View Full Version : Fri Nite Cruise-in Reminder
Rev'n Kevin
05-09-08, 01:26 PM
Just want to remind everyone tonight is the fri nite cruise-in on 91st and northern. Tonight's show will be extra special, I'll be spinning what I call cartunes, your gonna hear songs you may have never heard before like 65 mustang, 59 buick, cherry red mustang, 67 chevy malibu, and old radio car commercials from way back, how about the 1940 Buick.
So come out enjoy the cars and check out the cartunes show with your DJ Rock'n Rev'n Kevin.
See ya there or be square. :biglaugh:
Rev'n Kevin
05-09-08, 01:40 PM
Oh I forgot the show is from 6pm till 9pm, the first hour will be the standards and the cartunes wil be from 7-9 when most everyone is there.
I'll be playing one called "No Wheels" just for 69CreamPuff :biglaugh:
Sounds like fun! I am going tonight as long as it does not rain..... did you see the sky? It looks dark out there, oh well rain or shine huh.:icon_cool::icon_cool:
Rev'n Kevin
05-09-08, 02:28 PM
Ya I know, just had a big thunder clap over here about 10 minutes ago, we shall see, hope it goes away, I spent about 14 hours in the studio this week putting tonights show together and really would hate not to be able to do it, it is going to be an awesome show, be sure to stop by and say hi. :hi:
I just stepped outside, (I was in the studio, no windows) I guess it wasn't a thunder clap, heavy equipment just moved into the hood, guess their gonna work on the water line, anyway sky looks like it is clearing up, so everything looks like a go.
Mr. Austin
05-09-08, 05:00 PM
hey. i read that. ill come after ya. better watch your self mister. =D jk. i was going to g tonight but i cannot wish but i cannot i will be there next fri day for sure though so it sounds like you may need that cd next time to! tomorrow night at safe way i will be there selling those First aid kit! have fun tonight guys wish i could be there!
the music that you played on Friday night was very good and I wanted to compliment you on your selection.:pepper:
Keep up the good music you rock!
Rev'n Kevin
05-13-08, 09:59 PM
Thanks, I tried to put something together for all to enjoy, means a lot to me. I will not be there for at least the next 2 fridays, my Wife has double pneumonia, and I need to take care of her. Hopefully I be back for the 30th.
Mr. Austin
05-13-08, 10:56 PM
sorry to hear that kevin. hope she feels better soon
05-14-08, 10:55 PM
Thanks, I tried to put something together for all to enjoy, means a lot to me. I will not be there for at least the next 2 fridays, my Wife has double pneumonia, and I need to take care of her. Hopefully I be back for the 30th.
Man that can be bad, hope she gets well soon!!!
05-14-08, 11:13 PM
Stay home and take care of her. She is more important than music for the cruisers. Wish her well and a get well soon from the wild bunch.
05-17-08, 11:26 AM
Thanks to everyone who came out last night. We had a great turn out and were pushing 175-200 cars. I want to especially thank the Copperstate guys for comng out last night. It was great to see all of you come in together.
Also, i was approached last night by one of the safeway regulars and asked if we would move the 91st ave cruise to saturday if safeway shuts down. He said that it is already slowing down up there a lot and people are going to be looking for a new location. i said that we asolutely would move it to saturday if that happens and will start planning on how to transition it. he is going to start spreading the word up there and let everyone know that there WILL be an alternative when the time comes.
the manager at the Bravi italian restaurant was out last night as well and handing out free appetizer coupons and meal discounts for anyone at the cruise and said he will continue to offer deals to anyone there. The businesses obviously dont mind the extra business on friday nights which is a good thing.
Kevin, we missed you last night, hope your wife is feeling better. Family is always first! Let us know if we can help. :stang3:
Rev'n Kevin
05-17-08, 12:51 PM
Kevin, we missed you last night, hope your wife is feeling better. Family is always first! Let us know if we can help. :stang3:
We were in the ER all morning (very sick and trouble breathing), we would appreciate your prayers, her name is Jong. Thank you and God Bless you all.
05-17-08, 12:53 PM
I will pray for her speedy recovery, I know this has to be hard on you. Take care and keep your strength, you will need it.
