View Full Version : i can fly now..........
The Nunn's
12-22-07, 11:25 PM
yup it finally happened... the wife bought me a graphite gray 2006 Evo IX...its not as fast as you cobra guys but lets go through some twisty roads and have some FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12-22-07, 11:26 PM
your so funny! i needed a good laugh today....
12-22-07, 11:37 PM
he's not kidding....:yes:
one of many christmas gifts he got early. :woot1:
The Nunn's
12-22-07, 11:42 PM
its pretty damm fun to drive 0 to 60 in 4.3 STOCK not to bad for a 2.0l :-)
12-22-07, 11:56 PM
Better go get your Pilots License!
12-22-07, 11:57 PM
he's not kidding....:yes:
one of many christmas gifts he got early. :woot1:
does it come with a return reciept? :biglaugh:
12-23-07, 12:01 AM
does it come with a return reciept? :biglaugh:
Nope, just 50 bucks and a bus pass.
Actually I like those cars. Almost bought one as my DD. My Cobra would of only came out on the weekends. I ended up getting a truck instead as it was more practical for me.
12-23-07, 08:07 PM
how much did that cost? if ya don't mind me asking
12-23-07, 08:23 PM
final price was $22,300. that was after all taxes and registration, extended warranty, autobutler, gap, etc. nothing wrong with the car, less than 15k miles on it, etc. they just gave me a great deal on it. :) guess that's what happens when ur really nice to the ppl. :biglaugh:
we already have a ford and a gm in the family, it was time for a ricer to be added to the list. :P It pulls hard in the low end, gets major traction and should be a good race for both my cars as well as some of the cobras on this site (tho not all)....
The Nunn's
12-23-07, 08:28 PM
we already have a ford and a gm in the family, it was time for a ricer to be added to the list. :P It pulls hard in the low end, gets major traction and should be a good race for both my cars as well as some of the cobras on this site (tho not all)....
kinda like some ppl with a GT with nitrous or some stock-ish cobras....LMFAO:laughing1:
i'm always up for a game of "The Ricer and the real car" just gotta figure out who's the ricer and who's the real car... :biglaugh: any1 up for a game of kill the ricer.:woot2:
12-23-07, 08:51 PM
too funny...i am not a huge fan of rice though. :laughing:
in all seriousness though, those are fun cars. you'll enjoy it. :twothumbsup:
12-23-07, 10:14 PM
Cool......Now you don't need a shopping cart at the store anymore :laughing: Just kidding Mr. Nunn. What the first mods?
Nice find and congrats little buddy........................... so when ya wanna run:biglaugh:
The Nunn's
12-23-07, 10:53 PM
Nice find and congrats little buddy........................... so when ya wanna run:biglaugh:
whenever you're feeling froggy i think there having a auto x event this coming weekend :twothumbsup:...or we can go to speedworld and u on motor :icon_cool:
12-23-07, 10:53 PM
0-60 in 4.3? no way? what do those run in the 1/4
The Nunn's
12-23-07, 10:58 PM
0-60 in 4.3? no way? what do those run in the 1/4
My G-tech says so they say anywhere from 13.0 to 13.3 depending on driver....ya this thing is vicious car from a dead stop, talk about hooking :woot1:
12-23-07, 11:09 PM
My G-tech says so they say anywhere from 13.0 to 13.3 depending on driver....ya this thing is vicious car from a dead stop, talk about hooking :woot1:
must be nice to have traction lol
The Nunn's
12-23-07, 11:21 PM
must be nice to have traction lol
AWD FTW:laughing1::laughing1:
...or we can go to speedworld and u on motor :icon_cool:
How bout I shut the bottle off after first gear................................... J/K I'll run ya N/A
The Nunn's
12-23-07, 11:41 PM
How bout I shut the bottle off after first gear................................... J/K I'll run ya N/A
yay my first victim:woot2::woot1:
We shall see............................................... ..............:NOS1:
BTW - is this the MR edition Evo you were trying to get
12-24-07, 12:16 AM
can't be at that price....
