View Full Version : Anybody have a hoist?

12-10-07, 01:10 PM
I need to pull the worn out 4 cylinder motor out of my fox's engine bay. I don't have a hoist and was wondering if someone would let me borrow one for a night or two?

12-10-07, 01:12 PM

12-10-07, 02:30 PM
How far away are you from goodyear(estrella mt. ranch)?
You can borrow my cherry picker as long as you bring it back in a week.:twothumbsup:
It breaks down some so hauling isn't too bad.

Let me know


12-10-07, 02:32 PM
Im at 107th and Mcdowell so... I will pm you my number maybe we could set something up. I don't need the motor out now but sometime soon would be cool.

12-10-07, 09:45 PM
pull the head and strip the engine. 2 people can lift that out...been there done it.

04-23-08, 03:08 PM
Need a hoist again. This time to pull the motor out of the L. Anybody have one I can borrow.

04-24-08, 08:46 PM
Need a hoist again. This time to pull the motor out of the L. Anybody have one I can borrow.i got one 35th /dunlap

04-25-08, 08:49 AM
Andy pm me your number, I will pm you mine. If I can borrow it for the weekend that would be awesome.