View Full Version : Tricked Ponies Car Show (Goodyear)
11-10-07, 11:54 PM
Folks this is gonna be a good one! Last year they gave a bunch of stuff out including a set of Foose Wheels! This year will be bigger and better and you know what? They are going into this trying to make it the most friendly show participant in the state! AND. . .It benefits Ryans House !
As of now there are 18 trophy classes with 3 trophies in each class!:pepper:
January 13 - 2nd Annual Tricked Ponies Car Show (proceeds benefit Ryan House); 11 AM to 3 PM; Pioneer Ford at I-10 and Litchfield Rd. $25 early registration, $35 day of show
11-11-07, 12:20 AM
looks like a good time! i am gonna try and make it out.
11-11-07, 11:02 AM
Yeah I missed last year but I'm goin this year!!! Gonna bring my Fox out!!
I wanna come out but not sure the 89 will be ready... Actually I can pretty much guarantee it won't.
Will there be any kind of class for the Lightnings???
11-12-07, 09:31 PM
One of the other guys who have been in on the show since the start is on this site. . .I am working on him and other big cheeses to have other cars/trucks. I don't think that will fly on a mass scale. But don't tell them. . .but I am going to pitch a 10-"other" Ford class that could include your truck and a really nice Falcon and probably a million other fords. ;)
11-12-07, 09:33 PM
Send a PM to Dave (Jacostang) from CMC.
I am sure he can give you some ideas on classes and we can send some cars your way.
11-13-07, 09:20 AM
I'll do that. . .thanks!
One of the other guys who have been in on the show since the start is on this site. . .I am working on him and other big cheeses to have other cars/trucks. I don't think that will fly on a mass scale. But don't tell them. . .but I am going to pitch a 10-"other" Ford class that could include your truck and a really nice Falcon and probably a million other fords. ;)
OUTSTANDING. This is what I am talking about. An all Mustang show is cool but give the other fast Fords their own little corner. Especially if they are faster than some of the Mustangs...:icon_cool:
11-13-07, 01:30 PM
I haven't presented it yet.. .but my guess is it would have to be a special invite so that the bosses aren't swamped with "other" Fords applying for the show. I'm a more the merrier type of guy, but there is logic to keeping it "special" with just mustangs.
Plus there is a question of space. . .so you can't really open in up to everyone. But like you said. ..a little flare by having other types of fords I think would be cool. Not my call though. I will try however. . .
11-14-07, 08:34 AM
That will likely be a tough sell at this point. In future years I'm pretty sure an "All Ford" show is a distinct possibility but I think we're too close to the show date to tinker with the format. Creating another class as "Invitation only" is risky and could incur the wrath of some. Because this show is sponsored by a dealership, first dib's on spaces in this class may have to go to known customers of Pioneer Ford and maybe even those of Dan Grubb's other dealership. After all Dan is the guy who is ultimately picking up the tab for all of this.
Maybe I'm off base but my goal is to see this show provide financial and positive media support to Ryan House. The folks at Ryan House are planning to break ground on their new care facility in 2008. So all the financial help they receive between now and then helps them pay the astronomical costs associated with building a facility of this type (for anyone interested it will be over near St. Joseph's Hospital north west of Central and Thomas).
11-14-07, 08:58 AM
I guess that was the logic behind more cars. . .more money for the charity. But with that said, I will bow to your experience and position and let it go.
BTW to anyone else. . .with a mustang. :) I've been in a lot of shows, this is truly going to be great show so sign on up!
11-14-07, 09:40 AM
I guess that was the logic behind more cars. . .more money for the charity. But with that said, I will bow to your experience and position and let it go.
Experience and position? Hmm... I'm afraid to say that I have neither!!! :laughing1:
Like everyone else I just go to the occasional car show and lose to Nancy Ruiz's Pirate Mustang!!! :sticktonge:
I guess that was the logic behind more cars. . .more money for the charity. But with that said, I will bow to your experience and position and let it go.
BTW to anyone else. . .with a mustang. :) I've been in a lot of shows, this is truly going to be great show so sign on up!
I was in the show last year with my 2000 GT. It actually inspired me to get a blower as I was one of 2 cars in my class of like 15 without forced induction...
Now that blower is for sale. D1-SC Procharger!!!!
Either way I will be going. I live about a mile from there and always enjoy a good car show.
11-23-07, 08:42 AM
For all you trophy hounds out there or people that just want a shot at a trophy this is your best chance ever! The organizers are out to make this the best show they can for the contestants and a vast majorty of the people that enter with cars will win trophies!
