View Full Version : Sunday Cruise To Prescott...........
67 'Stang Lover
04-07-08, 12:37 AM
I had a blast today on the Cruise to Prescott. I finally got to run my virgin White '07 'GT' through the switchbacks in the mountains. LOL. Yarnell Hill was awesome. She is 1 year old this month and the drive was her birthday present. Conner was my Co-Pilot today and he was a big help. However, I don't think he will fall asleep in the curves anymore since he has some bruising to the head. Sorry Jacostang. I took a lot of pictures so I will have to post them. I might need help though. Thanks again and it was great to meet a lot of CMC Member's. Hopefully we can do it again in October.
Yes great time! I couldn't go fast enough thru the switch backs, I was very impressed with a few drivers, especially Trish!! :bowing:
I will be buying a better camera. Ive been nursing mine along but it really isnt doing the job anymore. To many choices is my problem and I want a good one that doesn't break the bank!
67 'Stang Lover
04-07-08, 06:06 PM
Thanks for posting some great pictures. I had a blast and hope we can do it in October. However, I have a feeling we won't do a cruise because it is the National MCA Show and the trophy presentation by the judges will be on Sunday. Oh well, maybe we can do something on our own. Thanks again..........
04-07-08, 08:13 PM
Dammmm........We had some nice looking Cars out on Yarnell Sunday!!!
Yes great time! I couldn't go fast enough thru the switch backs, I was very impressed with a few drivers, especially Trish!! :bowing:
The Wilholt to Prescott run is one of my favorite sections of road in the State. You and Steve should have been up front with me, I think I had a 1/4 mile on Dave before getting stuck behind the Toyota Pickup! The Yavapi County Sheriffs Dept. doesn't Patrol that section much, but look out for the Prescott Police at the end of it.
The Olivas Family Resturaunt has a patio, and small parking lot, in the back, (And Tecate on draft!). I asked, they are willing to set aside both for us, if we want to go up for one of the two big Car Shows in Prescott during the Summer. Nick and Steve get first dibs on being the Cars behind me!
04-07-08, 08:21 PM
i wanna go!!! lets do it up. i'll even put the sway bar on this time....
04-07-08, 08:35 PM
i wanna go!!! lets do it up. i'll even put the sway bar on this time....
I'll do some checking on the dates,Tony! One Show is for 1972' and older, but thier is no reason why we can't go up just to look!
Better get something wider than those skinnies on front too!
The Jeti Master may have several apprentices on the next run!
May the Force Be with You !
04-07-08, 08:39 PM
Looks like a lot of fun, maybe next time i'll be able to cruise up there with you guys. how often do you guys go?
04-07-08, 08:53 PM
I'll do some checking on the dates,Tony! One Show is for 1972' and older, but thier is no reason why we can't go up just to look!
Better get something wider than those skinnies on front too!
The Jeti Master may have several apprentices on the next run!
May the Force Be with You !
yeah, the watson lake show is a classic car only kinda show, but i would go just to look around and have a good dinner and a brew with friends. and yeah, i have not rocked the skinnies on the mountain. not planning on it. lol...
04-07-08, 09:29 PM
Thanks for posting some great pictures. I had a blast and hope we can do it in October. However, I have a feeling we won't do a cruise because it is the National MCA Show and the trophy presentation by the judges will be on Sunday. Oh well, maybe we can do something on our own. Thanks again..........
Yeah, drag racing with the fall show but I want to plan another cruise and I think it will involve some wine testing!! Chris b is giving us some good ideas with this and we can cruise and maybe do an overnight thing!!!
67 'Stang Lover
04-07-08, 10:49 PM
Next time I will be right behind you, and Nick can be behind me. Don't worry I will keep up with you for sure even though you have a Mach 1. I will do my damndest to stay on your 'Tail' even if it means me sliding off of the mountain. LOL. I used to live in Europe and the Alps were my training ground at 14 years old. I can't wait.
The wine thing sounds good though that 'Jacostang' mentioned. I am up for that as long as I don't drive afterwards. LOL. Can't wait for the MCA Show in October and the Mesa Cruise in November. I love my '67 and '07. I think they are in competition with each other and it might bet deadly.
