View Full Version : Garage Shoot!
12-25-07, 10:27 AM
So on Christmas eve i was a little on bored side, and took a drive over to the parking garage that is right by my house to practice shooting with my new canon S5IS camera. i took a few pics and was very happy with the results. Thought i would share some of the pics with my fellow stang owners. :woot1:
12-25-07, 10:29 AM
a few more...
12-25-07, 10:34 AM
just one more....
12-25-07, 11:35 AM
thanks! i was diggin the light big time. this is by far one of my favorite places to get snap shots of cars...
heres a couple more that i forgot about. even one with my very good friend todd's rx-8. i know, i know..its an import, but its a damn fine looking one IMO.
crazy ray
12-25-07, 11:41 AM
Very Nice with the sun set in the background.
12-25-07, 11:46 AM
Those look AMAZING Tony! Good work :twothumbsup: Im diggin the 2nd one from the top. Where is that BTW I would love to go there and get some pics of my car. We should meet up sometime and take a couple snaps of our stangs together
12-25-07, 12:35 PM
that looks really good. i love cobra's. makes me want to go take pics of my car
Tony im thinking the silver car can use some good pictures
12-25-07, 01:21 PM
thanks guys!
alex- the garage is at paradise valley hospital. i think we could work something out.
dan- i would be glad too! though it will be hard to compare to the awesome shots jen took at the track with the tires off the ground. :twothumbsup:
12-25-07, 01:33 PM
Tony im thinking the silver car can use some good pictures
I agree with Dan but I think my silver one one look good in some pics too... Better yet what about getting a few people together to some type of group shots?????????????????????????
12-25-07, 01:55 PM
i'd be down. that would be awesome to get a slew of us together for a good photo shoot...
12-25-07, 06:14 PM
We should!! the pics look geat!!!
Killer pics Big T............................... and to think I almost gave ya a call about going out and taking a few pics, since I finally cleaned my Mach.
Getting together for some group pics is a great idea, just let me know when and where!!!!
12-25-07, 09:05 PM
We could use several different cameras, Chris B is a pro plus T's and my friends also has a ridiculous camera and I'm sure we could get him there!!
12-25-07, 09:05 PM
I am down for a group photo shoot as well!
12-25-07, 10:37 PM
Pics look awesome Tony. :2thumbs:
So when is this photo shoot gonna happen? :Devious::biglaugh:
12-26-07, 12:20 AM
Pics look awesome Tony. :2thumbs:
So when is this photo shoot gonna happen? :Devious::biglaugh:
+1 looks like we will have quite a big gathering, and im sure I can get a couple more of my stang buddies over for the shoot
12-26-07, 01:50 AM
nice pictures camera looks like its working good. If you can change the exposures etc you should try hdr photos
ex are
Any room for a couple white SVT vehicles in this next shoot?
12-26-07, 10:01 AM
We're gonna need a team to wipe down and "FLUFF" The vehicles!! :yes:
12-26-07, 05:25 PM
think we might have enough to fill the garage now! lol. just name a time guys. i would want jen, aka 4doorfoxy back, which will be the 29th. so give me some sort of time frame that we would want to do this up...:woot1:
12-26-07, 07:08 PM
Let me know when and where i'll go to. The parking garage i alwasy go to has to many dark spots. Need to practice with settings on my camera
12-26-07, 10:01 PM
man makes me wish i lived in AZ so i could meet up and join lol
12-27-07, 02:20 AM
Im cool with just about any day except Sun -Tues.
crazy ray
12-27-07, 07:44 AM
You need some RED in there, so I'am in. :pepper:
Chris B.
12-27-07, 12:55 PM
Great pictures Tony! I'd be up for a shoot... sounds like fun!! I did some photo work on one of your pictures and framed it for you, hope you don't mind. If I had the high-res pictures it would look much better.
12-27-07, 05:48 PM
wow, that looks great. i could send yea the high res version. i just did not add it on here because it woulda made people kill me for having huge pics! :biglaugh:
Chris B.
12-27-07, 08:01 PM
I'll pm you my e-mail address and you can send me the pictures you want me to work on. There are other things I can do to your pictures too, like this. They make great wallpaper for your screen plus I printed this one as a 16x20 and it's hanging in my office at home. Yeah, that's Dave in the background with his car, in case you were wondering.
12-27-07, 08:16 PM
very cool! i'll pick my favorties and send them over! thanks big time! :twothumbsup:
12-28-07, 12:11 PM
Lets pic a date!!! This Saturday or Sunday afternoon into evening????
If that is the case anybody who has an extra body and want to drive my L to the place?
12-28-07, 04:16 PM
If that is the case anybody who has an extra body and want to drive my L to the place?
I might, depending on if i can fix my flat tire or not, plus, not sure if I want to get ap ic of my car with the clear coat peeling off of my spoiler...
01-04-08, 10:47 PM
so i went back out for a few more...i detailed the car beforehand though! even used tire shine! though i am not a huge fan of gloss, so its not that shiney.
01-04-08, 11:28 PM
cant see the pics till i get home but best tire shine i've used so far is adam's hand down not high gloss or anything makes the tire look like new basically and will not sling on the car
01-19-08, 02:28 PM
is there still gonna be a group photo shoot or did i miss it??
01-19-08, 07:26 PM
i think a few peoples will be getting together tomorrow night (sunday) to shoot up some pics....:woot1:
01-20-08, 12:22 AM
well let me know when and where and i'll be there!:woot2:
01-20-08, 09:38 AM
well let me know when and where and i'll be there!:woot2:
Yeah lets us know!!!:bouncy:
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