Since this is the second year and since they have tripled the trophies from the previou year, word will get out and this thing will double in size next year so enter early! Not to mention people will start entering because it is truly a fun show!
11-24-07, 08:46 AM
i'm not a trophy hound, but i have been looking forward to this show. i unfortunatly had to miss last year, but heard a lot of good things about it. so i most definetly plan to make it out this year.
11-25-07, 01:43 AM
Good deal. . .btw. ..I was having fun with the "Trophy Hound" line. . .I think all of us enter shows to show our cars first, "oh we might get a chance at a trophy".. .that's just icing.
11-25-07, 11:50 AM
roger that buddy! :twothumbsup:
01-06-08, 12:04 AM
TRICKED PONIES car show, one week from today. . .hope you can make it, in fact you can register now for free (and pay at the show). . .actual trophies know. . .the stand up kind. :)
01-08-08, 12:36 AM
Experience and position? Hmm... I'm afraid to say that I have neither!!! :laughing1:
Like everyone else I just go to the occasional car show and lose to Nancy Ruiz's Pirate Mustang!!! :sticktonge:
Well said marty!!
01-08-08, 08:50 AM
She's actually on Channel Three news AM tomorrow talking about the show...but I get both of your points. :)
01-08-08, 12:46 PM
are you serious? ok im not gonna miss that. wat time is it supposed to be on?
01-08-08, 05:35 PM
i registered on the site today. have not seen any confirmation email yet though. looks like a good show..
01-08-08, 06:24 PM
Actually not sure what time she'll be on...Pioneer just told me she was going to be on Channel 3 in the AM (guess 7am)
Show is 11-3. . .registration...I think 9-11? Could be 10...I think 9.
Holy Crap....It's this weekend. I'll try to make both...
Sat is a big show for you east siders at Rural/Knox (9325 S. Rural Road) at a church. I was at this show last year and it was big and FREE. 10am-2pm
01-09-08, 11:29 PM
HEY. . .quit pimpin your show in this thread! ;)
Great car. ..I think I met you at the KOOL Show. . .were you there?
01-13-08, 05:19 PM
Thanks to all that came to the Tricked Ponies Car Show!!! :pepper: The show turned out great! We doubled the numbers of cars in attendance and I suspect that number will continue to grow at next year's show (probably March or April). :woot1:
Cool show...
That framed Mustang collection I donated fetched $75 from someone....
I would change the raffle system though.. Instead of having numerous buckets for each item.....just have one bucket and let everyone have a chance at everything. Some buckets didn't even have tickets in them. A few people mentioned they didn't buy any tickets because of that reason.
I snoozed on the last minute auctions because they were raffling the bucket items off at the same time. Hard to be in two places at once.
But great turnout though...and amazing trophies....
01-14-08, 08:22 AM
I liked the show, though I wish I actually could have seen it (lol). Martin you did an awesome job, it wouldn't have been great without you. Our club members did a great job of judging. For us to win one trophy and just a couple plaques shows they did their jobs with little to no bias. Trust me...I didn't like losing to HIKER or the guy that won our class. . .but they both deserved 1st and 2nd!
Okay Martin and anyone that wants to play...did some refiguring of classes (for next year) so that we have it on file... whatdoya think as a starting point?
To me this gets the mildest of mods out of the stock categories and still keeps the trophies at decent level for them. PLUS it breaks up the 2005-2008 into 3-4 classes in some cases just for you. ;)
1) 1964 1/2 -1968
2) 1969-1973
3) 1974-1993
4) 1964.5 to 1973 Mild Mods.
5) 1964.5 to 1973 Wild Mods
6) 1994-2004
7) 2005-2008
8) 1994-2008 Wild Mods
9) 2005-2008 Mild Mods
10) Special Interest: Shelby's, Foose, Roush etc...
* Plus create a couple sets of generic trophies (1st, 2nd 3rd) for classes created on the fly. ie Breaking up a large class.
BTW HIKER good suggestion...I wish I could have gotten in on some of that stuff!
Good to meet you Hiker.
My car got ZERO attention (not that I expected much it is stock) while sitting next to that Chameleon Pearl 'vert Cobra. Overall it was a good show, some pretty cool cars and lots of people milling around.
The new cats look good..
Yes, you missed the silent auctions. I can understand how you didn't have time to see them. Everytime I saw you, you were running around attending something show related. There were some great deals in those auctions. Two Coyote suite tiks for $50...OMG. I wanted to bid on four items at the last minute but snoozed....Oh well, next year.
