View Full Version : Friday night Nov 2 Firebird
Heading back to Firebird Friday night to chase that 11sec slip. The wife told me to go back and get that slip for my bday.:highfive:
Anyone else wanna come play at the track next weekend????
10-28-07, 05:57 PM
I might make it out. Prolly won't beat on the car for a while though. I think I've pushed the tranny enough. :yes: Might come out and play on the DR's and motor though.
Sweet time to get a new best N/A for ya. Your 4.10's and DR's will put you crossing the trap at the top of your RPMs in 4th which is perfect for 1/4, as long as they hook you'll get a new N/A best for sure!:highfive:
10-28-07, 06:33 PM
thinking the cobra will make it out again too. this time will be on pump gas though since i put 30 bucks in yesterday.
SWEET that make 2 or 3 of us in the first hour!
Anyone else coming????
What time will you guys be there? I should be able to come out as well.
10-28-07, 07:35 PM
we normally get there around 7pm.
im there guys. ill try to get my car to make more than 10psi of boost this time too lol.
10-28-07, 10:23 PM
I might possibly go, just on my street tires though, dont want run slicks or anything and break my rear end (literally) Havent been to the track in a long while, I'll see how the exhaust helped out.
P.S. You guys meeting at PSR or anything and then rolling out? Ive never been to firebird to race and I dont know how to get there.
take the 10 east until wild horse pass. (goes ray, chandler, pecos, wild horse)
turn right off the freeway, then your first left, and then u cant miss it, its on ur left
P.S. You guys meeting at PSR or anything and then rolling out? Ive never been to firebird to race and I dont know how to get there.
I will probably head there straight from the shop after I get off work around 6-6:30. Big T met me at the shop this weekend I'm not sure if he plans to do the same next weekend.
10-28-07, 11:49 PM
yup. i will meet at the shop. its the easiest way to go about it.
btw- sounding like the video and pic crew will be out again... :woot1:
yup. i will meet at the shop. its the easiest way to go about it.
btw- sounding like the video and pic crew will be out again... :woot1:
:laughing1:FN sweet man!!!!!!! Gotta love how tight our group is.:highfive:
I think I might strip the interior this time out.:yes: And I'll finish wiring in the bottle heater this week for sure.
10-28-07, 11:55 PM
sweet well make that a 3rd who will be meeting you guys at the shop. I've been itchin to go racing since I got my exhaust on and now I have a little extra cash so I can hit that track finally. :woot2:
Hey Tony you think your "video crew" will be able to tape a couple of my runs? I wanna hear what it sounds like on video with the Magnapack setup
Cool we will see ya Friday night then. So that makes atleast 5 of us heading out again this weekend, this is shaping up to be a go time again.
10-29-07, 12:09 AM
Hey Tony you think your "video crew" will be able to tape a couple of my runs? I wanna hear what it sounds like on video with the Magnapack setup
sure thing. i will have them on the lookout for our cars when we are out. as you saw, the three that went last week got all three of the vids up. :woot1:
10-29-07, 12:11 AM
Good deal, I appreciate it. Its been a while since Ive seen the ol PSR gang and big T so It'll be cool to see the regular gang again and best of all RACE!
ive got another guy coming with an 03 cobra, and maybe another with an 07 gt, and another with an 06 v6
10-29-07, 12:32 AM
kick ass. too bad we can't call ahead and reserve an HPS lane! :sticktonge:
im hopin they have the usually "slick only" lanes (far right 2). makes it so some of us get more runs in, or less waiting, whichever u like lol
10-29-07, 12:49 AM
they had it last week. i kept going over to that lane and did not have to wait as long. but nothing was said about that in tech, but its all good.
they had it last week. i kept going over to that lane and did not have to wait as long. but nothing was said about that in tech, but its all good.
Thats what the far left lanes were for, dang I didn't know that.
My ET Streets qualify for that lane, right?
if u have slicks/dot slicks/ or ur just really quick. you get to use the far right 2 lanes.
Sweet that means I can get a few more passes in then. Because those lanes were never very long. You can get to those lanes through the gate in the fence by the walking bridge when the staging lanes are backed up, right?
