View Full Version : this is why I dont post here any more
Known as the fastest KB car in the country
this is some funney shit this guy known as Dan on here with his 04 KBcobra gernaded it at firebird raceway (rod through the pan and through the rack) lets just say there was no more racing the rest of the night (
posted by some pile of shit on this board that has no idea what actualy has no idea what has happened but hey I love this place :laughing1:
04-04-07, 10:37 PM
I don't know if that poster on SVTP is from this board, but the moderation staff did remove the video to keep problems from occurring with you Dan.
Really I would like to know who the pile of shit is you are speaking about?
Known as the fastest KB car in the country
this is some funney shit this guy known as Dan on here with his 04 KBcobra gernaded it at firebird raceway (rod through the pan and through the rack) lets just say there was no more racing the rest of the night (
posted by some pile of shit on this board that has no idea what actualy has no idea what has happened but hey I love this place :laughing1:
04-04-07, 10:49 PM
I don't know if that poster on SVTP is from this board, but the moderation staff did remove the video to keep problems from occurring with you Dan.
Really I would like to know who the pile of shit is you are speaking about?
Jeffdid you not take a look who posted it befor it got deleted Jeff?you could find out that way.but it got posted in the f-body and other ford its too late anyway.thanks for the prompt removal on this board.some people just dont think about what they do.
Thanks for trying to keep the peace Jeff, it is appreciated.
04-04-07, 11:16 PM
I know who originally posted it here, but she is not a member of SVTP and the grammar in the SVTP post would indicate our teacher did not post over on SVTP.
She did not film or host the video. She linked it here after she found it on a local fbody site. She didn't mean any harm. She has a split liking of both fbodys and Mustangs.
This started on the fbody site. Not HPS.
:sissyfight: :sissyfight: :sissyfight: :icon_cool:
04-04-07, 11:57 PM
it was removed from here very promptly, kudos on that.
and i saw it first on azss. not sure on the other boards though.
04-04-07, 11:58 PM
Who really gives a ****, let people think and say what they want. Talking shit about a member on a board that you support is pretty low class. But concidering who its coming from its no surprise. If you stopped posting here Im sure a couple of you little nut swingers would care but the mass majority could care less. You start talking shit on every board you get on and wine and talk shit like a little baby. Get some class and maybe people would give a **** about your car or you shitty shop. I dont know if I should call you Dan or Tom Thompson Jr. Have a nice day and watch out for those destructive ps hoses.LOL
04-05-07, 12:02 AM
it was removed from here very promptly, kudos on that.
and i saw it first on azss. not sure on the other boards though.
The link came from AZFBA. It was posted there by the owner of the camaro he was running. Yes, I am at fault for the AZSS one, however I didn't know it would cause such drama over a video. I have sent a PM to Dan, explaining my intentions and my understanding when I did what I did, as well as apologizing for my ignorance. I have learned from my mistake and I have learned why it came over in such a way. However, I have not posted it on any other sites. The other sites were in no way linked to me.
Who really gives a ****, let people think and say what they want. Talking shit about a member on a board that you support is pretty low class. But concidering who its coming from its no surprise. If you stopped posting here Im sure a couple of you little nut swingers would care but the mass majority could care less. You start talking shit on every board you get on and wine and talk shit like a little baby. Get some class and maybe people would give a **** about your car or you shitty shop. I dont know if I should call you Dan or Tom Thompson Jr. Have a nice day and watch out for those destructive ps hoses.LOL
Your very first you decide to attack someone, cool. Plus you don't even have the balls to say who you are. If you have a problem with the shop let me know I would like to hear about it, and see what can be done to correct the problem. If you just want to attack Dan then stop by the shop and handle it in person like a man. Don't just hide behind your computer and throw stones. As far as calling Performance Solutions a "shitty shop" you are offending me and everyone there, thats not something you want to do! Think before you speak.
04-05-07, 12:13 AM
Ok I was going to delete the post, but Shane has control.
04-05-07, 12:15 AM
wow, some big balls to create a new user name to talk shit. i love it. must be nice to hide behind your computer monitor. :laughing:
04-05-07, 12:15 AM
. Don't just hide behind your computer and throw stones.
That sounds like good advise for your boss.:laughing:
Step up when ever you want I'm game. I'm about the hardest person in the world to piss off, but your getting it done. Dan is like family to me and I would stick up for him just as I would my own brothers.