What car did Barry have that won best of show..?
01-14-08, 10:13 AM
well, it was fun, though i will not be returning next year.
01-14-08, 11:55 AM
Great show and even better turnout. I was really surprised at how many cars were parked down the street of people just coming to look. has there been an actual count of the number of entries or the amount raise for Ryans House yet? Anyway, congratulations Kenny, et al. for a job well done. :pinkthumb:
01-14-08, 01:44 PM
HIKER "What car did Barry have that won best of show..?"
Was that to me? I don't know Barry, does he own the Red Coupe? If it means anything to you both got 70pts (perfect scores). We had a tie breaker number at the end of the sheets which had the judges stand back and look at the car as a whole and give it a 0-100 number. He got an 80, you got a 75. . .so that is about as close as you can get. BTW they were instructed to be stricked on the overall number (no 100's were given)...though it is subjective the guy that judged you guys is a LONG time mustang owner, who owns a cougar now (building a stang) and didn't have a car in the show.
AZ "well, it was fun, though i will not be returning next year."
Should I ask?
HP. ..I counted 74 entries.
I was curious what car won best of show and 64-67 modded. I thought it was the white 66' GT350 replica.
01-14-08, 04:11 PM
The red coupe won the mod, the white one wasn't being judged because he had to leave early.
01-14-08, 05:33 PM
I liked the show, though I wish I actually could have seen it (lol). Martin you did an awesome job, it wouldn't have been great without you. Our club members did a great job of judging. For us to win one trophy and just a couple plaques shows they did their jobs with little to no bias. Trust me...I didn't like losing to HIKER or the guy that won our class. . .but they both deserved 1st and 2nd!
heres your answer, i find this statement false. as did many people that passed by as i was packin up to head home. but its all good, atleast my 25 bucks went to a good charity.
01-14-08, 05:40 PM
heres your answer, i find this statement false. as did many people that passed by as i was packin up to head home. but its all good, atleast my 25 bucks went to a good charity.
So I am in the dark on this. What was the problem?
01-14-08, 06:27 PM
How well represented was the Copperstate Mustang Club? It conflicted with our Monthly meeting, but I know a few of us were there to represent the CMC. How much was raised for Ryans House? It is allways neat when you can have a good time hanging out with other Mustang owners, and help out a good cause.
FYI, the CMC will be hosting a get together at Johnny Rockets, on the North side of Phoenix College Stadium Friday, Feb. 15, 6 PM. I am working out some details with the manager. Hope the guys who were at the Pioneer Ford Show can make it with their Trophys!
01-14-08, 07:39 PM
So I am in the dark on this. What was the problem?
My suspicion is that AZSonicSnake feels that judging was somehow skewed. Given that I opted to not participate in the judging I cannot speak to this but my belief, and hope, is that the Wild West Mustang club members who judged the show did not show any bias in their choices.
Personally, if I had my druthers, there would have been NO judging and all of the classes would have been "Peoples Choice". Would this eliminate concerns of impropriety? Highly doubtful! There will always be someone who believes that their car should have won...
Oh and to AZSonicSnake, the Tricked Ponies Car Show was and is all about a great charity, Ryan House. Thats the only reason that Pioneer Ford hosts this show and will likely continue to host it in the future. :icon_cool:
01-14-08, 07:41 PM
surely you saw my ending remark of "atleast the 25 bucks went to a good charity" :twothumbsup:
01-14-08, 07:43 PM
How well represented was the Copperstate Mustang Club? It conflicted with our Monthly meeting, but I know a few of us were there to represent the CMC. How much was raised for Ryans House? It is allways neat when you can have a good time hanging out with other Mustang owners, and help out a good cause.
I saw one or two CMC members wearing their name badges. Were there others? I'd guess so... Heck I'd wear my badge but since I never go to the monthly meetings, after three years of membership, I still don't have it! :laughing1:
The last I heard the show raised approximately $7000 for Ryan House. Thats more than double than what the show raised last year! I'd say everyone who attended and contributed to the show deserves two thumbs up for supporting an awesome charity like Ryan House. :twothumbsup:
01-14-08, 07:45 PM
surely you saw my ending remark of "atleast the 25 bucks went to a good charity" :twothumbsup:
I did! And believe me we sincerely appreciate your support!! :highfive:
This is only the second year of the show. In all honesty we don't have the experience and history that Copperstate has with their bi-annual car shows. In any event we are very willing to consider changes for next years show. If you have suggestions PLEASE feel no hesitation to make your suggestions known. I have no affiliation with Pioneer Ford. As such I cannot guarantee that the changes will be made but I'll do everything in my power to insure that they're considered.
