View Full Version : "Hostile" vs. "67 'Stang Lover" Rival Grudge Match!!!!!!
67 'Stang Lover
04-22-08, 01:55 AM
This deserves it's own thread since it was under the 'Prescott Cruise Thread' and people might not know it is there. I hope we can get a lot going off of this. We can make this real big for all of us and the CMC Club. Maybe 'Burntire' will think of something since he is the Moderator and a Speed Demon on the 1320. We are going to have a blast. Thanks for adding to this and joining in.
67 'Stang Lover
04-22-08, 01:57 AM
Can you transfer some of the Threads over here from the Prescott Cruise one? Thanks,
04-23-08, 12:21 AM
yea this is a good idea now we have our own thread so hopefully more people will read and know about our big race that im going to WIN HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its time for a HOSTILE TAKEOVER :biglaugh: so anyone that reads this me and stang lover are gonna race to prove who is the king he holds the crown for last year but not this time its payback and my HOSTILE STANG is gonna leave him in the weeds i'll be waving goodbye:hi: so help us out there jeff do what you can do later....see ya in oct steve.
67 'Stang Lover
04-23-08, 03:24 AM
Maybe we can get a poll going up top and see who thinks will win and vote on it. We can start odds on the betting too. Just an idea to make it a little more interesting in October. I know Nick and I aren't the only ones going to the track at Firebird so maybe we can set up some other matches. Let's do teams like old school vs. new school, or early model vs. late model. Just some ideas. I know there are some real fast late models, especially Cobras, so maybe we can set up a handicap for us old school guys. I know we can get a lot of Members out there to go since it is right across the street from the Car Show. We need to do trophys like last time and include them in the Events on Sunday. I will be willing to spearhead this if I can get some help though. I work 60 hours a week on a night shift no less. Please help. Nick, Dave, Burntire, Cindie, etc. can all chip in. I will bring this up at the May Meeting. It is going to be on Mothers Day as far as I know so it might be a low turnout. I think Nick and I should be the ones that set this up but we will need help. Thanks,
67 'Stang Lover
04-24-08, 04:18 AM
I hope someone can help us out on the things I mentioned above. I can't do it alone. Thanks,
04-24-08, 08:00 AM
Maybe we can get a poll going up top and see who thinks will win and vote on it. We can start odds on the betting too. Just an idea to make it a little more interesting in October. I know Nick and I aren't the only ones going to the track at Firebird so maybe we can set up some other matches. Let's do teams like old school vs. new school, or early model vs. late model. Just some ideas. I know there are some real fast late models, especially Cobras, so maybe we can set up a handicap for us old school guys. I know we can get a lot of Members out there to go since it is right across the street from the Car Show. We need to do trophys like last time and include them in the Events on Sunday. I will be willing to spearhead this if I can get some help though. I work 60 hours a week on a night shift no less. Please help. Nick, Dave, Burntire, Cindie, etc. can all chip in. I will bring this up at the May Meeting. It is going to be on Mothers Day as far as I know so it might be a low turnout. I think Nick and I should be the ones that set this up but we will need help. Thanks,
Steve............count me in for help :biglaugh:
04-24-08, 03:29 PM
Ok First think I need is two good pictures of your cars and both of you, i'm thinking if I can get a shot of both of you at the May Meeting. Like the boxing flyers the two cars with your heads above them glaring at each other!!!
67 'Stang Lover
04-25-08, 12:46 AM
Sounds good Dave on the pictures and I will be at the May Meeting to talk to you. So it looks like we got one volunteer to help, 03Cobraaz, thanks. We need all the help we can get. I hope we will be able to pull this off. Anyone else let me know here or at the Meeting. Thanks,
04-27-08, 08:21 PM
:highfive:ill try to be at the next meeting too
67 'Stang Lover
04-27-08, 08:28 PM
Thanks, see you at the meeting in a couple of weeks. I drive the '07 White GT so I will see you there.
04-29-08, 10:02 PM
And So It Begins!!!!!
67 'Stang Lover
04-30-08, 06:48 AM
Wow, it looks like we are the Main Event for a boxing match at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas. Now we just need to take pictures of our cars next. Thanks Dave...........
