View Full Version : AZ fastest stret car shoot out
DEC 15 9am
speed world
roll call who is going
And you know this maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan
12-13-07, 11:13 PM
i'm in!! looks like fun...:woot1:
I'll be there to help you with the car Boss :icon_cool:
12-14-07, 02:20 AM
take pics and videos guys!!!! sounds like fun.
12-14-07, 10:48 AM
I am coming to drive Dans Car :bounce:
12-14-07, 02:01 PM
I will be going.... Got the new combo going...... Is it going to be busy?....
Who's silver car(99-04) was there yesterday???
That thing flat out hauled the mail.:twothumbsup:
Who was in the sonic blue cobra?? I take it you broke your record on your last run. We were at my truck towards the end and heard your celebration.:biglaugh:
Many nice stangs for the kids and I to watch. :woot1:
azsonicsnake is the sonic blue that went 11.30
are u talkin bout dans cobra that runs 9s?
12-16-07, 09:18 AM
silver cobra is dan's car, and the sonic blue car is me. and yea, i smashed my best run. i was pretty happy. i did not think i could hit an 11.30. so needless to say i was rather elated! you shoulda swung by the pits and said hi.
are u talkin bout dans cobra that runs 9s?[/quote]
Yeah must've been him. That car sounded sick.
silver cobra is dan's car, and the sonic blue car is me. and yea, i smashed my best run. i was pretty happy. i did not think i could hit an 11.30. so needless to say i was rather elated! you shoulda swung by the pits and said hi.
Congrats on your new record.:laughing1:
It's been awhile since I took my 3 kids to the track and I didn't know how they'd be. They were actually pretty good so next time I'll drop in by you guys.:icon_cool:
12-16-07, 09:41 AM
thanks! and i hear ya on the kids thing, i have had my little guy out to the track and he does pretty good, he loves the fast cars! funny thing is, i took a couple of pics of my car yesterday, and i came home and displayed the pics on the tv, and the first was just a side pic of a tire on my car, and the first words out of his mouth were, "thats daddy's cobra!". i was so proud. hehe. :icon_cool:
12-16-07, 10:28 AM
thought i should add my recap....
well, i took the cobra out this weekend with some fresh new rubber and put down some new times. on the first pass i cut off an 11.49@121. on the second i moved down and ran a 11.41@122. on the third pass i had to straighten the car back out from some nasty tire shake and tagged the rev limiter on the 2-3 shift and slowed myself down to a 11.67@116. so, after making the mistake on the third pass i went back out and ran a new best of 11.30@123. i was so elated! the cars feels incredible. and the tune was dead on, and the new et drags were definetly hookin, big thanks to the guys at Performance Solutions for getting those put together for me so i could run this weekend. i have not built up the courage to side step the clutch yet, but was still cutting 1.60 60' times all day. and here is poster i picked up from the photo booth yesterday. i know the burnout was a little long, but the new tires had to be broken in, along with testing the new line lock. needless to say, both work great!
keep an eye out i have a video coming of the 11.41 pass, along with some video of that blazing fast silver psr car! thanks shane for shooting the vid of my car! just waiting on the cable for the camera and i will have the vids loaded.
12-16-07, 12:39 PM
thought i should add my recap....
well, i took the cobra out this weekend with some fresh new rubber and put down some new times. on the first pass i cut off an 11.49@121. on the second i moved down and ran a 11.41@122. on the third pass i had to straighten the car back out from some nasty tire shake and tagged the rev limiter on the 2-3 shift and slowed myself down to a 11.67@116. so, after making the mistake on the third pass i went back out and ran a new best of 11.30@123. i was so elated! the cars feels incredible. and the tune was dead on, and the new et drags were definetly hookin, big thanks to the guys at Performance Solutions for getting those put together for me so i could run this weekend. i have not built up the courage to side step the clutch yet, but was still cutting 1.60 60' times all day. and here is poster i picked up from the photo booth yesterday. i know the burnout was a little long, but the new tires had to be broken in, along with testing the new line lock. needless to say, both work great!
keep an eye out i have a video coming of the 11.41 pass, along with some video of that blazing fast silver psr car! thanks shane for shooting the vid of my car! just waiting on the cable for the camera and i will have the vids loaded.
Nice job on the new times tony! That poster is SICK!
I must say it was a little different running the video camera instead of racing.........................:biglaugh:
But I'll be ready to hit the track after the turn of the year with a few new tricks up my sleeve. :yes: Shooting for mid to low 11's or low 1.6 short times next time out.
CONGRAT on the 11.3 Big T :highfive::woot2:
12-16-07, 01:14 PM
Congrats Tony and Dan. Those where some great times!!!:highfive::laughing1:
Congrats Tony...glad I got you thru tech..hehe
Thanks for coming out and supporiting ArizonasFastestStreetCars guys!!
Was an awesome race all around...the best I have seen in some time!
12-16-07, 10:24 PM
thanks again chris! you know when i left i found the "add on" for that lug nut....:biglaugh:
and thanks shane and mike, it sure felt good!!! i can't wait to work on the 11.2. i know its in there! :woot1:
12-16-07, 10:59 PM
Congrats Tony and Dan on your nice runs.
12-17-07, 12:29 AM
thanks man!
heres a vid of my 11.41 pass. thanks shane for shooting it! oh and dans should be up soon. i really need to get todd to use youtube. the quality on google SUCKS!
12-17-07, 04:57 PM
Awsome dude!
12-18-07, 03:53 AM
thanks for the video and pics! congrats AZSonicSnake! and Dan!
12-18-07, 08:51 AM
thanks for the video and pics! congrats AZSonicSnake!
Way to go guys those are some impressive numbers all around
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