05-17-08, 01:21 PM
We were in the ER all morning (very sick and trouble breathing), we would appreciate your prayers, her name is Jong. Thank you and God Bless you all.
We are thinking of you. You have my number if you need anything.
05-17-08, 02:10 PM
Thanks to everyone who came out last night. We had a great turn out and were pushing 175-200 cars. I want to especially thank the Copperstate guys for comng out last night. It was great to see all of you come in together.
Also, i was approached last night by one of the safeway regulars and asked if we would move the 91st ave cruise to saturday if safeway shuts down. He said that it is already slowing down up there a lot and people are going to be looking for a new location. i said that we asolutely would move it to saturday if that happens and will start planning on how to transition it. he is going to start spreading the word up there and let everyone know that there WILL be an alternative when the time comes.
the manager at the Bravi italian restaurant was out last night as well and handing out free appetizer coupons and meal discounts for anyone at the cruise and said he will continue to offer deals to anyone there. The businesses obviously dont mind the extra business on friday nights which is a good thing.
Kevin, we missed you last night, hope your wife is feeling better. Family is always first! Let us know if we can help. :stang3:
Super nice to see all of you!!! Might be a def. start to something very big!!!
05-17-08, 02:11 PM
We were in the ER all morning (very sick and trouble breathing), we would appreciate your prayers, her name is Jong. Thank you and God Bless you all.
Take care , were all there with you and your wife! Please let us know if we can do anything!!
We were in the ER all morning (very sick and trouble breathing), we would appreciate your prayers, her name is Jong. Thank you and God Bless you all.
I will be praying for your wife and for you I hope to see you soon. If you need anything- email me or PM me here. My number is not accurate on the WWM handout.:veryhappy:
God Bless
05-21-08, 10:08 AM
Damn Jim...nice shot. Want to be our club secretary? You'd look real purdy in our club mini-skirt. ;)
Kev hang in there and think positive! I use to have astma when I was little...not being able to breath just sucks on every level. We wish and pray for her recovery and your friends will be there with you!
05-21-08, 10:25 AM
Is this a weekly event on Fridays?
05-21-08, 10:30 AM
Yes, every friday night at 6 pm. People are starting to show up a bit later because of the heat, but we still had around 175 cars last weekend. Depending on what happens with the safeway cruise, we may end up moving it to saturday night, but for now it remains every friday. :stang3:
05-21-08, 10:35 AM
Humm I'll be in the Phx area this week may possibly stop by 4.5 hour drive to hang out would be cool...
05-21-08, 10:37 AM
very cool, hope to see you out there. If you need any directions, just PM me and I will let you know how to find us.:stang3:
Damn Jim...nice shot. Want to be our club secretary? You'd look real purdy in our club mini-skirt. ;)
Kev hang in there and think positive! I use to have astma when I was little...not being able to breath just sucks on every level. We wish and pray for her recovery and your friends will be there with you!
As long as my cell phone number is accurate on the club mini skirt I can sport the duds.:biglaugh: Just joking Kenny you do a fine job with that! have a great weekend and maybe I will see you at the safeway cruise in on the 31st. :laughing1:
05-22-08, 08:30 AM
Doubtful...freaking job. But i am cruising my ass off on June 6th (ours) 7th (safeway)... :)
Doubtful...freaking job. But i am cruising my ass off on June 6th (ours) 7th (safeway)... :)
What was going on June 6th and 7th again?
05-29-08, 09:39 AM
Ahhhh...I'm not working. :)
Actually there is a of our members is retiring from the airforce so we (at least I am) are going to cruise to his house in Suprise (from 91st) at around 7pm. on the 6th.
Then on the seventh we are meeting at Broch & Pam's for some bs, cleaning, wrench turning and JUST for Jemal...Pancakes! :bounce:
The Bigger The Plate....the Bigger The Spoon Baby.....better Get Yours First.
Rev'n Kevin
05-30-08, 02:01 AM
The Bigger The Plate....the Bigger The Spoon Baby.....better Get Yours First.