The Nunn's
12-24-07, 12:34 AM
We shall see............................................... ..............:NOS1:
BTW - is this the MR edition Evo you were trying to get
they had a MR there but dident wanna pay an extra 4k for an extra gear 10hp and shocks just is not worth it so the evo ix is for me
Should be a good race since we have about the same HP............................. but I'm still gonna :bitchslap: you around, BWAHAHAHA
knowing Ernie like a lot of us do:
Motor = 2 months
Transmission = a couple weeks
Clutch = 1 week
Tree = imminent so I will go 3 months
That is all saying the car doesn't see the track. Otherwise I give the car 4 passes before it gets towed home and they break the trans or transfer case while putting it on the tow truck
The Nunn's
12-26-07, 02:12 PM
Should be a good race since we have about the same HP............................. but I'm still gonna :bitchslap: you around, BWAHAHAHA
we can just say FFW the next episode :biglaugh::biglaugh::woot1:
The Nunn's
12-26-07, 02:20 PM
knowing Ernie like a lot of us do:
Motor = 2 months
Transmission = a couple weeks
Clutch = 1 week
Tree = imminent so I will go 3 months
That is all saying the car doesn't see the track. Otherwise I give the car 4 passes before it gets towed home and they break the trans or transfer case while putting it on the tow truck
silly rabit thats y u get the extended warranty + im not modding this one its just a slow normal DD that gets super great gas mileage 25MPG:woot1:
12-26-07, 02:40 PM
knowing Ernie like a lot of us do:
Motor = 2 months
Transmission = a couple weeks
Clutch = 1 week
Tree = imminent so I will go 3 months
That is all saying the car doesn't see the track. Otherwise I give the car 4 passes before it gets towed home and they break the trans or transfer case while putting it on the tow truck
LMFAO. now that's just mean.... i highly doubt it will go there, but there's a reason they invented insurance and GAP protection.... plus car remains BONE stock. clutch will go with time cuz the previous owner drove the car pretty hard and they don't last long in those cars anywayz. then again, if u take out the tree part, i would think u were describing urself. :hello:cheer
silly rabit thats y u get the extended warranty + im not modding this one its just a slow normal DD that gets super great gas mileage 25MPG:woot1:
it's kinda sad when 25 mpg is considered great gas milage. :yes: lmao. :):woot2:
12-28-07, 05:30 PM
One of the few japanese cars I would own. That or the Subaru.
01-01-08, 12:54 PM
so how is the old evo holding up these days?
01-01-08, 01:29 PM
so how is the old evo holding up these days?
i believe its still up, up on a lift
So much for staying stock...
What happened?
lets just say the tow truck came in to play a little sooner than to be expected.
01-01-08, 04:07 PM
hit and run... some1 sideswiped the evo while forcing ernie into a curb, then took off. got a lot of damage done to it on both sides. both front fenders, bumper, passenger side side skirt, door, rims, tires, and well, everything that would connect to the front tire.... unfortunately, the guy ran after hitting him, so... ya....
so time to either fix up that car or get a newer evo me thinks. evo x will be coming out pretty soon here, prob just wait and get that one. :yes:
01-01-08, 04:24 PM
hit and run... some1 sideswiped the evo while forcing ernie into a curb, then took off. got a lot of damage done to it on both sides. both front fenders, bumper, passenger side side skirt, door, rims, tires, and well, everything that would connect to the front tire.... unfortunately, the guy ran after hitting him, so... ya....
so time to either fix up that car or get a newer evo me thinks. evo x will be coming out pretty soon here, prob just wait and get that one. :yes:
Damn that sucks......
01-01-08, 04:25 PM
ouch. thats a crappy way to christen a new car...sorry to hear that.
Was there a tree involved??? Now be honest Ernie.
01-02-08, 03:45 PM
Was there a tree involved??? Now be honest Ernie.
ahhh, thanks. it's nice to see u can be such an a ss when someone hit him and ran {who was probably drunk since it was new years eve} and now we have to pay to have the damages repaired, if it's even repairable. i hope the same happens to ur car... :hi:
01-02-08, 04:50 PM
ahhh, thanks. it's nice to see u can be such an a ss when someone hit him and ran {who was probably drunk since it was new years eve} and now we have to pay to have the damages repaired, if it's even repairable. i hope the same happens to ur car... :hi:
wow, that wasnt very nice
The Nunn's
01-02-08, 05:37 PM
wow, that wasnt very nice
ahhh, thanks. it's nice to see u can be such an a ss when someone hit him and ran {who was probably drunk since it was new years eve} and now we have to pay to have the damages repaired, if it's even repairable. i hope the same happens to ur car... :hi:
apparently some married chick who wont stop texting her ex boyfriend doesn't know a joke when she sees one???