04-30-08, 11:30 PM
yea it looks good but i think i look like im smiling but thats alright cause when i win i'll be smiling all night yeaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha you better test and tune that car steve to make sure you give me a good run cause its time to open the family size can of WOOOP ASS ahhhh ha ha ha ha ha!!! later.....NICK:biglaugh:
05-01-08, 02:47 PM
Steve, make us classic guys pressure though :D
67 'Stang Lover
05-04-08, 11:30 AM
Yeah, I will try and represent our small and dwindling '1st Gen' Class. I have done a good job so far though. However, it is hard for me to compete with someone who bought their car from a Dealer and had a Speed Shop build and tune it. LOL. We need to get as many people out there as possible. We will have a blast regardless of the outcome. It will be a great start to the MCA National Show at the Casino.
05-04-08, 01:27 PM
Right on brother! I'll be there pulling for you. It'll be fun no matter what. The way I see it, you've got nothing to lose :D
67 'Stang Lover
05-04-08, 01:35 PM
Yeah, you are right on that. I have nothing to lose. I am the 'Underdog' for sure. That is the way I like it too. I have been on top for over 2 years as far as Nick and I are concerned. I don't mind giving the 'Throne' up so I can get it back again. LOL...............
Jeff, bring your '88 out and run it. It should do real good since you got that 'Stroker' motor in it. I can't wait to see that run. The '87-'93 Fox bodies are my favorite after the '65-'73. Let's kick some a$$ together.........
05-04-08, 02:12 PM
UPDATE!!! Stage 3 has stepped up big time and we now have the Checker Tower for the Hospitality Suite!! Don Fulgum CMC Member and SubWay will be providing all the food!!! HUGE!! Big Thank You to mark Firebird for giving us the Tower!!!
05-04-08, 02:35 PM
when is this?
05-04-08, 02:50 PM
Mustang Monsson Madness..October 24th-26th Friday Night Drags/Hospitality at Firebird 6pm to ??? More info to come on how to get your tickets!! As of right now $10 Tech/Race $6 Hospitality Suite For all CMC Members or Show participants!! The $6 is dicounted form $10 and Food and Drinks Provided!!
67 'Stang Lover
05-04-08, 03:22 PM
Which one is the Checker Tower again? I forgot if it is the one behind the starting line or not. Great job anyway. I can't wait. We will have a blast. After we are done racing we can just drive over to the Show and get ready for the next day at the Casino. BTW, I joined the MCA Club. Sweeeeeet.
Enemy of 'Hostile'...............LOL
05-04-08, 03:28 PM
The CSK Tower faces Southwest Cornered at the Start line 3 stories..
Mustang Monsson Madness..October 24th-26th Friday Night Drags/Hospitality at Firebird 6pm to ??? More info to come on how to get your tickets!! As of right now $10 Tech/Race $6 Hospitality Suite For all CMC Members or Show participants!! The $6 is dicounted form $10 and Food and Drinks Provided!!
Dave, I noticed that the registration form that is found on the Copperstate web site does mention the Friday Night (run what you brung) is that the tickets that you are referring to here?
So Friday is the drag night and Saturday is the dinner and Sunday is the show? What goes on during the day on Friday and Saturday?:hi:
05-04-08, 03:38 PM
It's the whole weekend!!
Friday.... Registration/Classification begins vendors register.. Friday Night Drags/Hops suite Trackside @Firebird (Tickets Required for Hosp suite)
Saturday Registration continues.. Show /Judging Saturday Night BBQ at Rawhide Next to the Casino..
Sunday Final Judging and awards
We will have the complete rundown on paper w/maps very soon!!
So should I wait to send in the registration form that I downloaded from the Copperstate web site. :veryhappy:
05-04-08, 03:48 PM
No it's ok when we send out confirmations it will have all the details for you on it. The only extra cost will be for the entrance into Firebird and that won't be more than $16 for the night if you plan to race and $6 to come and watch and eat!!
Thanks Dave, that is perfect I will be getting the registration out this week. :bouncy:
05-04-08, 03:58 PM
I'm gonna have Jeff make the show thread sticky for all the info! And updated as info becomes firmed up!
05-04-08, 04:39 PM
Yeah, you are right on that. I have nothing to lose. I am the 'Underdog' for sure. That is the way I like it too. I have been on top for over 2 years as far as Nick and I are concerned. I don't mind giving the 'Throne' up so I can get it back again. LOL...............
Jeff, bring your '88 out and run it. It should do real good since you got that 'Stroker' motor in it. I can't wait to see that run. The '87-'93 Fox bodies are my favorite after the '65-'73. Let's kick some a$$ together.........