I got a platter, a pitch fork and a shovel, lol
05-30-08, 07:59 AM
I hope to see everyone out tonight at the cruise. I am hoping for a good turn out and this may be our last "cool" weekend before the really hot weather hits. I will also try and get a better idea tonight about moving this to saturday night and what the scoop is on safeway.
Kevin, get better and take care of your wife, hope to see you out next week. I will have a spot in the shade saved for you and your "car-tunes". Is awfully quiet without the music. :stang3:
05-30-08, 01:49 PM
I'm there! (doing a dance that nobody wants to see)
BRYN BIG surprise to let you in on tonight. :)
06-12-08, 12:15 PM
Dont miss tomorrow night, "DJ Rockin Revn Kevin" will be back out rockin the cruise tomorrow night, 6/13, with some more great tunes. Last weeks turnout was great with close to 200 cars of all types and a lot of new faces. Hope to see you all out there! :twothumbsup: :stang3:
06-12-08, 12:50 PM
I'm going to try and sneak past the wife and come check out the show.
Sounds like a great turnout. I work every Friday Night now and I have added 20 more hours a week to my work schedule so I have not been able to get to many events lately. But I will as soon as I can. Every one enjoy!:icon_cool::icon_cool:
crazy ray
06-15-08, 10:15 AM
Had a great time on Friday night. Kevin you rock. The music was great. It was nice to see all the different types of cars. Meeting new people. Definently getting bigger.
06-16-08, 02:45 PM
I'm this the biggest Friday night going? We are getting 150+ cars every Friday and sometimes getting near 200. Are their any East side shows as strong???
06-17-08, 12:48 AM
I heard the Pavilions show is big but I have never been there
How can anyone get bigger than 2 food venders 1 ice cream vender and a DJ playing classic sounds I was born to every week? "we got our own thang going on here, hands down".
06-17-08, 03:11 PM
Blue...I am talking Friday nights. Pavillion is on Saturday's. BTW I hear they might be shutting down because rumor has it someone bought the McDonald's...and they aren't car people.
BTW hands down...Safeway is better than the Pavillions on Saturday night.
I agree with Safeway being better than the Pav's, I have not liked the Pav's for some time. The 91st ave cruise seems as though it is really catching on. People on the west side have wanted that for along time.:icon_cool::icon_cool:
They need a YC's at that Safeway :yes:
06-18-08, 11:36 AM
They need a YC's at that Safeway :yes:
half the time the only reason i goto the pavs on saturday night is to go eat there. the last 3-4 times i just parked the cobra and went there to eat. :twothumbsup:
06-18-08, 07:24 PM
You do know there are closer McDonalds right? ;)
06-20-08, 11:48 AM
crossing my fingers I might be getting off early on friday nights :laughing1:
06-20-08, 05:26 PM
half the time the only reason i goto the pavs on saturday night is to go eat there. the last 3-4 times i just parked the cobra and went there to eat. :twothumbsup:
Damn YC's. And Damn Robert and Danny for turning me on to it.
06-21-08, 10:37 AM
You do know there are closer McDonalds right? ;)
mac d's FTL! i never have eaten there... if for some reason i am hungry and at the pavs, there is no options. mongolian bbq always wins. :biglaugh:
06-21-08, 11:47 AM
I work at the Bank of America right there, so if you see a pac green '98 rollin by at 6:30 or so, that's me :woot1:
07-26-08, 11:25 AM
Congrats and thanks to those 75+ cars that braved the elements last night. We sweat our asses off until about 6:30 and then around 8 the stormed (at least high winds kicked in).
I split and got to the bridge crossing on Indian School (over the desert) and was engulfed by one of the biggest dust storms I have ever been windows were down. I have a roll cage so I have to stop, open the door and roll the window up...didn't see it coming, saw 2' in front of my car and thought for sure someone was going to plow into me from behind...because those SMALL rear end lights are so bright. lol
Just went out with my leave blower and blew my car interior out...
It was bad.
08-07-08, 09:32 AM
Just wanted to let everyone know, who doesnt know already, that starting this friday night (8th) we will be doing a 50/50 raffle every friday night. The follwing friday (15th) we will be giving out a best of show trophy every friday night as well with a different winner every week. hope to see everyone there. :twothumbsup:
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