View Full Version : boost????
07-15-07, 03:11 PM
so I have an 03 with a ported blower,tb,plem. with a 2.82 pulley. I thought I should have 15 lbs of boost. On my buddys autometer it showed 14.5 now I have my autometer gauge on it... it shows 11 ish. What should I have for psi? I did put mine in a dif. spot. Could that be it? or do you think my gauge is messed up?
Thanks guys...
is it a vacuum/boost gauge?
if so, what does vacuum read at idle, and what does the gauge read when the car is off.
Where its pulling the source from is also very important, if you have it in a diff spot then yes it would likely read lower/higher.
Gauges go bad aswell.
07-15-07, 05:03 PM
with my pully combo i am suppose to have 14, but do to this wonderful thing called belt slip, i only run about 11.5. i can't wait to get a billetflow non-slip pulley. oh, and my automemter guage agrees with the dyno that 11.5 is all i am getting.
07-15-07, 05:07 PM
is it a vacuum/boost gauge?
if so, what does vacuum read at idle, and what does the gauge read when the car is off.
20 lbs at idle...... when its off 0lbs...
07-15-07, 05:08 PM
with my pully combo i am suppose to have 14, but do to this wonderful thing called belt slip, i only run about 11.5. i can't wait to get a billetflow non-slip pulley. oh, and my automemter guage agrees with the dyno that 11.5 is all i am getting.
no belt slip!:laughing1:
20 lbs at idle...... when its off 0lbs...
20 inches i assume u mean.
sounds like the gauge is working.
going to be location, or belt slip
07-15-07, 05:36 PM
no belt slip!:laughing1:
are you sure? i did not think i had any, but after watching the boost pres. and seein the dyno graph, i knew i had some. but was not worried, since my 450rwhp with a 2.80 and an unported eaton has been rather enjoyable. just decided that i would get the billet flow when i got my ported blower. which i will have soon. 500 here we come! :bouncy:
07-15-07, 07:14 PM
are you sure? i did not think i had any, but after watching the boost pres. and seein the dyno graph, i knew i had some. but was not worried, since my 450rwhp with a 2.80 and an unported eaton has been rather enjoyable. just decided that i would get the billet flow when i got my ported blower. which i will have soon. 500 here we come! :bouncy:
before i put the bad ass tight belt on
Trust me the belt could still be slipping. My procharger had a belt that was an absolute BITCH to put on and I had some pretty badass slippage.
Also remember its summer, their is less air to go around so you aren't going to be reading the same boost at 110* vs 75*
07-17-07, 12:59 PM
yea.... but when you watch the gauge it hits 11.5 and holds untill 6300 the goes to 9.5
Sounds like some slippy slip
07-17-07, 02:07 PM
Either belt slip, vacuum leak or bad gauge.
Problem: Vacuum leak.
The vacuum leak would make the gauge not work correctly but your blower would still produce the correct amount of boost.
Fix: Just check all lines to ensure a proper connection. Then test with a vacuum tester to see if it holds.
Problem: Belt Slip
Belt slip would make the gauge show an amount of boost that it is currently making +/-. The belt slip would not produce the correct amount of boost that the pulley is made to make.
Fix: Add an auxiliary pulley and or change the belt / belt size.
Problem: Gauges
A bad gauge is just a bad gauge. try your friends again just to eliminate the easy problem first.
Fix: Get a new gauge.
07-17-07, 04:17 PM
also altitude. i dropped 3 psi moving from 280ft to 3k feet or whatever it is here =(
get a bigger crank pulley =)
07-17-07, 04:44 PM
i want to.... 2lbs maybe 4?
07-17-07, 05:34 PM
i ran a 2.76 upper and 2LB lower for the longest. i am now moving up to a 4lb lower and with a good exhaust i hope this combo will be good for me. i would go with a 2lb lower IMO unless you plan on long tubes. oh yeah a port will drop boost alittle imo.
07-18-07, 06:20 PM
2.76 upper and 2lb lower....hmmm...sounds like what i am doing. thanks to a hookup from a cool dude in tucson on the lower. :twothumbsup:
07-18-07, 06:27 PM
2.76 upper and 2lb lower....hmmm...sounds like what i am doing. thanks to a hookup from a cool dude in tucson on the lower. :twothumbsup:
no problem man! now get that ported blower and install that lower and youll have a sick setup:pepper:
07-18-07, 07:32 PM
oh yea. ordering up the blower this week. :biglaugh:
07-18-07, 07:54 PM
yea i wish i could have got a great deal on a lower!
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