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11-26-07, 08:00 PM
Phoenix is the 5th largest city in America The Copperstate mustang club is the the original
Phoenix mustang club Why is this Site Dead? this site should be one of the most active in
the nation?
11-26-07, 08:10 PM
Phoenix is the 5th largest city in America The Copperstate mustang club is the the original
Phoenix mustang club Why is this Site Dead? this site should be one of the most active in
the nation?
I maintain the site the best I can, but I can not make people post. We have more traffic and post every month, but we can always do better. I wish everyone that visited each day made a post.
I notice some other big forums starting to drop off also.
If you have any ideas on making this site better please share.
11-26-07, 08:24 PM
I'm not pointing any finger....I guess i am just having a hard time with the numbers. Allot a
people Allot a cars and not many post's?
11-26-07, 08:28 PM
I'm not pointing any finger....I guess i am just having a hard time with the numbers. Allot a
people Allot a cars and not many post's?
:Bucktooth: :hyper:
11-26-07, 08:51 PM
tryin to make it better. i cannot understand why there are so few posts. its one of the best ran sites out there and is maintained second to none. :woot1:
11-26-07, 08:52 PM
It was busy, but I think everyone ate too much turkey.
11-27-07, 09:25 AM
It's been very busy and not much time to sit and chat!!!
Chris B.
11-27-07, 04:48 PM
It's been very busy and not much time to sit and chat!!!
I think this is typical for everyone this time of year!! Heck... it's hard enough to get people to paticipate in the club let alone post!!
11-27-07, 08:44 PM
The site is first rate, but like Dave and Cris are saying, people are busy with relatives coming and going, and shopping. Things will pickup in January.
11-27-07, 09:13 PM
I think this is typical for everyone this time of year!! Heck... it's hard enough to get people to paticipate in the club let alone post!!
So what i'm hearing here
is that the club is is in trouble!
no one cares!
A legacy in ruin Abandon.........
like Charten Heston in the planet of
the Apes when he sees the statue of
liberty in ruin and said you bastards!
or something like that?
11-27-07, 09:21 PM
HPS has a Copperstate Forum, but HPS is not a part of the club.
First of all does everyone know about the website? Maybe some people does'nt know about it and maybe there needs to be more work done to advertise such existance?
03-17-08, 01:27 AM
1015 registered members know about it.
Maybe Ruckus can invite more of his bowtie brothers and sisters to join:biglaugh:.
03-30-08, 10:36 AM
I think the reasons for lack of traffic are twofold. First, Arizona weather from end of summer to beginning of summer is for the large part, nice and predictable. We all stay busy when it's not 110 outside.
Second, for me this hobby can be cyclical. In other words, I get burned out on the Mach sometimes and/or I let other things sneak into my life because of their new challenges. I've laid off the Mach for about the last eight months or so and now I'm finding a renewed passion with it. Fortunately for me, the Mach is not like a woman; you can ignore it for awhile and it's still happy to have you when you come back.
But those are just my excuses :yes:
04-03-08, 01:13 AM
And there are also people like me for example that are involved with multiple clubs. I've noted most CMC members and supporters are more hands on and face to face. Which makes the CMC internet forum look not that lively. Have to ask yourself "Would I rather sit around on the internet all day talking about my 'stang or would I rather go out and drive it to meet others with 'stangs?"
04-03-08, 06:38 PM
"Would I rather sit around on the internet all day talking about my 'stang or would I rather go out and drive it to meet others with 'stangs?"
amen to that!! i love shows and what not, but always sitting in parking lots and what not, and not getting out to drive your car gets rather boring. i love getting out and enjoyin my car. be it at the track or just crusing main st. something about getting behind the wheel!!!
04-03-08, 07:27 PM
I think the reasons for lack of traffic are twofold. First, Arizona weather from end of summer to beginning of summer is for the large part, nice and predictable. We all stay busy when it's not 110 outside.
Second, for me this hobby can be cyclical. In other words, I get burned out on the Mach sometimes and/or I let other things sneak into my life because of their new challenges. I've laid off the Mach for about the last eight months or so and now I'm finding a renewed passion with it. Fortunately for me, the Mach is not like a woman; you can ignore it for awhile and it's still happy to have you when you come back.
But those are just my excuses :yes:
Couldn't have said it any better. I, for one, need to drive my car more. I think I put less than 1000 miles on it in the last year. But I can totally understand how cyclical the hobby is, and how other things in life can take precedence over the stang hobby. One thing I do know- I'll never get tired of being a Ford/Mustang fanatic. No matter how busy things get at work, I'm always able to find time to surf/read/talk about mustangs.
04-03-08, 07:29 PM
i think its the scientology, am i right bent rear
04-03-08, 07:40 PM
With the busy car show coming up and personal life and SOMEONE STOLE MY DAMN KEYBOARD AND MOUSE...JEFF, I personally have not been on here much. CMC will be extremely busy with the upcoming MCA show too (more than any other show we have done). But as you all know we always have great shows and its hard work and dedication that we do that prove this point. We like to have fun with our babies. So lets get out there and RIDE SALLY, SAM, GEORGE, ETC.. RIDE!!!!!
04-03-08, 08:14 PM
Well site traffic for March was the highest every.
Pantera Happy!
04-03-08, 08:15 PM
i think its the scientology, am i right bent rear LOL :biglaugh:
04-03-08, 08:21 PM
i think its the scientology, am i right bent rear
Here is a google search for Performance Solutions K member*&q=performance+solutions+k+member&btnG=Search
Look who is number 1 :bounce:
That will give you a good idea of who is more prominent and has more relevant content and traffic. :biglaugh:
Number 2 under this search
403 Forbidden (*&q=performance+solution+racing+k+member&btnG=Search)
04-03-08, 08:50 PM
your just jealous dont lie, and i never said the content over there was any better than it was here i just like bs ing with everyone over there
04-03-08, 10:39 PM
your just jealous dont lie, and i never said the content over there was any better than it was here i just like bs ing with everyone over there
LOL bring that 4VGT to the track next week. Then you will be real jealous looking at my tail lights.
04-04-08, 02:20 AM
your just jealous dont lie, and i never said the content over there was any better than it was here i just like bs ing with everyone over there
if by "over there" you mean SVT then yeah its a place to BS but if you ask for any actual info,all your get is "use the search button" or "pihb".
When I do get a cobra believe me this is the site where I will ask for help.i f you don't like it here oh well....pihb
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