04-05-07, 12:29 AM
Step up when ever you want I'm game. I'm about the hardest person in the world to piss off, but your getting it done. Dan is like family to me and I would stick up for him just as I would my own brothers.
same here man. you mess with one member of the family, best be prepared to mess with the whole damn thing.
04-05-07, 01:29 AM
Who is this clown TheTruth.
He must have a little Pee Pee.
hahaha this guy is funny. the video dosnt make me mad what has upset me was the bullshit tacktics that were used when posting the video. kind of like you posting on this site. as for my shop ... step up name your self I have helped everyone I can ask anymember of this board. I have gone out of my way to have a shop that does top quality work. it sounds to me that you are a jelious person If you have a problem with me then talk to me take it to pms if it is with the shop then call the shop Im sure they will fix what ever problem you have. I think jeff shout check IP addys im sure you will see it is a member that is already here. the one on svt said tuscan ...... If i have a bull shit shop then lets race for some $ and see who is bull shit
oh yea name one person I ripped off just one! that is all it will take
now you are bashing two shop on the same page! Wow not to mention talking shit about someone who has nothing to do with me or this subject you are such a man.
You have real class
the only truth you speek is ..............well im sure you will start one day
04-05-07, 09:05 AM
hahaha this guy is funny. the video dosnt make me mad what has upset me was the bullshit tacktics that were used when posting the video. kind of like you posting on this site. as for my shop ... step up name your self I have helped everyone I can ask anymember of this board. I have gone out of my way to have a shop that does top quality work. it sounds to me that you are a jelious person If you have a problem with me then talk to me take it to pms if it is with the shop then call the shop Im sure they will fix what ever problem you have. I think jeff shout check IP addys im sure you will see it is a member that is already here. the one on svt said tuscan ...... If i have a bull shit shop then lets race for some $ and see who is bull shit
oh yea name one person I ripped off just one! that is all it will take
I am not from Tuscon, so you know it wasn't me. Jeff also already checked the IP addy here and it wasn't linked to me. I hope that you do not continue to blame me for "tatics" that were not my doing.
Who really gives a ****,
obviously you do seeing as how your registered just to make that post
let people think and say what they want.
I normally do
Talking shit about a member on a board that you support is pretty low class.
kind of like the low class in registering for a board so you can make a cheap stab at two different business owners that is pure class right there
But considering who its coming from its no surprise.
at least I use my name and not some cheap made up name that way no one would know who I was
If you stopped posting here
I have not posted here in about 4 months
Im sure a couple of you little nut swingers would care but the mass majority could care less.
You may want to chose your words wisely because 99% of this board are my friends or at least to my face they are, problem just like you If you know me I'm sure you are super nice when you are around me as well
You start talking shit on every board you get on and wine and talk shit like a little baby.
this sounds like a jealous person, let me get his strait you follow me from board to board to see what I do? weird. talk about obsession you know envy is one of the 7 sins
Get some class and maybe people would give a **** about your car or you shitty shop.
once again I think you are showing your true class talking about me is one think but when you attack a shop who has done nothing but super good work for every one shows your true level of class
I dont know if I should call you Dan or Tom Thompson Jr.
hahahaha you that would be a nice thing If I was Tom I would have so much money I wouldn't care what some dirt bag calls me. Props to Tom and the complete Thompson family they have done well for them selves I could only hope to achieve the level of success they have
Have a nice day and watch out for those destructive ps hoses.LOL
oh and you have a wonderful day as well. actually it was the primary tube on the passenger side that broke cooking the header, but hey you haven't gotten another part of the story correct why would this be any different. talk to you latter cupcake I hope you have a good day and hurry back
I will stand up for Dan's shop any day. They do good work and Dan has helped me in every possible way that he could INCLUDING ordering parts for overnight shipping and installing them while I waited. Shane, Devin, Ernie, Graham, and Dan all do great work which is why I continue to go back.
04-05-07, 11:58 AM
hahaha this guy is funny. the video dosnt make me mad what has upset me was the bullshit tacktics that were used when posting the video. kind of like you posting on this site. as for my shop ... step up name your self I have helped everyone I can ask anymember of this board. I have gone out of my way to have a shop that does top quality work. it sounds to me that you are a jelious person If you have a problem with me then talk to me take it to pms if it is with the shop then call the shop Im sure they will fix what ever problem you have. I think jeff shout check IP addys im sure you will see it is a member that is already here. the one on svt said tuscan ...... If i have a bull shit shop then lets race for some $ and see who is bull shit
oh yea name one person I ripped off just one! that is all it will take
I will race you for some money. LOL
Just buy one of these and get your ass in shape.