Rev'n Kevin
01-14-08, 10:08 PM
Just wanted to stop in and tell you what a wonderful time I had @ the Car Show. It really was a great time. Good to see fellow CMC members skipping the monthly meeting to come out and support this very special charity event. I was surprised and honored to receive the Ryan's Choice Trophy.
I really came to the show not expecting to win anything, just wanted to get out of the house and and hang out with my fellow Mustang owners. It's kind of funny, because I was so busy visiting with everyone and having a good time, I didn't even hear them announce that the trophies were being awarded. Just about the time I realized why everyone was gathered together, I walked up in time to hear the winners in my class, the 94-04 Convertibles. I didn't even really remember my number when I heard them call C-7 for one of the awards. I was thinking to myself, I think my number is C-5, well missed by 2 and kind of chuckled. So when the Ryan's Choice Award came up they called for C-5, I looked at the guy next to me and said "I think that's my number" but I wasn't for sure, so I didn't step forward. When the announcer asked Ryan what did the car look like, I heard "the Batmobile", and I knew the only car close to being called that, was mine, because last year when I was modifying it, my friends and neighbors kept calling it the Batmobile.
There will never be a trophy that will mean more to me than this one, as this one was given to me, not because of points by judges, but because one small child liked my car best of all.
Hope to see all of you at a car show soon.
Rev'n Kevin
01-14-08, 10:17 PM
I'm shocked he (AZ) thought that we didn't judge fairly. . .lol not. . .well since the dude challenged my statement, and evidently integrity (all you had to do was ask btw), I can tell you that you are 100% off base.
Oh and btw how many of us haven't heard "you should have won" as we were packing up? lol
Reality check.
1) Close to half the judges were not in our club.
2) The judge in your class is not NOT in our club, he only knows me and another judge that is not in our club that only knows me. Hell he still knows nobody but me in our club. He is an expert on all years/styles mustang, that is why I gave him the hardest class. He use to drag race for a living (in a mustang), which should have helped you btw. His judging (scores) were the lowest of all categories because he took it seriously, and he judged with a fine tooth comb. In his three winners. . .I agreed with the first two, although I didn't look closely at them as a judge would.
BTW 2nd and 3rd were announced wrong (flipped), but I corrected it with both of them.. . .the final spot could have gone (in my eyes) between one of two cars. . .yours being one. As a matter of record I would have given it to the other car even though I love yours.
*In fact though Martin opted not to give a complete answer above, he will confirm(he's in Copperstate btw, not our club) that we went out as a group to see why he chose the last car that he did before the final call, just to confirm he wasn't slighting anyone. Right Martin? BTW in fairness, Martin might have just realized that it was AZ's class that we went back out to confirm third.
He (judge) made his decision...we understood his logic, and we honored it.
3) In the interest of full disclosure...AZSONIC is (was?) hopefully still is lol, in our club, the ONLY club member in the class. Which really makes his statement curious? Someone explain that too me please.
So lemme get this straight...our club didn't judge your class with integrity because our NON club member gave the three awards in that class to nobody in our club???
4) Out of the 27 trophies presented our club members took home a 3rd for myself...I think the people in my class would agree that is fair (considering I won my class in the Copperstate and took the best paint trophy), a strong third '69 Boss 351 that could have won his class if not for a pristine Mach 1, and first place for 1994-2004 (tie breaker). I don't think second (as I can remember the cars) was close to his. . .but in looking at the scores just now it was an 85-80 tiebreaker.
Look we have all been to shows we didn't win. . .I've won every show I have ever been in with my car (not my other cars), EXCEPT. . .some little High School show a month ago, because the band loved the viper they took their group picture with right before voting (lol), and THIS show. I've got a great car, and shouldn't have won this show (1st & 2nd deserved their positions). . .you;ve got a great car and IMO shouldn't have won this show because there were some amazing was by far the toughest class.
Shit happens. . .don't question integrity without the facts and lets move forward.
01-14-08, 10:18 PM
Kevin...that's awesome!
BTW as soon as I saw your doors. . .I knew you won a little kids heart!
01-14-08, 10:36 PM
i can take part of that, but alas you are not 100% on base either, ray won the class. yeah, the redifre cobra parked next to me, last i checked he was in the club too. but its all good, i know my place, its at the track, still not quite sure why i keep tryin to be a damn show car. :twothumbsup:
01-14-08, 10:43 PM
Lets not loose sight that a car show is a way to being mustang enthusiasts together. Winning a trophy is just an added bonus and should not create issues between enthusiasts.
