View Full Version : Mustangs Across America 2009!
03-17-08, 10:04 AM
I know its just over 1 year away but the 45th Aniversary of our beloved car will be here before we know it. The MAA is planning the cruise through Arizona! I will keep this thread and Jeff can make it sticky for updates! I missed the 40th drive and I hope to make this one! (
In April of 2009, the Mustang will turn 45 years old and the largest Mustang show ever is being planned in Birmingham, Alabama by the Mustang Club of America. To be held at the famous Barber Motorsports Park from April 16-19th, the three-day event will host as many as 6000 Mustangs for show and open track events.
Adding to the 45th anniversary celebration will be an epic Mustang convoy road-trip from the West that will travel across America’s heartland bringing Mustangs from all over the United States and around the world to attend the big show in Birmingham. Starting in Las Vegas, NV, Mustangs will thunder across America on a five day journey through the scenic backdrops of history, tracing the shadows of Route 66 in the West. The Midwest will include a stop in Mustang, OK and Dallas, TX before rounding up the herd through the deep South in Louisiana and Alabama. Drive participants will enjoy planned gatherings, cruise-ins and other adventures as part of the road trip itinerary.
03-17-08, 10:26 AM
wow, that looks like one heck of a drive. could be fun though!
03-17-08, 04:24 PM
Looks like alot of fun, would only cost me about $1500 to do the drive the way gas prices are. :bike:
Dave keep me informed I definitely am interested in this cruise, but I only want to do it if someone from CMC is going.
04-11-08, 09:59 AM
Well, we know Dave is going on that trip. I don't think I'll make that one. Knott's is tough enough to arrange for me.
Dave keep me informed I definitely am interested in this cruise, but I only want to do it if someone from CMC is going.
05-13-08, 10:46 PM
I have signed up for this trip. I also did the 2004 40th anniversary trip to Nashville. The people you will meet on this trip are great and I have made lots of new friends that I still keep in touch with. Since 2004 I have made a few smaller road trips with some of the others that I have met in my travels. So far there are 8 out of the 150 signed up coming from the Phoenix area and a few more from Tucson and Flagstaff. The main guy putting this together (Sam) is from the Phoenix. You dont have to go the entire route to have fun you can just do at least to Mustang Ok where they will have a great party for us. So come on over and check out the web sites.
And by the way that is me registered as #001 for this drive.
I'm so ready for this. Already getting ready to have my stereo guy install a CB in the stang. Hes doing some research for me to see what is the best for the money, and what antenna wont mess up the paint or scratch anything yet still be affective.
Anyone that can shed some light on this would be appreciated as I know zero about CBs. I know the standard Motorola talk abouts wont work for this with others running just cbs since the frequencies are different. Is it April yet? :laughing:
Theres also been a show Called Mustangs Across America I saw the other night on Discovery HD theater. Looks like a blast. I guess the president of MAA "Sam" lives in Gold Canyon.
I hope a ton of people try to make this event from the Copperstate Club and WWM. The more the merrier! If you put 100.00 bucks a month away between now and next April you'd have plenty to go! Well unless gas is 10.00 a gallon by then, thats about the only thing that might slow me down. Let hope its not!!
05-14-08, 10:43 AM
I'm so ready for this. Already getting ready to have my stereo guy install a CB in the stang. Hes doing some research for me to see what is the best for the money, and what antenna wont mess up the paint or scratch anything yet still be affective.
Anyone that can shed some light on this would be appreciated as I know zero about CBs. I know the standard Motorola talk abouts wont work for this with others running just cbs since the frequencies are different. Is it April yet? :laughing:
Theres also been a show Called Mustangs Across America I saw the other night on Discovery HD theater. Looks like a blast. I guess the president of MAA "Sam" lives in Gold Canyon.
I hope a ton of people try to make this event from the Copperstate Club and WWM. The more the merrier! If you put 100.00 bucks a month away between now and next April you'd have plenty to go! Well unless gas is 10.00 a gallon by then, thats about the only thing that might slow me down. Let hope its not!!
just get a portable cb radio it should work well since you will be in range of all of the vehicles
05-14-08, 11:32 AM
I could kick myself for missing the 40th and I really want to go, but I'm trying to figure out how fast I can get back home, I don't think I can keep the kids out of school that long... Got some time to figure it all out though!!
