View Full Version : Tech Night
04-21-08, 10:01 AM
Because of some of my misadventours (fish tailing, not always good thing) in LA this weekend we are going to have a TECH night for the club (Basically come over and fix Kenny's car).
Okay that is not totally true, we will work on a suspension problem I have, so those interested please drop us a note if you want to come and learn. Broch has offered up his welding/fabricating abilities to help fix a problem so that I don't have to carry a Krylon Spray can (white) with me everywhere I go.
In addition Rich and I were talking on the way home...maybe we'll deal with two cars at once. (mine and someone elses) Rox? Rich and I thought we should take a shot at Rox's to help with her (your) problem areas.
Whatcha all think?
Mr. Austin
04-21-08, 10:10 AM
or heck lets get three going! :) sound fun though deffinatly some good ol' learnin
04-21-08, 06:09 PM
sounds like a cool idea thats for sure!
04-22-08, 11:08 PM
Im in, depending on when.
04-24-08, 06:01 PM
Because of some of my misadventours (fish tailing, not always good thing) in LA this weekend we are going to have a TECH night for the club (Basically come over and fix Kenny's car).
Okay that is not totally true, we will work on a suspension problem I have, so those interested please drop us a note if you want to come and learn. Broch has offered up his welding/fabricating abilities to help fix a problem so that I don't have to carry a Krylon Spray can (white) with me everywhere I go.
In addition Rich and I were talking on the way home...maybe we'll deal with two cars at once. (mine and someone elses) Rox? Rich and I thought we should take a shot at Rox's to help with her (your) problem areas.
Whatcha all think?
holy cow! i am super excited about this!!!!! yay learning! right now its a rebuilding of an edelbrock carb and adding an electric choke. if i can get some knowledge and/or hands on learning about welding, that would make my week!
seriously let me know i and i would even ditch work for this night!!!! ( just give me a heads up so i can force someone replace me for a day at work hee hee!)
04-30-08, 03:08 PM
Tent. we are looking at May 31st...that's a saturday right? lol (looking at calender) yep it is. I have a pool and lots of other fun things for people not interested in fixing cars to do. HOWEVER...nobody under the age of 12 will be allowed. Sorry folks...if I am with the car, I can't watch the little ones around my pool.
We just need to figure out a'll need to get a permission slip.
Mr. Austin
04-30-08, 04:13 PM
oh my gees seriously? you guys should just give me a clip board and some paper to start doing this on =) and if i can snag a buyer for my truck then i can take my car along and we could if i get my permission slip signed buy my teacher (kenny) have my car available to work on because i certainly could learn alot. LOOKIN FORWARD TO THIS
04-30-08, 11:33 PM
You're bringing your truck? If you aren't driving a mustang you'll need to ride with someone.
Mr. Austin
05-01-08, 03:51 PM
heck no. lol im trying to sell it and if i get money for the car then i can bring the parts over and depending on the drive to your house i can take the car over there to work on
05-01-08, 04:48 PM
Oh Wow! For some reason I thought this event already happened, and I missed it. May 31st is good for me, I presently don't have to work that night. However I will be switching shifts soon, and if it turns out to be a work night for me, then I agree with 1966ponygirl, I will ditch work for that night! I am new to this site and looking forward to meeting some of my fellow Mustang enthusiasts in person.
05-01-08, 10:32 PM
3 OR 4 PM
For Wild West Mustang Club Members...and Wolf. :) Although Wolf...we are on opposite ends of the are still welcomed. :)
More info to come...
Mr. Austin
05-01-08, 11:10 PM
wow we jumped some days there. MORE TIME TO GET RID OF THE TRUCK!!
05-03-08, 09:03 PM
Oh Wow! For some reason I thought this event already happened, and I missed it. May 31st is good for me, I presently don't have to work that night. However I will be switching shifts soon, and if it turns out to be a work night for me, then I agree with 1966ponygirl, I will ditch work for that night! I am new to this site and looking forward to meeting some of my fellow Mustang enthusiasts in person.
right on! hope to see you there!
Mr. Austin
05-08-08, 11:45 PM
Sorry for missing the meeting it was a bad night and scince the stang is down i needed to hit another meeting that night.
I am needing:
2 motor mounts LH-RH
radiator has a small leaking from the seam
i think i need a a thermostat and i dont know where to get one and how much
i think fan and fan clutch will be ok
and i am looking to buy an electric fan for the front of the radiator to push air
05-09-08, 09:27 AM
I am needing:
2 motor mounts LH-RH
radiator has a small leaking from the seam
i think i need a a thermostat and i dont know where to get one and how much
i think fan and fan clutch will be ok
and i am looking to buy an electric fan for the front of the radiator to push air
Motor mounts usually break when you rev up the engine in neutral and drop it into gear. Also after you break your mounts from doing that the engine shifts and pulls on the radiator hoses which tug on the radiator and cause leaks. You didnt do any of this to cause those problems? :wink1::wink1:
Mr. Austin
05-09-08, 10:15 AM
ha no. the mounts are old. 1969. i got under it and found thats what it was. i looked at the other side that isnt broken and i dont know how they survived. i poked it and a peice fell. its old. old cars need attention. And i have only done a neutral bomb once and that was WAY before this. and no the leak in very small i mena i could still drive it and not worry at all. the hoses are fin and i think the fan is fine. I do need a thermo though because the car will still get really hot. it has been replaced before. i will be getting an electric fan to push air throught the radiator. right now i am looking at one on craigslist for $20 that is used and runs off the battery. it is all switch. cheep. it is 11" in diamiter i think it will do the job. the air conditioning in the car works only when the car is cool. when you have the air on it over heats. there for i ned the fan. + this fan will be nice to have because you can simply unplug it at shows.
