View Full Version : Finally!!! Help?

Mr. Austin
05-05-08, 11:55 PM
Finally someone will be the proud owner of a great old truck. yep for those of you who kno i have been trying to sell my truck to get money for my moms mustang even though most moms would hand it down... anywho

soon i will be ordering some motor mounts, shroud, and thermostat.maybe fan and clutch (i think there ok though) hopefully i can also fix the radiator.

Now for the radiator who should i take it to? it has a seem leak. very small. should be easy.

and for the work on the car i will hva e alift and tools at my high school i know 2 guys who will be there to help and teach me the works. it will be on a weekend. not sure when though

Rev'n Kevin
05-06-08, 02:40 AM
even though most moms would hand it down...

This is about the third time I've seen you post this remark, your wrong about that bubba, most moms would do what your mom is trying to do, teach you responsibility and make you work for it and earn it.

05-06-08, 09:17 AM
I'm not sure how old you are but I am 32 and haven't been "handed down" the 71 vert I grew up in nor do I expect it. I suppose if I hand up some cash to mom, the car will be handed down to me.

As for the radiator, just crack an egg in there and it will seal it up - I saw it on Mythbusters.

Mr. Austin
05-06-08, 10:34 AM
well lol anywho i didnt mean to bring it up like that. but i finally sold the truck so i jhave money to put down on it and will be able to fix it now. thats why i had the post up and i need help with the mounts and stuff.

(p.s. im 16)

Mr. Austin
05-06-08, 11:23 AM
Any ways what ever im just glad i could sell the truck before she could sell the car that way i have money down on it. now i can get her back on road and enjoy with my second Family. i was posting this to ask for some help when i get the lift and stuff from my school. im actually sitting in there now. it would be cool to have a couple guys there on the weekend helping me. its a nice big garage. air conditioned!!!