No dynos, cams, rods, blowers,etc just plain old leg power.:biglaugh:
So what are your rebuild plans Dan?
well the new motor was being built long before this happened it was going to go in to my body in white race car not my street car however it is a 4.6 new block std Probe pistons Kellogg race crank and oliver rods all parts are at the machine shop right now. the heads are 5.4 cobra R heads with stage 3 cams also in my build is the whipple 3.4 it should run at least 11s on motor this time im not going to wait to spray it
let the games begain then we can hear all the whinners cry again
I will race you for some money. LOL
Just buy one of these and get your ass in shape.
No dynos, cams, rods, blowers,etc just plain old leg power.:biglaugh:
So what are your rebuild plans Dan?
im in the gym every night cupcake after my work out Ernie and I ride the bike for 20 miles or run for 10 ........ so im game
04-05-07, 12:26 PM
im in the gym every night cupcake after my work out Ernie and I ride the bike for 20 miles or run for 10 ........ so im game
LOL Cupcake:sticktonge:
Bring it on.
20 miles is a warm up on a gym bike.
sure ok sweety come to my gym lets say level 8 ...... Alpine pass then we will see
we are not talking down hill like you want to race
04-05-07, 12:35 PM
sure ok sweety copme to my gym lets say level 8 ...... Alpine pass then we will see
No No.
Gym don't count.
Start at mining camp restaurant and ride down to canyon lake past tortilla flat to the end of the pavement and ride back out.
40 miles total with a ton of climbing.
Really how fast could little skinny Jeff be? LOL
04-05-07, 01:41 PM
You guys are making me tired. My legs get worn out just from climbing in and out of my truck . . . lol.
I played 3 games of Basketball on Tuesday and my knees are still tellin me about it. I hate being out of shape.
04-05-07, 04:11 PM
Just did my 30 miles of burning off my winter weight. LOL
04-05-07, 06:40 PM
I'll follow you guys in my ambulance!!!! :yes:
04-05-07, 07:44 PM
Hehehe whew glads thats over, We love you Dan, Now play nice hehehe. I have never been or had nothing done at your shop but I hear that your really good and word of mouth travels fast. I have sent people to you and have never heard a bad word about it. They are always very happy, so keep up the great work your doing. And please next time, remember to be a vendor at the show hehehe. Trisha :pepper: :pepper: :pepper:
Dave,,,,,,ambulance rofl rofl, not thats just plain funny :laughing: :laughing:
Hehehe whew glads thats over, We love you Dan, Now play nice hehehe. I have never been or had nothing done at your shop but I hear that your really good and word of mouth travels fast. I have sent people to you and have never heard a bad word about it. They are always very happy, so keep up the great work your doing. And please next time, remember to be a vendor at the show hehehe. Trisha :pepper: :pepper: :pepper:
Dave,,,,,,ambulance rofl rofl, not thats just plain funny :laughing: :laughing:
yea but you need to let me know when we have a spot not just wright our name and not tell us lol :highfive:
04-05-07, 08:48 PM
yea but you need to let me know when we have a spot not just wright our name and not tell us lol :highfive:
Ok so just plan on an open spot for you guys always lol lol, I will let you know ahead of time when shows are, lol for $20.00 for advertising hmm not too shabby lol lol. Sorry about the mix up!!:pepper:
04-05-07, 09:03 PM
Ok so just plan on an open spot for you guys always lol lol, I will let you know ahead of time when shows are, lol for $20.00 for advertising hmm not too shabby lol lol. Sorry about the mix up!!:pepper:
"The Muffler Nazi"
04-05-07, 09:21 PM
I said im sorry :((((
dual exhaust huh? i got a nice hpipe that will bolt in on the v6 :)
04-05-07, 11:35 PM
Well there ya go!!!!!
04-06-07, 12:59 AM
I'll follow you guys in my ambulance!!!! :yes:
You can be my support vehicle and hand me water bottles. LOL
I do that ride all the time on week days. I stay clear of that area on weekends.
04-06-07, 09:22 AM
You can be my support vehicle and hand me water bottles. LOL
I do that ride all the time on week days. I stay clear of that area on weekends.
Weekends baddddddd out there!!!
Who is this clown TheTruth.
He must have a little Pee Pee.
Probably the guy from the stock motor thread who said the car is on spray...
04-06-07, 10:13 PM
Probably the guy from the stock motor thread who said the car is on spray...
Who knows. It is a new IP, but those are easy to spoof.
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