05-09-08, 10:29 AM
Good question BLUE...I'm going with you on this one. lol
BTW Mustangs overheat? NO TELL ME IT ISN'T SO!
I will run your list past Broch and I just talked to another club member that I think has a that could work out pretty well..
Talk soon.
Mr. Austin
05-09-08, 10:51 AM
well let me know i dont want to go to far and i think honestly some of you guys need to talk to my mom. the only thing i kno is cars and she doesnt trust me with them. so she freaks about everything so. i need to know how far i am driving and kenny go look at the post on the tech night. i created. its called imput on tech night. And i have heard many things about chains? where the mount is like under it just incase they snap
05-11-08, 02:00 PM
Okay Austin here is the figure out the hurdles, we'll jump them some how. But as it looks right now (waiting to hear back from Broch but I think we are good)...we will have tech day for you on June 7th at 9am or so (brock will let me know). We'll need you to get the parts you need...between myself, broch probably even Jemal we can help you go get the parts if need it. I would suggest emailing broch and he'll tell you what you need.
We will be doing it over at Brochs because quite frankly he has EVERYTHING we need short of a lift...and we don't need a lift for you. He has everything from an engine hoist on down.
Mr. Austin
05-11-08, 02:54 PM
How far is he from 83rd and deer valley? And im guessing to get his email go to the club sight? And then how much its a thermo as well? Im sure it needs to be replaced but no biggie yet.
Mr. Austin
05-11-08, 05:40 PM
so i started up the stang today and with a cloud of smoke at start up it wanted to be let free. Little depressing. but i think if it is ok with you guys or maybe i will keep this project to myself not sure but i was think a change of gasket and rings for the motor as well. they need to be replaced as the car did sit on the side of a house for 15 years with out starting up
05-11-08, 09:55 PM
Its probably just the valve guide seals if it only smoked on the first start up. If it was the rings it would smoke all the time.
Mr. Austin
05-11-08, 11:41 PM
thats what i ment it does. not badly but it has been getting worse and worse over time. start up is no big it just an old motor and an old carb which prob needs a rebuild to but not happening soon
Rev'n Kevin
05-12-08, 01:31 AM
It's like a soap opera, you just gotta keep tuning in to see what's gonna happen next. :biglaugh:
Will Austin ever get the stang running, can Kenny and Brock help, will Rev'n Kevin keep poking fun at him, stay tuned, same stang forum, same stang thread.....
Mr. Austin
05-12-08, 09:00 AM
Will Austin ever get the stang running, can Kenny and Brock help, will Rev'n Kevin keep poking fun at him, stay tuned, same stang forum, same stang thread.....
haha. it will be running im actually in the proccess of getting the parts now. the car runs it may just be smokeing because it hasnt been driven in two months. never know. just needs to be driven
Rev'n Kevin
05-12-08, 02:14 PM
Good to hear, your parts are on the way :woot1: as for the smokin', I hope that's all it is. btw, I left you a special video on the Wild West Mustang thread, just something to think about on that rafting trip to Ak...
Mr. Austin
05-12-08, 03:41 PM
ok ill look
05-12-08, 05:03 PM
Ouch I guess the bear wanted some meat to go with the bread.
Mr. Austin
05-12-08, 05:21 PM
yum. lol hey kev nice flag did you make that?
Rev'n Kevin
05-12-08, 05:33 PM
If you mean the picture sig, yes, just finished it, you know me always changin' stuff. :laughing:
Mr. Austin
05-12-08, 10:13 PM
looks good!
05-13-08, 01:25 AM
69 creampuff & Kevin I have a video for you guys
Rev'n Kevin
05-13-08, 02:23 AM
Thanks for sharin' your favorite video, Rosey. :dontgetit:
05-13-08, 02:41 AM
the back and forth messages,i can picture this song goin on while you guys are typing to each other.
(mark this as another of my drunk posts that make no sense ) hope to see you next week though(awwww i can hear this song in the back ground not good)
Rev'n Kevin
05-13-08, 03:24 AM
You must be drunk or maybe there's something you would like to confess, I am an ordained minister, but I guess you wouldn't know that.
The back and forth banter is just a bunch of guys in the same mustang club havin' some fun, pickin' on one another, all you accomplished was making an ass of yourself, ya and a minister can say ass, but only when it applies.
Have a good night, and I hope you get that stupid song outta your head. :laughing:
btw: Kenny, sorry your thread got stepped on like this.
