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View Full Version : Help - Transmission refused to come out of car!

05-09-08, 08:13 PM
So I'm pulling the transmission on my mach 1 for a new clutch install. I've got the transmission drained, drive shaft out, starter out, mid pipe out, and have removed the five bolts holding the manual transmission to the engine and the bottom two. The shifter is completely removed and all sensors are disconnected. The motor is supported at the by the oil pan with a jack and a 2x4, and the transmission is supported back at the tail. I cannot for the life of me get this transmission to budge. :SMASH: I've never had a problem removing a transmission, though I've never removed one out of these cars. What in the world could I be overlooking? I feel like an idiot, but everything else went by so smoothly.

05-09-08, 08:22 PM
So I'm pulling the transmission on my mach 1 for a new clutch install. I've got the transmission drained, drive shaft out, starter out, mid pipe out, and have removed the five bolts holding the manual transmission to the engine and the bottom two. The shifter is completely removed and all sensors are disconnected. The motor is supported at the by the oil pan with a jack and a 2x4, and the transmission is supported back at the tail. I cannot for the life of me get this transmission to budge. :SMASH: I've never had a problem removing a transmission, though I've never removed one out of these cars. What in the world could I be overlooking? I feel like an idiot, but everything else went by so smoothly.

Not sure what tranny you have in your car but be sure you are not missing a bolt on the very top.
Does your bell housing separate from the tranny or is it a single unit?

When I remove my tranny I place the tranny jack under it. Let the motor tilt back a little and it pops right out.

You may have to wiggle it a little to get it off the dowel pins.

05-09-08, 09:01 PM
That top bolt is also a pain from what I hear, very easy to strip, so be careful with it if that is the issue. Ford doesn't sell the bolts for some reason :dunno:

05-09-08, 09:20 PM
Yeah, I'm missing the top two bolts as I'm told. I'll take another crack at it tomorrow. I'm surprised that those bolts are still in given that the tranny has been dropped at least twice in this car before I owned it. :redface:

05-09-08, 09:22 PM
Never leave tranny bolts out because they are hard to get at, get the correct tools to get to them.

05-09-08, 09:27 PM
I'm just surprised that they all made it back in because a lot of people working at dealerships don't give two ***** and will not put them back in. I've got enough wobble extensions and regular extensions to get to them, I just didn't realize they were there.

05-09-08, 09:28 PM
I find letting the tranny tilt a little makes it easy to get to them with a few log wobbles.

Do you have a T-56?

05-09-08, 09:30 PM
I have the 3650.

05-10-08, 12:23 PM
I'm just surprised that they all made it back in because a lot of people working at dealerships don't give two ***** and will not put them back in. I've got enough wobble extensions and regular extensions to get to them, I just didn't realize they were there.he there is people in dealerships they give a f*** and put all bolts back.and that for fifteen years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:highfive::woot2:

05-10-08, 12:30 PM
Time for the BFH? :pound:

05-16-08, 10:47 AM
I'm just surprised that they all made it back in because a lot of people working at dealerships don't give two ***** and will not put them back in. I've got enough wobble extensions and regular extensions to get to them, I just didn't realize they were there.

We do care. We are trained to do it correctly. I don't know what gave you that bogus idea. If one of my technicians (I am a service advisor) deliberately left bolts out because it was too hard to get to I would make sure that he be disciplined. If an issue arose that was related to the techs fault the dealership pays not the warranty. Those two top bolts weren't too hard to get to either just have paintence:yes:

05-16-08, 12:26 PM
I know all technicians are like that, but when you've had a number of them at some dealers, finding a shortcut or two isn't uncommon. And the reason why I say that is because I used to work at a dealer and have seen it on a number of occasions.