View Full Version : Club photo FAILURE...

04-03-08, 02:30 AM
Heres the first one I took. Its good. It gets worse from there.

This wasnt my "wundercam". That cam bit the dust Tuesday when I was hiking along with my phone. Its ALWAYS SOMEthing. If it can eff up with me it will.

Bottom line, the club pic HAS to be done during the day. Night shots without a semi pro dSLR and an equally quality "shooter" dont work. Were just going to have to get everyone to commit to a time and location. And plan better as far as positions and stuff. Too hurried, rushed tonight. And we had three members I can think of missing, plus only one of Craigs cars.




04-03-08, 08:05 AM
yea, it looks like some daylight is needed, maybe early evening. I also think the cars need to be set up differently, almost like offset bowling pins so you can see all of them, if that makes any sense.

04-03-08, 09:06 AM
Bryn that was talked about but that would have been A LOT of rows. BTW most were offset...but you are right, to be effective we would have needed space between the cars...like parking in the actually space. We crammed a lot of cars in small spaces.

Not a camera bug...but had we spaced it better, made a smaller back row (two cars less?) , it would have made two more rows (at least) up front. That would have filled up the foreground...but does that move the camera back??? (meaning the last row is way back?) Or can the camera stay in the same spot?

Lets call it our practice run. :)

Since you opted to say it twice in two threads now (Al)..why is that again? You will never get all members to a thing like this. Having only three cars missing is amazing. Craig not bringing his car...no sympathy from me. He knew...his bad.

04-03-08, 09:08 AM
Oh and btw...why was it necessary to start a negative thread??? For some reason I guess the "Club Photo" shoot wasn't good enought?


04-03-08, 09:31 AM
I moved this as a request from Blown66

04-03-08, 03:05 PM
Wild west shoot out coming soon.