05-13-08, 09:20 AM
bah just some friendly messin' harm no foul. :)
Mr. Austin
05-13-08, 11:51 AM
hahaha that was fun to read
05-13-08, 03:58 PM
sorry if I offended you Kevin.
I just thought it would be funny.:focus:
05-13-08, 04:51 PM
We can't give free help away...oh well...more cruisen time for me that weekend.:laughing1:
Rev'n Kevin
05-13-08, 09:49 PM
sorry if I offended you Kevin.
I just thought it would be funny.:focus:
No worries bro, I was overly tired (2 a.m.) and didn't take it as I should have. Worried about my Wife, she has double pneumonia, (not good) and I my mind is not working correctly at this time. I always enjoy your posts, I'm sure you meant it as a joke, and I've gotta lighten up sometimes.
05-13-08, 10:13 PM
Thanxs now I got your song stuck in my head:hissyfit:
05-14-08, 11:10 PM
Nice post Kev...give you wife our best!
Mr. Austin
05-18-08, 02:37 PM
hey if you guys dont mind i will be doing the mounts this week and then technight we can do the gaskets and stuff. if thats ok with you guys
05-20-08, 10:51 AM
are we still doing this? I think Pam was saying that we may not do this.... just want to double check. and the date too, is it still on June 7th?
Mr. Austin
05-20-08, 06:13 PM
i got my mounts done!!!!! but i need rings and gaskets adly for this night i think it still on
Rev'n Kevin
05-21-08, 12:39 AM
I played "No Wheels", just for you @ fri-nite cruise-in before last, I guess I'll have to play "On the Road Again" :laughing: for you after you get it done. Hopefully I'll be back to DJ'n on the 30th. Glad to hear you got the new mounts in.
05-21-08, 10:02 AM
Rox and Austin...every indication that Austin gave a week or so back was that he could not do a tech night...that he wanted to do things at his own pace. Obviously the club isn't paying for parts (as you know) and it was my understanding also that was an issue. Regardless, I relayed that to Pam and told them that I guess we'll bring it up at the meeting each month to see if anyone wanted a tech night for the following month.
So no tech night this month...we can do it again next if we can get everyone on the same page.
Mr. Austin
05-21-08, 12:40 PM
i can do tech night!! why do you say that?!? i can do it i needed the car ASAP so i can get to work. i had to steal my parents cars. i just needed to get it done for work there is plenty of other stuff that needs to be done in the motor area... i dont kno why those were indications i can not come but sorry if they seemed that way. And sorry it wasnt my pace it was work. it was money's pace. never mine. if it was mine it would have been done a long time ago.
05-21-08, 11:15 PM
This is like who's on first. Okay Austin here's the deal. You need to write Broch (copy me) and tell him you still want to do it. Tell him EXACTLY what you would like done and ask him what he thinks can be done. Figure out if you can afford it and tell him 9am is good for you on Saturday the 7th and his house...and I'll be there too. I heard rumor that you need help knowing what parts to buy? No problem. Let him know your concerns and one of us will go with you.
I got the feeling you were out by everything you wrote below and a rumor (not a bad rumor...just one that sounded like getting the parts $$$ might be an issue for you). Then email me and let me know what Broch said or copy me.
with a cloud of smoke at start up it wanted to be let free. Little depressing. but i think if it is ok with you guys or maybe i will keep this project to myself not sure but i was think a change of gasket and rings for the motor as well.
an old carb which prob needs a rebuild to but not happening soon
i think honestly some of you guys need to talk to my mom. the only thing i kno is cars and she doesn't trust me with them. so she freaks about everything so. i need to know how far i am driving
Mr. Austin
05-21-08, 11:44 PM
This is like who's on first. Okay Austin here's the deal. You need to write Broch (copy me) and tell him you still want to do it. Tell him EXACTLY what you would like done and ask him what he thinks can be done. Figure out if you can afford it and tell him 9am is good for you on Saturday the 7th and his house...and I'll be there too. I heard rumor that you need help knowing what parts to buy? No problem. Let him know your concerns and one of us will go with you.
I got the feeling you were out by everything you wrote below and a rumor (not a bad rumor...just one that sounded like getting the parts $$$ might be an issue for you). Then email me and let me know what Broch said or copy me.
with a cloud of smoke at start up it wanted to be let free. Little depressing. but i think if it is ok with you guys or maybe i will keep this project to myself not sure but i was think a change of gasket and rings for the motor as well.
an old carb which prob needs a rebuild to but not happening soon
i think honestly some of you guys need to talk to my mom. the only thing i kno is cars and she doesn't trust me with them. so she freaks about everything so. i need to know how far i am driving
ok there is some errors in the typing. i am usually on her int he dark of night ad cant see. project meaning the mounts "but i was thinking a change of gakets and rings for the motor as will do well " and im getting my parts through some people and thats how i can afford them. i wil have 4 jobs if everthing goes well for summer. thanks to trisha i may even have a good day job. as for date and times and stuff hate to be a pain in the ass but you already told people the it has been canceled. dont wanna be the one who is a pain. Sorry for any confusion. sorry if i nicked any tempers:icon_frown:
Rev'n Kevin
05-22-08, 01:00 AM
05-22-08, 01:53 AM
Yup I'm confused too. I'm giong to grab some popcorn and a chair to see how this soap opera turns out.
