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03-23-08, 09:53 PM
Cardinals Stadium, Sun Mar 16.

What a waste of a show entry fee. Shouldve blown it off OR NOT "followed the rules" and signed up for the Saturday then went BACK on Sunday as no doubt at least a couple did. Saturday was for "old cars" and Sun for "new cars". Dont remember the year breakdown. Well there were three "old cars" there on Sun and two got Top Ten Awards.

All week there was a threat of rain, which also had me wishing I hadnt signed up or at least not Sun. Rain didnt come, but it was fairly chilly. Got sprinkles near the end, just enough to water spot the car. Grr!

Also, NEVER believe a promotor who says, "spaces are filling up fast". Lastly, never enter a show that doesnt have some kind of charity the show fee goes to.

I was "extended a special invitation" for this show because I was in the Westgate show last Oct, my first show. It was limited to 80 cars each day. As you see, there wasnt squat there. If it hadnt been for a stupid Mazda club there wouldve been even less.

Free admission to the "Toy Show" but so what? Just a bunch of hawkers and barkers trying to snare you into crap. I DID however, manage to salvage the weekend by going. More on that in another post.

Herewith the pics:




Twin Viper engines in a boat.


Dont get the point of a "Semi Pickup".














03-23-08, 11:14 PM
"If it hadnt been for a stupid Mazda club there wouldve been even less."

real class act buddy. stupid mazda club? its asshole comments like that that really turn me off from some people. might wanna watch where you put comments like that out.

03-24-08, 12:19 AM
Copy and paste works much better than a link to another mustang forum.

03-24-08, 12:27 AM
Do you think that every car show you enter will be a big hit?

03-24-08, 12:36 AM
Copy and paste works much better than a link to another mustang forum.

thought that would be another bonus point....:biglaugh:

03-24-08, 11:24 AM
The car show they had last year was a bust too, maybe 10 cars. No way was I leaving my car there indoors for 3 days with little if any security.

03-24-08, 01:37 PM
alan i was at the show on saturday. the car show was decent and the copperstate club got to park right up front in front of the doors so all people entering the show got to look at all our sweet rides! it was a pretty cool show. some cool cars for sure.

03-24-08, 04:50 PM
They always invite us to have a display out front and it's vey nice. You get a nice goody bag for being part of the event. As far as the inside, that is their gig.

03-24-08, 11:13 PM
yea it was pretty sweet to be able to park right in front of the doors. i felt kinda important. lol.

03-25-08, 11:19 PM
I wasnt aware of the "out front" stuff till that Saturday. This was the "out back" show for those who had entered the "Classics on The Plaza" show last Oct.

03-26-08, 08:57 AM
^^^ We'll let you know for the next one! Twice a year usually!