View Full Version : NEW Friday Night Cruise! (Peoria)
10-24-07, 02:14 AM
We are starting a new cruise spot (91st ave. and Northern, just north of Northern, west side of the street behind the Auto Zone) on Friday nights at 6pm.
There are 300+ parking spaces and the best Lighting in town! Better than Safeway at 83rd! and we have the management's permission.
Come on out and talk cars!
Might try to swing by after work one of these weekends.
10-25-07, 12:19 AM
Thanks, I hope you do!
I have a friend that is running 35th ave and Greenway. Great guy, solid show. . .I just wish he'd come over and take a look. He would love this place and it would be great for the car community to have a solid Friday night place. Right now there are just too many little ones going. . .this can hold 300 cars! Hopefully word will get out. . .
11-03-07, 04:01 PM
I got off work late. I tried to make it but i showed up just after 8:00.
11-04-07, 12:38 AM
Sorry about that. . .we have a strong 40 (cars) with this being just our third night. But having been out of town the last two days I bailed at 8 to see my wife. . .and most everyone else was doing car shows the next morning. In particular the Mercury show.
Give us another try. ..usually there till 9 at the earliest.
01-04-08, 03:17 PM
Because of holiday's,weather and other commitments by people we are going to run this show from Feb 1 through the last Friday before Thanksgiving...
See you in February!
01-04-08, 04:04 PM
yea went out there a couple of times in dec but nobody was there figured it got shut down
01-06-08, 12:00 AM
Sorry about that...I screwed up in that regard, I just didn't hit all the areas that the cruise was advertised in, (fathers illness early december...better as of the last couple days) and I didn't follow through. Sorry.
01-06-08, 01:31 AM
i posted up on another site the cruise info. I'll head out there in feb hopefully can get a nice turnout when it restarts. Hope all is well with your father
01-09-08, 11:25 PM
hey u guys gonna be over there this friday nite? and if so do you think you would still be there at about 8:45 or so?
01-09-08, 11:28 PM
No we are going to pick it up in February...(first Friday)...even then, until it warms a bit 8:45pm is a bit late for the "cruisers" of 2008. Remember when it was still early when you went home around 2-3am?
02-08-08, 03:05 PM
It'sssssssssss Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
The Friday night cruise will happen from March 7th through November 21st at 91st Ave and Northern behind the Autozone. Room for 300+ cars and lighting to kill for!
Spread the word!
02-13-08, 10:59 PM
It'sssssssssss Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
Spread the word!
On it Kenny.
Sweet. All types of cars?
02-14-08, 12:10 AM
Sweet. All types of cars?
Yes. But its a great time to "meet and greet" the Wild West Mustangs members.
03-02-08, 01:06 PM
Sesso yep...all cars are welcome and once it gets going again it will be a good time. There are two other west side cruises that are a little "weird" for lack of a better term. Both spots are dimly lit and have like 20-30 cars.
I wish we could all get together at one spot. The place we are meeting at is so well lit, huge and could be a solid night spot if the others would come. I don't know...the other two spots are further in town, both on 35th ave (go figure?) so maybe distance is an issue for those die hards?
Be paitent with this spot and it will grow and become very solid.
I have been to both of the other spots, one is 0n 35th ave and greenway and the other was on 35th ave and northern. Both were good and had some nice rides but it sure would be kool to get everyone to meet at the 91st ave and Northern location. I agree with you Kenny that the spot that you guys have picked is a very good location. See you all there. :twothumbsup:
03-10-08, 10:02 AM
Thanks to everyone who came out last Friday. 25 cars wasnt too bad for the first night. This friday the weather will be a bit warmer, we will have the fire truck guy out and will have an even bigger turn out. Hopefully some of the people who were there will spread the word. :pinkthumb:
03-12-08, 12:52 PM
This Friday we will have the fire truck guy selling sodas, hot dogs etc and playing music and Haney Motorsports will possibly be out as well. The weather should be a bit warmer than last week and we are hoping for a bigger turn out than last week and hope to see you all there! :pinkthumb:
03-15-08, 01:04 PM
I want to thank everyone who came out to the Friday night cruise this week. We had a total of 36 cars there at one time last night, which isnt too bad for only the second week. We are definately headed in the right direction and hope more will join us in the upcoming weeks.