10-29-07, 12:47 PM
he i want some fun too i will drive that far wen you all go when do we meet at the shop?
I plan to head to the track after work Friday night. If anyone wants to meet me at the shop and roll out at the same time let me know. I plan to leave around 6:30, so if your heading out with me be at the shop around 6:20 or so. As long as I have a list of people meeting me at the shop, we wont leave with out ya, but try to be there before 6:30.
ill be at the track by 6:30 this friday.
I wish I could get there that early, but the shop doesn't close till 6. So it will probably be around 7 by the time I make it to the track.
well i close at 6 too :) i just have a 2 to 2.5 mile drive lol
Must be nice.................:yes:
10-29-07, 11:42 PM
we will certainly have to cuss him out as we sit on the broadway curve... :sticktonge: :icon_cool:
10-30-07, 10:57 AM
i'll be heading there with my car also my friends bringing his 99 trans am and another is taking his 97 slowbra
Would love to go out. Only problem is with this motor thing kickin my butt I don't have money for tires. I dont even get any kind of traction on the street with these nearly bald Toyos so the track is pretty much out of the picture.
10-30-07, 11:51 AM
what time do the gates open. Have a decent drive so want the car to cool down.
10-30-07, 01:37 PM
Camera/Pit Crew checking in! I'll be riding with Tony and Bryant should show up with the chase truck shortly after unless he can sneak out of work sooner.
what time do the gates open. Have a decent drive so want the car to cool down.
between 6 and 6:30
10-30-07, 07:34 PM
i wanted to take it easy on my car for a while..... F it i'll be there street tires and all!!!! :woot2:lets all pit in the same area and be cool n stuff ehhhh
10-30-07, 07:57 PM
sounds like a plan! we are gonna take over the place with stangs!!! :woot1:
10-30-07, 08:21 PM
sounds like a plan! we are gonna take over the place with stangs!!! :woot1:
plus 2 ls1's :woot1::highfive:
10-30-07, 08:26 PM
10-30-07, 08:47 PM
plus 2 ls1's :woot1::highfive:
sweet...snacks! :sticktonge: :woot1:
10-30-07, 09:40 PM
sweet...snacks! :sticktonge: :woot1:
:eat: :rofl::rofl::rollingfloorrlol:
10-30-07, 09:51 PM
sweet...snacks! :sticktonge: :woot1: :laughing::laughing:
Thats some funny sheit, you guys are killing me.:biglaugh:
Thanks for the props DIEHARD, hope to see ya at the track. It sounds like we have a fairly large group heading out, it should be a good time. I hope the track is as sticky as it was last weekend!!!!:woot2:
10-30-07, 10:29 PM
yea friends ls1 cant run his spray at the track doesnt have a blow down tube or fire jacket plus his tires arent here yet. Torched mach or indy i'll run you guys motor to motor. I'm only full exhaust , lid, and a 3k stall on a nitto. Full weight
10-30-07, 10:31 PM
something gives me a good feeling that indy is not gonna be wanting to turn that bottle off this friday. :yes: :Bucktooth:
Sounds fun, but I'm going hunting for 11's. So my bottle will be on for every pass :laughing1:. Besides I only run low 13's N/A, but if I get my 11sec slip early in the night I'll run ya N/A. Should be a close race, although my T/C is built to run the bottle so I'm not a fast as I should be N/A.
TorchMach might wanna run ya N/A:yes: since he already got his 11 sec slip, he is just going out for fun this weekend.
something gives me a good feeling that indy is not gonna be wanting to turn that bottle off this friday. :yes: :Bucktooth:
You hit the nail on the head.
BTW - finished the bottle heater:woot2: after work tonight, so I'm ready to go play!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:bouncy:
is the bottle mounted in the car? if its in the trunk i dont think u need a blow down tube (they didnt ask me) and getting/borrowing someones jacket is easy.
