View Full Version : News Article on Jenna
Made the paper and front page of AZCENTRALs webpage. Friday we will have a complete write up on us only.
The more people that click on the link, or write to the editor the more it will help us get justice for our daughter.
Daddy misses you princess
10-24-07, 03:56 PM
The City of Surprise and Surprise PD need to step up and do something. Either put a couple of bike cops out there to help deter the speeders or buld a left hand turn lane and put up a light.
I'm out there daily....they dont even patrol this area, not even after what happened to my daughter.
We are hoping that this puts pressure on the right people, now that another life has been claimed people want to notice.
Bunch of ****ing BS
El Jefe
10-24-07, 04:41 PM
I spread the link around or you. Its needs to be seen:beerchug:
I put it on all the forums I visit, feel free to do the same so it can be seen by everyone.
Thank you
10-24-07, 04:54 PM
"Death always comes too early or too late"
-Saying (English) Author Unknown
It is unnacceptable when people die time and time again due to something that is easily prevented. My thought are with you and your family.
10-25-07, 03:39 PM
I cannot believe that the city of suprise has not fixed this yet, time to get the city council out there canned!!! Elect someone who will help protect our most beautiful and fragil children.
10-25-07, 03:42 PM
I wonder if we get enough people out there to protest the local news would cover it??? Lets get the city put on notice!!!!! I can't believe how pissed and sad I am right now............
Wrote the editor bud. I have a 9month old and I would f-ucking kill someone if she was taken away from me
10-25-07, 07:18 PM
we should hold a meet there, and get a few people out in memory, then they would notice. maybe contact a few news stations or what not?
Wrote the editor bud. I have a 9month old and I would f-ucking kill someone if she was taken away from me
I said the same till I was wearing the shoes...I still have to be here for much as I want to do other things.
In due time he'll get his...and I mean from me.
10-25-07, 09:59 PM
clicked it and told people at work to also. Sorry about your loss, I remember this when it happened, I came on shift right after and got back briefed on the info we had recieved. I never put two and two togther with what your sig was about.
Did you ever try to get pa involved with anything about the intersection etc asking for peoples help
10-25-07, 10:40 PM
Not a bad idea AZSonic, I would make time for that.
Sad to see they haven't done anything about this.
Told people about it.
Hope it helps..
10-26-07, 04:55 PM
I told just about everyone I know to try and help.
10-26-07, 05:27 PM
I saw the posting on It's truly sad to have to go through watching your children pass before you do.
When Jenna passed, I was busy trying to get an event together at Speedworld. It so happened that, I was trying to get ahold of Pete to find out whether or not we could run our respective events together (because he rented the track). All of that got jumbled up, because of someone's lack of judgement. That someone was the jerk that took your baby girl. Funny how one tragedy can spread and affect many lives.
Seth was going to introduce me to you, last Saturday night, but forgot. To be frank, I wouldn't know what to say. That's because, I hadn't gotten to tell you how bad I felt for you and your family.
I have plenty of trouble with all of the idiots thinking that just because I have a fast car, that means I'm supposed to launch off every light and speedily get out of 'their' way! For the most part, I drive like I was taught. I drive like the rules say. You have the right-of-way for some things, not all of them. You have to look ahead of you farther than the edge of your flippin' hood. I come off as a jerk driver, when I do what I'm supposed to do. So, I do my part to keep people on their honor. If the cops won't pull people over for idiot driving (rush hour or not) then I just keep up what I do. It's not illegal, and I think it helps.
10-26-07, 10:43 PM
Bump on the meeting and television crew, that will put even more pressure on the right people. I will go to the link right now. I apologize for your loss
10-26-07, 11:59 PM
Are they kidding, no citations were issued!!! Welcome to flippin Arizona, land of the 120 degree steaming pile of bullsyt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's not about the traffic, construction, or the Surprise PD
This is about getting justice for Jenna
10-28-07, 04:23 PM
It's not about the traffic, construction, or the Surprise PD
This is about getting justice for Jenna
How fast was the truck going that hit you?
10-28-07, 04:28 PM
This is about getting justice for Jenna
amen brother. amen. :2thumbs:
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