01-14-08, 10:52 PM
very good point jeff. sorry to even have mentioned my displeasure. time to get back to the track, is it friday yet? i need to kill some tires off a little more.
01-14-08, 11:01 PM
Ahhh Tony...Ray wasn't in your class.
So you were the only member in your class, your 11 second car was in the Mod class. I am sorry you feel slighted...because I don't want anyone upset.
01-14-08, 11:04 PM
BTW if I was you and thought I was in that class, I probably would have felt the same way you do. . .probably the way I felt against the viper...but I wouldn't have aired it in public, you should have just asked. Then if you didn't like my answer...hammer me in public or whatever would be fair.
01-14-08, 11:06 PM
wow, interesting. guess things changed from when i checked in. i guess the criteria was still rather unclear even after attending the meeting.
btw- sorry, i normally keep things in, but this time i was kinda un willing too. i think there could use to be some work on the criteria of the classes. but thats just me. ;)
01-14-08, 11:27 PM
Like I said, I understand your feeling if you thought you were in one class not knowing you were in another.
Two things need to be done for next clearly defined classes. That way people have a good idea going in. Remember we were working with a limited amount of trophies. I can't believe we had twice the number of convertibles than we expected, so we had to break that class up. I don't think people understand open/closed when they registered. Whatever happened to hardtop/convertible? lol Same thing with the mods. . .(broke the class up)
Second, if someone told you a class at the show when you checked in they shouldn't have. The only ones that knew the classes were Martin, Me and another gentleman that is tight with Pioneer at about 11:30. You were assigned a number. . .not a class. . .if they told you otherwise, sorry...they shouldn't have.
Next year, using your class as an example. . .there will be (IMO) 1994-2004 stock (MAYBE 3 mods, depending on number of rock stock), 1994-2004 mild mod (your class), 1994-2008 wild mod.
Whether you agree or not I had two judges tell me upon looking at your car that you had at least six mods. Six was above our limit and unfortunitly bumped you up. was probably the most unfair ranking along with another 65 that got bumped up for the same reason of the show. But in our position we had to stick to our (5 mods) number and we did.
I would ask you if you disagree with that number (on your car). . .I'd rather not get in a discussion of how many is on your car on here. . .lets go private and figure it out, or agree to disagree. But that was the criteria and hopefully you will agree that at least it was fair. . .or an honest mistake.
01-14-08, 11:31 PM
BTW. . .I HATE participant voted car shows or "fans". That just turns into a popularity contest when you have your friends vote for each other (different classes). Plus get a couple that have nothing better to do than vote for themselves on 100 different voting sheets just sucks. lol
If you can avoid members cheating for other members (I truly believe we did), I believe Copperstate to their credit avoided that as well at their show I was at...then you always got to have a judged show. IMO
Rev'n Kevin
01-14-08, 11:53 PM
Maybe something to think about for next year, Dash Plates. This was the first car show I have done that didn't have them, T-shirts are cool but dash plates last forever and are a great record of all the shows you have done with your car. Just a suggestion.
01-15-08, 06:52 AM
*In fact though Martin opted not to give a complete answer above, he will confirm(he's in Copperstate btw, not our club) that we went out as a group to see why he chose the last car that he did before the final call, just to confirm he wasn't slighting anyone. Right Martin? BTW in fairness, Martin might have just realized that it was AZ's class that we went back out to confirm third.
Actually until you said this I didn't realize that his was the class that had the slight issue! :yes: I can most definitely confirm, however, that as soon as the judges identified the issue they went out and corrected it! :twothumbsup:
BTW. . .I HATE participant voted car shows or "fans". That just turns into a popularity contest when you have your friends vote for each other (different classes). Plus get a couple that have nothing better to do than vote for themselves on 100 different voting sheets just sucks. lol
If you can avoid members cheating for other members (I truly believe we did), I believe Copperstate to their credit avoided that as well at their show I was at...then you always got to have a judged show. IMO
In this regard I have to disagree... In my experience its very possible to run a FAIR and honest "Peoples Choice" show. Is it possible for someone to show up with 50 of their friends to "stuff the ballot box"? Heck ya... but if all 50 of them entered their cars or purchased raffle tickets then Ryan's House still benefitted. One of the things I truly regret about car shows is that people get WAY THE HECK TOO focused around walking home with trophies. First and foremost the show is a benefit for Ryan House! Maybe I'm in the minority but thats the primary reason that I went to the show. I left that show on Sunday with a much bigger award than most did... I saw the smile on Ryan's face! In my mind thats what this is all about! :woot1:
01-15-08, 07:53 AM
Just wanted to stop in and tell you what a wonderful time I had @ the Car Show. It really was a great time. Good to see fellow CMC members skipping the monthly meeting to come out and support this very special charity event. I was surprised and honored to receive the Ryan's Choice Trophy.