03-21-08, 10:09 AM
TONIGHT! Bring your camera's! Oh...and cars...
03-21-08, 10:26 AM
dang, i wanna make this one week, but this week is the copperstate third friday. hmmm..maybe next week...we will see. :)
Rev'n Kevin
03-21-08, 03:52 PM
See ya there!
Sorry I again am working late on a Friday, Bummer- hope you guys have fun. :icon_cool:
Do any of you guys actually go CRUISE? Or is this just a hang out spot to bs about cars? Either way, I'll prolly come check it out tonight...
Rev'n Kevin
03-21-08, 10:12 PM
Do any of you guys actually go CRUISE? Or is this just a hang out spot to bs about cars? Either way, I'll prolly come check it out tonight...
I would say the later, although I did cruise over there. lol
03-21-08, 11:25 PM
SLOW...if you have any idea where ANYONE cruises any more...please let me know. I am tired of this parking lot deals. I wanna drive.
BTW I am working on a cruise...ACTUAL you will be first on my list to let know. lol
AZ you gotta make it out...very strong night, by 6:30 (still early people getting off of work) 32 cars (I had to leave)...Kev any idea?
Hang in there MAD...I have worked the last three weeks (Friday), I went for about 45 minutes...but starting next week I am good for three straight weeks. :)
03-21-08, 11:33 PM
Kenny, can you AFFORD to cruise? lol
Ok, the count for tonight was 56 cars! Thanks to everyone for coming out, it was a great night. 50% of those were people ho hadnt been out the weeks before.
Talking to a few people with good contacts, they told me that this looks to become a big deal and that the word is now out on what a great spot this is. Sounds like it will only get bigger from here.:laughing1:
03-22-08, 12:44 AM
Why do you think I am working so many weekends!
I had a feeling you were in for a big night, I passed about a half dozen cars within a mile after I left the lot! Nice job by the Friday Night WWM crew!
03-28-08, 08:46 AM
Tonights the night! Don't forget to show up the cruise at 91st Ave, JUST North of Northern behind the Auto Zone at 6pm!
You know it's interesting...I got a phone call a few days ago from an old friend of mine and he just go his new (old) car finished. He said, "a buddy of mine said that 35th Ave and Northern is closed now and everyone is going to 91st & Northern. Is that your clubs place?".
If that's true (closing down 35th)...I'm not proud...I am happy though because it means 91st will be solid for a long time to come and maybe then we can pull the 35th and Greenway crowd over? Good job Bry/Alan & Bob...see you tonight...well...if my tube (back tire) gets in from Tucson at 3pm.
03-28-08, 08:49 AM
Shameless bump...sorry...wanted this thread for our headliner...
Have fun guys! Have to work late tonight again. Are we still going to take pictures on Saturday at 91st ave and northern or are we just meeting at Sonic at 3:30?:icon_cool:
03-28-08, 06:34 PM
Might get the CHa cha CHA Chevy out there.... Maybe.
03-28-08, 11:31 PM
80+ cars tonight!! Kenny has the exact count i believe, so i will let him give an exact number. It was a great time tonight and a lot of new cars and faces. Thanks again to everyone who came out and everyone for the hard work in spreading the word. :twothumbsup:
03-29-08, 12:48 AM
I think we can crack 100 cars (for a friday night cruise!) next week if the word gets passed. I think we'll push the club to really hit it big this next week. Bryn...flyers tomorrow? Lets get the fire truck and police next week. I'll help. Remind me about the rock climbers (web site) and I will go after them.
Gotta get a dj...anyone have any ideas?
That is awsome congrats guys!:woot1:I will have a few fridays now that I do not work late so I will be able to go there. This Friday night I have to get me car ready for the Rock and Roll pony show. I will see you guys at Sonic today.:laughing1:
04-03-08, 05:26 PM
If you bring your signs Bry...I assume you will. What do you think about putting one out on the street entrance south of us and then one at the Target or Auto zone entrance on 91st?