05-22-08, 06:18 AM
I havent even been following this thread and Im confused too...
05-22-08, 08:28 AM
Can't speak for Broch, but I assume he is like me and it's no big deal. You see this is something we WANT to do...but you have to have people willing to do it.
If you want to, willing too...we're all good. But again...I can't speak for broch. I will give him a heads up you are going to write him...but no tempers were nicked, not even close.
But do shoot for 9am Saturday.
i know this is not a surprise to anyone but it needs to be said, I will be there with or without a car to work on if Pam has a pot of baked beans and a loaf of sourdough bread just for little o'l me. LOL
I will volunteer my ride so we can do what we started out to do, I need paint work so maybe I'll talk to Broch this weekend if he is interested....
Either way let's not cancel, lets just adjust and move forward...just my two cents...
see yall this weekend.
Rev'n Kevin
05-22-08, 08:49 PM
Hey Jemal, you finally joined our little forum, glad to see you on here. Better check tho I think the tech nite is the 7th of june not this weekend. And as far as those beans and bread, better watch out, I might have to fight you over a bowl, lol
05-22-08, 09:46 PM
But if you need help i would be glad to help,
i am somewhat new to the bord and dont know alot of the people on the bord but the ones that do know me will tell you that i know my shit.
let me know if you can use my help and where to be and i will be there,
and i will bring any tools that may be needed as well just let me know...
and it would also be a good way for me to get to know some of the people on the bord
Mr. Austin
05-22-08, 11:25 PM
to be honest i do still want to do it. i have been picking up a bunch of shift this week and trying to for the next couple weeks.i dont know my pay date (Week to week on check) but i know last weekend i did not work so i really need the get working for that weekend. just hoping that this cash goes on next check so i can buy mustang goodies. =) i will email broch and see if he is still up to is. very very sorry for the confusion its my stupidity showing.
05-22-08, 11:28 PM
Pete just to be clear...this is the Wild West Mustang club and we are having a tech 'day". Yes you are welcome still...just wanted to be clear. BTW just check our member page...we don't have a single we can use one if you are available. :)
To be a member you need to show up to three events...this would be one. As for tools Jemal will be there and well...he's kinda one. <kidding Jemal> Actually Broch's got himself quite the shop at his house...I would be shocked if he didn't have everything we needed. So just bring yourself and your stang...
As we get closer and you think you might want to join us drop me an email and I will get you directions.
05-22-08, 11:31 PM
Austin...I've talked to Broch we are on. But you must still email him (call it reservations)...let him know what you want done, what you have bought and what you think you will buy by then.
TECH DAY...June 7th, 9pm Goodyear, AZ. Address, directions will be sent through the club email system.
Mr. Austin
05-22-08, 11:40 PM
Dang good year?!?!?! that will be a fun drive =D
OK, know you have to tell me what kind of tool I would be if I was a tool. Also wasn't this thing suppose to be at 9am on the 7th or is it at 9pm? Just want to know if I should be ready for breakfast or a late night dinner...
05-23-08, 08:36 AM
Damn you caught me...I've emailed everyone we want to be there and told them 9am and for the people we don't 9pm. :biglaugh:
05-23-08, 09:57 PM
i am there:pepper:
05-24-08, 09:16 AM
sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet! 9am is perfect!
Mr. Austin
05-24-08, 03:00 PM
i talked to broch and told him what was up
05-25-08, 01:42 AM
Im really starting to think that this "CLUB" spends a little to much time correcting each other and bickering instead of focusing on what a club is all about.....yep you guessed it, having FUN. Is this Wild West Mustangs or "Days of Our Lives" (soap-opera) someone please tell me.:biglaugh:
05-26-08, 09:11 AM
Im really starting to think that this "CLUB" spends a little to much time correcting each other and bickering instead of focusing on what a club is all about.....yep you guessed it, having FUN. Is this Wild West Mustangs or "Days of Our Lives" (soap-opera) someone please tell me.:biglaugh:
What size thong do you wear? Evidently yours is in a bunch. lol What are you talking about? If you actually read the'll see we are all good.
Now back to the fun everyone else is'll be there? (cool) I'm thinking there will be food (so Jemal is good)
Good job Austin...lemme know if you need anything...or any help before.
Mr. Austin
05-26-08, 10:38 AM
now for the bad. me and my mom sat sown to go over the next few weeks because i have alot going on (camping in redwoods, camping in geronimo etc) and it seems like my luck has failed me yet again and geronimo is the day of tech night. Because i have been up there so many times i have requested a ride for the next day. hopefully i can get a ride up there on the 8th and if so this will be an amazing weekend. sorry about the inconvenience. i really am. hoepfully i can go up the day after.