04-08-08, 01:23 AM
Prescott to Wilholt to Prescott ... I do it often and I do it well. It's like my own personal local road course. :P
I wanna road course my car. Can I come? Can I come?
04-08-08, 11:13 AM
You know.... with as many of you guys who like the twisties, I am really surprised there aren't more of you doing road course events at PIR and Firebird. I worked for NASA for almost 3 years doing events there and can't believe more of you don't try stuff like that. There are several options for you guys, NASA (now run by CRA here... Club Racing Arizona) has events at PIR and Firebird usually once a month. Pro Autosports primarily has events ar Firebird, and there's always SCCA autocross events once a month at Firebird too.
Plus, if you guys are worried about cost, I know with NASA and Pro Autosports you can volunteer as a course worker for a weekend and earn yourself a free weekend of track time. Doesn't get any better than that, I've got loads of free track time built up but I'm waiting on a trackable car to use it :laughing1:
67 'Stang Lover
04-08-08, 11:16 AM
The more the merrier. We had a blast and the pictures don't do it justice. Hopefully we can get more car's in October to come up. I think we had almost 30 this time and got a lot of looks from people on the way. We even had 'Bikers' stopping and taking pictures from the side of the road on the way up. It was Arizona Bike Week this past weekend and it must have been a real sight to see all of us roaring by. LOL...........
Looked like a great run...
How was the traffic coming back down 17. Backed up at all?
04-08-08, 10:01 PM
No, it was smooth sailing all the way home, east side of Mesa for me.
67 'Stang Lover
04-08-08, 11:45 PM
I came back later than everyone else because I walked around downtown Prescott, Whiskey Row, and did some shopping for my Wife. I must have come back around 5 pr 6 pm. on I-17 and then Loop-101 south to Chandler. It was pretty clear sailing all the way down and it was even Arizona Biker Weekend. I had a blast coming down that 7% grade. LOL.............
04-11-08, 08:32 PM
Next time I will be right behind you, and Nick can be behind me. Don't worry I will keep up with you for sure even though you have a Mach 1. I will do my damndest to stay on your 'Tail' even if it means me sliding off of the mountain. LOL. I used to live in Europe and the Alps were my training ground at 14 years old. I can't wait.
Hey Steve this could be some serious fun!
I went through the 3 day Bondraunt course (Back when they were using Fox Mustangs!). And for a couple years, in my misguided youth, was dropping about $200-300 a month at Malibu Grand Prix tracks (Ouch! better spent there than on drugs, or alcohol though!)!
67 'Stang Lover
04-12-08, 04:26 AM
Yeah, that sounds like fun. I used to love going to the Gran Prix and blowing money there. I would do it a couple of times a month. Me, you and Nick will line up next time and do Yarnell Hill together. It should be fun. I will be at the Meeting on Sunday. See you then............
04-12-08, 10:06 AM
Hehe... still surprised none of you take it to the track. I've been through a couple Bondurant courses myself and have an award from the school too.... that's why I'm looking for another fox, so I have a car I can work on getting to the track again :woot1:
04-12-08, 10:46 PM
Hehe... still surprised none of you take it to the track. I've been through a couple Bondurant courses myself and have an award from the school too.... that's why I'm looking for another fox, so I have a car I can work on getting to the track again :woot1:
I can't afford track fee's nor the safety gear required to run on a Track with a 'vert. Hence I'm a Canyon Blaster. :veryhappy:
04-12-08, 10:48 PM
You gotta do it right..... like I said earlier, there are deals where you can work to earn free track time.
04-12-08, 10:52 PM
You gotta do it right..... like I said earlier, there are deals where you can work to earn free track time.
:laughing: some how I knew you'd bring that up. No problem Jen. Seriously though, as of right now I can barely to keep Gas in her. No raises coming any time soon... sigh, I seriously need a new Job, preferably one that pays better.
67 'Stang Lover
04-13-08, 12:40 AM
As far as the track goes like Bondurant, I am more of a straight line racer. Have been for 25 years now. I do love the road racing though so maybe one day I will try it. Considering Firebird is only 15 minutes away from me. I need to get some more practice up in the mountains though. Maybe Darryl and Nick will ride up there with me. Hint, Hint..........
