View Full Version : SVTOA-Arizona Drag Day @ Speedworld Dragstrip
02-17-08, 08:55 PM
Hey all! I'm Tom. Some of you have met me before. I'm a member of the local chapter of SVTOA. We're having a Drag Day at Speedworld Dragstrip, this Saturday, Feb. 23, at 10am. This is just a get-together for those in our chapter and other Ford enthusiasts to hangout, run at the track, or learn some basics. Many already know the basics, but some have wanted to run but didn't know what to do.
I've attached a Word document laying everything out about our Drag Day. We are limited to the first fifty (50) vehicles, so pre-registration for this Drag Day is necessary. If you plan to attend, please give me a call at 480.678.4359. Thanks, and I hope to see some of you there.
Is there any additional cost associated with this? I would love to bring both of my slow SVT vehicles out if even just to watch.
02-18-08, 07:03 PM
Is there any additional cost associated with this? I would love to bring both of my slow SVT vehicles out if even just to watch.
I'm sure that I covered that in the Word document that is attached to the first post. Just in case Word is not the word processor software of choice: The cost to enter is no different than going to a Saturday Test and Tune, or Friday Night Drags. The difference is in that while everyone else is coming out of their test and tune lanes, we can roll up in our dedicated lanes and get a pass. The officials should stop the testing and let us run. That is how it has been at two previous Drag Days that I've set up. The trick of the whole thing is to have all of the Ford performance in one spot, during the event.
Bring any Ford performance vehicle. Heck, if you have any fast Ford, bring it!
02-18-08, 07:35 PM
Sweet. wont race... Unless you need an example of how to blow up an IRS! Then I will run.....:woot2:
I think I'm going to try and make it out to this event, I'll know for sure later this week.:yes:
02-18-08, 10:33 PM
if indy makes it out i just might have to follow....
02-18-08, 10:35 PM
this is tempting but unless i get sum drs b4 saturday i dont think i'll be racing
02-19-08, 03:14 PM
im in too get the tires out of storage.
02-19-08, 03:34 PM
if indy makes it out i just might have to follow....
Haha, if Tony makes it out I might just have to follow.
Wait.... I think at that point I don't have a choice anymore lol
02-19-08, 04:17 PM
this is tempting but unless i get sum drs b4 saturday i dont think i'll be racing
You know what? You don't have to race to attend. So far, the count is 2+a maybe from PSR, an interested INDY, 4dr and tony are a maybe, sinspawn needs DRs, and silver03 isn't planning to run.
Silver03, I'm probably 100RWHP down from you, but I haven't managed to blow my IRS up. It's up to you.
02-20-08, 06:49 AM
I think I'm going to try and make it out to this event, I'll know for sure later this week.:yes:
if indy makes it out i just might have to follow....
Haha, if Tony makes it out I might just have to follow.
Wait.... I think at that point I don't have a choice anymore lol
Well if you all are going to make it out I will just have to rearrange my Saturday schedule, Yeah "twist my arm" :hyper:
Anyway, the weather report now, is looking good for Saturday.
CU there
02-20-08, 07:09 AM
i'd go but just sent the bottle back so wont pass tech with the other bottle, plus have to be at a meeting at 2:30 so just not worth it. Good luck to everyone
i'd go but just sent the bottle back so wont pass tech with the other bottle, plus have to be at a meeting at 2:30 so just not worth it. Good luck to everyone
all you have to do is ask to use a bottle or maybe leave your bottle in the trailer while you go threw tech
02-20-08, 10:46 AM
well, if dan and shane are making it out, you can count on seein me.
02-20-08, 04:19 PM
well, if dan and shane are making it out, you can count on seein me.
There ya go, Tony. I remember talking to you about this at the Toys For Tots show at Berge.
02-20-08, 04:27 PM
I've got my line-lock coming, but I doubt that I'll have it in before Saturday morning. Guess that I'll have to do my best pedal dance burnouts, then.
Update on how many are coming: In addition to who all I mentioned was in the head count, I've got a least four more coming. One of which owns a '63 Galaxie Lightweight. This one was a factory-backed racer, with a 427 hi-rise big-block and a 4-speed. He may not be quite as fast as Dan, but it should be something to watch!
Better to borrow a legal bottle, Ruckus. What's wrong with the one you sent back?
I won't be makin it out. Family obligations.
02-20-08, 08:55 PM
I won't be makin it out. Family obligations.
Gettin' beat up by honey-dos?
02-20-08, 11:54 PM
I've got my line-lock coming, but I doubt that I'll have it in before Saturday morning. Guess that I'll have to do my best pedal dance burnouts, then.
Update on how many are coming: In addition to who all I mentioned was in the head count, I've got a least four more coming. One of which owns a '63 Galaxie Lightweight. This one was a factory-backed racer, with a 427 hi-rise big-block and a 4-speed. He may not be quite as fast as Dan, but it should be something to watch!
Better to borrow a legal bottle, Ruckus. What's wrong with the one you sent back?
not sure somethings up with the bottle with that bottle the car would spray and stop with bottle out of my friends car it went all the way down the track:woot2:
02-21-08, 12:03 AM
Yeah I won't be making it out either...fixing my head gasket leak this whole weekend
INDY (Shane) asked me to post up that he wont be able to make it.
02-22-08, 04:52 PM
INDY (Shane) asked me to post up that he wont be able to make it.
Thanks, Dan. I heard his car found a chuckhole. You still going to make it?
The weather channel website says 0% precip forcast for tomorrow. I know it's sporatically raining around here, but I trust them more than the local weather.
I just found out that we're getting four staging lanes to run out of. And, I'll get there early to save our pit area. I'm thinking either just behind the stands near the tower or the area where the lanes wrap around (not against the fence). The office manager at Speedworld is racing out at the Nat'ls, so she told me who'd I have to work with. They know we're coming and will be ready. The track will be prepped, since it's a slick-tire test-and-tune day.
02-23-08, 09:37 AM
ok, well, i know i am gonna get killed for this. but after going to the eye doc on friday and having my eyes dialalated, and about 10 tests done on my eyes to find the spot and blurred vision i have in my right eye, i am gonna be bailing on the track today. my eyes are still very sore, and after the bill for all the tests and the glasses i now need, that put a hurting on race funds. sorry guys. i feel really bad about this.
02-24-08, 10:01 PM
Well...........It was a fun day for me..........BUT a long one!
Glad to meet some of you guys.
02-25-08, 07:30 PM
Glad to meet those that made it out!
Sorry that Andy and Bobby (owner/driver of the '64 Galaxie Lightweight) broke some parts.
Still, it was a great day. The track hooked well (at least, I didn't have any traction problems.)
I'll do my best to set up another Drag Day for later this year (hopefully it'll be on a cool day). And, I'll try to give a little more notice, so everyone that couldn't make it can join in.
El Jefe
02-26-08, 10:26 AM
Any pics or vids??
02-27-08, 04:40 PM
One of the SVTOA members brought his camera equipment out to shoot some, but I don't know what he took pics of, besides my last run.
Somebody, that I think was involved with the NHRA event at Firebird, brought out a Hertz 'vert and wanted to play. Dusted 'em. I don't even remember what he ran. I'll check the timeslip and edit this post.
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