01-02-08, 08:30 PM
apparently some married chick who wont stop texting her ex boyfriend doesn't know a joke when she sees one???
Soooo...How about them Cardinals?
Soooo...How about them Cardinals?
8-8 ftw!
01-02-08, 08:55 PM
No kiddin i was pretty impressed with that but i know they can do better
yea they suck just like this thread... damn cant we all get along ?
01-02-08, 09:16 PM
yea they suck just like this thread... damn cant we all get along ?
I agree they suck What I meant to say was how bout them Redskins..:pepper:
01-02-08, 09:16 PM
yea they suck just like this thread... damn cant we all get along ?
Wow Dan is keeping the peace here:pinkthumb:
01-02-08, 09:17 PM
yea they suck just like this thread... damn cant we all get along ?
+1 and apparently this post is too short
No it is just funny that people can argue over the dumbest sheit sometimes
01-02-08, 09:30 PM
No it is just funny that people can argue over the dumbest sheit sometimes
well i can pee farther than you
01-02-08, 09:42 PM
apparently some married chick who wont stop texting her ex boyfriend doesn't know a joke when she sees one???
i'm sorry for posting that, i guess i was in the wrong as i guess some ppl on this forum kno. i'm really sorry for that jeff. i really am... I guess i just overreacted to what i thought was going on with everything.
01-03-08, 09:17 AM
Announcing the 1st Annual High Performance Stangs Peeing for Distance Contest
Free to all who wish to participate
Location: Tony Nesbits Swimming Pool
Time: TBA
01-03-08, 10:22 AM
Announcing the 1st Annual High Performance Stangs Peeing for Distance Contest
Free to all who wish to participate
Location: Tony Nesbits Swimming Pool
Time: TBA
Well guys, last night after a couple beers and dinner I went out back and did some practice pisses. I gonna keep the distance on the DL but let this be your first warning...................Im gonna take home the championship piss trophy this year. :kneel:
01-03-08, 10:24 AM
Better get some chlorine for the pool Tony!
01-03-08, 10:47 AM
The Best part so far is that Tony has no idea Ive voluntold his palce for this.
I might just forget the beer and start main lining coffee
can we have time as well as distance contest lol
01-03-08, 05:19 PM we are not peein in my pool! i don't care how green it is! lol...
cap n crunch
01-03-08, 05:38 PM
Do I get a handicap for being hung like a gerbil that other gerbils make fun of ?
01-03-08, 05:40 PM
Do I get a handicap for being hung like a gerbil that other gerbils make fun of ?
Yes you can move 10 feet closer.:biglaugh:
01-03-08, 05:46 PM we are not peein in my pool! i don't care how green it is! lol...
Tony why you gotta be a party pooper?? Why cant you be a team player?? Ya A$$!!! LOL
cap n crunch
01-03-08, 05:51 PM
Yes you can move 10 feet closer.:biglaugh:
If i'm getting lengths im in thanks Jeff :pepper:
01-03-08, 06:01 PM
Well come on guys we need a about Jeff? You have a pool?
01-03-08, 06:22 PM
Well come on guys we need a about Jeff? You have a pool?
No I have a cement pond!
01-03-08, 06:26 PM
jeff has a pool, with a huge backyard...that would be perfect!!!
btw- capn, funniest post EVA!!!! :laughing:
01-03-08, 06:31 PM
jeff has a pool, with a huge backyard...that would be perfect!!!
btw- capn, funniest post EVA!!!! :laughing:
Huge well I guess in the Arizona dictionary. Tiny in my book.
01-06-08, 07:21 PM
lets turn this into tonys cage fund. 100$ entrance fee winner splits with tony and this isnt pinks its heads up so no lengths, atleast the first run
01-06-08, 08:13 PM
lets turn this into tonys cage fund. 100$ entrance fee winner splits with tony and this isnt pinks its heads up so no lengths, atleast the first run
Now heres a man after tonys own heart good thinkin brother
01-06-08, 10:37 PM
you know what, i just think i might go for that!!! wonderful idea!!!
01-07-08, 08:46 AM
you know what, i just think i might go for that!!! wonderful idea!!!
:_hijack: I knew youd see things my way tony
01-07-08, 01:29 PM
Will the over 50 contestants get a handicap? Damm Prostate...:icon_frown:
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