Oh alright you talked me into it :D. I'll see if I can round up some drag slicks or something, my traction is just non-existent! I'll get a helmet too :D If you can get your monster to hook, I think you've got a better than even chance :yes:
05-04-08, 05:07 PM
I will be updating the sticky thread also and I forgot.. Yes there will be at least 3 big trophies for the fastest Mustangs!!!!
05-07-08, 09:55 PM
yea thats right i bought my car at a dealer brand new in 03 and yea i dumped about 20 grand into it and a shop did the work while i kicked back watching horsepower tv no grease on my hands and no busted up knuckles lol. comon drivers dont work on the cars the techs do they just concentrate on driving so all my focus and skills are gonna be on fire come oct so get ready for a FAMILY SIZE can of WOOP ASS HA HA HA HA HA HA HA cause its gonna be a HOSTILE TAKEOVER in oct so you better start testing and tuning that car steve (stang lover) cause im coming for ya AHHHHHH HA HA HA HA HA HA :biglaugh: plus we'll all have a good time i cant wait. later....Nick
05-07-08, 10:56 PM
Nick If you don't win your gonna be eatin crow for a very looooong time!
67 'Stang Lover
05-08-08, 12:45 AM
Thanks Dave, I was going to say something but just wanted to keep my mouth shut. He had better beat me because he will be sorry. I beat him 2 years ago and he still wouldn't shut up. He came up with so many excuses why he lost that I had to put boots on. Oh well, we will see in 4 months from now. I have nothing to lose so he had better beat me bad. Maybe he needs to be a little less 'Hostile' towards me.
67 'Stang Lover
05-08-08, 12:47 AM
Oh alright you talked me into it :D. I'll see if I can round up some drag slicks or something, my traction is just non-existent! I'll get a helmet too :D If you can get your monster to hook, I think you've got a better than even chance :yes:
I will lend you my other Helmet and it is a Snell 95. As far as the slicks are concerned, just go out there with your street tires if you have to. You will be able to hook up if you feather it out of the hole.
05-08-08, 12:54 AM
I will lend you my other Helmet and it is a Snell 95. As far as the slicks are concerned, just go out there with your street tires if you have to. You will be able to hook up if you feather it out of the hole.
Snell 95 is no longer acceptable at the drag strip.
67 'Stang Lover
05-08-08, 04:40 AM
Sorry, I meant to say I had an extra Snell 2000 helmet. I think they are good until 2012 if I am not mistaken. Oh well, Jeff will be there anyway going down the track. Worst case scenario- you can tech down to a 14.0 and atleast get 1 run in. LOL.
05-08-08, 08:44 AM
Thanks, I'll be there and will run, probably on my street tires :D
Chris B.
05-08-08, 08:54 AM
This is gonna be great!! Maybe I'll even race one of my Mustangs just for the fun of it!!:biglaugh:
05-08-08, 09:12 AM
Hi Chris on
05-08-08, 09:16 AM
on the registration ther is a place for copperstate members -$5 x does that mean that my wife and me get 10 dollers off ??
05-08-08, 09:45 AM
Hey Dan!! One discount per car there buddy!!!
Chris B.
05-08-08, 10:38 AM
on the registration ther is a place for copperstate members -$5 x does that mean that my wife and me get 10 dollers off ??
Some guys will try anything to save a few bucks!!:biglaugh:
What's up Dan, don't see you on here much?
67 'Stang Lover
05-08-08, 11:48 PM
yea thats right i bought my car at a dealer brand new in 03 and yea i dumped about 20 grand into it and a shop did the work while i kicked back watching horsepower tv no grease on my hands and no busted up knuckles lol. comon drivers dont work on the cars the techs do they just concentrate on driving so all my focus and skills are gonna be on fire come oct so get ready for a FAMILY SIZE can of WOOP ASS HA HA HA HA HA HA HA cause its gonna be a HOSTILE TAKEOVER in oct so you better start testing and tuning that car steve (stang lover) cause im coming for ya AHHHHHH HA HA HA HA HA HA :biglaugh: plus we'll all have a good time i cant wait. later....Nick
What amazes me is that you admit to to it and are proud of it as well. Oh well, I guess you must have a lot of pride in that a Shop built your Mustang. BTW, you have more than 20 grand into that roush wannabe. Atleast my '67 goes up in value every year. LOL. Also, can you please learn how to spell and have your 'better half' do a check of your run-on sentences? It is really hard to read your crappy posts....................