Mr. Austin
05-26-08, 10:40 AM
P.s. i feel really bad but i should be able to get a ride so count me in still but dont hold your breath. thanks
05-26-08, 11:57 AM
Im really starting to think that this "CLUB" spends a little to much time correcting each other and bickering instead of focusing on what a club is all about.....yep you guessed it, having FUN. Is this Wild West Mustangs or "Days of Our Lives" (soap-opera) someone please tell me.:biglaugh:
The soap-opera continues...Will Austin ever get to do anything....Will Kenny stop thowing fits(I am not thowing a fit I'm Not I'm Not I'm Not..)...
Will Jemal ever post again...Will John get a new thong...
05-26-08, 12:17 PM
Im sorry but if anyone has a thong on its MR. I cant drive my car 10 miles without having an issue. For the first time ever i spoke my peace about the Club Moral, and you dump on me!! Im gonna bite down on anything i have to say, regarding club issues and just laugh to myself and the small group i call a family.:gay: p.s. i read the above and I looked from (outside) the box.
05-26-08, 01:02 PM
Deep breath john...didn't catch my "lol"? That's the problem with email (posts) you (general you, not john) can never catch the "tone". Do me a favor, email me and tell me what you are thinking.
My point is there was nothing negative in this thread, at all. Austin was on for tech night, then off (perceived) attitude by anyone, got back on the same page, not it's off (Austin) again...probably. Life is still good. I jokingly took a swipe at Jemal, he swiped back pointing out my email was wrong...took a swipe at myself then, Kev has been ripping Austin a new one (both know each other is kidding) and Jim took a swipe at me...all in fun. As they say in southpark...
Nothing to see here...keep it moving.
Baby Shelby
05-26-08, 01:38 PM
Tech Day
June 7, 2008 @ 9am at Broch and Pam's
16015 W Mesquite Dr
Goodyear, AZ 85338
Ok lets get a few things straight, Austin you talked to Broch at Stage3 open house on Saturday and told Broch what you wanted done and didn't ask wheither or not it could be done, then you wanted to change the day. Have not heard from you since. You were wanting the email address but you requested to be friends on my space. Kenny has my phone number please get it from him and get with Broch to see what can be done to your car.
Second, Tech day will be at 9am at our house for anyone who is interested, as far as food, Pancakes are on (Sorry Jemal you got your beans last night.)
Third, this was suppose to be something for everyone and not to be something that is turned into a soap opera situation. We are trying to help everyone learn or has interest on how to do things to their cars. This should not be a dicussion that takes over a month to come to conclusion.
So enough is enough and lets have fun with the club, no in****s, not put downs, just good fun and move on.
05-26-08, 01:52 PM
car clubs and drama tend to go hand in hand. but nothing wrong with some friendly ribbin from time to time.
looks like a fun time, and i would join in, but i have a race to prepare for that day so i would not be able to make it. hope you guys have a great time, and i look forward to seein some pics! :)
Rev'n Kevin
05-26-08, 01:56 PM
PANCAKES :woot1:
05-26-08, 02:18 PM
I LOVE a woman that puts her foot down. :)
AZ...if your race plans fall through, you are more than welcome.
Okay...executive decision (until someone else wants the job...and...until I clear it with my boss Pam) :).
Pancakes at B & P's on Saturday morning (9am...I'll send directionst that week). We'll BS, we'll clean, we'll tighten some things and maybe push that damn jeep out front and work on it...maybe...we'll paint Jemal's car or watch him do burnouts. Regardless...meeting at Broch and Pams June 7th, 9am.
AUSTIN...just if I wasn't clear...shit happens in life, so if something came up for big deal. Just keep us informed.
05-26-08, 02:21 PM
BTW AUSTIN I am suddenly reminded we never initiated Austin...I think this warrants you getting initiated. I'm thinking running around in your underwear caring a tire is the start of the initiation. We'll get back to you on the rest.
05-26-08, 04:04 PM
Ok, well if anyone hasen't noticed I sometimes will get a firecracker shoved up my %?:@. I don't deal with drama very well, and probably shouldn't have made any drama of my own. To all that don't me well enough I am the type to swing first and then appoligize as im giving u a ride to the ER. So sorry if I blew up over friendly pokes.
Baby Shelby
05-26-08, 06:17 PM
My Neighbor says that you have one bad as---- mustang. He asked if you were going easy and Broch said yes and the neighbor wants to see more. He also thought that his dog was growling through the wall and then realized it was coming from out front. Yes my neighbor is a dork.
Baby Shelby
05-26-08, 06:20 PM
Read your personal email. :)
Baby Shelby
05-26-08, 06:33 PM
Torch and here is why,
You light up Shel, Taylor and all our lives
You can cut off the best of them
You can shred tires and smoke like no other
You drive a torch red car
and without the oxgen, you are only the GasMan
P.S. Glad my beans can always help you. Love Pam and Broch.
