03-27-08, 11:58 AM
Well I have decided to go automatic on my car so I am selling my new TKO 600. I paid 2149.00 for this trans. So please pm me what you think is fair I only used royal purple syncro mesh in the trans and never went to the track with it. This trans has never launched on slicks or any hard driving. I had barely reached the break in miles that are required on the trans before you can beat on it. The trans shift great and is super quiet. Im interested in selling out right 1450.00 or trading for a built auto (C-4 or more preferable power glide)
26 spline input TKO 600
included is a stock style bell housing and the yolk for the trans
26 spline input TKO 600
included is a stock style bell housing and the yolk for the trans