View Full Version : looking for insurance info for 2008

01-16-08, 07:44 PM
Hey everybody I am looking for auto insurance on a 2003 cobra. Located in the new jersey area. I have had qotes from allstate, gieco and statefarm. I even tried to get in NJM insurance but my employor is not a member. Any other suggestions. The car is driven about 3000 miles a year so I do not need to be paying high premiums. I even tried classic ins companies but you need to have another car that you drive every day not including a company vehicle.

01-16-08, 08:46 PM
I pay 130 a month for mine. 3 cars a house and life insurance so they say I get a "discount" Depends on what you consider high. And most of us don't put many miles either.

01-17-08, 05:36 PM
I use Progressive and have for years. Had Allstate but they are too proud. Low rates for me and good service when it comes to claims.

01-19-08, 05:32 PM
I settled for allstate today full coverage 95/mon. Not bad right.

01-20-08, 10:45 AM
thats not bad at all im payin about 150/month with renters insurance. Hooray for bein 22!!!!