View Full Version : Looking to come back to the mustang world

03-08-08, 05:57 PM
Okay I sold my 03' GT ago 6 months ago and brought a 2004 Tahoe. The tahoe has been great to me BUT I miss my mustang way to much. Plus I get 13 mpg in the Tahoe. I have no need what so ever for a truck and am looking to get a Mach I or a 01 Cobra. Id like to spend in the 15 range

So if anyone here knows of one for sale local let me know. Or Mach I owners let me know how you like your Mach I and what you get on gas, track times mods etc. Thanks guys


03-08-08, 07:54 PM
I love my Mach, still get about 18 mpg a tank with the 4.10 gears I've got in the rear now. Actually saw 25 mpg on the highway cruising from phx to tucson at 80 mph...was kind of surprised with that. Only downside is you are running on Premium gas. I'm running 13's right now at the track, though I'm sure that I can get it into the 12s if I can learn to launch the damned thing.