View Full Version : 01 Cobra tranny into t-56 question! Help please

01-12-08, 11:44 AM
I have a question, do you use the same bell housing from a t-56 from an 03-04 cobra to bolt it up to a 01 cobra, or do you need a different one?

01-12-08, 12:00 PM
yes since its the block that is drilled for the hardware. if it came off a 4.6 it will fit a 4.6

01-12-08, 12:02 PM
Thats what I thought but my friend keeps saying he will need a different housing thanks

01-12-08, 12:05 PM
he will just need the one from the t56

01-13-08, 05:06 AM
isnt the bell on a t56 actually part of the tranny. They arent like the old t5's, tko 500's etc where the bell is separte and can use diff bells. On all the t45's and tr 3650's the bell is part of the tranny if you unbolt the bell the internals of the tranny are exposed. That being said without modifications a t45,tr3650, t56 will all bolt up to the same car

01-13-08, 09:18 AM
no the housing is seperate.