Mr. Austin
05-14-08, 12:06 PM
well hopefully i can getmy car in running order for a triplike this because this would be one hell of a trip. Straight A's and alot of money but i will try and make this trip. cant wait till the 50th that one will be intense
05-14-08, 12:13 PM
well hopefully i can getmy car in running order for a triplike this because this would be one hell of a trip. Straight A's and alot of money but i will try and make this trip. cant wait till the 50th that one will be intense
Mr. Austin
05-14-08, 12:30 PM
just get a portable cb radio it should work well since you will be in range of all of the vehicles
go with a mounted. portable have a tendancy to die and scramble. i alone only at 16 went throught two sets and gave up and my step dad got me into the mounted. i have one on my car now i hide under the seat and the anntenna you can get magneting and so it will not scartch the paitn just take a really thin cloth (super thin) and cut a circle to make a padding betweenthe car and magnite.
Dave you gotta go. My wife says she'll go only if you do :laughing:
Guess she doesn't trust my directions all the way to Nashville.
Directions you don't need no stinking directions! :twothumbsup:
05-14-08, 01:11 PM
I really want to, and I'm working on the details now.. I have a hand held CB we used on our trip to the Ford 100 celebration and it was ok just not alot of range.. This would be a great way to meet alot of Mustang fanatics Blueone stated and a life-long memories!!
Well I'm going either way. Already putting money away every week for it.
When I got sick, I decided I'm not going to put anything off anymore that I want to do, you never know if that opportunity will arise again.
As far as the CB goes, I probably wont skimp on this, from watching MAA on the TV I saw that the line of Mustangs can be 3-5 miles long. So I want a CB that can gaurantee at least 20 miles! Ive been told I might have to add something called a linear boom, or something like that. I dont know cost is a factor for me on this so we'll see. I got a great stereo guy I been using for 25 years, he wont steer me wrong.
About the only killer for me on this trip would be if gas prices are just to out of line to justify.
We are talking about filling up about 10-15 times minimum.
05-14-08, 01:53 PM
Gas I know, maybe I would be taking the 79' in all it's glory when it's done and that 2.3 would be great on Gas!! I'm hoping to have all the stuff done by October!
Mr. Austin
05-14-08, 07:13 PM
As far as the CB goes, I probably wont skimp on this, from watching MAA on the TV I saw that the line of Mustangs can be 3-5 miles long. So I want a CB that can gaurantee at least 20 miles! Ive been told I might have to add something called a linear boom, or something like that. I dont know cost is a factor for me on this so we'll see. I got a great stereo guy I been using for 25 years, he wont steer me wrong.
About the only killer for me on this trip would be if gas prices are just to out of line to justify.
We are talking about filling up about 10-15 times minimum.
Usually ou wouldnt have to i know i need to take my radio in on my car and get it tuned into channel 19 because thats the trucker stantion and the main station that lerts you kno were all cops and traffic is. and i agree with the gas. thats going to be scarry i goin to need an extra small tank in the back for back up just in case. my tank is only 16 gal. maybe slide a small racing medal tank into it. but if you have known the guy i doubt he will rip u off. P.s. there is a radio place on bell if interested i will get the address. If i want to go on this trip i will need to start talking to some of the wild west guys because i will need a permssion slip =D.
05-14-08, 11:04 PM
Yes the tv show is about the last drive. If you missed it you can still watch it on the MAA web site. as far as CB radios go the hand held units gave everyone fits. they have a poor range and most are battery operated and the batteries would die out.The caravan at times would be streched over 5 miles so a good CB is better. I would prefer to go to a CB radio store than a stereo shop. I also spent the money on a good antennea which gives better range. Try places like Apollo Communications on 43rd and Northern these types of stores specialize in radios. I also paid to have my antenea tuned for better reception. Pm me if you have any specific questions.
05-14-08, 11:10 PM
my tank is only 16 gal. If i want to go on this trip i will need to start talking to some of the wild west guys because i will need a permssion slip =D.
Check again Puffy your 69 should have a 20 gallon tank. As far as your permission slip goes dont try running away or Ill tell your Mom :laughing:
Mr. Austin
05-14-08, 11:12 PM
yeah apollo is where i go and my step dad just bought a willson 5,000 and on a good day we have talked to truckers as far as florida. of coarse he does have a huge radio but still the antenna makes a huge difference plus it is as well magnetic so it makes it great for the car. as for mine its smaller and does the job. and it sits on the trunk and looks cool because of the size.
Mr. Austin
05-14-08, 11:16 PM
Check again Puffy your 69 should have a 20 gallon tank. As far as your permission slip goes dont try running away or Ill tell your Mom :laughing:
haha i might be getting a job that will pay me some bucks over the summer but it is some serious work. and i wont bring this up till after the summer and maybe even after school starts. i will need some good grades as well. and i take that back i think it has a 16 gal. no 20 thought its really small. i know 20 bucks is half way when gas was at like 3.20 ish. cant remember but i know when it was just hitting red one time it filled it up to half. maybe my gauge is off but not sure. (Floater bad?)
06-09-08, 10:33 PM
I have registration forms now, so if you need one let me know!!
06-24-08, 12:56 AM
There are over 200 Mustangs registered for this trip. 18 are from Arizona. Check out their web site and forum for more info.
I wanna go, but I only want to commit if people from Copperstate are going. Its a long drive not to have some familiar faces around.
06-24-08, 11:18 PM
Well check out the registered participants list. I think most of the Arizona group is from Copperstate Mustangs. :chase:
Ya I guess I just dont recognize the names, I see like 8 people from AZ on the registration list or at least from the Phoenix metro area.
Thats a drive. I was going to go to Lightning-fest in KC, MO this year but its 1300 miles from my house and thats $1000 in GAS
Ya for me I get about 325 miles out of a tank at 60-65.00 per fill up. We'll see, if it was tomorrow Id go, but by the time next year comes we'll see what gas is.
Currently 530 registered. We're in at #423. :woot1:
Mr. Austin
02-05-09, 09:43 PM
wow with gas going up Not GOING lol
02-06-09, 08:24 AM
Oh man I wouls love to do this, It sounds like a blast for sure, I will have to do some figuring.
02-06-09, 01:02 PM
We are doing a "modified Trip" meeting the huge group in Flagstaff and cruising with them Holbrook! Some are going the next day to New Mexico and some all the way!!!
Well check out the registered participants list. I think most of the Arizona group is from Copperstate Mustangs. :chase:
You can add one more, I am #557....see you in Vegas....
Can we still get rooms in Holbrook? Or is the plan just to drive home from Holbrook?
Id like to do the whole trip, but I just cant do it this year. Guess Ill wait for the 50th anniversary. My savings right now are for Steamboat.
02-18-09, 09:10 PM
No rooms in Holbrook for the last 6 months! Plan is driving back home at least for us..
Just an FYI, I just booked a room yesterday in Holbrook, might want to check it out...
Comfort Inn - Holbrook
2602 Navajo Blvd
Phone: 928-524-6131
Phone (Alt): 1-928-524-6131
See you there....
We are number 543,:woot2:
02-20-09, 09:26 AM
You can add one more, I am #557....see you in Vegas....
Well it took you forever to sign up, I am #001 :stang:
Well, it was either a Zex Nitrous kit for the Mach or go on this know the rest....Its gonna be fun!!!
Yeah, What he said :z7shysterical:
Well it took you forever to sign up, I am #001 :stang:
funny....that's OK, I like big numbers anyway. Hows that old song go? "One is the lonliest number" or something like that, I think it was by Elvis????
Just kidding We are number 543:beerchug:
funny....that's OK, I like big numbers anyway. Hows that old song go? "One is the lonliest number" or something like that, I think it was by Elvis????
03-16-09, 08:34 PM
funny....that's OK, I like big numbers anyway. Hows that old song go? "One is the lonliest number" or something like that, I think it was by Elvis????
big numbers huh. like your posted times at the strip? one like the Mach in your Mustang? Getting close less than a month to go.