05-09-08, 09:09 AM
What amazes me is that you admit to to it and are proud of it as well. Oh well, I guess you must have a lot of pride in that a Shop built your Mustang. BTW, you have more than 20 grand into that roush wannabe. Atleast my '67 goes up in value every year. LOL. Also, can you please learn how to spell and have your 'better half' do a check of your run-on sentences? It is really hard to read your crappy posts....................there is positives on building a car with a shop but you need to finetune yourself and for that you need a god driver info and some video or a good tech to see how the car acts.also building it yourself you need the same info and cant do it a good racecar is a team effort.but to win you need today cutting edge can read up on or get the info from a lets see how the drivers do give me some racing history from both of you shal we??????????:highfive:
67 'Stang Lover
05-10-08, 12:18 AM
there is positives on building a car with a shop but you need to finetune yourself and for that you need a god driver info and some video or a good tech to see how the car acts.also building it yourself you need the same info and cant do it a good racecar is a team effort.but to win you need today cutting edge can read up on or get the info from a lets see how the drivers do give me some racing history from both of you shal we??????????:highfive:
Racing and building history- Well, I have been racing for 25 years now and have built 4 cars from the ground up. I think that is a good record to back up what I have been saying. Maybe not. Also, you are right in that it is a team effort, etc. All I am saying is that it takes a lot of knowledge, determination, etc. to build a car yourself in the garage. But then again we all knew that. Nick and I go back and forth and it is all in fun. But we are serious when it comes time to line them up. I can't wait until October so we can all go down the track and have a blast doing it. Until then we can post with our opinions and that is what this Forum is for.
05-10-08, 12:29 AM
This is gonna be fun for sure and Ive got the announcers from Firebird in on it now!!!
67 'Stang Lover
05-10-08, 04:27 AM
Alright Dave, we are going to have fun especially if there are a lot of Members that show up and race. It would be great if we get 20-30 cars out there to go down the track. I will be at the meeting this Sunday and we can talk more on the Drags. I hope we can make this a big success for the Club. I mean, we even got Dan (azurblu) to post here. LOL.
Nick is being quiet because he is thinking of a major comeback to my posts. LMFAO.........
05-10-08, 09:01 AM
What amazes me is that you admit to to it and are proud of it as well. Oh well, I guess you must have a lot of pride in that a Shop built your Mustang. BTW, you have more than 20 grand into that roush wannabe. Atleast my '67 goes up in value every year. LOL. Also, can you please learn how to spell and have your 'better half' do a check of your run-on sentences? It is really hard to read your crappy posts....................
I thought you guys were friends!
Put down the Red Bull, and slowly back away Steve!
05-10-08, 09:45 AM
I'm there for sure! Might need to bump that whipple install up to October from Nov!
05-10-08, 10:06 AM
I'm there for sure! Might need to bump that whipple install up to October from Nov!dont forget the cage, safty bellhousing,driveshaftloops and the firejacket.its firebird the pain in the but track.passing safety is a challange by itself.:biglaugh:another grudge match blk03svt vs 03cobrazzz who can be the closest to 11.5
05-10-08, 11:07 AM
dont forget the cage, safty bellhousing,driveshaftloops and the firejacket.its firebird the pain in the but track.passing safety is a challange by itself.:biglaugh:another grudge match blk03svt vs 03cobrazzz who can be the closest to 11.5
So what you're telling me is I need all that to just make one lousy run? Much different from speedworld I take it?
Oh, and I'll throw a partayyy if I ever hit
05-10-08, 11:08 AM
Steve, I don't think we are going to have any trouble getting that many cars!! Another grudge match brewing between Cobras!! If you guys are serious then I will have a couple of sperate trophies just for the specific matches and not included in the big ones that are planned!! Tell me and I'll do it for you guys!!!
05-10-08, 11:11 AM
So what you're telling me is I need all that to just make one lousy run? Much different from speedworld I take it?
Oh, and I'll throw a partayyy if I ever hit
Most of that is for the 10 and second and below bracket but you do need a jacket w/any power adders!! Once the 10's are in then the money really comes into it!!
05-10-08, 04:49 PM
Hi Chris on
Nice to see Dan taking a break from Newlywed life, to stop in, and say Hi to his friends. We love you too Dan (Just not THAT way though!)
67 'Stang Lover
05-11-08, 04:24 AM
I thought you guys were friends!
Put down the Red Bull, and slowly back away Steve!
Yeah, Nick can take since he dishes it out. I had too many "Full Throttle Fury's" with a Red Bull chaser that day. LOL. Nick is being silent for the comeback post. LOL..........
