View Full Version : Fake Saleen.... to do or not to do?

10-21-07, 02:08 PM
I love my 03 cobra....

But I love the look of a saleen... What do you think? Would it be a bad idea?

10-21-07, 02:14 PM
God buy a damn Whipple!!!!!!!!

10-21-07, 02:28 PM
just as long as you dont pass it off as a saleen, because thats what im doing. Im getting a saleen s281 spoiler, rear bumper (but having the "saleen" shaved off, the saleen speedster cover (to cover the vert top when its down) and possibly the side scoops and side skirts. I love the way saleens look, especailly the verts so im going that route. I say go for it:bouncy:

10-21-07, 02:30 PM
saleens look good, but i just don't think i would do that to a terminator. maybe a gt or something, but not a unique car such as the cobra.

10-21-07, 03:21 PM
I dig the rims. Are those HRE?

10-21-07, 10:43 PM
Hell to the no dude! WTF are you thinking?!?!

10-21-07, 10:46 PM
Noway....................leave it as is.

Flyin Monkey
10-22-07, 04:16 AM
Have you been sniffing exhaust fumes? Bump your head maybe? NO WAY, Don't do it!

10-22-07, 05:40 AM
I would not do it, but I tend to leave the assthetics alone. I love sleepers, so I like things to "look" stock. Plus it is already a cool Cobra.

10-22-07, 09:37 AM
It still has the 4.6 DOHC SC that makes great power. the bad @$$ T-56 that can handle the power. The ......IRS. The car will perform the same. But look like a saleen. I would never call it something its not.

What about the SRA Cobra's... they are not the sacred 03-04 cobra....
They made 735 of my car..... kinda rare... but they made 19k 03-04 cobras.... also my core suport has been replaced so my car is worth nothing.. cause some low life pos sold me a wrecked car....

so my car is nothing important.... Now does that changed anything?

Venomous Bite
10-22-07, 11:18 AM
Well dude it's your car and you can always change it back if you feel like it. I would keep the Cobra hood though because that is the way real 03-04 Cobra Saleens came, oh yeah one more thing if you do decide to go Saleen make sure you get the c pillars other wise imo it looks like shit.

10-22-07, 12:42 PM
Just make sure you get Altezza's and a transformers sticker.:yes:

10-22-07, 04:54 PM
Just make sure you get Altezza's and a transformers sticker.:yes:

OUCH! I say do what you want, its your car. To me the Cobra is very bland. It really doesnt stick out in a crowd(That is what I like about it) say like a Mach, Saleen, or Roush. But if that is what youre going for I say do it.
So I just riced mine out so people knew who the real Uncle Ben's lover is. I just got back from the garage...27 stickers on mine between the windows/body....tell me that aint different and so so GANGSTA.
Hop on Ebay they have everything you will need, or just come peep mine out YO.

10-22-07, 04:58 PM
I got the idea from Ethans car, cept he also rocks the projector lights from APC:hyper:

10-22-07, 06:08 PM
also my core suport has been replaced so my car is worth nothing.. cause some low life pos sold me a wrecked car....

how does this make the car worth nothing? was done on mine too, but done very well. and to the untrained eye, you could never tell.

btw- it is your car man, if you wanna do that, its your call. so far from what i have read on here and svtperformance, it seems like the general consensus was no. but hey, its you deal. :twothumbsup:

10-22-07, 09:12 PM
I got the idea from Ethans car, cept he also rocks the projector lights from APC:hyper:


10-22-07, 09:35 PM
Keep it the way it is. It's a Cobra right...

The Abyss
10-22-07, 09:46 PM
It wouldn't hurt it. I'm all for customizing a car just don't put the import bullshit on the car. You can always change it back. In either case good luck.

10-29-07, 01:03 PM
I think it just depends on your preference and what you like better. I love the saleen look! :woot2: