View Full Version : Next Road Trip!!
05-17-07, 11:50 PM
Ok guys and Gals this one is very close to the valley and its a great show!! So far there are about 20 CMC Members going but we need more Mustangs to battle the PT Cruisers who kicked our but last year with 40 cars!!!! This time of year is 105 to 112 in the valley or worse and about 75 in Flagstaff.. Mark it and get your Mustang movin!!!!!!!
05-17-07, 11:57 PM
looks like fun!! givs me some time to save up for the gas to get the cobra that
05-18-07, 12:02 AM
If we all stay in a line we can draft!!!
05-18-07, 12:05 AM
looks like fun!! givs me some time to save up for the gas to get the cobra that
05-18-07, 09:00 AM
I WILL be there for sure, When is everyone leaving? I already have the hotel room booked. Scott said some were leaving in the morning and some at night. I have thur, friday, sat, sunday, monday and tuesday off. whooo hoooo I will be there :bounce: like a rubber ball. I want lots of :biglaugh: and :pepper:and just plain funnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, already sent in my registration whooo hoooo. Plus my friend with the yellow cobra is coming too.
05-18-07, 09:01 AM
looks like fun!! givs me some time to save up for the gas to get the cobra that
Well Tony TOn, be glad your not in Michigan right now gas is 3.39 a gallon there yikessssssssssssssss
Well Tony TOn, be glad your not in Michigan right now gas is 3.39 a gallon there yikessssssssssssssss
Thats what we are paying for fuel as well. We have to buy premium fuel or our cars will not be on the road...
Chris B.
05-18-07, 09:55 AM
If we all stay in a line we can draft!!!
We like drafting!!:yes:
Or as we called it coming back from Knott's... "Formation Driving":woot1:
05-18-07, 06:51 PM
We like drafting!!:yes:
Or as we called it coming back from Knott's... "Formation Driving":woot1:
I thought we were just trying to make sure that there wasn't a chance of rain drop build up on Nicks Windshield!
I was going to go up to Flagstaff Friday Morning. Wickenburg to Prescott via Yarnell Hill (Again!) over Mingus Mtn., thru Jerome into Cottonwood (Maybe Lunch at Murphys!). Then Up to Sedona, and Oak Creek Canyon to Flagstaff. Might be a fun Cruise with a group.
FYI the PT's had 37 Cars to our 19, but we left with 3 Trophys to their 1. So we had quality on our side. Lets hope they don't give out trophys for the Club that can pack the most members into a Car, or who can drive with a pair of size 22 shoes on!
05-18-07, 06:58 PM
I thought we were just trying to make sure that there wasn't a chance of rain drop build up on Nicks Windshield!
I was going to go up to Flagstaff Friday Morning. Wickenburg to Prescott via Yarnell Hill (Again!) over Mingus Mtn., thru Jerome into Cottonwood (Maybe Lunch at Murphys!). Then Up to Sedona, and Oak Creek Canyon to Flagstaff. Might be a fun Cruise with a group.
FYI the PT's had 37 Cars to our 19, but we left with 3 Trophys to their 1. So we had quality on our side. Lets hope they don't give out trophys for the Club that can pack the most members into a Car, or who can drive with a pair of size 22 shoes on!
Nick Loves the Rain.:bouncy:
05-18-07, 07:01 PM
I had better see some of you up there for this!!!!:yes:
05-18-07, 07:26 PM
That is way out in the future. LOL
05-18-07, 07:56 PM
I had better see some of you up there for this!!!!:yes:
It is the Route 66 Festival, so there is something for everyone! All weekend long. I have heard that there will be door prizes for every entrent, from local merchants. The Route 66 Car Club really busts there butts for the Show too! My room is booked, and have confermation back from the Show Committee.
05-19-07, 01:38 PM
Nick Loves the Rain.:bouncy:
Nick is a good guy, real Mustang Enthusist. Am, concerned about the "Billitt Boobies" that he replaced His wiperarms with though. We need find Him a girlfriend, ASAP, before this thing He has with His Car, goes much further. Talk about bad mental imagery! LOL!
05-19-07, 01:40 PM
LOL. Nick needs to figure out how to get on the internet.
05-19-07, 01:48 PM
LOL. Nick needs to figure out how to get on the internet.
He likes to hangout at the Pavillions Saturday Night with His Car, one way to meet Ladies who are looking for a "Car Guy". Might try checking out 2-3 other locations in the East Valley too. Do some circulating, see who is out there.
06-12-07, 11:39 AM
Bump!!! Lets go guy's!!!!
I'll be there again. Haven't sent in registration yet or anything, but try to shortly.
06-12-07, 07:25 PM
Cool, if you need a room I think we still have some blocked off. Let me know!!
06-12-07, 07:26 PM
I was going to go up to Flagstaff Friday Morning. Wickenburg to Prescott via Yarnell Hill (Again!) over Mingus Mtn., thru Jerome into Cottonwood (Maybe Lunch at Murphys!). Then Up to Sedona, and Oak Creek Canyon to Flagstaff. Might be a fun Cruise with a group.
