View Full Version : SVTOA track event @ Central AZ college

04-30-08, 06:07 PM
Here is what the email said:

Last Minute News Flash . . . . There will a TRACK EVENT this Saturday, May 3rd!!! Driver's START YOUR ENGINES ..... for our 50/50 Member/Guest Driving event. You and one other (non-svtoa) driver are invited to drive. Each SVTOA Member can bring 1 Guest or non-member. Any type of vehicle welcome. Cost for you and a non-SVTOA guest is ONLY $49.00 (for both of you or any combination of 2 driver's and 2 vehicles). Please RSVP to save you and your guest a spot. Gates open at 8am for tech inspection and registration. Any questions please call Kristin Heffern at (602) 390-5673. Barbeque (beverages and food) will be available on a cash basis. 15 Year SVTOA National Re-union information will be available at event. Hope to see you on the track!!!


04-30-08, 07:03 PM
WOW! I was wondering if the local SVTOA chapter had dried up and blown away!

I'll see if I can make it, as I have already got something going for that morning. 5.0 rear main seal change (nice) :laughing1:

05-01-08, 08:27 AM
Damn, I really want to go to one of these. A little more advanced notice and I would have made it.

05-01-08, 08:58 AM
Yeah, when they say "last minute news flash" they aren't lying. The email just came yesterday.

El Jefe
05-01-08, 11:40 AM
Damn that would be fun. Make sure they do these often, as Im getting a Cobra soon!

05-01-08, 07:37 PM
I got the e-mail, as well. They have at least two a year. These events are pretty good, if you want to run alone and learn how to bring your speed up slowly. Nothing to hit, but dirt.