View Full Version : Pavs tonight?

09-15-07, 01:05 PM
Going to the pavillions. Got my camera, anyone interested?

09-15-07, 01:06 PM
I would go but my car is pissing PS fluid everywhere.

09-15-07, 01:18 PM
I may roll by, but it is damn hot outside.

09-15-07, 01:19 PM
Sorry, working 24... and still hot!!!! Maybe next week!!!

09-15-07, 02:01 PM
i'll be there with the snake...:woot1:

09-15-07, 02:09 PM
i'll be there with the snake...:woot1:

its still too damn hot for car shows and the track. Cant wait until it cools off though

09-15-07, 02:12 PM
bah. can't hide it for the whole summer. :bounce:

09-15-07, 02:25 PM
bah. can't hide it for the whole summer. :bounce:

your right, ethan got bit yesterday though:biglaugh:

09-15-07, 02:27 PM
nice....reminds me...i need to get my ported on....planning to start that project on the 29th. after one final trip out on the current setup the 28th.

09-15-07, 02:47 PM
I will probably stop by as the sun is going down..

__________________________________________________ _

09-15-07, 02:53 PM
I'll be there, just got the new rear tires mounted, full tank of gas, and freshly washed so Im good to go. Im also gonna cruise along with a guy I just met that has an 03 cobra, also meeting up with graham (04 gt) and his neighbor Dan (03 cobra) and no it's not Dan Boardman :biglaugh:

09-15-07, 04:21 PM
In case anyone hasn't noticed, but there is a giant dust storm engulfing my house here out on the west side. Doesn't look like it will rain on the east side, but that dust storm might make it over there. Parked the cobra in the garage and going to wait it out. If it looks good here in an hour or so, I will still go. Over and OUT!

09-15-07, 05:49 PM
I am staying in. Too many big black clouds.

09-15-07, 06:53 PM
Cloud are dissapating. Im gonna head out.

09-15-07, 07:07 PM
think i am gonna be a weenie and bail. looks like rain at my place, and i still have the et streets on the car. don't think those would work to well if it did happen to rain. and its not worth the chance...

09-16-07, 02:22 AM
Didn't rain and there was a decent turnout. Glad I went!

09-16-07, 02:49 AM
It was my first time out there tonight and had a pretty good time, and met a few cool guys. I'm no longer a Pavs virgin...

09-16-07, 01:16 PM
Damn I thought for sure I was going to get wet if I drove out there.

09-16-07, 01:27 PM
very fun out last night... lots of whipple cars! (3)

09-18-07, 05:00 PM
Whipple cars? I didnt see any.LOL!

09-24-07, 10:21 PM
Bump, I'm goin!! it's finally cool!!!!! This Sat.