FYI the PT's had 37 Cars to our 19, but we left with 3 Trophys to their 1. So we had quality on our side. Lets hope they don't give out trophys for the Club that can pack the most members into a Car, or who can drive with a pair of size 22 shoes on!
This is still the plan Dave! Have my confermation from The Route 66 Club for the show, and my room booked.
This will be fun with my new Bf G KD's mounted!
Cool, if you need a room I think we still have some blocked off. Let me know!!
Tryin' to decide if I'm gonna head up Friday or Saturday again like last year. Where are the rooms and how much? Didn't like getting up at 5:00am last time.
06-14-07, 09:07 PM
I thought we were just trying to make sure that there wasn't a chance of rain drop build up on Nicks Windshield!
I was going to go up to Flagstaff Friday Morning. Wickenburg to Prescott via Yarnell Hill (Again!) over Mingus Mtn., thru Jerome into Cottonwood (Maybe Lunch at Murphys!). Then Up to Sedona, and Oak Creek Canyon to Flagstaff. Might be a fun Cruise with a group.
FYI the PT's had 37 Cars to our 19, but we left with 3 Trophys to their 1. So we had quality on our side. Lets hope they don't give out trophys for the Club that can pack the most members into a Car, or who can drive with a pair of size 22 shoes on!
Im in for a cruise, got the confirmation back, sounds like a plan :bounce::bounce:
06-17-07, 08:02 AM
Is anyone driving up on Friday afternoon? I have class in the morning and can't leave Phx until around 12-12:30.
Sent my registration in on friday. What's the word on the hotel and rates? I think I'm gonna take the friday before the show off this year, unlike last year, but haven't figure out what time to actually head up yet.
06-17-07, 11:13 PM
Sent my registration in on friday. What's the word on the hotel and rates? I think I'm gonna take the friday before the show off this year, unlike last year, but haven't figure out what time to actually head up yet.
Give the Flagstaff Ramada West a call at 928 773-1111. Ask for the Nett group rate ($79.99 a night Fri and Sat). Might have a few rooms left, if not give Scott a call, and see if He can arrange more rooms.
06-17-07, 11:16 PM
Is anyone driving up on Friday afternoon? I have class in the morning and can't leave Phx until around 12-12:30.
We will be taking the long slow way up. Might be able to meet us in Cottonwood around 2-2:30 PM. Will have to see about exchanging cell #'s for a meetup at some point.
Give the Flagstaff Ramada West a call at 928 773-1111. Ask for the Nett group rate ($79.99 a night Fri and Sat). Might have a few rooms left, if not give Scott a call, and see if He can arrange more rooms.
Thanks, called and got my room reservation for Friday night. I believe they said they had 4 rooms left at the Nett group rate (down to 3 now that I took one), for any other that are interested.
06-20-07, 10:31 AM
Very Cool!!!!!
06-22-07, 06:39 PM
Bump!! Lets get this Mustang Train Going!!!!:bouncy:
08-21-07, 10:10 PM
Ok for all you guys and gals going we just found out that there are55 Stangs registered, 35 from CMC and 20 from SAMC!!
The coordinator called and said that since we have so much support for the show we are getting preffered parking in the Library Parking lot. It won't be first come first serve for our big group we are getting special passes to park all of the Mustangs together!!!
You still have a few days to register!!! Don't be lame and come up for a great weekend!!!!!:yes::bouncy::woot2::laughing1::biglau gh::pepper::icon_cool:
I sent in my registration about a month ago, called them last week and was told they never recieved it and was full now?
have a hotel room though
if you have any way to get me in would be greatly appreciated
If not i will see you all up there anyway:pepper:
08-22-07, 10:39 AM
Wow Sold out already?? That's 300 entries!!!
There is always No Shows, I bet we could get you in but won't know until that morning...:yes:
Cool :awsome:
we'll see what happens
So what are everyone's plans for the trip up?
08-24-07, 12:51 AM
Ok for all you guys and gals going we just found out that there are55 Stangs registered, 35 from CMC and 20 from SAMC!!
The coordinator called and said that since we have so much support for the show we are getting preffered parking in the Library Parking lot. It won't be first come first serve for our big group we are getting special passes to park all of the Mustangs together!!!
You still have a few days to register!!! Don't be lame and come up for a great weekend!!!!!:yes::bouncy::woot2::laughing1::biglau gh::pepper::icon_cool:
08-24-07, 12:58 AM
So what are everyone's plans for the trip up?
I would like to get a group together Friday morning 9-10AM up on the Carefree Highway. We could cruse up via Yarnell into Prescott, Over Mingus to Gerome, maybe have lunch at Murphys in Cottonwood, then up Oak Creek Canyon, (could be some early Fall Colors), and on into Flagstaff mid afternoon.
08-24-07, 01:40 PM
I'm going up before it gets hot! Driving up to Payson, Pine, Strawberry and into Flagg. Staying off I-17 that's for sure!!!!
Havin Lunch at Beaver Street with friends but all is welcome to drive up and have lunch there along with us.. Dinner for sure!!!:yes:
Chris B.