04-13-08, 09:28 AM
As far as the track goes like Bondurant, I am more of a straight line racer. Have been for 25 years now. I do love the road racing though so maybe one day I will try it. Considering Firebird is only 15 minutes away from me. I need to get some more practice up in the mountains though. Maybe Darryl and Nick will ride up there with me. Hint, Hint..........
The last trip up was my first with Bfg KDW's on the Car. I have some Hawk Brake Pads, a Steeda 2pt shock tower brace, MM Upper Control arms, Panhard Bar kit, bump steer kit, and steering rack bushing on the way. Hopefully I can get them on the Car soon, then I will be looking forward another trip up Yarnell.
My biggest problem lately has been finding time for fun. Am working around 55 hours a week, and am out of town three nights. That will be changing soon after June 1st (Hopefully!).:laughing1:
67 'Stang Lover
04-14-08, 11:52 PM
Since you are doing a lot of suspension modifications, I want a head start up the hill. LOL. I will try and keep up with you but since I am stock I probably won't. I will try my damndest though. Oh well, we will have fun anyway. Lets get something going soon.
04-15-08, 01:33 AM
i do raodrace my car with proautosports plus i did some more suspention work so i think steve and daryl better be behind me next time we go up because i'll be right up their butts lol just added my maxamum motorsports panhard bar it was on when we were up there its just the people in front wernt going that fast.
04-15-08, 09:14 AM
Oh my!! Is that the Nick posting????? Well the world can start to spin again, I though I felt a bend in the Force last night!!!:icon_cool:
67 'Stang Lover
04-15-08, 11:32 AM
Oh my God, 'Hostile' posted. What a miracle. LOL. I thought I was the one on this Forum with the least amount of Posts! I am not the Newbie anymore. Nick, you might have me in the turns but I still own you on the 1320. And don't give me that story how you ran the same time as me at Speedworld. When we raced at Firebird head to head I beat you to the line. Don't give me all of these excuses how your Mustang wasn't running right either. LOL. Whoever gets there first no matter what. This isn't 'Pinks', since that is a fake Hollywood show anyway. Yes, I will stick back behind you and Darryl going up to Yarnell Hill but you won't have me by much, that I will make sure of. See you at the Track in October.
04-15-08, 01:45 PM
I see a challenge comming up very soon!!!!
04-15-08, 02:19 PM
6 Posts from Nick in 2 years. He is on a roll. I better get a bigger server for the site.
67 'Stang Lover
04-15-08, 04:23 PM
Yeah, Nick has always had it out for me. LOL. I guess we are rivals, old school vs. new school. I will be ready for October though and my '67 is up on all 4 jacks improving her for the grudge match. It's all in fun though. Now if it was a '65 "Slova" next to me then it would be all out for sure. I still can't believe I am 2nd to the bottom on posts behind him. I feel special! LOL............
Friday, 10-24-08=Doomsday for 'Hostile' Roush wannabe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL
P.S.- A bigger Server would be recommended for Nick and his 7 Posts.......
04-15-08, 08:32 PM
Friday, 10-24-08=Doomsday for 'Hostile' Roush wannabe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!LOL
P.S.- A bigger Server would be recommended for Nick and his 7 Posts.......
04-15-08, 08:34 PM
Gonna have to make up some T-Shirts!!! Doomsday!! Have both Steve and Nicks cars on the front!!
04-15-08, 08:35 PM
yea steve you get that 67 turd runnin on drag day cause im gonna show you what my roush wannabe stang is goona do remember i have an automatic so i'll be waving goodbye with my free hand and when it comes to yarnell hill you wont even be behind me did you ever see the movie THE WRAITH when the protoype dodge just speeds away while racing in the curves thats gonna be me "POOF" im gone lmfao later stevie :biglaugh:
04-15-08, 08:37 PM
7 Posts server overload!!!!!!!!!!!!!
04-15-08, 08:41 PM
Is it gonna be best out of three or winner take all!!
04-15-08, 08:42 PM
And.... There might be this little 79' Coupe that will give you both a run for your money!!!
