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View Full Version : $12000 for 03 10th Ann Cobra under 50000 miles

03-19-08, 04:44 PM
Well I went into one of the local dealerships to test drive a new Corvette just for fun. After a few minutes of BS I drove the snot out of it and returned. The Dealer looks at me and tells me my caris only worth $12000 trade value. I just smiled and said " No thanks . I'll keep my car." What a rip off. Besides, it actually pulls slower than my Cobra. Once you've gone SC. You can't go back.:biglaugh:

03-19-08, 04:47 PM
wow, if a dealer offered me 12k for my cobra i would like kick him in the jimmy!! lol. what a friggen insult. leave it to a gm guy..haha...

03-19-08, 04:52 PM
yeah, 12k to him and then he'll turn around and sell it for 24k. :laughing:

I love the corvettes, but man do I love the boost. There is something about the terminators that leaves you with a feeling that something is missing when you drive a vette.

03-19-08, 05:00 PM
did you have a bad day trying a gm.i got the invitations for the testdrives here from gm :laughing1:1 testdrive for 1 amex card with $40 :laughing1: so gm pays to refuel my cobra .:laughing1: HAHAHA.:laughing:

03-19-08, 05:02 PM
did you have a bad day trying a gm.i got the invitations for the testdrives here from gm :laughing1:1 testdrive for 1 amex card with $40 :laughing1: so gm pays to refuel my cobra .:laughing1: HAHAHA.:laughing:

You sneaky bastard! That'd be worth doing just for the fact that you'd get to beat the piss out of a GM vehicle in order to fuel your Ford. That is brilliant! :laughing: