View Full Version : Well what do you think of the new look?

Rev'n Kevin
04-22-08, 05:35 PM
The new wheels

Doors up

4 seater mode

Top up

So what look do you like? The two seater sport, the 4 seater open, or the top up?

Mr. Austin
04-22-08, 05:40 PM
ooo like the top down with those rims B-E-A_utifull

04-22-08, 06:00 PM
I think that it looks a lot better with the new wheels.

Chris B.
04-22-08, 06:02 PM
4 seater mode top down!:twothumbsup:

04-22-08, 06:28 PM
Lookin Gooood!

04-22-08, 09:43 PM
daaaaammnnn!! looks awesome man!!! love it.

Rev'n Kevin
04-22-08, 10:28 PM
Thanks Guys, as you can see the 94 Cobra wheels look much better than the Bullits did. Also, I painted the wing black and threw a La Bra on the front. Now that the hot days are here, the saleen speedster top is going in the garage for awhile. So the top is finally going up, first time since I bought the car (1 year), lol, but I got the boot to put on it when the sun goes down. I might even have to do a parade maybe the 4th of July, put me down Dave. :biglaugh:

04-22-08, 10:37 PM
Hmm...that wing looks familiar

Rev'n Kevin
04-22-08, 10:43 PM
Hmm...that wing looks familiar

It should, lol, what's up bro, how you like the new rims, very rare 94-95 Cobra premium wheels, don't think Ill see too many of these at the carshows :biglaugh:

04-22-08, 10:52 PM
Much improved Kevin. Speedster look is best though.

04-22-08, 11:16 PM
How did the top look after being down for so long? I was wondering how they wear after being down under the tonneau for extended periods of time. My roof is cloth so it's probably not as durable I'm assuming. Any wear spots?

Rev'n Kevin
04-22-08, 11:22 PM
How did the top look after being down for so long? I was wondering how they wear after being down under the tonneau for extended periods of time. My roof is cloth so it's probably not as durable I'm assuming. Any wear spots?

It looked surprisingly good, a few creases that will smooth out, no wear marks at all, this roof is the canvas one, so your probably right about the cloth not being as durable. It's kind of cool having it up and using the boot, really changes the look, but then again you guys know me, always changin' something on the car. lol

crazy ray
04-23-08, 09:12 AM
Looks good.

El Jefe
04-23-08, 03:23 PM
Looks good....but lambos?

Rev'n Kevin
04-23-08, 04:44 PM
Looks good....but lambos?

Since you ended that with a question mark, I am going to respond. I've heard and taken some trash talk about my doors. Here's a couple of things you are not aware of, or don't take in to consideration.

As you can see from the pictures above, there are three distinct looks and styles to my car (most of you have one), the top 2 pictures are the Speedster look, this is the look I wanted for my car, if I want to be stock, well look at the other 2 pictures, you wouldn't even know the doors lift.

Now here's were it gets good, this happens all the time, the other day I pulled into Walgreens, there's a Dad and his little boy at the DVD box, the kid turns around and sees the car, his eyes got wide and he says "cool car, mister" to which I reply "thanks, want to see something really cool" and then proceed to raise the doors, to which I get the same reaction every time, the kid says "WOW", this is what it's all about for me, my doors are what I call the wow factor.

There's not a car show that I do, that I don't get " man, that's the coolest car here" from some kid and even a few adults.

And my most prized trophy won with this car, was Ryan's Choice at the Trick Pony Show back in January, there were over a hundred mustangs at that show, and I would say 99% of them were "better" than my car, but of all those mustangs, the one that stood out through the eyes of a small child was my "Batmobile".

So go ahead, poke fun at my car, I'm having as much fun with it, as your having with yours, in fact I may be having even more. So for all you that don't like my "lambo" doors and would never do that to your mustang, I say this, DON'T. please, I beg of you don't do this to your mustang, I WANT to be the only mustang around with these doors, I WIN trophies because of these doors, my mustang is different from all the others out there, and I want it to stay that way. Different stands out.

04-23-08, 08:39 PM
Lookin good Kev!

04-24-08, 12:45 AM
good for you kevin. i will always aplaud you for standing up for your mods and what not. thats very cool. your 100% right. its your style, and it apeals to you. and i say good on you my friend. as they say, different strokes for different folks. keep up the good work man.

Rev'n Kevin
04-24-08, 03:03 AM
good for you kevin. i will always aplaud you for standing up for your mods and what not. thats very cool. your 100% right. its your style, and it apeals to you. and i say good on you my friend. as they say, different strokes for different folks. keep up the good work man.

Thanks, Tony

Guys, you've probably got more in your engines, than what I've got into this whole car, it's a FUN car, not a drag, not a classic, not a roush, but it's all mustang. Besides I get enough grief from the Import guys :biglaugh:

btw: since I'm pretty much through with this project, I was maybe thinking about superchargin' my Hemi, naming it the "Cobra Commander" and try my had at the track, it's been 35 years, but I think I could still compete :biglaugh: a four tire burnout would be pretty impressive, wouldn't it? hehehe

04-24-08, 08:31 AM
I would be willing to run you in the Lightning. When its done.

Rev'n Kevin
04-24-08, 12:57 PM
I would be willing to run you in the Lightning. When its done.

That would be a good match up, the only thing stopping me right now is about 10k and the Wife :laughing:, that's what it will take to max my Hemi out.


Check this video out, I wouldn't do this with my Hemi Commander...

04-24-08, 11:22 PM
Very sharp I really like the wheels.:woot2:

04-28-08, 06:33 PM
It should, lol, what's up bro, how you like the new rims, very rare 94-95 Cobra premium wheels, don't think Ill see too many of these at the carshows :biglaugh:

They look good! I saw those on craigslist then the next thing you got 'em lol!

05-02-08, 02:13 PM
Looks great, much better!

05-02-08, 02:42 PM
Wheels look good, so are those Lambo doors a PITA yet?

Rev'n Kevin
05-03-08, 12:46 AM
Wheels look good, so are those Lambo doors a PITA yet?

Thanks, I'm lovin' the wheels, sooooo much better looking than the bullitts, as for the doors, they are what they are, a wow factor, if this was my daily driver I would never have done it. :biglaugh: