View Full Version : Problem 4 Fri Nite Cruise-in DJ
Rev'n Kevin
04-28-08, 07:39 PM
I did a lot of research work today on generators, the problem I have found out is that not any ol' generator is going to work. I need a Digital Inverter Generator, so far I have only found two, the Robin Subaru R1700I and a McCulloch, which is the less expensive of the two @ $529.00 @ Harbor Freight.
Not an expense that I can afford at this time, I'm going to keep looking into this, but unless someone has this type of generator, that we can borrow, probably I won't be able to set up the DJ/Music booth this week.
If any of you have any ideas, let me know.
04-28-08, 10:03 PM
How about a rental? Just a thought...
Rev'n Kevin
04-28-08, 10:18 PM
Wasn't planning on a one night stand, lol.
Alrighty, help me figure this out, been doing some more research, but can't seem to find all the answers. I need 120v AC @60hz/300w, so if I was to install say a 1200w DC to AC power inverter into my truck, this should give me more than enough I would think, if I am outputing 400w per channel through my power mixer.
I imagine I would have to keep the truck running to not drain the battery, so then I am drawing on the alternater for say 3 hours, good or not good?
Or using the same theory, hook the same inverter to say a cheap generator w/ 12 dc output, and it should do the same thing as a more expensive inverter generator, I would think.
04-29-08, 01:31 AM
Yep-a frend took a single wire alternator, 12v battery and a 5HP gas engine and made a cool 12v generator. With an invertor of the correct size you can run for hours.
Wasn't planning on a one night stand, lol.
Alrighty, help me figure this out, been doing some more research, but can't seem to find all the answers. I need 120v AC @60hz/300w, so if I was to install say a 1200w DC to AC power inverter into my truck, this should give me more than enough I would think, if I am outputing 400w per channel through my power mixer.
I imagine I would have to keep the truck running to not drain the battery, so then I am drawing on the alternater for say 3 hours, good or not good?
Or using the same theory, hook the same inverter to say a cheap generator w/ 12 dc output, and it should do the same thing as a more expensive inverter generator, I would think.
04-29-08, 09:34 AM
You might want to send Jemal an email and ask him about his generator. I was talking to him about it a little bit on Saturday and it sounds like it will put out a lot of power. It might work and he said he was willing to bring it out on Friday if you think it will.
Mr. Austin
04-29-08, 10:02 AM
whats on friday the cruise over on 91st?
04-29-08, 10:19 AM
Yep! Every Friday.
Rev'n Kevin
04-29-08, 10:53 AM
You might want to send Jemal an email and ask him about his generator. I was talking to him about it a little bit on Saturday and it sounds like it will put out a lot of power. It might work and he said he was willing to bring it out on Friday if you think it will.
I can't find my club list, maybe you can have him email me, as far as power goes 1500w minimum would work, but main problem is it has to be a inverter generator, it produces a sine wave, that is much cleaner than a regular generator, commonly used for computers and medical equipment, my equipment is a little more sensitive than most, pro vs. consumer.
04-29-08, 11:19 AM
I can't find my club list, maybe you can have him email me, as far as power goes 1500w minimum would work, but main problem is it has to be a inverter generator, it produces a sine wave, that is much cleaner than a regular generator, commonly used for computers and medical equipment, my equipment is a little more sensitive than most, pro vs. consumer.
a few things i can think of here, is
if the generator is loud it might be too over bearing.
and i hate to sound like a square, but from past experiances, if hte music is too loud and people cant converse, there will be complaints.
and lastly: do we need a permit to have music there?
Rev'n Kevin
04-29-08, 02:00 PM
No permit is required, as per Alan and my conversation last friday.
I'm running the equipment and control the level. I do not intend to blast it. This is serious pro equipment, and can provide a pleasant background. I have a vast library of tunes appropriate to a carshow.
A inverter generator is extremely quite, compared to most, that is why I am trying to find one, and won't do it until I do.
The cruise-in is starting to get kind of dull, this will draw more to it, and make it more fun for participants and spectators. Compare Pavillions to our fri nite, then you will know what I mean.
If you guys don't want to do this, let me now now, before I spend a lot of money for a generator that i don't need and waste anymore time on this.
Mr. Austin
04-29-08, 03:52 PM
you can rent generators from home depot if it comes down to it. other than that i cnt think of where to get one. i know some venture guy may have them so i will give him a call and see what hes got
04-30-08, 03:02 PM
How about a REALLY long extention cord running from Auto Zone. :)
I'm kidding btw...well kinda kidding.
Maybe we can plug it into the cigarette lighter of the old lady that calls herself pony girl?
Mr. Austin
04-30-08, 04:14 PM
Lol. find someone that has a really good system in there car and is willing to bring a battery pack just incase the car dies.
04-30-08, 08:17 PM
As I mentioned to Kevin, I wouldnt expect a permit to be required as its not a "for profit" or paid event. I suppose I should check. But, since its on private property, it shouldnt come into play anyway. The property management would be the one to have to make the call to the PD for the enforcement. But, theyd have to be there in the first place to know. To me, its not different than the firetruck guy setting up with his audio/visual.
05-01-08, 09:23 PM
Just a thought.... but most stuff like that isn't determinate on private/public property or profit/non-profit events. It's a noise ordinence thing usually, things go off of noise complaints and "disturbance" complaints.
So long as no one complains, you're fine, but if someone does I dunno.
05-01-08, 10:13 PM
I agree 4-D...assuming you haven't been there...there is NOBODY in the area that would complain even if we had live band there. lol It is literally the perfect spot in this situation because no businesses face it.
Rev'n Kevin
05-02-08, 12:57 AM
Damn the torpedoes and full speed ahead. I will be running a test of the equipment friday morning. I have purchased a 1750w inverter for the Hemi and I believe the 160amp alternator will handle it considering I only require 300w to power the equipment which is less than a average TV.
In laymens terms NO generator noise.:laughing1:
05-02-08, 07:57 AM
OK, crossing my fingers that the tests go well. Having music out there would really be the icing on the cake for an awesome night tonight. Thanks for all the work on this Kevin. :twothumbsup:
Mr. Austin
05-02-08, 10:00 AM
have fun guys!! i wont be able to come out for the next couple weeks because i need the money and i have prom tomorrow but have fun!
05-03-08, 09:41 AM
NICE JOB, DJ Rockin Revn Kevin. lol. That worked out great and made a HUGE difference to have music out there last night. Thanks again for the time and expense you put in to making that happen, it was definately noticed and appreciated by everyone that was out last night. Great job! :twothumbsup: :stang3:
05-03-08, 12:14 PM
Ah yeah, I haven't been and don't know that area so I wasn't sure. Sounds like it turned out well though!
Rev'n Kevin
05-03-08, 12:18 PM
It was a great time @ the Fri Nite Cruise-in. It looked a little bad a the beginning with the power inverter bought at Fry's Electronics, as they sold me a returned unit the was non-functioning, but thanks to auto-zone I got one that worked out just fine. Everything was smooth sailing after that, everyone had a good time and I received many compliments on the effort of putting this together. I really enjoyed doing this (even though I had to leave the mustang home), and got a chance to show off my Jeep Commander Hemi.
Looking forward to next friday, and hope to see an even bigger turnout.
We can end this thread cause there ain't no problem 4 the Fri Nite Cruise-in DJ, no more. :laughing1:
See you next week :hi:
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