I really came to the show not expecting to win anything, just wanted to get out of the house and and hang out with my fellow Mustang owners.
There will never be a trophy that will mean more to me than this one, as this one was given to me, not because of points by judges, but because one small child liked my car best of all.
Hope to see all of you at a car show soon.
Rev'n Kevin
I think Kevin hit it dead on here and unfortunately, I think people tend to lose sight of whats really important. Its about supporting a charity and hanging with fellow Mustang owners. If you win a trophy, great, if not, who gives a rats ass.
Im afraid that no matter how you set it up, who judges, or how you class the cars, someone will come away unhappy or feeling slighted. A lot of thought and input went into how to class the cars etc just since I joined WWM and I know the effort was made to make everyone happy.
Overall i think it was a great day and Im sorry if AZsonic feels slighted or that its not worth coming out again next year. I think this event will continue to grow and as we move forward, the "bugs" will continue to be worked out.
Congratulations to Rev'n Kevin and all the other winners and thanks to everyone who worked their asses off to make this a great day and incredible charity event for a great cause.
01-15-08, 08:03 AM
You know ironically three people were screwed, slighted or whatever on first glance...all from our club. But they were all classed correctly. It was sad for them because they ran agains the wholey grail of being a STOCK or a MOD...the line was drawn at 5. If the count of mods was wrong...I apologized, you were screwed...but not on purpose. But if you have 6 you just need to be honest with yourselves. Most shows, have the number at 3. I personally think it should be at 10 if the changes are not huge.
I was shown a list of mods from the Sunset Pamona show that had point values. If you had were a mod...roughly 5-6 mods. My car was over 250 points. It is very unfair to have my car go against Milo's who has probably 80. It was just unfair to have Tony go against the cars that won...but that is simply how the points broke.
01-15-08, 08:13 AM
Okay some house keeping...
1) Dash plaques. CRAP. I didn't know there weren't any in there. To be honest Martin and I were told there were dash plaques (they had them last yr) and that they were being handled. Our jobs were the trophies, placement of cars and trophies. Someone dropped the ball...I won't fingers cause I am betting it was a very honest mistake. But they were planned and the person assigned VERY qualified to do so...Martin and I didn't follow up for that reason.
2) People's choice...I still don't like. :) I think most of us that have taken the time to build our cars want to be judged by people that know what to look for not because we have the coolest design painted on our car. Just my opinion.
Lastly. . .we all say it and most of us say it with conviction ,and some of us mean it. But shows for those of us that do more than one show a year, do so for the trophy. I know...not very PC, but it's true.
The show benefits a charity? Very Cool. There's a trophy? Even better. Is it all about the trophy? Course not. We could have had a show with no trophies and still get most everyone that we got because even above the trophy and the charity...we just like showing our cars...but if we have a shot at a trophy that's just icing on the cake.
01-15-08, 08:15 AM
"Holy Grail"
I thought the judging method was good. I'm not a big fan of participant voted car shows.
I would change the fact that judges can not enter their cars. If someone asked me to judge a show, I would pull my car in a heartbeat. Just seems odd and doesn't look right to others.
..and get rid of the bucket
01-15-08, 03:32 PM
Hmmm...I don't know if I agree with that...does Copperstate do it? Not that they are the end all, just guessing they have ran across this once or twice. lol Seems to me at their show, their judges cars were entered but not judged by the car owner.
Regardless, this is trophies we are talking about and not massive amounts of money or valueables. If you can't trust people, or you (generic "you" not Hiker) are going to lose sleep over a trophy in a car show, then you have your priorities messed up.
I vouch for my guys enough to say that not one member won that cannot be justified. Now to say that (cheating) wouldn't happen in the future making your point valid. . .but I think if you are having judges judge not their category, then that should be fine. IMO
I don't know if I would judge (I mean I guess I would,almost did) without being able to show my car competitively. But I wouldn't expect others with less vested interest in the show to judge and keep their car out. Maybe I am short changing them. . . wanna judge next year? I am guessing if that is a criteria...I'll need to start looking now. lol Can I count you in?