67 'Stang Lover
05-11-08, 04:32 AM
Steve, I don't think we are going to have any trouble getting that many cars!! Another grudge match brewing between Cobras!! If you guys are serious then I will have a couple of sperate trophies just for the specific matches and not included in the big ones that are planned!! Tell me and I'll do it for you guys!!!
It sounds like we are going to have a lot of Mustangs out there. I hope we get some guys that are just Stock out there racing. Even Mustangs that are in the 16's or 17's should come out. I think they might feel overwhelmed since they aren't super fast and won't bother coming out. I hope not. It would be great to get a whole range of Mustangs going down the track. The more the merrier. Hopefully we can advertise it to more people than just here on the Forum. What do you think Dave? Thanks,Steve.............
05-11-08, 10:22 AM
Big Andy's car is MUCH faster than mine, and I'm down to run anyone- but I'm not claiming to be able to beat anyone either.....all in good fun! Car runs great now, might as well break something else...LOL.
05-13-08, 02:17 PM
My money is on Steve!
67 'Stang Lover
05-13-08, 07:01 PM
My money is on Steve!
Thanks, at least someone is on my side. I have been on top for over 2 years now but it will be interesting. Maybe you will get some more Members to jump the fence and root for me. LOL. I need it that is for sure. I am sure Nick has the 'Cobra Club' on his side so I need some fans on my side. LOL. Anyone else?????????
05-13-08, 07:05 PM
I have to be impartial for this one!!
67 'Stang Lover
05-23-08, 12:16 AM
I have to be impartial for this one!!
Come on Dave, I know you will be rooting for the newer Stang's and that is OK. Atleast Sarah and Jeff are on my side. LOL.
Chris B.
05-23-08, 08:30 AM
Hmmm... I have one classic and one newer one, but I think I will have to put my money on Steve! The classics rule!!:woot1:
05-23-08, 09:30 AM
67 'Stang Lover
05-23-08, 11:40 PM
Hmmm... I have one classic and one newer one, but I think I will have to put my money on Steve! The classics rule!!:woot1:
Yeah, I am an '07 and '67 Mustang owner so I am torn somewhat too. Thanks for joining my side of the Camp. I know there will be a lot more on Nick's side but that is OK. I love being the 'Underdog'. I have been on top since '05 so I don't mind stepping down, but he will have to really work for it. LOL. I still prefer the 1st 'Gen Mustangs, nothing like them as every Mustang built after them has tried to copy it in some way.
05-24-08, 07:34 AM
Steve, Just kick his butt and be done with it hehe. (in the words of the movie water boy) You can do it, You can do it alll night longgggg:pepper::pepper::pepper::pepper::woot1:
05-24-08, 09:34 AM
Big Andy's car is MUCH faster than mine, and I'm down to run anyone- but I'm not claiming to be able to beat anyone either.....all in good fun! Car runs great now, might as well break something else...LOL.i run you no nos that shoud be lets do it get yourself some stickie tires and hit the 11s i know you can do it.caling out blk03 svt:highfive::hi:
67 'Stang Lover
06-09-08, 04:31 PM
How did the Monthly meeting go? I couldn't make it since I had to work and I am trying to save on gas since I pay $4.12/gallon now. Did you talk about the October event? Hope you had fun.
To one Mustang owner to another......count me in! I am with you all to whatever you all decide.
Take care,
67 'Stang Lover
07-02-08, 05:21 PM
To one Mustang owner to another......count me in! I am with you all to whatever you all decide.
Take care,
Thanks Chris, we are going to have a blast and good to see you back on the Forum. Keep in touch...........
07-02-08, 11:05 PM
X2 here, Someone needs to drop Nick the "almighty best racer" to his knees heheheeeeeeee. :laughing1::laughing1::laughing1:
My money is on Steve!
67 'Stang Lover
07-03-08, 10:19 AM
X2 here, Someone needs to drop Nick the "almighty best racer" to his knees heheheeeeeeee. :laughing1::laughing1::laughing1:
Thanks Trish for the support. I have been on top for the last 2+ years as far as Nick and I are concerned. He will be gunning for me though. We will have fun that is for sure.........
10-05-08, 04:02 PM
Okay guys! Time to get out there and show us what you're made of! Don't forget, jeans and closed shoes or you'll have to sit on the sidelines.
10-05-08, 06:32 PM
Oh yea I forgot about this showdown!
67 'Stang Lover
10-06-08, 12:03 AM
Oh yea I forgot about this showdown!