Mr. Austin
05-26-08, 07:42 PM
Ok lets get a few things straight, Austin you talked to Broch at Stage3 open house on Saturday and told Broch what you wanted done and didn't ask wheither or not it could be done, then you wanted to change the day. Have not heard from you since. You were wanting the email address but you requested to be friends on my space. Kenny has my phone number please get it from him and get with Broch to see what can be done to your car.
ok hold up. seriously thats ****ing BS. i DID NOT ask what could be done because we discussed it WITHOUT asking. If i can attend I WILL have a thermo and maybe some hoses changes not much else and we did talk about gaskets but not sure on that one. We talked about belts on the car ALL Let me say again ALL these can be done in a >>DAY<< and im pretty sure ALL of this can easily be done because i can EASILY do it with the tools i have. And so what if i request him as friends i thought a real email not myspace would be more formal and would be the correct idea to talk to someone about something important. Now as for the BS part i dont want to change the day. I NEVER said that. >NEVER< i said i maybe able to leave on the 8th to attend this but never did i say change this. im not that arrogant. people already have this day set aside and i dont want to ruin there plans if i miss out i miss out hopefully this goes well enough to have more. i have plenty of stuff on that mustang that needs to be changed.
Sorry about the attitude but seriously that was kind of stupid to put that on me.its not all about me. other people have cars other people have issues with there cars. Sorry!
Mr. Austin
05-26-08, 07:47 PM
BTW AUSTIN I am suddenly reminded we never initiated Austin...I think this warrants you getting initiated. I'm thinking running around in your underwear caring a tire is the start of the initiation. We'll get back to you on the rest.
sounds kinda fun to me. we should do it during a nascar race!!!!:biglaugh: And for the above email sorry. Little things that are left out of full length conversations pis me off because the tend to be the part that gets other people set off as yourself. we did talk about what could be done and if i can attend i have checkers on speed dial to get the hoses and stuff. and as for the belt i already have purchased them. im set for the day i think just need confrontation that i ca go up on the 8th because i already spent $300 to attend this camp. Really sorry about blowing up like that. i dont mean to make more drama as i a a high school student and get enough
Rev'n Kevin
05-26-08, 07:59 PM
Like I said, PANCAKES :woot1: , as to the rest of this, I am staying out of it. :biglaugh:
05-26-08, 08:35 PM
French toast is better :P
Rev'n Kevin
05-26-08, 08:40 PM
Hey you OK, bud? Saw those fires on the news, was thinkin' about ya.
05-27-08, 01:05 AM
oh yeah there south of me.....way south
Rev'n Kevin
05-27-08, 07:12 PM
May be showing up to Tech Day with a 1965, of course it will be cherry and need nothing done to it, but I'm only there for the pancakes anyway :biglaugh:
Not going to say to much about this 65 yet, but it's looking like it may be mine very soon :laughing1:
Rev'n Kevin
05-27-08, 09:17 PM
Man, I am so nervous, I'm sopposed to get an answer tomorrow on the 65, this car is sooooooo cool, don't worry Kenny and Milo it is NOT White. BTW, I think it's low production # will make it the oldest Mustang in the club. Gonna be a radical change from my 95, but it's gonna be worth it, just hope my offer is accepted, and don't have to come up with more cash to get it. :yes:
I probably won't sleep at all tonight :biglaugh:
Mr. Austin
05-27-08, 11:00 PM
best of luck to ya!!
05-28-08, 12:43 AM
Big JOHN...right back you...good post and I admit the same. Should we seek help? Course you would have to drive if it's over 10 miles. ;)
Okay that's cool Kev...good luck!
Austin...nice comeback post ...I think we'll have a meditation class at Pam's on that day too...
Mr. Austin
05-28-08, 05:18 PM
well sorry but my pissed-off/angry side took over and i just read over it and i did have point right on the bulls eye. was true but i could hve said it all a little better.
05-28-08, 05:21 PM
* and the audience goes AWWWWWWWWWWW
Mr. Austin
05-28-08, 07:53 PM
Mr. Austin
05-28-08, 07:53 PM
KEV!! did you get your car?!?!?!
Mr. Austin
05-28-08, 09:05 PM
hey Pam and Broch just for the record i am sorry about saying that it was unfair and i should have said stuff like that. to point you ut like that was rude. it was miss communication and i could have handled that alot better. i am very sorry about it. please forgive me and my ignorance.
Rev'n Kevin
05-28-08, 09:08 PM
KEV!! did you get your car?!?!?!
Still working out the sell of mine (Wife won't let me have both) :laughing:
Hoping tomorrow we can finalize the deal, before the 65 (actually a 64 1/2) gets grabbed by someone else. Another sleepless night, lol
Mr. Austin
05-28-08, 10:01 PM
AAhhhh i want that year so badly one day. one day..
wow, this is the first post I have read for this club and it was a doozie.
Would you guys have room for one more to watch and learn? I have 10 yrs of profesional car audio security installation experience but I am lost under the hood other then the battery and alternator. I have been wanting to learn more about motors in general so that I can do my own work on my 94 gt but unfortunatly I do not know many motor people in Az. It would be a long drive from gilbert but I would be willint to do make it just to watch and ask a few ?s here and there as well as answer any ?s audio/security related.
Baby Shelby
06-02-08, 07:14 PM
Of course, the more the marrier.
