View Full Version : Met this guy at the Pavilions...
01-27-08, 09:41 AM
Since my friends have gotten first they met him and he had 2 fox stangs.... They told him I was selling my combo....As soon as I got there he asked what I had and stuff....He ended up wanted my short block..... Well any way this guy said he had a couple stuff that he had bought and didnt end up fitting his car....Well my point is I remember on here a guy getting robbed.... The guy I met was black, kinda short, and skinny.... Does this kid sound familiar?
01-27-08, 09:58 AM
I do remember something like this, be very careful of people at Pavillions, especially if they can't be vouched for, I know you know but for anyone who doesn't there are scum that lurk around in the lot!
01-27-08, 10:18 AM
Yeah at first I thought it was my friends friend since he was talking with him..... I ended up giving my number to the guy... Then I asked my friend who he was he said I have no Idea he came out of no were.... So I was like shit.... Thi8s guy even had a TKO with a 28 or 31 spline for his stang but ciouldn't use it cuz his clutch was a 10 spline..... After my friend said he didnt know him I remembered someone getting jacked and to my knowledge and what I remember he fit the description..
01-27-08, 12:44 PM
If his name James then stay away....big theif
I will look out for such a person. I hang at the Peoria show most of the time. Pavillions is too busy for me.
Meet in a public place during the day, take a friend, friend w/ a CCW would be better :)
01-27-08, 05:38 PM
Meet in a public place during the day, take a friend, friend w/ a CCW would be better :)
Yeah thats what I was thinking........ Ill be carrying trigger finger has been itching anyways :biglaugh:
01-27-08, 09:26 PM
i was a little leary to check this post out... the title is a little flamboyant to say he least. Meet him across the street from a police station
01-27-08, 10:07 PM
Damn thats a good idea... i will do that...
01-27-08, 10:34 PM
if he is planning on doing something he will not show up if he see's its across from a station..that being said i'd still bring someone and something with you just in case, not all people are smart
that discription is James. He bouces back and forth between here and cali
01-28-08, 10:43 AM
heard from some guys up at 35 and union hills that he is here.
what kind of car? color? year? style?
I know he has an SN95 and I hear a black GT
01-28-08, 05:59 PM
Meet in a public place during the day, take a friend, friend w/ a CCW would be better :)
Hey that would be me im always down to help out
good luck getting your stuff back...... because if he finds out where you live thoes will all be his parts.
01-29-08, 12:43 AM
good luck getting your stuff back...... because if he finds out where you live thoes will all be his parts.
I wouldn't hesitate to put .40 cross face if he ever took anything from my house....:woot1:
01-29-08, 12:44 AM
Hey that would be me im always down to help out
Were did you get your ccw??? I want one to but the only place I know it cost 200 bucks for the damn class.
01-29-08, 12:46 AM
I think Scottsdale Gun Club charges $100.
01-29-08, 02:25 AM
good luck getting your stuff back...... because if he finds out where you live thoes will all be his parts.
Thats a 10-4
01-29-08, 08:32 AM
Yea I bought stolen heads from him.... I am out $900.00 and a lot of parts. :music-smiley-021:...
Oh and my name... Cause SOME people thought I was the thief.
01-29-08, 09:14 AM
I heard he is armed and when you gave your phonenumber he can revers search and get your adress and visit you at night like he did several people and shops.
01-29-08, 09:16 AM
I heard he is armed and when you gave your phonenumber he can revers search and get your adress and visit you at night like he did several people and shops. this guy seriously THIS bad? I've heard stories about this James character, but DAMN.
01-29-08, 09:46 AM this guy seriously THIS bad? I've heard stories about this James character, but DAMN.
I guess, but this is Arizona. There are more guns at a house than people living in it :twothumbsup:
Can you really get an address by having their number?
01-29-08, 10:03 AM
He is a real shit bag, He pulled a gun on me in front of my shop. He is lucky mine was sitting in my desk.
I guess, but this is Arizona. There are more guns at a house than people living in it :twothumbsup:
Can you really get an address by having their number?
shoot me a pm with you phone number or your first and last name ill show you how easy it is
01-29-08, 10:14 AM
He is a real shit bag, He pulled a gun on me in front of my shop. He is lucky mine was sitting in my desk.
Why is he still alive or why haven't the cops found him?
What did he take from you?
01-29-08, 10:24 AM
01-29-08, 10:43 AM
Damn, you guys really are not kidding about this guy. What a scumbag.
01-29-08, 11:01 AM
Yea I bought stolen heads from him.... I am out $900.00 and a lot of parts. :music-smiley-021:...
Oh and my name... Cause SOME people thought I was the thief.
You calling me dumb??:deadhorse: :biglaugh: jk.... I see your point....So when he comes to meet up with is he alone? I highly doubt it?
You get my PM??? I sent you?
pm back at you with your address linked to that number I can get more info if i spent some time such as
SS number
DL number so on and so forth
there are so many free searches out there but i have a killer on if i have your first and last name and know what state you live in. that one will provide me you home number if you have one address and relatives
01-29-08, 01:22 PM
pm back at you with your address linked to that number I can get more info if i spent some time such as
SS number
DL number so on and so forth
there are so many free searches out there but i have a killer on if i have your first and last name and know what state you live in. that one will provide me you home number if you have one address and relatives
Ok well The info you sent me was way of.... I pmed you my last name right now....
01-29-08, 04:13 PM
WOW, are you guys BSing or is this for real?
01-29-08, 04:21 PM
WOW, are you guys BSing or is this for real?
Im not BSing!!! I wish they were to but I remember my first week I joined up someone posted up something about that
01-29-08, 04:25 PM
If you don't know someone personally do not give them personal information.
I never had to deal with this crap in Pittsburgh, but Phoenix is a different story.
01-29-08, 04:30 PM
If you don't know someone personally do not give them personal information.
I never had to deal with this crap in Pittsburgh, but Phoenix is a different story.
I know... Ive always been so careful...And I slipped up....I usually ask for their number but I was in a hurry....
01-29-08, 10:56 PM
Were did you get your ccw??? I want one to but the only place I know it cost 200 bucks for the damn class.
Well i got mine done by a friend of the family for free all i had to pay was the processing fee for DPS but i am very good friends with the owner of Guns Plus in surprise and i know his prices are very reasonable and after you take the class you get 10% off everything in the shop for like 4 years ( thats their website and i do believe that their price lists are on there but they are very reasonable and a good group of guys that work in there i dont go to any other shop. Plus they give discounts to EMS, Fire, and Police.
02-12-08, 04:33 PM
02-12-08, 06:27 PM
Ok, lets get a picture of this dirt bag if we can so everyone knows who he is!!! Can it be done????
02-12-08, 07:13 PM
If I see him I will more than gladly take a picture of him
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