04-15-08, 08:48 PM
oh no the 79 have to watch out for that lol hey dave come into live chat
04-15-08, 08:53 PM
67 'Stang Lover
04-16-08, 04:54 AM
'Hostile' is up to 16 Posts. You had better start working overtime to get this server up to speed for him. LOL...............I can't wait until October so I can show Nick to stay off of the 1320. Maybe 'Burntire' can be on my team in case I lose we won't have to worry about giving up the crown. Dave had better make up some shirts to sell so we can make some money for the club off of this rivalry. LMFAO. Just remember something that I am still #1 Nick when it comes to you and me so until you knock me off of the podium stop talking smack. I will be ready for you and I might add some 'Spray' to make sure I keep myself on the podium. There are a lot of fast Mustang's in this club and I will admit that quite a few are faster than me. However, I will always make sure you are behind me even if it means me taking out another mortgage to finance it. LOL. I hope you can get up to 20 posts by October. Nick, Have a nice day and you should start paying 'Burntire' some OT pay for accomedating the Server to your needs. I can't wait and maybe we should start taking bets and giving odds out.
Mustang Lover............
04-16-08, 11:44 PM
Man Nick is out of control. Hogging all the bandwidth to himself.
04-16-08, 11:47 PM
yea yea stang lover remember we run the same times "12.5" but not this time pal im going for the 12.2 so you better get that spray out cause your gonna need it lol and remember to watch for the free hand out the window as i blow by and i will be king of our rivalry ha ha ha ha ha and i agree on the t-shirts for this with both our cars on it at the tree that would be cool but with me in the lead ha ha ha ha ha so do what ya gotta do stang lover cause im gonna get HOSTILE all over you yeaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha later buddy :pepper:
67 'Stang Lover
04-17-08, 12:40 AM
Have you ever heard of a run on sentence? I think you need to use 'periods' in your sentences more as well as proper english and spelling. You are right about the 12.5 but I still beat you to the line though. Also, I built my car from the ground up by myself. Just remember that buddy boy. I think we need to get some t-shirts made. Have a nice day.
04-17-08, 12:48 AM
run-on sentence - an ungrammatical sentence in which two or more independent clauses are conjoined without a conjunction
04-17-08, 01:01 AM
That's the Nick in his finest form!!! I can hear him right now!!!
04-17-08, 01:42 AM
yea yea yea whatever dont change the subject i dont have time to put all the periods in and crap. i'll give that to ya steve you will get me off the line but thats all your gonna do cause im gonna come passing by :hi:bye and your right again about building your car i just pay someone to do mine im a driver not a tech so all my concentation is on driving so be ready steve cause HOSTILE is coming ha ha ha ha ha :pepper: later steve ohh and yea lets do those shirts....
04-17-08, 01:57 AM
i was thinking i havent ran my car since i put on my subframe connectors and now i have my panhard bar which will stiffen the rear axle so now the car is goona launch alot better HA HA so steve i might not have such a bad launch,plus im going to stall it up a bit too i havent done that in any of my runs they were all just puched to the floor so the time has come for steve to give me the throne or face fate HA HA HA HA HA HA see you in october steve....later :biglaugh:
67 'Stang Lover
04-17-08, 03:51 AM
Whatever, I will be ready for your Mustang. Read 'Burntire's' Websters Dictionary defintion of what a Sentence means. You might learn something. LOL. I want to get Dave to make up some shirts for us on the rivalry. We can make some money for the club. I can't wait for this October. I am going to Loper's and buy some spray, maybe a 100 shot. I won't need it though. Take care of your better half and stop trying to intimidate me on here. We know who has the throne so stop dreaming. I know how you really feel about me.................
Mustang lLover
04-17-08, 09:53 AM
I'll do what I can about the shirts. This is gonna be fun! Still is it best of 3 or winner take all???:champ:
Will October be a "Hostile" take over or will 67 Stang Lover Reign???
04-17-08, 08:25 PM
:highfive:can i play with the winner on pumpgas only i promise:highfive:pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
04-17-08, 08:57 PM
:highfive:can i play with the winner on pumpgas only i promise:highfive:pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
thats what i was thinking!! hehehe...:biglaugh:
67 'Stang Lover
04-18-08, 12:57 AM
It will be the best of 3 runs. One run isn't fair especially if one of us has a bad launch, etc.
