMC, they really dont care one way or another.
Theres lots of clubs and lots of choices, go where your comfortable. Either way feel free to come to the Mustang events, I mean after all, isnt it about the car not the people?
I will admit I sort of felt the way you do once. But you know what the problem was? I wasnt becoming involved and felt like the outsider. Now I go to most of the events and have found people I enjoy talking to and hanging out with.
:myop: If you dont come to the events regularly and meet people you'll always feel like the odd man out. The members also dont get to know who you are if you dont come around often. So it does make for an odd ball out feel.
So if your waiting for the marching band to announce your arrival this will probably be your one and only chance. Yahoo for CObrafan! :chase:AND THE CROWD GOES WILD! :birthdayfriends:
I love the smileys!
They could have there own televisions show. :laughing:
05-17-08, 12:39 PM
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH only you would try to make ME mad again sheesh Wait till I see you next time mister your in big trouble lol lol :biglaugh::biglaugh:
3 days and still no reply from original poster, that's what I have been waiting for.
The beni's of Copperstate are obvious in their time and dedication they put forth in everything they do. They stay active, are very organized, reach out to the community, and do the very best they can imop....and then some!
On top of all that I think most club's would get all ticked off at a post like this and reply with some blah blah reply....not Copperstate they replied as professional as can be.
Once again I am impressed by the entire Copperstate crew, you guys are a class act and I am lucky to know all of you!!
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