Yeah, I blew up my TCI Trans and Converter at the Mesa Cruise on Main Street in March, so TCI sent me all new ones. I hope I will be ready for Nick at the end of this month. I put everything back together and will start it up next week. It is ironic because they rated the tranny and stahl converter at 750 Horsepower. I am running a 4,000 rpm stahl converter and a full manual valve body with a double reverse lockout B&M Pro Stick Shifter. I hope this works because I don't want to be a spectator since I won't live it down from 'Hostile'. LOL. I hope to see you out there 'Burntire, as I would love to see you run in the 10's. That is very impressive. Can't wait. Maybe we can get this thread going again.
67 'Stang Lover
10-06-08, 12:08 AM
Okay guys! Time to get out there and show us what you're made of! Don't forget, jeans and closed shoes or you'll have to sit on the sidelines.
Thanks and yeah I have my Simpson Helmet and RCI Fire Jacket ready for Nick and his 'Hostile' Mustang. I had to get a new 6-point Harness from Simpson as the one in my car has expired. Every 2 years, what a joke. That was a couple of hundred bucks down the drain. LOL. I can't wait to see everybody out there racing side by side. BTW, don't put me up against 'Burntire' as I won't have a chance. Maybe with a tail wind. LOL........
Hey steve, good luck out there on the race track. I will be a spectator watching the drags but wish i had a race car to join in on the fun, but it's almost just as fun watching everyone race.
Good luck!
10-06-08, 10:05 AM
Hey Chris, I am with you! Are you going to bring your rad 67 out? My car hasn't seen a race since way back in the day, but that doesn't stop me from cruising over. See you soon! ~Sarah
Hi Sarah,
No, I won't be bringing my 67 out that night. Yes it's still fun watching everyone race. I enjoy watching the races or lets just say any race which are cars. My 67 is retired...LOL! from racing. I did alot of that kind of stuff in the 80's and my 67 is now just strictly a show car and a sentimental joy to have. See ya there...!!
67 'Stang Lover
10-07-08, 03:01 AM
Okay guys! Time to get out there and show us what you're made of! Don't forget, jeans and closed shoes or you'll have to sit on the sidelines.
I just wanted to know if I was reserved for the 'Hospitality Suite' in the CSK Tower for that night. I bought the Tickets from Dave at the Monthly Meeting 2 months ago and they are real tickets like for a concert from TicketMaster in the amount of $5.00 each. I hope they are as I bought them for Joni and I and we don't want to miss the big party up in the Tower. LOL. If this is the case then all I have to do is pay for the Entrance and Race correct? Let me know as I want to make sure we are all set for that night. Joni said she can't wait to see you as it has been a long time. Thanks.............
10-07-08, 09:56 AM
Steve, yes all you have tp pay is for tech, your all set for the suite!
67 'Stang Lover
10-07-08, 10:18 AM
Steve, yes all you have tp pay is for tech, your all set for the suite!
Thanks Dave for clearing it up for me. I knew you or Sarah would help me on that subject. I was just concerned because I didn't want to miss the Hospitality Suite. Thanks again. See you all this Sunday for the Monthly Meeting. I am going for sure this time since it is the last one before the big Show........
67 'Stang Lover
10-09-08, 12:30 AM
Hey steve, good luck out there on the race track. I will be a spectator watching the drags but wish i had a race car to join in on the fun, but it's almost just as fun watching everyone race.
Good luck!
I wish we could race down the track together but I read above that you retired your Mustang from racing. Maybe you can take your '07 down there and run it. I already ran mine in April and had a blast doing it.
10-10-08, 01:34 PM
Steve & Chris....hope both of you can bring your '67 stangs to the drags! It would be cool to get a picture of all 3 of our classics together. And Steve, I am hoping you have yours ready to roll by then, I'm all in for you to win! LOL!
10-24-08, 07:31 AM
See you at the track tonight! Looking forward to seeing everyone!!!
09-30-09, 01:11 PM
Are we going to have this grudge match for real this year?????????????
09-30-09, 02:27 PM
Good question?????
67 'Stang Lover
09-30-09, 07:29 PM
Are we going to have this grudge match for real this year?????????????
Burntire and Dave,
You can't imagine how bad I would like Nick and I to run eachother again like we did in '07. We were going to run the 'Grudge Match' last year at the National Mustang Show but my Transmission was having problems with leaking fluid out of the front seal and it was too bad to run it. Didn't want to contaminate the Track for it would have been unsafe for other racers running after me.
