View Full Version : a little information on the PSR k members

04-13-07, 04:30 PM

04-13-07, 07:18 PM
:drool5: :drool5: :drool5:

tony likey. and wanty. :bounce:

04-13-07, 07:30 PM
I want one too and probably will get one when I blow this stocker motor and before the other one goes in!

04-13-07, 11:11 PM
Very, very nice, indeed. :goodidea: :goodidea:

04-14-07, 08:08 AM
I have seen and felt these in person. These are bad ass and if I didnt already have all the MM stuff, I'd have one of these in my car. I couldnt believe how light they are and how beautiful the welds are.

04-14-07, 11:27 AM
"Does it come in Black"?:bouncy:

04-14-07, 01:41 PM
"Does it come in Black"?:bouncy:

:yes: It sure does!

04-14-07, 05:56 PM
I can't agree with you guy's more. I was all ready to order the MM stuff and had the quote in my hot little hands. I called Dan and asked him to install. After a lengthy discussion I drove down (from Flagstaff!) and well the rest is history. As an engineer I was very impressed not only with Dan and his technical knowledge but oh yeah almost forgot..... the K-member was a piece of is a true engineering marvel. Dan not only saved me some money, I got quality as well as he allowed me to spend that money on other ( car related) stuff. Kudo's to the guys at PSR. Let's go racin... ( Oh, yeah he's gonna teach me how to do that too)