04-03-08, 07:26 PM
I was thinking that same thing today. Im sure now that we have almost 100 cars, people can figure out where to park. lol. I will put them at each enterance around . Might help people like Craig. :biglaugh:
04-05-08, 09:44 AM
:laughing1::pepper::bounce::bouncy::woot2::highfiv e::woot1:
103 cars! (Counting the golf cart that people did look at lol)
Our thanks to everyone that came and I ask you to spread the word because this truly becoming a friday night event! Great job Bryn, Alan, & Bob...keep up the excellent work! :pinkthumb:
04-05-08, 10:53 AM
3 more came after you left, 106. LOL. Not that i am being anal about it you understand. :biglaugh:
I really ant to thank everyone who has been passing out flyers diligently, especially Pam and Georgianna, who have been out there at safeway doing it every weekend. The work has definately paid off and this cruise is turning out to be a lot of fun.
04-05-08, 05:12 PM
Oooh nice call...I forgot you had to me that about our leading're right!:twothumbsup:
04-06-08, 10:20 PM
pics from this weeks (4/4/08) friday night cruise in.
04-06-08, 10:22 PM
Mr. Austin
04-06-08, 10:41 PM
sweet more pics!!!
04-06-08, 11:50 PM
Very Nice Bryn! Do you know I finally got my camera figured out for night shots (thanks alan) then I listened to him (that I needed to hold it with both hands...which I never do) and I don't have ONE that is not blury! (thanks alan! ;)
04-07-08, 12:57 AM
Cool. Sure thing Kenny.
04-07-08, 09:59 AM
Thanks, was hard to hold the camera still. I was standing on a bench, holding above my head to try and get up high enough. LOL. A few of them didnt come out too bad.
04-10-08, 02:23 PM
Tomorrow night...well over 100 cars last week (okay like 6 over) so it's great time for a Friday night! If you can make it stop by an say hi!
04-11-08, 12:37 PM
i wont be able to make it out tonight. the boys of summer are calling me! ill be at the picnic though!!!
Mr. Austin
04-15-08, 09:32 PM
how was that picnic?
Rev'n Kevin
04-15-08, 10:12 PM
how was that picnic?
Great time, about 9 of us, we had to move it from the park to Pam's house.
Sorry you missed it. Lots of chicken :biglaugh:
04-15-08, 10:25 PM
when the cobra is back up and running ill swing by for sure!!
Mr. Austin
04-15-08, 11:05 PM
yeah i will be out and about again when i get mine fixed too!! it will be sometime though:( ill be around in a diff vehicle
04-16-08, 02:52 PM
Great time, about 9 of us, we had to move it from the park to Pam's house.
Sorry you missed it. Lots of chicken :biglaugh:
i didnt get a chance to check my email to rsvp, but it would have been 10!
Mr. Austin
04-16-08, 04:00 PM
04-19-08, 07:41 AM
how dare ya! go fix some motor mounts:laughing: oh! by the way, are you going to be at 83/safeway this fine saturday?
Mr. Austin
04-19-08, 12:25 PM
how dare ya! go fix some motor mounts:laughing: oh! by the way, are you going to be at 83/safeway this fine saturday?
i have to work at 4:30 so if you are there anytime close to 4 i could pick it up if thats what your talking about :biglaugh:
04-19-08, 02:18 PM
i have to work at 4:30 so if you are there anytime close to 4 i could pick it up if thats what your talking about :biglaugh:
ah phooey! i wont get off of work till 330 ish. it would be cool if i had it in the trunk with me. hmmmm. and my boyfriend is dragging me to crown king next fri/sat.:rolleyes2: (can you tell i want to go?)
i was hoping to cut out of here early, but doesnt look like it. might have to be at another time. grr.
04-19-08, 03:23 PM
Last nights cruise had a record number of cars so far at 153 as far as we counted. The weather was perfect and it was a great time. The only problem I saw was that there wasnt nearly enough club members for the "official club night". Thanks to those who did come out, hopefully it will continue to grow in numbers until it gets too hot.
04-19-08, 03:38 PM
Last nights cruise had a record number of cars so far at 153 as far as we counted. The weather was perfect and it was a great time. The only problem I saw was that there wasnt nearly enough club members for the "official club night". Thanks to those who did come out, hopefully it will continue to grow in numbers until it gets too hot.
nice! i hope to be out soon. i got some projects done on the car this thurs/fri and cant wait to show it off!