Nick and I always had fun doing it since we were so close in times as well as us being an early model (naturally aspirated and non-power adder) and a late model (fuel injected and with power adder) just added that much more excitement. The last time we ran I went throught the traps with a 12.5 and Nick went through with a 12.8 so this is just by a bumper at the top end to say the least. It is a classic drag race and we both had a lot of fun. BTW, this match race was going on for a couple of years and Nick and I had met eachother in 2003 at his Dealer that he worked at.
After going through 2 Transmissions and Convertors in the last 2 years and the problem still not fixed, I have deducted that it must be an Engine issue. From all of the people that I have talked to (Race Shops, Drag Racers, etc.), this is the only thing that I can think of that must be wrong. The engine must be out of balance so bad that it is shaking the Flex Plate in turn vibrating the Convertor and throwing the front seal out on the Transmission.
Something is wrong with the engine since other things have happened due to vibration- for example: header bolts loosening multiple times, #4 cylinder exhaust valve rocker coming off of stud, alternator tensioner coming loose, starter bolt coming loose, carburetor venturi bolt losening, etc. This should not happen this frequently even on a new motor.
If anyone has any suggestions or can offer help please let me know as I am at wits-end. Since the economy as well as other things have put a damper on fixing this problem that is why I haven't ripped into this until I find out what is wrong. I have been cautious to say the least due to these reasons as should be expected.
I have tried everything to fix this like a new convertor (2x), tranny, flex plate (2x-sfi-approved), bell housing, harmonic balancer, etc.
I have decided to pull the motor soon and build another one with roughly the same specs, cam, etc. I know this will cost thousands so i am going at this slowly and methodically at first.
Sorry for the long thread but I needed to explain myself in detail since this was supposed to happen last October. Thanks,
09-30-09, 07:34 PM
I say lets have a tech day with his car, We really need to get this match going again. Come on HPS'ers lets help Steve out here. He rocks and deserves the help.
67 'Stang Lover
09-30-09, 08:02 PM
I say lets have a tech day with his car, We really need to get this match going again. Come on HPS'ers lets help Steve out here. He rocks and deserves the help.
I would love a 'Tech Day' as I know there are a lot of Hobbyists, Motorheads and Racers on this Forum. However, this is not a simple problem and I wouldn't want to bother anyone since we are all so busy in our personal lives. If we did have a 'Tech Day' I would provide all of the food and drink for sure. We can throw it around so thanks for mentioning it. Maybe we can bring it up at the next Monthly meeting or something of that nature.................
09-30-09, 08:17 PM
Other clubs do it so why not us ???? :)))
I would love a 'Tech Day' as I know there are a lot of Hobbyists, Motorheads and Racers on this Forum. However, this is not a simple problem and I wouldn't want to bother anyone since we are all so busy in our personal lives. If we did have a 'Tech Day' I would provide all of the food and drink for sure. We can throw it around so thanks for mentioning it. Maybe we can bring it up at the next Monthly meeting or something of that nature.................
67 'Stang Lover
09-30-09, 08:29 PM
I know, i am game just wanted to warn people that it isn't a simple problem that I can tell. Maybe it might be if we throw our heads together. You could come over and cheer us on if you want. LOL...........Thanks and hopefully I can get this problem solved.
09-30-09, 08:31 PM
Im good at cheering on hehehe, Who knows Maybe its simple ya know....
I know, i am game just wanted to warn people that it isn't a simple problem that I can tell. Maybe it might be if we throw our heads together. You could come over and cheer us on if you want. LOL...........Thanks and hopefully I can get this problem solved.
67 'Stang Lover
09-30-09, 08:35 PM
Maybe one day Nick will get on here so he can tell me how he is going to kick my ass. LOL. I am still on top though.........
09-30-09, 08:38 PM
OH HELL, dont even go there lol, Ima shush lol lol
Maybe one day Nick will get on here so he can tell me how he is going to kick my ass. LOL. I am still on top though.........
09-30-09, 08:41 PM
Do you feel vibration? I had an out of balance flexplate and the seats shook when idling. Also is your belhousing indexed correctly to the block? If the centerline of the converter is not in-line with the centerline of the crank you can create major carnage.
67 'Stang Lover
09-30-09, 09:22 PM
The Flexplate is a TCI unit and it is there race version (SFI approved). It is the second one on there. The bell housing is stock but it is indexed correctly from the dowel pins in the back of the Block. Or I hope it is. The last time I had it running, earlier this year, you could tell the Convertor was hitting the back of the bell housing so it was shaking big time.