10-30-07, 10:48 PM
my stall is to small for spray or for n/a. I'm looking to move up to yank ss4000 for spray or n/a. Even though i should probely only do a 3600 for spray. Who knows might meet up in the middle and do a 3800 . I'm looking to keep the car as it is and go faster. Just some suspension and who knows maybe lighten up the car a little. Right now full weight i'm barely in to the 12's so could be a good race still indy
10-30-07, 10:50 PM
is the bottle mounted in the car? if its in the trunk i dont think u need a blow down tube (they didnt ask me) and getting/borrowing someones jacket is easy.
no matter where its mounted your supposed to have a blow down tube. I told him send it up in my buddy's car since he doesnt want to run his cobra (97 stuck in the 14s on street tires). After tech to mount it and he doesnt plan on spraying it till the end of 2nd and through 3rd since hes on street tires so should only run mid to low 12s tops i'd say (6.0l with a very small cam)
They didn't even ask to see my fire jacket or even check for a blow down tube last weekend. And I don't have a hidden system either its out there in the engine bay for all to see, no secerts here.:sticktonge:
10-30-07, 10:58 PM
hum maybe we will have to try. I'm going to head up there early get something to eat around there and then head to the track. Dont feel like sitting in traffic and coming from luke cars going to be extremely hot and dont have an auto fan switch to cool the car down. I'm looking to get the car to run 12.7 this time out, maybe better if i can stall the car up and hook on these nittos. So far i've only been able to stall the car up and launch from 1200rpms. My new brakes should be here friday but doubt i'll have time after work. Ordered slotted and drilled zinc coated rotors and hawk hps pads.
What PSI are you running your nittos at?
can a v6 play with the SS? :)
10-30-07, 11:39 PM
running the nittos at 18psi
fazm i'm down but 1 power adder(not sure if your running turbo or turbo and nitrous since you said you had a bottle earlier in the post). Oh yea and under 10psi of boost
nitrous doesnt go in the motor, but yes i do have nitrous (sprays the intercooler).
so if i keep it at 9.9psi ull race? :)
i really want an 11 friday, i dunno if i can do it on 10psi though.
10-31-07, 12:03 AM
Well I got some good news, I'll be able to get those 26x8.5x15 Mickey Thompson slicks I was looking at. so I can finally be able to launch the car and hopefully get my 13.7 with just exhaust and tires. :hyper:
oh, and I saved a bunch of money by switching my car insurance to Gieco..
10-31-07, 12:53 AM
I might make it out
seriously? that would be cool.... :twothumbsup:
10-31-07, 12:53 PM
Damn Tony, looks like I'm gonna have to bring out the cones this weekend to help mark off a pit box! :laughing:
Hopefully there won't be a 15sec STI again to make me violent.... but then again, the kid was kind of cheap entertainment for us to laugh at lol.
10-31-07, 05:34 PM
yea friends ls1 cant run his spray at the track doesnt have a blow down tube or fire jacket plus his tires arent here yet. Torched mach or indy i'll run you guys motor to motor. I'm only full exhaust , lid, and a 3k stall on a nitto. Full weight
I might run ya a pass or two N/A. I'm hoping to go 12.7 N/A as well. I haven't decided if I'm gonna spray or not. I think I might, then take myself out of commision for a while. Gotta get a new tranny, and battle boxes and torque boxes welded in. Maybe some front suspension and skinnies too.
10-31-07, 06:57 PM
well i took a little weight off the car today i took off the back seat
houston we have a problem lol.
i changed out my plugs today. amazed at how good they looked for 12k miles. (burning perfect, no signs of detonation). but 2 wires went bad. ive ordered a new set, but i wont get them til friday. so im hopin things work out. either way ill be there. either racing in the v6, or watching in the cobra.
Man that blows, I hope your new wires get here in time!
10-31-07, 09:39 PM
houston we have a problem lol.
i changed out my plugs today. amazed at how good they looked for 12k miles. (burning perfect, no signs of detonation). but 2 wires went bad. ive ordered a new set, but i wont get them til friday. so im hopin things work out. either way ill be there. either racing in the v6, or watching in the cobra.
man its not too often you hear that phrase
man its not too often you hear that phrase
ya i dont know many.
i know some that trade in a v6 for a cobra, but not park a cobra and race a v6 lol
11-01-07, 08:34 PM
tomorrows the big day fellas so it looks like we got about 11 or 12 people showing up, thats pretty damn good
ya. my wires better show up. i dont want to watch, i want to race :)
I hope your wires show up too. I have been wanting to check out your 6'er for awhile.:yes:
11-01-07, 09:26 PM
i'll see you guys up there i'm probely going to leave down here by luke a little after 4 and get something to eat over by firebird and then get in when the gates open at 6 so i can let the car cool since i know there will be some traffic
I am heading to Firebird not SW.
