View Full Version : No longer a High Performance Stang owner...

07-23-07, 07:11 PM
My brother just got a job as a Salesman at Bell Ford so I ended up being his first sale. I traded my car for a 2001 Lightning. Its white, pulleyed, and has some exhaust. Its an AWESOME truck. They are letting me take the car home tomorrow to demod it so off comes the blower, aluminum intake, injectors, exhaust. So if anybody knows where I can get some stock injectors, or a plastic intake let me know.

Also I have a D1-SC full kit for a 99-04 GT, Mac O/R Prochamber for sale.

07-23-07, 07:17 PM
i very seriously have a plastic pi intake sitting in the garage....

btw- big time congrats!!! can't wait to see pics of the new ride!!!

07-23-07, 08:25 PM
I think your making a wise choice! Now you wont need a cage to run faster then 13.9.:biglaugh:

Post up some pics of the new ride soon.:highfive:

07-23-07, 09:52 PM
Good deal Jeff, Can't wait to check out the truck. I have always loved Lightnings. Bring it down to PSR on Saturday, even if you are not going to Dyno it, so we can check it out.


07-23-07, 11:07 PM
i got a lightning and i love it!! im sure you will fall in love with it too. oh and watch out for the plugs they tend to pop out, in the earlier models

07-24-07, 02:17 AM

07-24-07, 01:38 PM
Nice Jeff! Welcome to the SVT family!!

07-24-07, 01:50 PM
Now to get a couple payments under the belt and get out of debt, with the mods I am selling off of the car its gonna near eliminate it short of the truck payment.

Funny part about this truck is that I wasn't even in the market for a vehicle until about 3 days ago. My brother called me about an 03 Harley truck they had and I drove that and liked it but they couldn't even get close on the payment. So yesterday he called me and told me they got this in on trade late sunday night. I got there at noon on monday to test drive it and I was the 4th person to drive it. IT NEVER SAW THE LOT

07-24-07, 06:56 PM
Lightnings are very very cool!!!!! Congrats!!!

07-24-07, 11:09 PM
any pics yet?

07-26-07, 08:00 AM
Just got some taken yesterday in the final moments that the car was mine. The pics are on my parents camera and I work tonight so I will try to get them up tomorrow at some point.

07-26-07, 01:52 PM
Nice and congrats on the new L!

07-26-07, 10:58 PM
I got to see his new truck when he stopped by the shop this week.:laughing1:

:highfive:Very nice truck Jeff, have fun and take good care of it.

07-26-07, 11:45 PM
Thanks Shane. We will get that shim thing figured out soon. I will keep it mostly stock like you told me to. Exhaust only cause I am not a big fan of that Magnaflow.

07-27-07, 12:37 AM

07-27-07, 07:31 AM
are you thinking jdm silver bullet ?http://http://www.teamjdm.com/shop/product_info.php?products_id=93

or bassani ? http://http://www.lightningforceperformance.com/bassani-bx-catback-exhaust-199904-ford-svt-lightning-p-195.html

07-27-07, 07:52 AM
Bassani all day long. Pics up tonight after work.

07-27-07, 07:24 PM
cant wait. where are you getting your bassani from?

07-31-07, 09:49 PM
Where these pics at???

Edit: Okay I'm an idiot I found them. :doh: