View Full Version : Cruise in Mesa 08'
Just curious, was the cruise in Mesa 3/15/08 better than in November? ..I don't think it was and I will tell you why. Too much other city traffic clogging every lane, it took about 10 min. to get from mesa Dr. to Country Club? What happened to the closing of the street to the public? That never happened? Also i noticed there was'nt as many cars this time around at least it did'nt look like it?
Overall, I had a great time...Oh and all the cop cars rushing to a scene of a crime, will that hamper the decision to have another cruise in the future in Mesa...The law will say that the more people you have in one small area the higher the risk of Crime......
03-17-08, 01:22 AM
yeah, i did not understand the resigstering and all that jazz. as the roads did not get closed and what not. i was kinda wondering about that. i was not at the november one, but i did have a blast at this one...
Trick Pony
03-17-08, 07:50 AM
I spoke with the organizers on Tuesday. They told me that the street would not be closed because Mesa wanted $7,000 to do it plus they would have to hire off duty police to enforce it. They are working to get more money for the next one. They told me that they plan to build it into a first rate event but it will take some time. I would be willing to pay a $10-$15 entry fee to get the street closed. The traffic took a lot of the fun out of the cruising.
Berge was a great host and we had a very nice display area there. The problem was that we were at the extreme end of the event so probably 90% of the people never knew we were there or didn't want to walk that far to see the cars.
I don't know how it compared (volume of cars) to the Nov. cruise, maybe Cody can pipe in since he was at both. But the potential to turn this into a great event that could take place multiple times a year is a tweak or two away. I was amazed at the amount of people on the streets watching the cars cruise.
Hell, several of the valley cities should take note and figure a way they could do the same, maybe on a bigger scale. In my opionion (and my 8yr olds:yes:) an organized cruise is a lot more fun than a static car show/gathering.
03-17-08, 09:30 AM
I think your right about the street, they really need to block it off then we could all park right along the street and still have lanes for cruising, but I don't know. If it was that way then many car clubs could have enough to line both sides of the street up and down main. You would think that the city of Mesa would see what a draw it is and wave the $7000. I'm sure the revenue for such and event would pay off for the shop owners and the city.
03-17-08, 09:30 AM
i was wondering why they were charging, and then everyone driving down main went through, lol. still was fun, and i will most definetly will be doing it again. it was awesome that berge let us invade thier lot.
03-17-08, 10:35 AM
CD "an organized cruise is a lot more fun than a static car show/gathering."
I had to go out of town to work and I hated missing the second one. But you are right...calling the Pavillions & Safeway a "cruise" is a joke. NOTHING better than hearing these machines run. I am working on a couple things on this side of town but some how, some way...I'll be at the next one in Mesa.
BTW...Copperstate dudes...a suggestion. The big national show coming in October...hint, hint...could be a helluva cruise and Iam betting people in the show won't mind throwing some dollars in to do so.
Just a thought...course you could have a few more things on your plate already. lol
03-17-08, 10:57 AM
^^^^ What are your thoughts? We have drag racing planned for friday night before the show. Let me know! We are always open to +++ Suggestions!!
I agree with trick Pony, on the subject of the CMC at the very end of the cruise line meaning Mesa Dr. It was a bad location and I would suggest not to have it there anymore because there were no spectators really around. Most the crowd were in the middle of the cruise sight.
It's also strange that the plans were to have the streets closed for cruising only but now i'm learning after the fact that Mesa wanted $7,000 dollars to do it, I had no clue until now.
What I did'nt like was the other city traffic in the way, that got me frustrated because there were classic cars mixed with Honda Civics and SUV's and what not. I think the cruise should have only been classic cars and Hot rods alike, sort of like a parade going down the streets.
Too much traffic and with High performance machines, our machines don't like to sit idle because engines get too hot and it seemed like I was in traffic forever, Matter of fact I heard others complain of their motors running hot due to sitting in unwanted traffic.
I know this event is newer and it needs more organization to help this Mesa Cruise be the best cruise sight in Arizona.
Trick Pony
03-17-08, 02:52 PM
Linda, the event coordinator, told me that she would really like to get input from participants on how to make it better. You can email Linda at
I would suggest that anyone who contacts her begins with thanks for what she has accomplished so far. They have a great attitude and really want to work with us to build the event.:pepper:
03-17-08, 03:02 PM
Trick your sig was a red x. Is this the photo you wanted?
03-17-08, 03:17 PM
In my opionion (and my 8yr olds:yes:) an organized cruise is a lot more fun than a static car show/gathering.
I completely agree
There was definately a good turn out, it was nice to meet some of you guys up there. I will have more fuel next time lol but the show was nice and I had a good time, yeah there could be some improvements but overall it was fun :twothumbsup:
I do think they need to control some of the guys driving like :censored:
Yes, Linda needs to be thanked for her hard work I totally agree on that, i'm sure it's hard to try to organize the event. The cruise was fun and I enjoy going, I am just trying to make suggestions to make this a better event.
Like I said it's a new event and like anything new it's going to need many suggestions and tweeks to get it right. Any further suggestions by anyone would be greatly appreciated especially if your cruising.
It's our responsibility as classic car and Hot Rod owners to make suggestions at hand if we all want to show our cars to the public and have fun in Mesa again or elsewhere!
I thought the turn out was much better then the last time. You have to remember the cruise was almost twice as long as the last time. On the last cruise no one cruised past Hibbert.
The parking lot on the other side of Berge just west was packed and the city must of paid for the lights and rent a pottys too. The parking lot by Jack was full and the two lots behind Posh Nosh just east were packed also.
The crowd was also bigger especially by Jack's.
I was surprised how many lit their tires up.......
03-17-08, 04:24 PM
Lemme get this are complaining it was to long? (turn around) lol I'm sorry I would give my right nut to be able to cruise like the old can't be too long, and if unless I don't remember right, wasn't Mesa Dr the original turn around point?
As for to many civilians...sure it would be a home run to just have hot rods, but in real cruising...there are other people. Part of the fun...pull up next to grandma and say hi. lol I'd suggest forget this type of battle and fight the wars.
The only thing I would talk to mesa about (and not bitch) is to find out how big the cruise can be and more often...I can't remember, wasn't mesa in the 80's like a two mile cruise?
JACO my suggestion was to see if Mesa would be open to a mustang (other cars) MCA Saturday night. Tell them there will be A LOT of out town dollars coming to town. Drags on Cruising on saturday with a bunch of towners...very cool.
03-17-08, 04:41 PM
I was surprised how many lit their tires up.......
03-17-08, 05:14 PM
Traction was in my favor, but Ken had his share of words a couple times :woot2:
03-17-08, 05:19 PM
whoops...guilty...:bounce:me too:pepper:still had a good time thanks to Berge and the peolple in the cmc for the time spend to make this happen.
03-17-08, 08:04 PM
It seems like the goal is to get this to be as big or bigger than the late, lamented "Cruise on Central" in Phoenix, yes? If so, that WOULD indeed be VERY cool. But, that does require the block off to make it worthy and successful.
Ken Newman
03-17-08, 08:13 PM
I just wanted to say hi to you guys and gal I talked to down by Berge. You have some sweet cars. I had a blast and I'm ready to do it again. Too bad Berge isn't a block or two further west, Ken.
67 'Stang Lover
03-17-08, 09:02 PM
First of all Linda wasn't the one that put the Cruise on this time. She helped out immensely and on her own free time I might add. It was put on and sponsored by POP's. Without Linda it wouldn't have been as successful though. My hat off to her. I did enjoy it very much except for the fact that I blew a lower radiator hose off. LOL. Thanks to all of the people that helped me fix my Mustang.
Also, Linda spoke to me and said she wasn't going to do it again unless the City gives her more support, etc. She said that if the City shuts Main Street down completely then it would probably run in the $25-$50 range for your registration. I doubt people will do that, but I would. $50 for me to cruise legally is a drop in the bucket as well as safer and more fun. Everybody needs to e-mail her as she will forward them to the proper people like the City of Mesa. I agree with '1Rad67' as to our location at Berge. Too far down and away from all of the excitement. I am not complaining just a comment. I loved it anyway and would do it again if they have it this Fall.
This Cruise was not as big as the last one in November because of all the car shows and the Men's Toy Expo in Glendale this past weekend. However, it was big enough for the City to take notice I had a blast and it was great participating. Hope it will be a go in October/November...........
Steve (Black '67 Mustang)
03-17-08, 09:26 PM
It was only the second "Cruise on Main" in Mesa, it will grow, if given a chance. One of the problems with the "Cruise on Central" in Phoenix was to many drivers doing burnouts, got to think about the possablities of what may happen. It could be shut down before it gets a chance to grow. You can do burnouts ( in a safe, controlled enviroment) at Firebird, or Speedworld, on any weekend. These Cruise events are a great chance to see, and hear, Cars driven on the street.
67 'Stang Lover
03-17-08, 10:15 PM
Just a couple of comments to several of the previous posts....
1. Steve and I was at both cruises, and even though the first one seemed like it was better, it might have been because it was the first cruise since the early 80's so it was new to all of us. Saturday's cruise was just as much fun, if not more, because many of us who were at the first, were at the second so we knew quite a few people from the first one.
