View Full Version : Pancake Breakfast
01-24-08, 09:09 PM
Copperstate's Annual Dwight Friedenstab Pancake Breakfast
Sunday February 10th 9am, Phoenix North Mountain park 7th Street & Peoria, Enter the park and its the last pavillion
Free for all CMC Members and mini show and shine for any Mustang that did not get to show last year in any shows!!
Dash Plaques for all attendees!!!
Bring your appetite!!!
01-25-08, 09:26 AM
Lets hope there is enough Pancake Batter mix!
I had to make an emergency run to the Safeway at 7th St and Thunderbird last time we were there!
Make sure your dues are payed up for 08', come with an appetite, and expect to see some members (and Cars!) you havn't seen in awhile!
Chris B.
01-25-08, 09:36 AM
Mmmm... pancakes...
02-08-08, 05:09 PM
For all of you on the fence about coming to the Pancake BFast...
There will be some Door Prize freebies!, courtesy of Berge Ford!
You don't want to miss this opportunity.....
Wanna hint.... :yes: .... :yes: ... :yes: ....
Too bad, see you on Sunday :hi:!!!!
02-09-08, 02:30 AM
I will be there with the new coupe! lol. we are getting the coupe dynoed on saturday. we just put on a kenne bell and some slp's. Cant wait to see you guys on sunday!!!
02-09-08, 03:55 PM
Awesome S/C!!!
02-10-08, 01:29 PM
Thanks to evereyone out today 60 Mustangs, 1 classic Bronco and way over 100 People!! Thats alot of bacon!!!
02-10-08, 01:35 PM
mmmm..... those pancakes and bacon was so good!!!! that was a great show. nice meetin all of you guys.
02-10-08, 01:58 PM
The family brought the appetite and had a lot of fun!
02-10-08, 02:01 PM
great food and a great show guys! :pepper:
I should of gone.. The show at Peoria was a bust. I did win some raffle items, but still...pancakes would of been better...
That was alot of fun. I brought my grandfather and he loved it. The Copperstate Club has alot of members with nice rides, I am proud to be a part of the club.
Thanks for putting the show on also Copperstate!
02-10-08, 05:52 PM
I'm glad everyone had a good time, the club is only as good as the people in it!!!:yes::laughing1:
02-10-08, 08:52 PM
Thank you again for the warm welcome to the CMC!!! I hope everyone enjoyed the Breakfest/meetings as much as I did. The CMC has some awesome members and it is always a plesure to meet with them. For all those that came up me and introduce themselves... thank you for your kind words and warm welcome. :veryhappy:
Congrats to all the CMC members who won tickets to the NHRA Drags at Firebird and the Ford Shleby GT posters!!!! :pepper: It is always fun to win stuff, and I hope to always provide FREE swag at the meetings....:bouncy:
A special thanks also to all those the helped put this breakfest together, we all know how difficult it is. :pinkthumb:
02-10-08, 08:59 PM
Your right on that Greg! We'll have to find some goodies for the open house!! Got any ideas???
Were very lucky to have a geat sponsor that like to get involved!!!
02-10-08, 09:09 PM
Dave we already have the following raffle prizes for the Open House Ride & Drive Event....
Window Tint w/ Lifetime Warranty (A Better Tint Co)
Cold Air Intake (Volant)
1 year Free Oil Change (Berge Ford)
Free Complete Detail, $130 value (Berge Ford)
Ford Hats, T-shirts, misc (Berge Ford)More to come, we have just got started! :laughing1:
02-10-08, 10:14 PM
Awesome!! I completely forgot that you were working on that!!
Wow, I never knew that Berge did detailing. I need to get my F150 down there and get that done. Well I will wait and see if I win the detail first. lol
02-11-08, 11:02 AM
Hey CMC members,
I posted several photos from the Pancake Breakfast in the "Photo/Video" section on the forum...
Check them out! :pinkthumb:
02-11-08, 10:09 PM
Did we run out of dash plaques? I didn't get one!
Thanks to evereyone out today 60 Mustangs, 1 classic Bronco and way over 100 People!! Thats alot of bacon!!!
02-11-08, 10:31 PM
yea neither did i. lol.
What actually was a dash plaque? I thought that they were talking about the car show window paper. The paper that you write your info on for the judging.
02-12-08, 02:26 PM
Dave we already have the following raffle prizes for the Open House Ride & Drive Event....
Window Tint w/ Lifetime Warranty (A Better Tint Co)
Cold Air Intake (Volant)
1 year Free Oil Change (Berge Ford)
Free Complete Detail, $130 value (Berge Ford)
Ford Hats, T-shirts, misc (Berge Ford)More to come, we have just got started! :laughing1:
The free complete detail wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't Armando or Jesus doing the detail. :smokin:
02-12-08, 03:37 PM
yea neither did i. lol.
What actually was a dash plaque? I thought that they were talking about the car show window paper. The paper that you write your info on for the judging.
Did we run out of dash plaques? I didn't get one!
Yep I ran out fast!! I am ordering more for those who did not get one!! So chyme up who needs one!!
02-12-08, 09:55 PM
ME ME ME!!!!! lol!
02-16-08, 09:54 PM
Yep I ran out fast!! I am ordering more for those who did not get one!! So chyme up who needs one!!Add me in too. !:pepper:
02-16-08, 10:08 PM
Is this just for the s195 mustangs or for all?
02-16-08, 10:42 PM
Everyone, its a magnet to comemorate the event!!
I would love to have one. Would we get them from you next time we see you or at the next Copperstate event?
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