BTW the count for the charity is up to $7,400 now and the show WILL have all fords next year. Although it will be a limited amount (40-50) of cars.. .probably Roadsters, Street Rods, cobras and special interest. (pre-72)
Rev'n Kevin
01-15-08, 04:23 PM
BTW the count for the charity is up to $7,400 now and the show WILL have all fords next year. Although it will be a limited amount (40-50) of cars.. .probably Roadsters, Street Rods, cobras and special interest. (pre-72)
There are tons of all makes car shows and ford shows here in Az., but only a handful of mustang only shows. The name of the show is Tricked Ponies, to turn into an all ford show, in my opinion would be terrible mistake. Being a mustang only show is what makes this show so special. I had no problem with the 3 cobras and 1 ford gt being there, as they were there as display only, now if there had been 10 cobras and 5 gts, then I would have had a problem with it, as I would have felt that they were taking away from it being a "mustang" show.
Every show supports some kind of charity, and to me this is the icing on the cake. But when I attend a show my 1st priority is what kind of show is it, i.e.: mustang only, all ford, or all makes. If all three of those kind of shows were going on at the same time, I would be at the mustang show.
This was my first car show of this year and my first all mustang show, I heard about it nearly 3 months ago, and had been looking forward to it. I fully planned to attend next year, but if it WILL be an all ford show, then I more than likely WILL NOT be there, as it WILL be just another all ford show.
Keep it to Mustangs and maybe special interest Fords only...
One thing that I did find humerous at the show was the guy selling Hot Wheels out of his trunk. Now that was some funny stuff. The way they were hiden deep down inside his felt like a drug deal going on... and yes I did buy one...LOL
I'd keep the show just the way it was. It might be hard to find non-particating judges.
..just get rid of the buckets.....LOL
Although I did win out of one bucket...... go figure..
01-15-08, 06:07 PM
blown66- you do know that show in glendale that the CMC put on was particpants choice right? i think it was done quite well honestly. though i understand your reasoning for not likin them, as i agree with you, there was one time where i think it was quite sucessful.
crazy ray
01-16-08, 12:08 AM
I have been to a all Ford show, and they broke it down in to different years for mustangs, thunderbirds, trucks, modified cars, something for everyone, long as it was Ford. This was at Sanderson Ford Car Show.If Pioneer Ford goes this route, they are going to have to give up more of the car lot.
crazy ray
01-16-08, 12:55 AM
I would like to put my two cents worth about winning or losing. I got my car, to go to car shows. To meet good people, who love thier cars as much as I do, and I have done that. The biggest thing, thrill, or what ever you want to call it, is that someone comes over, looks at my car and says " very nice, I love your car" or just ask questions about it. That and spending the day at a show, with friends and to make some new ones is to me what it is all about. The money went to a good cause. All the shows that I have entered, I have came home with something: New friendship, pictures of beautiful cars and Ideas to do things to my car. Like someone said, getting a trophy is icing on the cake. Like I said, its just my two cent worth.
01-16-08, 09:26 AM
KEVIN I know what you are saying (and a couple of others) BUT...keeping the's not about us. If the goal is to raise money, should you sacrafice that just to make mustang people happy?
Personally I love the old fords and would like to see them, as was said yesterday, you can see only so many mustangs in a day. Variety...the spice of life. :)
Tony yeah I had forgotten it was people (actually wasn't it partiicpant?) choice? Either way...I may have won (class), didn't like it. Just my opinion though...
01-16-08, 09:27 AM
OH. . .and I forwarded your concerns about the buckets. . .that won't be a problem next year. lol
01-16-08, 10:09 AM
Tony yeah I had forgotten it was people (actually wasn't it partiicpant?) choice? Either way...I may have won (class), didn't like it. Just my opinion though...
participants picked the winners of the classes, and the people that walked in to view the show voted on "best engine", "best paint" stuff like that. i think it was a good blend. i still know your concerns, and agree, but just wanted to point that out. :twothumbsup:
ray- and i toally agree, my biggest beef was just being told one thing and then something else happened. but its all good, on forth and forward.
Maybe one more catagory.. Pioneer Ford employee's choice...
01-16-08, 12:35 PM
lol..mkay...(not the pioneer suggestion)
Okay. . .as for next year. . .let me be clear. Not close to being my decision (ALL FORD), I am just stating what I heard (is not a secret) yesterday. Please keep in mind that the show will be segregated like this year, ie all mustangs together and the "other" fords will be grouped as well. . .so you don't have to hang with none mustang owners if you don't want too. ;)
Did I miss out on the dash plaques or were there none?