FYI- I just wanted to clarify something. I am not saying I am faster than anyone on here, especially the Cobra's, etc. They are super fast and I respect that 100%. But I built my car myself from the ground up and didn't have the luxury/choice of a speed shop build/tune. No offense, just my 2 cents. Just letting people know where my car stands. I love all Mustangs, old-new. I am faster than Nick though. LOL. Just kidding Nick. We are going to have a blast though, whoever wins. I know one thing, it is going to be real, not some 'Pinks' show. LOL..............Hopefully we can get a bunch of us out there and show the Chevy's that we rule. Then we can drive over to the show area afterwards at the Casino 300 ft. away. Sweet.................
67 'Stang Lover
04-18-08, 04:05 AM
An idea for the t-shirts. How about pictures of both our car's facing eachother and saying something like 'Duel in the Desert', the 12 second club shootout, CMC logo, etc. Just throwing some ideas around. I know we will get some better ideas from other members, I don't have much of an imagination for this. Let me know. Thanks..........
04-22-08, 12:48 AM
ok stang lover you get that 100 shot cause you'll need it, i have a added a secret to my car but im not saying, its just enough to give that little boost i need to stay ahead but like you said "not that i'll need it thou" ha ha ha ha so come october it will be a HOSTILE TAKEOVER :biglaugh: and i know how you really feel about me steve lmfao plus i like my big sentences this isnt english class so i'll write how i please lol. Ok cobra guys now just relax i know you'll spank me bad in the 1/4 but any time you want to try me on the road course i'll be there lol :pepper: anyway we'll all have fun come october so we need everyone in the stands for me and steve's (stang lover) run ok later everyone......bye steve :pinkthumb:lol.
04-22-08, 12:51 AM
i'll do a road course, so long as there are some loooong
04-22-08, 12:55 AM
On the main track which uses the drag strip as the straight i hit 140 so you should have no prob but now remember iv'e been doin this stuff for 7 years now so its not always how fast you are but it is alot of fun you should try it i race with check'em out next race is in may then they shut down for a couple months for summer then the next race will be in sept im not going in may but i am in sept.
04-22-08, 12:57 AM
its always been a thought, but i would need to get ahold of something other than a drag radial, as i am sure thats not a very useful tire in the corners. ;)
04-22-08, 01:05 AM
No thats not a goos tire to use you'll be all over the place you need a good street tire that handles good and i mean GOOD!!! or road race tires like hosiers's R6's great road race tires plus suspension like maximummotorsports like what i have to make it handle so when im in the turns i wave goodbye :hi: see ya lol but it is alot of fun once you do it you'll be hooked andy with the red cobra he's coming out talked to him about it when we were in cali at fab ford forever.
67 'Stang Lover
04-22-08, 01:18 AM
I can't wait until October so we can run again. I hope Dave can get some shirts going for us. I was thinking we could let the Announcer in the Tower know of our Rivalry. They would run with it that is for sure and get the crowd going. We need to get it on video and post it on You-Tube. That would be awesome. I was just kidding on the 'Juice' since my engine isn't set up for it. I don't care because I am going to run it hard anyway. Keep talking smack though because I love it. You are going to have to knock me off of the podium. Good luck, but just be careful because you might be eating your words again. I am sure I will hear the excuses again as well. LMFAO..........
04-22-08, 01:32 AM
lmfao that would be cool to have it announced over the speaker. i know you wouldn't use spray cause i know your car haaa and when did i have an excuse, last time i broke the tires lose and you hooked so yea you won fair and square cause thats racing lmfao but not this time buddy its pay back time my secret tires will hook and i will beat you and become champion of our rivalry ha ha ha ha ha. lets do these t-shirts im game on that so think something up dave it will be cool. so me and you steve in oct see you then later.......your bud nick:pepper:
04-22-08, 09:02 AM
Secret tires Nick??? sounds like Days of Thunder... We put " Special Tires" on Matched Special!!
04-23-08, 12:25 AM
lmfao dave thats good but i had to come up with something so i thought of that lol.
04-23-08, 01:31 PM
He Haw~~~
05-14-08, 09:24 AM
I'm really bummed. When/where was this cruise announced?
I'm really bummed. When/where was this cruise announced?
This cruise was the day after the Rock and Roll Pony show at Berge Ford.
05-14-08, 11:24 AM
this thread right here...
just about a full month before the actual cruise. and it was a great time!! too bad you missed out. but there will be another! keep an eye out.
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