2. Steve and I were in touch with Linda Morrissey for both events, and what most people don't realize is all the hard work she put into this. And she did it on her own time, with a lot of the expenses coming out of her own pocket! She had a time convincing the Mesa people that this would be good for the city, and frankly until it happened, there were many naysayers probable hoping it would fail. Guess what? They were so totally wrong as this event, just like the first one, brought in a lot of money for the businesses in downtown.
3. Don't any of you remember what cruising was like? Hell yea it took along time to get from point A to point B, but that was because everyone was looking at everyone else's car, and trying to be seen! Any yes, ALL kinds of cars cruised, not just the hot rods or the classics. I used to cruise in my parents station wagon! The point was getting out and having fun. Besides, those people in the "regular cars" may just show up next time in their rod or classic. You never know!
4. For the most part, the police presence was minimal, and no one was out harrasing anyone unless you really got on it. But that didn't even happen until later in the evening when most people had left or gone home.
It would just be nice if everyone didn't make this into a complaining session. Okay, so CMC was down at Berge. Big hairy deal. Be thankful they even offered it to us, because frankly the last cruise we were at Post Nosh, and half of us didn't even fit and had to park behind the bank. No one knew we were back there either, so at least this time we were on the street at one of the turn around's. In 1975 try doing that without getting a ticket!
Lastly, $5.00 is a good deal, so no one has ANY REASON to complain! If you want to make it better, make a suggestion, offer your services or volunteer your time. This is our cruise so next time, lets really blow it out of the water!
p.s. At least they had porta johns this time. Oh, and Jackostang, a drag event would be great next time. Just get Nick and his Rousch (wanna be) to show up and Steve will beat him again. LOL.............
Joni aka Steve's wife on his account
03-17-08, 10:27 PM
It was only the second "Cruise on Main" in Mesa, it will grow, if given a chance. One of the problems with the "Cruise on Central" in Phoenix was to many drivers doing burnouts, got to think about the possablities of what may happen. It could be shut down before it gets a chance to grow. You can do burnouts ( in a safe, controlled enviroment) at Firebird, or Speedworld, on any weekend. These Cruise events are a great chance to see, and hear, Cars driven on the street.
yeah, good point. i guess some of us succomb to the peer pressure though. :redface:
67 'Stang Lover
03-17-08, 10:38 PM
The Cruising on Central lasted 4 years, '02-'06, and it wasn't shut down because of drag racing and/or burnouts, like most people think. The City of Phoenix shut it down because people were crossing the street, not in the crosswalk, and some of them were hit by car's. The City was tired of all the lawsuits that were brought on by this as some of them were hurt really bad. This is why the reunion cruise on Central was ruined. Stupid pedestrians.......Have a nice day
Yeah, I would pay $25.00 - $50.00 to cruise if it means showing off all our rides.
My only other comment is that Downtown Mesa is really too small to have a whole bunch of mixed ma and pop cars or minivans or suv's hanging around to join in on the fun. What happened years ago cruising is different today because this is supposed to be a classic car/ Hot Rod cruise night not a free for all for people just coming in and joining in like your Minivans Suv's etc....
Yes, I am a Veteran for cruising in California on a huge street that went for miles and only a section was being cruised. My point is with that much space available many of your Ma and pop cars could join in on the fun and cruise but in a little section in Downtown Mesa is just too small for overload of every creation vehicle known to man.
I was just making some suggestions on what we should do to seperate the classic/hot rods vs. regular main traffic. A mixture of all cars just is'nt as fun.
You can't compare 25 -30 years ago to now because this event is a different one if not then maybe someone should advertise to bring everyone out to mesa to cruise and bring your Caddy's and SUV's and Honda Civics and Toyota's. too me that's not fun.
This is a event to bring in the Hot Rods and Classic cars only to cruise and show case your cars.
Suggestions are good to hear what other people have to say and what they thought only and that's what makes us all individuals and that's what makes things easier to decide for the next cruise.
03-18-08, 12:05 AM
Oh, and Jackostang, a drag event would be great next time. Just get Nick and his Rousch (wanna be) to show up and Steve will beat him again. LOL.............
Joni aka Steve's wife on his account
Well the plan is the hospitality suite for the fall show will be at firebird, Subway is providing the food this time and we are trying to work out the details with Firebird!!
Saturday night, cowboy BBQ with maybe a live band aka "Citylights" I am friends with the lead guys!
03-18-08, 12:25 AM
Well I liked being down on the end of it. Get on and off the main street without a hassel and some people did make it down. Maybe in the futire designated spots on a map for everyone to see. CMC is Here, the Cobra Club over here etc. so people can see where everyone is at. It's a work in progress and the more input the better.:bouncy:
03-18-08, 01:34 AM
Street signage indicating such would also be useful.
As far as the Fall Firebird thing, will there be open track time on the road course too?
Trick Pony
03-18-08, 07:20 AM
Trick your sig was a red x. Is this the photo you wanted?
Yes, it is! Thanks. I couldn't get it to show up.
03-18-08, 09:14 AM
gotta agree with dave on that one! i was very happy with where we were. we had our own stang celebration! i personally would have not changed anything about that. i liked being able to hang out with all my good friends and what not. and plus we were still on the main drag and what not. good times.
falcongtho- is there an event in that time frame that we could piggy back? as the friday night thing we will just have a few lanes reserved with the normal friday night drags so far as i know..
03-18-08, 09:33 AM
JACO I don't remember the set up on main, maybe you could get a couple of clubs assigned to places between berge and the heart o the cruise and create more a reason to expand the cruise?
67 excellent first post...but you went left of center on the Central Cruise. Pedestrians weren't getting hit, though you are right it wasn't shut down because of burnouts...they put light rail into downtown and the streets are still MASSIVELY torn up because of it. In fact...cruising left from Park Central down to America West Arena the last year and the city helped close those streets...they wouldn't have done that if there were lawsuits.
Good urban legend though...:)
03-18-08, 10:57 AM
I had a good time at this one. I also did not mind being at the end, it was nice being able to all park together. In Nov, there were only around 15 or so spots at Posh Nosh and, although it was really cool being right in the middle of the cruise, being split up kind of took some wind out of the CMC sails. It was also cool to have an entire row of SVT vehicles lined up at Berge. We also got to see pretty much every car as they turned around right in front of us.
67 'Stang Lover
03-18-08, 11:31 AM
Before you call my post an 'Urban Legend' you might want to do some research. It was in the newspaper that the main reason the City of Phoenix shut the Cruise down on Central a couple of years ago was because of people getting injured while crossing the street, etc. It was a safety issue. You can surmise from that info that there were plenty of lawsuits stemming from these accidents. I did my own research and confirmed this info with a lot of Businesses and People in Drag Racing /Cruising Advocates/AAHC/Car Hobbyists, etc.
My only point of bringing that up was because The Cruising on Central Reunion was not shut down because of Drag Racing and/or doing burnouts like posted earlier. The Cops were not overly strict on that until the end. They just handed out tickets to those people involved. I attended every one of the Cruises for 4 years, twice a year in March and October. Just like I have attended both events in Downtown Mesa on Main St. In November and this past one in March. I have seen what goes on firsthand and no not relied on Rumor or Urban Legend. Thanks and have a nice day...................
03-18-08, 11:39 AM
It was also cool to have an entire row of SVT vehicles lined up at Berge.
not gonna lie, that was badass man. we had something like 8-9 cobra's/gt500's? that was awesome. i am so glad to see the cobra guys getting involved with the CMC. cool stuff guys.
i just hope most of ya can make it to the third friday at fudruckers this week...:hi:
03-18-08, 02:18 PM
not gonna lie, that was badass man. we had something like 8-9 cobra's/gt500's? that was awesome. i am so glad to see the cobra guys getting involved with the CMC. cool stuff guys.
i just hope most of ya can make it to the third friday at fudruckers this week...:hi:
That was very cool!! The more Cobras the better!!
I didn't mind the Berge location, it was nice to be able to clear the traffic for a while and chat with the "Cobra crew". I just have to figure out for the next cruise how to rig my car with flames coming out of the hood extractors while cruising:flame:
Trick Pony
03-19-08, 11:03 AM
I got an email from Linda at POP. She is not about to give up and has dreams of building the event to something like the Woodward Dream Cruise
I think she will be looking for help from the clubs for the next go around.
03-19-08, 11:13 AM
that is awesome to hear. i was hoping this event would only grow and prosper. thank you for the update!
Trick Pony
03-20-08, 08:39 AM
03-20-08, 07:48 PM
That would be cool to have an "Arizona Woodward", but is the comparison fair? Just the physical aspects. Woodward is a multi lane boulevard with good access and parking on each side. Plus, its 27 miles long. Main St in Mesa isnt.
Woodward is also free.
03-20-08, 11:13 PM
I think we can get a few members to help out with future plans for sure!!
Trick Pony
03-31-08, 08:03 AM
Did anyone attend the Advisory Panel meeting on the 26th? Anything interesting to report?
03-31-08, 05:47 PM
We had a rep there, will find out!
Trick Pony
04-22-08, 03:30 PM
I got at email from Linda at Memories on Main Street. She said that she has received funding from State Farm to help shut down main for the Nov 8 cruise!:pepper:
04-22-08, 04:10 PM
Thats good news, Paige is our rep for the cruise and I wonder if we get enough from the clubs we an get R done!!
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