03-31-09, 10:49 PM
Looking forward to this cruise! The gas is a bit more up in the high country, but definitely worth it!
Ok, i expect to see that conv cruzin down the road....
Hey GasMan,
Are you ready for next Friday?
It will be here quicker than ... :3gears:
Hey blueone,
Will you be able to meet us next Friday?
Its going to be very difficult to stay focused at work for 4 days next week!!! Chell will probably drive to vegas cause I will not sleep Thurs night.
Can we set up a 300 mile cruz on tues or wed night? I know that sounds crazy but I looked up the word "Patient" in my dictionary and it said "does not apply the week of April 6 2009".
Its going to be very difficult to stay focused at work for 4 days next week!!! Chell will probably drive to vegas cause I will not sleep Thurs night.
Can we set up a 300 mile cruz on tues or wed night? I know that sounds crazy but I looked up the word "Patient" in my dictionary and it said "does not apply the week of April 6 2009".
If Chell is going to drive, you need to school her on corner-carving. 'Cause other than you, who is going to keep me company through the twisties? :laughing1:
Check my post, following yours today, at MAA.
See you soon!
04-05-09, 04:16 PM
im totally down for a cruise tues or weds nite. ill be goin up with you guys to vegas as well. ill probably be staying in henderson on friday nite tho.
I'm a student at NAU in flagstaff and was wondering what time/day you all will be coming through. I would like to meet up and cruise with everyone to Holbrook
Damn this is the slowest monday I have ever had in my life!!!
Hey rr272 i think the link for our route is on the first page of this thread, it was posted by blueone. Hope you can make it.
I'm a student at NAU in flagstaff and was wondering what time/day you all will be coming through. I would like to meet up and cruise with everyone to Holbrook
Approximately 2:30 - 2:45PM.
A few of us will be there ahead of the main group. We are going to Salsa Brava for a late lunch. We should arrive around 1:15PM. It is located at 2220 E Rte 66. If you are interested, you are welcome to join us.
Are we there yet! :woot1:
Damn this is the slowest monday I have ever had in my life!!!
Hey rr272 i think the link for our route is on the first page of this thread, it was posted by blueone. Hope you can make it.
Hey GasMan,
Bet you can't wait for the slowest Tuesday! :biglaugh:
I should be able to make it to the lunch at Salsa Brava, if not is everyone going to be meeting up in downtown? Im going back home on friday to get the stang and put my new CAI in :) then driving it back up.
I should be able to make it to the lunch at Salsa Brava, if not is everyone going to be meeting up in downtown? Im going back home on friday to get the stang and put my new CAI in :) then driving it back up.
The majority of the group will not be stopping in Flagstaff. If you want to catch them, you will need to keep an eye on I-40E, and wait for them to pass by.
A few of us, probably less than ten, are coming to Flag for lunch. The majority are stopping for lunch earlier at Grand Canyon Caverns.
04-09-09, 08:48 AM
Forecast calls for showers on Friday and snow on Saturday!?! Earlier this week DPS had to escort cars between Flagstaff and Winslow due to high winds. I'm staying home Saturday. You guys have fun and travel safe!
04-10-09, 02:37 PM
I just talked to the EMS Guardian Air Coordinator in Flagstaff and he said that the NWS stated a winter storm warning is in effect until Sunday Morning for all of Flagstaff, Williams and the I-40 Corridor. Be preparred for I-40 to possibly close expecting 4-6 inches of snow... All Please be very careful I have been on a few Multi Vehicle accidents up there and when the bad weather blows in it is very bad just East and West of Flag...
04-10-09, 02:41 PM
Hazardous weather outlook
national weather service flagstaff az
945 am mst fri apr 10 2009
kaibab plateau-marble and glen canyons-grand canyon country-
coconino plateau-yavapai county mountains-
northeast plateaus and mesas hwy 264 northward-chinle valley-
chuska mountains and defiance plateau-
little colorado river valley in coconino county-
little colorado river valley in navajo county-
little colorado river valley in apache county-
western mogollon rim-eastern mogollon rim-white mountains-
northern gila county-yavapai county valleys and basins-
oak creek and sycamore canyons-black mesa area-
northeast plateaus and mesas south of hwy 264-
945 am mst fri apr 10 2009
this hazardous weather outlook is for portions of east central
arizona...north central arizona...northeast arizona and west
central arizona.
