View Full Version : Just my luck!!!!!

09-05-07, 07:38 PM
so me and azsnake98 (tony) was changing the lower pulley on the cobra... got to the part where you use the 5/8 hex.....

The LFP tool snaps...... not even putting alot of wieght to it..... so then we have to spend 30 min's drilling and taping it so we could get it out!!!!!!

so if anyone has a 5/8 hex they want to sell call me asap...
or just make fun of me here.........:bitchslap:

09-05-07, 07:43 PM
hmmm..that does not look good. reminds me...i need to get off my ass and get my ported blower and stuff on....

09-05-07, 10:13 PM
i need to find a 5/8 hex impact!

09-05-07, 10:15 PM
Get a whipple too!

09-05-07, 10:20 PM
ha ha ha !!!! thats great...... lets go with the hex first....

09-05-07, 10:21 PM
Gorrilla TQ'in that thing?:yes:

09-06-07, 02:58 AM
you need too make sure your on it completly straight. if not that will happen. its hard and its even harder to break loose. ive done it alone and with a friend. have your buddy hold it straight while you use your legs and a pry bar to pop it loose. dont shit your pants when it goes boom, its pretty loud lol. oh yeah im sure you know this but just in case its a left hand thread.

I have one if you cant find one local. i can send it to you but ill need it back when your done. LMK.


09-06-07, 07:50 AM
Yea... I have done it before on the car...... the tool was used and looked twisted... I am going to call my snap on guy to see if I can get a good deal!
Other wise I will take you up on that....

09-06-07, 08:53 AM
Gorrilla TQ'in that thing?:yes:
You have no idea... it took 3 if us to get it off the last time....

09-06-07, 11:15 PM
got it btw it is 14 mm not 5/8 went to autozone and got a pack of 3 for 10.00:laughing1: and it did not blow up!:woot2:

09-06-07, 11:47 PM
got it btw it is 14 mm not 5/8 went to autozone and got a pack of 3 for 10.00:laughing1: and it did not blow up!:woot2:

High Quality from China!!!:Bucktooth:

09-07-07, 08:59 AM
ha ha ha ha

i dont know how it did not blow up...... also do you have to take off the alt. braket to get the stock lower pulley off? cause i do? 1 gay stud......

The Nunn's
09-07-07, 07:25 PM
I have a box of thoes

09-07-07, 07:26 PM
now i know where to get one if i break mine....:biglaugh:

09-08-07, 11:08 AM
I have a box of thoes

Hummm.... all i can say is thanks!

09-11-07, 10:06 AM
That happened to me. I almost blew a gasket and was close to blowing up the car. Tried to weld it back on, no dice. I finally beat it off with brut strength.

09-11-07, 01:24 PM
ha ha ha... yea.. had to drill out the tool.