SW isn't running on Fri nights anymore this year, as far as I know.
11-01-07, 10:09 PM
I am heading to Firebird not SW.
SW isn't running on Fri nights anymore this year, as far as I know.
yea i knew that ment firebird when i typed it was heading that way anyways lol
guy with the 97 cobra heading up with me wont run. He is making up excuses, head tick or exhaust leak, no tires. He is running bfg kdw's and he has had a noise since he got the car and beats on it all the time. Think he just doesnt want to run a high 13 instead of a 14 the last time out
11-01-07, 10:14 PM
i'll see you guys up there i'm probely going to leave down here by luke a little after 4 and get something to eat over by firebird and then get in when the gates open at 6 so i can let the car cool since i know there will be some traffic
hey man theres a carls jr on chandler blvd just west of the ten me and sum buddies are gonna chow down there b4 firebird probably around 530, your more than welcome to meet up there with us if you want
11-01-07, 10:49 PM
hey man theres a carls jr on chandler blvd just west of the ten me and sum buddies are gonna chow down there b4 firebird probably around 530, your more than welcome to meet up there with us if you want
sounds good if i'm coming on the 10 from glendale do you know what exit or road its on. Not to familiar with that side of phoenix yet (also right or left once i get off the 10 guessing left but)
11-01-07, 11:37 PM
sounds good if i'm coming on the 10 from glendale do you know what exit or road its on. Not to familiar with that side of phoenix yet (also right or left once i get off the 10 guessing left but)
That Carl's Jr. is on the West side of the I10 if it's the one they are talking about. You can't miss it right when you exit. I might swing by and meet up with you guys if I get off early enough.
Alright its getting close to race day finally! :woot1:
Anyone that plans to meet up with me at the shop and then head out, shot me a PM so I know who to wait for.:highfive:
still no wires and 4 hours left..... i dont want to watch lol
11-02-07, 04:54 PM
your just scared to run the joking sucks you cant run tonight would like to have seen the turbo v6 run. Good friends with j but never got to see his tt v6 run at the track either just videos. He got a lot of the things ironed out when i was away at tech school
I'm comin' out. I'll try to make it to the shop at around 6:15 or so if anyone's still meeting up there before ya'll go out.
11-02-07, 05:05 PM
still no wires and 4 hours left..... i dont want to watch lol
that sucks man, i wanted to see 11s out of that thing tonight
well good news and bad news.
i got the wires. installed.
buttoned up the aem EBC
finished the MSD DIS4+ install.
bad news
ive got some kind of oil leak leaking onto the uppipe for the turbo. not sure if the car is ok to run because of that. other than that it seems fine. i dont know how to work the boost controller yet lol.
my stall is to small for spray or for n/a. I'm looking to move up to yank ss4000 for spray or n/a. Even though i should probely only do a 3600 for spray. Who knows might meet up in the middle and do a 3800 . I'm looking to keep the car as it is and go faster. Just some suspension and who knows maybe lighten up the car a little. Right now full weight i'm barely in to the 12's so could be a good race still indy
What???? Nitrous loves tight converters. You run a yank 4k and spray it and you will be slower than if you sprayed your stock converter.
11-04-07, 12:39 AM
What???? Nitrous loves tight converters. You run a yank 4k and spray it and you will be slower than if you sprayed your stock converter.
yea i have no idea why i wrote the first time. I ment to say my stall is to small and am not sure if i want to say spray or n/a. i want to up the stall to a 4k , but am having thoughts of spraying it so should go up to a 3600 (want to be able to run good n/a but still run good on spray if i go that way...hci in the future)
I would try and get a super tight converter like a 3k that way when you hit it with the nitrous it will stal around 34-3600 that would make it come out of the hole real good
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