.day and tonight
A pacific storm system will affect northern arizona later today
and tonight. South winds of 15 to 25 mph with gusts up to 35 mph
are expected this afternoon...with rain and snow developing this
evening...and continuing overnight. Snow levels will drop to around
5500 overnight.
By morning...2 to 4 inches of snow is expected along most of the
mogollon rim...white mountains...and yavapai county mountains above
6000 feet. Up to an inch of rain will fall below 5000 feet south of
the rim.
Snow will affect travel due to low visibilities and slick
roadways. Travelers this weekend...especially tonight and
saturday...should continue to monitor forecasts as this storm
continues to evolve.
.days two through seven...saturday through thursday
rain and snow showers will continue saturday...with an additional
1 to 3 inches of snow possible above 6000 feet. Snow showers will
taper off saturday night.
04-12-09, 02:18 AM
well im back in phoenix after meeting up with the group at shelby this morning!! wow! just an amazing sight to see!! 209 mustangs was the official count that left shelby. got a little of everything today. rain, hail, snow, wind. very cool experience though i just wish i could have made the whole trip to alabama with them! definitely for 2014! I would really recommend Everyone try this trip at least once.
Just got back, hell of a time. I was only able to make the first leg and it was well worth it regardless of the weather. Here is a link to my videos on myspace for your enjoyment, I have pictures of the trip in my pictures as well. See yall later.
04-12-09, 07:08 PM
hey jemal how was it in holbrook? what was the evening activites they had planned? i left the group in flag and just headed back down.
holbrokk was cool and cold but everyone still just hung out at the court house while the local authority's bbq'd hot dogs, all free and all you could eat. We absolutely took over the town that night. Kinda cool sharing stories with stang owners from South Africa, Australia and Canada over a hot dog and potato salad.
04-12-09, 09:37 PM
Looks Like a great start!! I'm so glad that the weather didn't make things bad!!!
04-12-09, 10:19 PM
that sounds like fun. man i wish i could have gone to holbrook with you guys but i really enjoyed stopping at the caverns. i didnt even see you there there were so many people! haha.
i was not there, about 15 of us continued into Flagstaff for lunch at this Mexican joint that was fetured on the food channel. I wouldn't mind going there again, it was pretty good.
04-13-09, 12:38 PM
oh really? nice good choice! the line at the caverns was out the door for like an hour. luckily we were at the front of the line. lol.
Maybe we could get a road trip going up to flag again sometime soon!
04-13-09, 12:47 PM
A Flagstaff road trip sounds great. Especially when it gets warmer and there is food involved.
Well, I hope to put something together for the car show in kingman May 1,2 and 3rd. I was told that if your not interested in sitting next to your car for hours they have a cruz set up on some backroads leaving from the show that Saturday. Later they have a intown cruz in and a burn out contest in the drivethru of some burger joint. Its a lot of driving in 1 weekend but fun if run with a group like us. I'm pretty sure this is an overnight deal but before I say anymore I have to call my buddy Rick to see if he has something set up already. I will let you know soon.
Had a great time, Met allot of great people.
Anyone interested in going on this adventure we have a great tour guide leaving Friday the on the 8th. Here's some info....
Sorry I'm late with this....I really want you to come on this event, youll love it. Go to ( for full details. Rick Norrus is interested in going too. Let me know if you need more info. Rick......zooooooooooooooom
Hey Jemal,
I couldn't make the, "Route 66 Fun Run." I bet it will be a good time! :icon_cool:
Here is the link to our MAA photos:
It is a work in progress. We have another two hundred photos to sort and select.
To all Mustangs Across America participants:
Here is the link to the MAA Reunion - Pizza Night:
We hope to see you all there!
Take care,
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