08-24-07, 03:44 PM
Do you what time you will be leaving for sure yet? I know we kinda talked about it but I wasn't sure about the time.
08-24-07, 05:52 PM
I'm figurin around 8:30 and meeting at the Denny's in Fountain Hills about then and leaving around 8:45/9:00..
I'm going up before it gets hot! Driving up to Payson, Pine, Strawberry and into Flagg. Staying off I-17 that's for sure!!!!
Havin Lunch at Beaver Street with friends but all is welcome to drive up and have lunch there along with us.. Dinner for sure!!!:yes:
Well I just drove Prescott on thru Camp Verde and the 260 thru Pine, Strawberry, all the way to Payson and then Pinetop last weekend. Came back to Phoenix via the 60, from Showlow to Globe is a nice drive, first time I had driven that, Globe on into Phoenix wasn't as exciting, not as nice, not the first time for that drive.
Done Yarnel route a couple times now also, hhhuuummmmm, decisions, decisions.....
PT Cruisers? ahahahahahahahahaha what a crappy little POS
08-25-07, 09:58 AM
Done Yarnel route a couple times now also, hhhuuummmmm, decisions, decisions.....
You should know Ernie, the more times you drive Yarnell the faster you get!
Sounds like the problem I had with Malibu Grand Prix Cars some years ago hasn't completly gone away! Ouch!$!$!$!
08-25-07, 10:08 AM
PT Cruisers? ahahahahahahahahaha what a crappy little POS
NOW!!! NOW!!!!! NOW!!!!!!
They are perfectly fine transportation for people who, evidently have a secret disire to be a clown! (I'm not kidding, there were some real freaks getting out of PT's last year!)
09-05-07, 05:35 PM
Bump!! This Friday!!!!
09-05-07, 07:27 PM
We have at least two Cars meeting on the Carefree Highway just West of I-17 at 10 AM Friday. We will take the long, scenic route via Yarnell, Prescott, Mingus, Cottonwood, and up Oak Creek Canyon into Flag. Will make for a long but scenic trip.
09-05-07, 10:16 PM
Good Luck, I'm leaving around 9 through Payson and Lake Mary.
09-05-07, 11:04 PM
We need some more cars for the 10am trip. whooo hooo 80 around them curves through the mountain im in hehehe. I so need this vacation, Im ready.
09-06-07, 06:55 PM
We need some more cars for the 10am trip. whooo hooo 80 around them curves through the mountain im in hehehe. I so need this vacation, Im ready.
Sounds like we have 3 Cars now!!!
09-06-07, 07:26 PM
Torchy can ya email me directions to where we are meeting? Please, please be gentle as I am still confused hehe must be the blonde, there I said it first rofl rofl
Looks like I am also gonna take this route, Payson, Pine, Strawberry, Hapy Jack, never been through Happy Jack. And then will come back the other way, Sedona, Cottonwood, Jerome, ect. Will probably be just behind you Dave. I got an 8am appointment to finally have my back window tinted and will then be heading out after that.
I am going to try to meet at carefree hwy/I-17
09-07-07, 08:09 AM
I am going to try to meet at carefree hwy/I-17
Nice !!!!!!!!!!! We might have 5 Cars! Get to check out kbldoc's ride too!
Just got here to the hotel a couple minutes ago, tryin' out the laptop on the free wi-fi. Think I saw Dave's car under cover already. Gonna go out into town in just a little bit, we'll see who we see around. Oh, and I forgot my registration confirmation, do I really need that?
Had a great time,congratulations on the trophies
Chris B.
09-09-07, 08:16 PM
Got back home today, Sunday, at about 11:30 am, had a great time in Flagstaff! The 69 gave me a little grief coming home but it was no big deal! I think everyone that was there had a great time and the Copperstate Mustang Club even won a trophy!!:woot1:
09-09-07, 09:22 PM
Great seeing every one and meeting Doc!
Did not want to come back to the valley but thats life!!! Awesome showing guys and gals!!! Until next year!!!!!
I think the parking lot party will be a fixture from now on!!!
09-10-07, 06:40 PM
I think the parking lot party will be a fixture from now on!!!
We will have to get six pizzas instead of three though. Maybe bring a tub to fill with ice, a couple of pop ups, . I can give demonstrations on how to open beer bottles on the front edge of S-197 V-6 hoods too!
09-10-07, 09:59 PM
Yeah who needs a bottle opener with Rocky being there!!!:biglaugh:
09-13-07, 10:11 PM
Yeah who needs a bottle opener with Rocky being there!!!:biglaugh:
Yo, Adrian.........Their using my nose as a bottle opener!:biglaugh:
09-14-07, 12:30 AM
Rocky has talents that I was unaware of.
09-15-07, 02:15 PM
so i must ask....where are the dang pics?!?!?!? :biglaugh::laughing1:
09-16-07, 10:12 AM
so i must ask....where are the dang pics?!?!?!? :biglaugh::laughing1:
Trish is trying to come up with the money now, (Used $20's in a plain paper bag!) to keep them from being posted!
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