Mr. Austin
04-19-08, 03:39 PM
ah phooey! i wont get off of work till 330 ish. it would be cool if i had it in the trunk with me. hmmmm. and my boyfriend is dragging me to crown king next fri/sat.:rolleyes2: (can you tell i want to go?)
i was hoping to cut out of here early, but doesnt look like it. might have to be at another time. grr.
hmm well no worries still havent sold my truck so it wont be to soon
04-21-08, 09:52 AM
"The weather was perfect and it was a great time. The only problem I saw was that there wasnt nearly enough club members for the "official club night". "
Ahhh...some where headed to California and we all were getting ready to go (5am comes early when you have clean and get ready). But great job...I was wondering how it was doing, 153...THAT'S AMAZING!
04-21-08, 09:53 AM
Oh let me know...Rock Climbers, Fire Truck, Police? I want to make some calls this week...any pics? Also a new group I found...just gotta remember who they are (lol) thought of them last week.
04-21-08, 10:39 AM
The fire truck guy said he would show up when he could from now on so i havent bothered to call him again. I havent contacted the rock climbing people and the Peoria PD never showed up when they said they would and finally called back again last week to tell us that they wouldnt do anything at night like that. We did have 2 different hot dog vendors show up with food and drinks etc which worked out well. Its really at the point now where it has a life of its own and will continue to grow quickly, at least until it gets too hot.
04-21-08, 11:20 AM
You're right dad...let the kids go out on their own without the training wheels. You did a fine job, now sit back and watch people like Austin burn out and ruin it for everyone. ;-)
Kidding Austin. Btw let me tell you about my austin move in Cali when I talk next. lol
04-21-08, 02:56 PM
You're right dad...let the kids go out on their own without the training wheels. You did a fine job, now sit back and watch people like Austin burn out and ruin it for everyone. ;-)
Kidding Austin. Btw let me tell you about my austin move in Cali when I talk next. lol
aww jeez! i am ready to hear the "how i got out of a ticket" stories!!
hope you John Force'd it up!
Mr. Austin
04-21-08, 03:46 PM
You're right dad...let the kids go out on their own without the training wheels. You did a fine job, now sit back and watch people like Austin burn out and ruin it for everyone. ;-)
Kidding Austin. Btw let me tell you about my austin move in Cali when I talk next. lol
lol i heard about that move. with them big tires on there no wonder your carrying cans around :biglaugh:
crazy ray
04-21-08, 05:33 PM
Well Kenny, I hope you showed them how it's done in Az.:wosautos118:
Rev'n Kevin
04-21-08, 09:36 PM
Can't wait till this friday nite, unveiling a whole new look for my car. See you all there :laughing1:
04-25-08, 04:43 PM
Hope to see everyone out TONIGHT! The weather should be great again and should be a big turn out. :twothumbsup:
05-03-08, 11:21 PM
Over 100 vehicles and DJ KEV...we have arrived! Nice job all...
05-03-08, 11:54 PM
any on have pics of kev's new look?
Rev'n Kevin
05-04-08, 12:38 AM
any on have pics of kev's new look?
The new look pics for the mustang are in another thread called what do you think of the new look, even a pic of my Hemi, that I took last night to power the DJ equipment, not sure if anyone got any pics of the Hemi or me in my snazzy DJ shirt last night, if they did I'm sure someone will post. :biglaugh:
05-04-08, 02:58 AM
wish i woulda known about this sooner, i'm new here but hi all. and i'll try to make it down.. er.. up there next weekend.
05-04-08, 11:59 AM
The new look pics for the mustang are in another thread called what do you think of the new look, even a pic of my Hemi, that I took last night to power the DJ equipment, not sure if anyone got any pics of the Hemi or me in my snazzy DJ shirt last night, if they did I'm sure someone will post. :biglaugh:
seen the pics,looking good :pinkthumb:
Great turn out for the Friday night cruise. I was doing some exhaust mod's on Friday night. I will try to make it this next friday though. I will see all of you Wild West people on Wednesday.:icon_cool:
Mr. Austin
05-04-08, 03:08 PM
yay meeting!!
05-05-08, 12:21 AM
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