View Full Version : I had some free time yesterday...

03-28-08, 10:44 PM
We'll yesterday afternoon I didn't have plans so I figured i'd polish my exhaust. I wasn't able to spend the time I wanted to on it, but overall it turned out pretty good. Here are some pics and my process is explained at the end of the post. Sorry for the dirty pics at the end, i'll get some without fingerprints in the next couple days... Enjoy :pinkthumb:














My process:
-Unbolted Catback
-Scrubbed off with an abrasive pad and wheel cleaner
-Sanded down with 400 grit
-Sanded down with 1000 grit
-Finally sanded with 1500
-Used Ported Cable Polisher and an abrasive orange pad and polished the cat back with Menzerna polish
-Wiped off Exhaust and put a coat of Never Dull on them
-Mounted exhasut back onto car
-Cleaned off fingerprints (Next step :highfive:) :twothumbsup::woot1::icon_cool:


03-28-08, 11:40 PM
Looks good. Some free time huh?

03-28-08, 11:50 PM
Looks good. Some free time huh?

Yep I had the month off :washwax:

Actually it only took about 3 hours topps, if you take your time it's easily something that can be done in half a day at the most.

03-29-08, 01:04 AM
Thats looks sweet! Wish I had the motivation to do something like that.

Im thinking next time your bored you could pull some of those weeds in the yard :biglaugh:

03-29-08, 01:17 AM
Im thinking next time your bored you could pull some of those weeds in the yard :biglaugh:

I wish I had the motivaton to do that

03-29-08, 01:24 PM
Nice work, are you showing at the Rock-n-Roll Pony show next weekend?

03-29-08, 02:12 PM
Nice work, are you showing at the Rock-n-Roll Pony show next weekend?

Thanks Craig.

Yep, i'll be there. I got the day off, are you taking the GT500 up there?
I'll be at he pavs tonight around 6:30, if you plan on going up there.

03-30-08, 12:08 AM
I could have shown you how to do that MUCH quicker than that.

Pretty easy with one of these http://www.eastwoodco.com/images/email_images/13006Acp.jpgwith stainless compound. :icon_cool:

03-30-08, 01:37 AM
I don't have a bench grinder like that anymore and the exhaust isn't in the most practical shape to be using one of those on, I would think it would be a pita to work on like that.

03-30-08, 02:04 AM
I could have shown you how to do that MUCH quicker than that.

Pretty easy with one of these http://www.eastwoodco.com/images/email_images/13006Acp.jpgwith stainless compound. :icon_cool:

Yes, but with the time frames you operate on bill, I think he'd still have beaten you. :laughing:

03-30-08, 07:45 AM
Yes, but with the time frames you operate on bill, I think he'd still have beaten you. :laughing:

I'm spread thin! My nephew is pizzed at me because I went to JennaBears Car show yesterday:wacky1::wacky1:

Seems he feels jilted that I didn't work on his van yesterday................even though he said lets have a "no working on car weekend" on Friday.

I think my nephew is turning into my niece!:rollingfloorrlol:

03-30-08, 09:38 AM
Now your gonna have to keep it clean and shiney!!!

03-30-08, 12:51 PM
Man that looks great Josh. I wonder how much of a PITA mine would be to do since it's a fully welded unit....

03-30-08, 02:28 PM
The car back is welded to the mid pipe?
You would have to unbolt the whole exhaust as one which would make it a bit more difficult but polishing it shouldn't be too hard. A lift would work wonders in the exhaust work. This is the last time I try to mount the exhaust back on in the dark under my car without a lift lol

I just need to even out the cat back around the tank and flip those clamps around and mines good to go.

03-30-08, 03:58 PM
Yea, it's welded from the LT connection to the tailpipe....
Yea, I'm thinking without a lift this would be difficult, although the results are awesome. Wonder how hard it's going to be to keep them that clean!!

03-30-08, 05:12 PM
Looks titz

03-30-08, 07:25 PM
Yea, it's welded from the LT connection to the tailpipe....
Yea, I'm thinking without a lift this would be difficult, although the results are awesome. Wonder how hard it's going to be to keep them that clean!!

I would not mess with that, way too much work to get them out of there and working on them on a lift would be a pain. You could just take the first pad I used and some cleaner and scrub them if anything, it seemed to work pretty well and only took about 10 mins to do. It's the difference between my 4th and 5th pic.

They shouldn't need too much work to keep looking ok, i'll probably take them off over the summer and spend some more time on them since I didn't take as much time as I wish I would have this time.


03-30-08, 07:35 PM
EEEK!! Thanks for reminding me. I still need unbolt my tails and shine them up.

I'll do that after I put the top end back together... stupid coolant leaks. grrrr

07-31-08, 03:57 PM
So I repolished the catback due to my unsatisfied previous attempt:





This time I spent a little more time and used a buffing wheel on my drill with some cheap metal polish from Auto Zone.


07-31-08, 04:04 PM
hot damn that looks really good!

07-31-08, 04:12 PM
hot damn that looks really good!

Thanks! I wanted a bit more shine to it and the first time I did it I only spent a few hours on it including unbolting the exhaust, polishing it, and reinstalling it. Now I just need to get the car in the air and bolt it back up, thank goodness it's only 110 outside lol

All I can say is have fun driving behind me at night :icon_cool:

07-31-08, 05:39 PM
looks good

08-01-08, 06:45 PM
looks good

Thanks Jeff :pinkthumb:

Makes my first attempt look like a blind person polished them lol

08-02-08, 04:19 PM
Looks like chrome plating! Real nice!

08-02-08, 04:21 PM
Looks real nice! You going into business?

08-02-08, 09:23 PM
Looks like chrome plating! Real nice!

Thanks Mike :beerchug:

Looks real nice! You going into business?

Haha polishing them sucks and takes forever, I don't think I would ever want to do this on someone elses car, but for the right price :dunno: lol