09-30-09, 09:27 PM
The Flexplate is a TCI unit and it is there race version (SFI approved). It is the second one on there. The bell housing is stock but it is indexed correctly from the dowel pins in the back of the Block. Or I hope it is. The last time I had it running, earlier this year, you could tell the Convertor was hitting the back of the bell housing so it was shaking big time. Does the flex plate wobble when you look at it running? When did all the problems start? New Motor? Tranny? etc?
67 'Stang Lover
09-30-09, 09:40 PM
I haven't looked under there while it was running but I will do that now that you mention it. It all started right after I restored it. I started a full build on the car in 1996 and finished in 2003 with my first show at Earnhardt in April 2005. I took the whole car apart and built it from the ground up. I mean everything was new- Interior, Exterior, Engine, Suspension, Drivetrain, etc. If anyone has seen it would know what I am talking about. I won my class at the National Show at the Casino in October with 488/500 total points. I lost points because of dust on my exhaust, back seat wrong style from front racing seats and paint chipped off of windshield blade studs that the wipers connect to. Go figure....Just to give you an idea what my car has gone through. I invested somewhere in the neigborhood of $50,000 over that 7 year period. I wonder if the studs are off but that would be impossible as I am using the factory position on the Block. I wish this was fixed so I can join back in the fun with the Club. This sucks ass.....................Thanks 'Burntire' for some good suggestions.
67 'Stang Lover
09-30-09, 10:04 PM
Man, I just finished reading the 1st post from April 2008 all the way through to today. A lot of funny ones that had me laughing and depressed at the same time since Nick and I didn't hook up that night. I hope I can fix this....
09-30-09, 11:32 PM
If the converter flexplate is visibly shaking and you replaced both the converter and flexplate I would start looking at alignment issues. Knocking out front seal would indicate the converter is not spinning centered. I assume the converter was installed correctly and fully inserted into the pump before tightening to the flexplate with correct converter spacing. The only other thing I could think of is an issue with the crank / motor or the flexplate does not have the correct balance for the motor.
67 'Stang Lover
10-01-09, 12:18 AM
Yeah, all good points. The flex-plate is 28oz external balanced like the engine and the harmonic balancer. The flex-plate is the standard 157 tooth and the converter is the upgraded 26 spline to match the trans hardened input shaft which is also 26 spline. The trans, converter and flex-plate are TCI but I have heard some negative things about them as a Company. It also costs me an arm and a leg to send these parts back to them for research. I have talked to a lot of people and they have told me to go with Hughes since they are local. That way if I have a problem with the setup they will tow it in and fix it (R & R). Also, I have heard good things about them as well. I have had 2 new transmissions and 3 new converters with this motor so either it is TCI or the motor. See what I mean. I can't believe that 2 transmissions are that bad, and they didn't send me the same one re-built but a totally different one. I guess I could dump the TCI set-up and go with an all new Hughes set-up from Lopers or Darryl Smith Racing, as I know Neil and Darryl. Besides, I could get it at their cost which would help. If I did that it would still cost me a couple of grand (Trans- $1,500, Converter- $700, Flexplate- $200) and then what if it doesn't fix the problem. That is pretty much the whole story, it just stresses me to no end and depresses me when I talk about it. I have talked to Darryl Smith Racing, B & B Machine, MHP, TCI Tech, etc. on and on and on. I need help...........................
10-01-09, 12:27 AM
Did you have the same bell on both trannys? Trust me I have had many issues with half ass parts also.
Who built the motor?
67 'Stang Lover
10-01-09, 12:57 AM
The same bell housing but I did get it at Summit racing and they are just stock replacements and have the dowel pin holes for alignment. My buddy and I built the motor in my garage, not my 1st one and him either. B & B Machine did the machining on the block and rotating assembly. Stock crank (.10/.10) and rods with ARP rod bolts. KB Hypereutectic pop-up pistons and Canfield Heads. Maybe we messed something up, who knows.............
67 'Stang Lover
10-01-09, 01:14 AM
Actually, I was wrong above. I have had 2 bells, my original one that I had on my old motor from 15 years ago and then I bought the stock one from Summit Racing since the old one was in bad shape. I wanted to get a newer one for the Show part. I did start up the new motor with the old bell and then switched it out on the 2nd tranny change. I don't know if the bell is the problem because of this.
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