Might be an idea for next year. People do collect these.
What are Dash plaques? Im still new to shows essentially having only been in 3
Rev'n Kevin
01-16-08, 02:46 PM
What are Dash plaques? Im still new to shows essentially having only been in 3
They are little metal plates about two inches by three. They have the name and date of the show, just a little keepsake of the show.
Fun to collect.:icon_cool:
01-16-08, 03:15 PM
Sorry I missed out this year but the second sunday is the club meeting and I have to run them so I couldn't make it out. We had about 70 members at the meeting and if it were on saturday many of us would have come out. January is a great time for this show, there isn't many other events to conflict with it but did I say that the second sunday is bad???
Peoples choice I know can be good and bad, you know some are going to vote for the buddies car etc. etc. I hear all the time club cars are winning etc. but when 90 of the 150 cars that enter a show are "club" members what can you expect? The last spring show we had 152 cars and 94 were CMC Members so you can do the math.
I can only speak for myself and that I vote for the most deserving car or the one that really grabs me and I will always vote a Fox Body best of show!!! But that's just me!!:bouncy:
01-16-08, 03:21 PM
Here is the dash magnet from last years Rock and Roll Pony show, Just fyi
01-16-08, 03:40 PM
VERY COOL plaque! Like I said earlier (so you don't have to look back) someone in the group said they were doing them, since our area was the actual show and not the gifts we never followed up with the person. In fairness the person is great at this type of thing but somehow missed it. They'll have them next year (like they did last year) for sure.
As for the "Date" of the show, they are going to move it to April, maybe may...far enough away from Copperstate's next year...but it will remain on a Sunday. Easier for business I guess? At any rate...last year was the coldest day in history outside, this year was the nicest...damn global warming. :)
I will let them know not to put it on the second Sunday...that should help.
Dash Plagues are given out at car shows. Made of metal, vinyl, or wood.
01-16-08, 04:10 PM
VERY COOL plaque! Like I said earlier (so you don't have to look back) someone in the group said they were doing them, since our area was the actual show and not the gifts we never followed up with the person. In fairness the person is great at this type of thing but somehow missed it. They'll have them next year (like they did last year) for sure.
As for the "Date" of the show, they are going to move it to April, maybe may...far enough away from Copperstate's next year...but it will remain on a Sunday. Easier for business I guess? At any rate...last year was the coldest day in history outside, this year was the nicest...damn global warming. :)
I will let them know not to put it on the second Sunday...that should help.
01-16-08, 05:58 PM
You know I have a million plaques from over the years and I never knew how to display them. I use to actually (younger of course) put them on my dash...hence the name. But that's a great set up Hiker...that second car in the first column...65,66? Wanna sell it? ;)
01-16-08, 05:59 PM
Okay I just figured out I want to add a picture signature to my posting...I need to go figure that out...
The green coupe of white fastback?
Rev'n Kevin
01-16-08, 07:53 PM
You know I have a million plaques from over the years and I never knew how to display them. I use to actually (younger of course) put them on my dash...hence the name. But that's a great set up Hiker...that second car in the first column...65,66? Wanna sell it? ;)
I can hook you up man, White 66 GT w/Cragars, Limited Edition Johnny Lightning, from '02 in un-opened package, in fact got a whole bunch of JLs and Hotwheels in my trunk, I got anything you need, 3500+ collection. :icon_cool:
01-16-08, 10:20 PM
The white one...but I see it's a fastback...great collection.
Kev I'll be talking to you...
I need a 73 Bond Mach 1...the red one...
01-16-08, 10:28 PM
Testing 1,2,3 (this is for me)
01-16-08, 10:29 PM
Okay that's obnoxious. ..sorry some more work to do.
Rev'n Kevin
01-16-08, 11:22 PM
I need a 73 Bond Mach 1...the red one...
Actually the Mustang used in Diamonds are Forever was a 71 made to look like a 73, I'll check and get back to you. :icon_cool:
Rev'n Kevin
01-23-08, 04:14 PM
I have been checkin' their website about 3 times a day since the 20th., and
still no video of the Tricked Ponies Show, sent them an email a couple of
days ago and no reply. Anybody know these guys and know what's up with
the video.
01-23-08, 06:58 PM
We are actually meeting on Friday and I will ask what is up. Now I did see him last week and he said about two weeks...but I will check for sure.
new to town is this event still going on?
better directions?
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