View Full Version : Headin to Vegas

06-29-07, 12:57 AM
So Saturday is my 21st birthday and my parents are taking me to Vegas for the weekend :woot2:. Can't wait I'm all excited. Hope I win a little car OR at least some money so I can pay for this new motor I need.

06-29-07, 06:54 AM
Beware of the $30 cover at SCORES!!!

06-29-07, 11:23 AM

Have a good time.. Not a hard thing to do in Vegas


06-29-07, 05:54 PM
Beware of the $30 cover at SCORES!!!

Whats wrong you mad you couldn't SCORE:biglaugh:

06-29-07, 07:09 PM
happy b-day man!! have fun in vegas!!!

06-29-07, 07:54 PM
Happy B-day :highfive: & good luck in sin city :biglaugh:

06-30-07, 11:23 AM
Happy B-Day!!!! Vegas, the new Silicon Valley!!:yes:

07-01-07, 08:26 PM
Well I lost my ass. But thats ok because at the end of the day I had a great time with my parents on my birthday. Had a birthday cake shot at midnight (really good btw) at Caesars. Now I have to go buy my first drink tonight cause in Vegas I never bought one drink.

Sidenote: Vegas has more boobs hangin out than I have ever seen. Met two HOT chicks who had just finished getting married... to each other, and I won about $150 with them at my table. Moral of the story, HOT LESBIANS ARE GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!!

07-01-07, 09:04 PM
Happy B-Day!!!! Vegas, the new Silicon Valley!!:yes:
Just what I said.. The new Silicon Valley!!!! Try goin to the SEMA Show, there are more fake Boobies and they are so un-proportionate to the gals figure that they are ......Just Beautiful!!!!:yes:

07-01-07, 10:54 PM
Glad to hear you had a good time in Vegas Jeff. Of course that is not a hard thing to do.

+1 on the fake and or real BOOBIES, they are all good. That and the gambling / free drinking is what keeps me going back for more..

Side note: I am also seriously planning to make the SEMA show this November. If there are more of you out there we should get a post going.


07-02-07, 12:23 AM
good to hear jeff. glad you made it back in one piece.

and boobies FTMFW!!! :laughing1:

07-02-07, 12:37 AM
Glad to hear you had a good time in Vegas Jeff. Of course that is not a hard thing to do.

+1 on the fake and or real BOOBIES, they are all good. That and the gambling / free drinking is what keeps me going back for more..

Side note: I am also seriously planning to make the SEMA show this November. If there are more of you out there we should get a post going.

We are driving up to SEMA this year thursday Morning after Halloween, can't miss our favorite holiday them we are leaving about 4am... Always a good time!!!!!

07-02-07, 06:31 AM
Whats wrong you mad you couldn't SCORE:biglaugh:
I had such a bad time in Vegas that week, I didn't even go. My Wife ended up there with Jen and Lou and I went to sleep.