THE MORE THE MARRIER? if we keep inviting people does that mean I get less to eat? I am stressing out here!!! Can I get a gauranteed amount of pancakes regardless of the head count at chow time? I will bring extra milk, powdered sugar and butter so we have plenty of fixin's. We need to get organized here seriously....a little communication goes a long way for people who are sometimes very very hungry. one more question....whats for lunch? Sorry
06-02-08, 09:19 PM
Is that all you ever think about is eating... Man i otta drag you behind a boat. :biglaugh:
Sorry about the above post everyone, I did not have dinner yet and I get a little wooozy when I don't eat. Tailor said i should eat one of her Odwalla bars before I go so everyone else can eat...this I will try..but if the healthy bar gives me the craps do not get in my way. kidding...good nite see you at tech night/day/afternoon.
I do tricks for treats behind the boat man, i'm silly with that stuff.
06-02-08, 09:29 PM
Dont worry man, Pam said she'll have plenty food for the "Chow Hound" lol.
Mr. Austin
06-02-08, 09:39 PM
THE MORE THE MARRIER? if we keep inviting people does that mean I get less to eat? I am stressing out here!!! Can I get a gauranteed amount of pancakes regardless of the head count at chow time? I will bring extra milk, powdered sugar and butter so we have plenty of fixin's. We need to get organized here seriously....a little communication goes a long way for people who are sometimes very very hungry. one more question....whats for lunch? Sorry
haha we should just have a pancake wagon intead of a grill wagon:biglaugh: or hire a buffet to come and make them..
haha jemal i was just picturing you getting so hungry on the way there you eat something on the way and then show up full. haha:laughing:
Corn bread,Fish and Collard Greens...I am never hungry when I hit the scene....You know what I mean????
unfortunatly over the past few years I have developed some digestive problems that have led me to more and more ideas of how to get over this food addiction that I have in order to fix it. You don't have to worry about me taking food away from anyone else infact I would prefer to come after and avoid it if you have an idea when you are eating.
Rev'n Kevin
06-02-08, 10:47 PM
I just hope I don't get run over by Gasman on the way, what route ya taken brother, so I can avoid ya :laughing:
Just an update for everyone the Wife is getting better, still on antibiotics, but the coughing and wheezing has subsided, and sounds much clearer. Thanks for all the Prayers. She says she me let me go out to play soon :laughing1:
06-02-08, 11:35 PM
Okay seriously...why do I have to login twice to post something???
Don't worry about coming after we eat...there will be people that don't eat and guess what? Pam has never made anyone eat...have you? you need anything ($$$/Help)? It isn't your job to buy and fix for everyone.
Baby Shelby
06-03-08, 08:16 PM
Don't worry I will have your own special pancakes so no worries there will not be enough. Remember I know how you like to eat.:laughing:
Baby Shelby
06-03-08, 08:17 PM
Have you ever thought it might be the operator that is having difficulty on loggin in. Seriously
Baby Shelby
06-03-08, 08:19 PM
As far as the $$$ I do take donations (just kidding) and I don't think I need any help. If I do I will have plenty of people here to help, but thanks for asking.
06-03-08, 09:29 PM
i was just tring to find out here,
what are we actuly working on? i spoke to Austin at Sonic Sunday night, and it sounded like he did not have too much to do. who els is taking cars that need some work? i would love to help, but i dont wont to drive to GoodYear to help 20 people change a belt.. Well you know what i mean.. ,,,,thow,,, it is a good way to meet some other pony lovers.
I tried to meet some of you on sunday at the sonic on bell and reems { i even had my drag car there,] but there was only Austin and another person with a Kick ass 500 rep. We got all the bullshiting out of the way after 45 min and then got bord,, so we all split..
any hooow What are we working on?
Mr. Austin
06-03-08, 10:46 PM
yea i think more people need to head out there. it really is a fun time but ou got to have more people. and usually another rick is there.
06-03-08, 11:09 PM
PAM...NOT...the operator! :) At least that's my story...
PETE...not sure if anyone is doing anything. I know I'll be doing a couple little I am sure a few others might. You can only offer so much, if it's not accepted you just eat pancakes and bs with friends. :) BTW Sunday is not a club is supported at least through information. 91st ave and Northern, Friday supported by the club.
We'll offer again next month.
06-03-08, 11:59 PM
pancakes and bull S^$ting sound pritty good to me.....
I had been wondering what we were going to be working on as well. I am more then willing to make the drive from gilbert to goodyear to meet some pony people and learn a little about motors. I have a ported cobra intake, maf and tb that I am wanting to put on sometime but I had not planned on brinking the stuff with me. I only need a couple of other minor parts to complete it and would love to find somebody that would help me put it on an be willing to pay that person or trade stereo/security installaion work. As I said earlier I am almost lost under the hood and want to learn. I have 10+ years as a audio/security installer where I have worked on everything from tractors to lambos.
here is my most recent work.
if there is anyone comming with stereo questions I would be happy to answer them. If there are any people needing stuff installed or fixed let me know so I can bring any specialty tools that might be needed to install or fix them and I will be happy to help.
