View Full Version : Will they fit?

07-26-07, 08:06 PM
Well as you know someone backed into me about a month ago and i have to replace the hood and bumper. I have a 99 cobra and would like to know if the 03 cobra setup will bolt on without any problems.

07-26-07, 09:27 PM
Well as you know someone backed into me about a month ago and i have to replace the hood and bumper. I have a 99 cobra and would like to know if the 03 cobra setup will bolt on without any problems.

Yes, I stil have am extra 03 cobra hood in black for $350

07-26-07, 10:52 PM
Should bolt right up, but you will need a different set of fog lights.

07-29-07, 10:48 PM
yup. will fit right up. but indy does have a good point on the foglights. and i would take that hood of off genes hands....thats a kick butt deal right thar...