View Full Version : my 67 vid.

02-29-08, 05:16 PM
here is a vid i put together of my 67 stang. i know the sound quality isnt the greatest, but youll get the picture im sure. im pretty damn proud of how my car looks and sounds so far but i still have a ways to go in my restomod. what do you think? ill try to dig up some older pics of the car when i first got it. thanks, Nick

here is the link to the vid, check it out!
YouTube - nicks 67 Mustang (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7GaXcLQiCM)

03-03-08, 04:44 PM
21 views and no comments? wow im suprised lol. i hope it doesnt sound or look that bad!

03-03-08, 04:53 PM
Well i just fired up the video and my gf walked into the room asking what the hell i was watching and then you revved it she covers her ears and walks away screamin "Jesus that thing is pissed off!!!!"

Great lookin ride and a great sound keep us posted!!

03-04-08, 04:33 PM
thanks. when my girlfriend first heard it in person i had her sitting in the car with me when i fired it up, she said its soo loud, (it was only idling) so i reved it to around 2500 lol and she covered her ears , so i cracked 4500 real quick and she was like alright im getting out its too loud. lol i love it.

03-04-08, 08:25 PM
Im a big fan of goosing the throttle when my girl walks behind the car it gets her attention but i have a feeling that if she walked behind your car she might drop a load in her shorts!!

03-05-08, 02:09 AM
yader bomb

yager bomb

i bathe in this s**T

p.s. nice 67 man

03-06-08, 04:42 PM
yager bomb? i know what it is, and i surely wouldnt take a bath in it hahah...but i duno what its suposed to mean on here lol, but anways thanks for the compliment

03-08-08, 01:18 PM
yader bomb

yager bomb

i bathe in this s**T

p.s. nice 67 man

Yeah, I grunt when I get my swell on at the gym. :awsome:

03-08-08, 01:35 PM
Nice ride btw. Sounds really good.