Mr. Austin
06-04-08, 03:45 PM
if there is anyone comming with stereo questions I would be happy to answer them. If there are any people needing stuff installed or fixed let me know so I can bring any specialty tools that might be needed to install or fix them and I will be happy to help.
actually i do have some questions for you about radios. not that rght now it matters because i have no antenna but i will PM you about it. i beleive they are small things but i havent really talked to anyone who is pro with them
06-07-08, 02:47 PM
TECH day...big success, a lot of members were there. Didn't do much on the tech side, but the club did help someone a lot on their car. But future tech nights look interesting, painting, body work, engine build. . .stay tuned!
Our thanks to the Baby Shelby her Pacakes...IHOP pffft. They were awesome! Thanks for the trouble!
Rev'n Kevin
06-07-08, 03:29 PM
Darn, missed the pancakes, I didn't get out of the fri-nite cruise-in till 11pm, slept in :biglaugh: oh well, next time.
sorry I had to bail on you guys. Those digestive problems that would have kept me outta the pancakes flaired up and have left me between my bedroom and bathroom all day. I will look forward to the next one.
Mr. Austin
06-07-08, 11:32 PM
aw! well it was fun all in all. spent money. cars running better and looking better and no More granny car anymore!! i got a set of tires and rims All american racing and cobra tires!:woot1:looks mean now. i will take some better pcs but for now i am uploading some from my phone be up soon!!
P.s. Thanks For ALL the help today guys. some of that i probably couldnt have done wiht out you. learned a little and to learn i forgot a little:laughing:
06-08-08, 12:04 AM
sorry i did not make it i was working on my car, as i smashed alot after pointing it to the moon last night at the track
06-17-08, 03:12 PM
It's Back...Tech Night July (Aug?) is now being discussed. So all of you Wild West Mustangers get your crap together. Rumor has of our members is gonna let us use his lift if we need it. :)
Mr. Austin
06-17-08, 06:51 PM
I heard something about ricks house?!? just a rumor maybe
Mr. Austin
06-18-08, 05:17 PM
Rev'n Kevin
06-19-08, 05:06 PM
So Austin, when we gonna see some pics of the new look?
Mr. Austin
06-19-08, 05:09 PM
oh have you heard of the new look?!? haha ill go grab some right now
Rev'n Kevin
06-19-08, 05:13 PM
oh have you heard of the new look?!? haha ill go grab some right now
Only you from you, man, only from you! :biglaugh:
Mr. Austin
06-19-08, 05:22 PM
The fronts rub just a hair when you turn sharp. And on a rough bump the back hits.
American racing
Very flush.
Rev'n Kevin
06-19-08, 05:33 PM
Sure looks different than it did, fills up those wheel wells, so when you gonna put a lift kit under it :laughing:
Mr. Austin
06-19-08, 07:56 PM
i was thinking sometime this weekend :)
I wish I could get a tech night going on the east side. My alt while it is not that old started to go out this week on my 94 gt. I took it in and got it checked and they said it had a bad diode, no biggie they can rebuild it. While I had it apart I decided I would try and put my ported cobra intake on. Actually I was hoping I could put the cobra upper on the GT lower since I have no idea about the fuel rails, dist, ect. I was not completely suprised when I got the upper off and noticed that it would not match up with the cobra intake I had. Now that I am this far I would hate to have to put the GT shtuff back on, is there anyone that can help?
Mr. Austin
06-29-08, 02:08 PM
hows was the toy run in the vally? wish i could have cought it with u guys would have been fun!!
06-30-08, 06:20 AM
I wish I could get a tech night going on the east side. My alt while it is not that old started to go out this week on my 94 gt. I took it in and got it checked and they said it had a bad diode, no biggie they can rebuild it. While I had it apart I decided I would try and put my ported cobra intake on. Actually I was hoping I could put the cobra upper on the GT lower since I have no idea about the fuel rails, dist, ect. I was not completely suprised when I got the upper off and noticed that it would not match up with the cobra intake I had. Now that I am this far I would hate to have to put the GT shtuff back on, is there anyone that can help?
Im not much for help on some things more like an extra pair of hands. Im in if anyone else is....
07-01-08, 11:44 AM
Gilbert is faaaaaaaaaaaar for my baby! :( otherwise id be there in a heart beat to see if i can learn anything new.
if you are closer to the west side I got the idea from them.
What projects does everyone have planned? Lets get a list and see if we can match up someone with experience.
My next project will be moving on to the exhaust but it may be a little while. I have a side exhaust kit that I need to get the side skirts painted, and a set of headers. Anyone have experience with this?
07-01-08, 01:38 PM
That sounds easy enough...done it on mine except headers.
07-01-08, 03:29 PM
yeah, i am a westside-er (surprise) Ill get my list and some others up and going with my WWM guys n gals. the only thing that might put off some people is the heat right now.
so far... we have a passenger side fender to sand 'n primer that some angel donated to me.
Rev'n Kevin
07-02-08, 01:53 AM
So WWM members are we going to have a tech day this month (July) or what. I'll bring it up at the meeting tomorrow, remind me if I forget. :biglaugh:
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