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03-26-07, 10:15 AM
Hey All,

Just in Mesa for a couple of months so I thought I would check out the site and see what shows are coming up around here.

~www.pacificcoastmustangs.com (http://www.pacificcoastmustangs.com)~

03-26-07, 10:22 AM

what brings you to town for a couple of months?

oh, and there is a show coming up this weekend. held by the copperstate mustang club. come on out! :icon_cool:

03-26-07, 10:25 AM
i saw that==i have some friends coming from LA for it, i may show up, its just down the street from where i am==my front bumper is a mess though, not sure i want to show--waiting for a new bumper and hood for knotts!

i am here to help out my family for a couple months--im helping take care of my 7 month old nephew, my mom got sick and cant take care of him on her own anymore--so i am here until we find someone that isnt a crazy psycho nanny to help out! am i rambling? i think i am--cabin fever--

Chris B.
03-26-07, 11:13 AM
Welcome to Phoenix, if you get a chance to stop by this weekend that would be cool. We are also doing a cruise on Sunday, should last about 6 hours, last cruise we did we had over 40 mustangs show up.

03-26-07, 11:32 AM
nothing wrong with a little rambling. we all do it from time to time. even if you can't show, just drop by and say hi if you can. its free to just swing in and do that.

03-26-07, 11:44 AM
Welcome to the site. You should definitely come out to the show. Just like Tony said even if you don't show your car just showing up is worth it.

03-26-07, 11:46 AM
what time does the show start?

03-26-07, 01:19 PM
what time does the show start?

Heres a link with all the info you need.


03-26-07, 02:31 PM
thank you!! :hyper:

03-26-07, 03:31 PM

03-26-07, 05:44 PM

03-26-07, 06:12 PM
:hi: WELCOME :hi:

03-26-07, 06:17 PM
Welcome!!! There is abou 30 of us going to Knott's this!!!! Come by and say hi at the show!!!

03-26-07, 08:01 PM
i will probably come by and say hi, may even enter-depends if i get the thing show clean by then!
i am going back to the bay area to drive down with my club for knotts, kinda crazy to drive all the way there to turn around and drive back down to LA but whatever, good thing i like to drive! :) when do u guys leave for knotts? we leave friday morning and return monday--we have a group going to medieval times saturday night, and friday night pacific coast mustangs (my club) is having a poolside bbq at the radisson where most of us are staying. last year we had 71 cars over the grapevine, hoping to have 100 this year! do u guys have any weekly gtgs anywhere? im bored!!

03-26-07, 08:07 PM
So wait...you're driving from Phoenix to San Fran, just to drive from San Fran to LA? Wow..that is pure dedication! Tell me you're not driving back to San Fran and then back to phoenix...lol.

03-26-07, 08:41 PM
welcome. and where in the bay you from? i lived in fremont/newark for 18 years.

03-27-07, 12:07 AM
god no! haha ill be driving back to AZ after the show--and park it for a while! i would just leave from here but i have not been around to host anything for my club and i feel like i need to connect with everyone on this one!

So wait...you're driving from Phoenix to San Fran, just to drive from San Fran to LA? Wow..that is pure dedication! Tell me you're not driving back to San Fran and then back to phoenix...lol.

03-27-07, 12:08 AM
i lived in mountain view however when i go back ill probably end up in santa cruz--i miss being near the beach...

welcome. and where in the bay you from? i lived in fremont/newark for 18 years.

03-27-07, 12:09 AM
i think ive seen u around quiksvt---i recognize the plate--

03-27-07, 12:10 AM
so are you up in northern phoenix?

03-27-07, 12:17 AM
im in mesa--southern/higley/power road--thats all i know--haha i can make it to fashion square, other than that im mostly lost around here--

03-27-07, 08:26 AM
Well well well I feel the testosterone leveling out in here whooo hoooo. Welcome to the most fun site you will ever run across. Make sure you come saturday to my show. We have all worked very, very hard on it and its going to be a lot of fun. I live in Mesa too, Power and Baseline area. Trust me when I first came here I was lost all the time. Im doing pretty good at finding my way around now. We are heading up to the Pavillions after the show to show off our babies there too. Thats in Scottsdale. If you wait at the show I am hoping most are going up. We can all pony together up there after we help move their new vehicles back. Welcome Welcome. :woot1:

Chris B.
03-27-07, 08:29 AM
i will probably come by and say hi, may even enter-depends if i get the thing show clean by then!
i am going back to the bay area to drive down with my club for knotts, kinda crazy to drive all the way there to turn around and drive back down to LA but whatever, good thing i like to drive! :) when do u guys leave for knotts? we leave friday morning and return monday--we have a group going to medieval times saturday night, and friday night pacific coast mustangs (my club) is having a poolside bbq at the radisson where most of us are staying. last year we had 71 cars over the grapevine, hoping to have 100 this year! do u guys have any weekly gtgs anywhere? im bored!!

A bunch of us are heading to Knotts on Friday morning and coming back either Sunday or Monday. A few of us will also be staying at the Radisson, hope to meet up with all of your crew! The only weekly gathering going on all the time is the impromptu car show at the Scottsdale Pavillions on Saturday's.

03-27-07, 09:01 AM
thanks for the welcome! i can appreciate all the hard work it is to put on a show, i just did one for my club in january, we had 48 cars show up and gave out 25 trophies, it was a really good time!
is it too late to register early for the show, or should i just wait until the day of?

Well well well I feel the testosterone leveling out in here whooo hoooo. Welcome to the most fun site you will ever run across. Make sure you come saturday to my show. We have all worked very, very hard on it and its going to be a lot of fun. I live in Mesa too, Power and Baseline area. Trust me when I first came here I was lost all the time. Im doing pretty good at finding my way around now. We are heading up to the Pavillions after the show to show off our babies there too. Thats in Scottsdale. If you wait at the show I am hoping most are going up. We can all pony together up there after we help move their new vehicles back. Welcome Welcome. :woot1:

03-27-07, 09:03 AM
that sounds awesome, you guys should definitely plan on hanging out with us friday night for the bbq--saturday we are planning a cruise to the beach, then medieval times saturday night and a visit to cups dive bar afterwards for some pole dancing! last year was a good time, we have to out do ourselves this year!

A bunch of us are heading to Knotts on Friday morning and coming back either Sunday or Monday. A few of us will also be staying at the Radisson, hope to meet up with all of your crew! The only weekly gathering going on all the time is the impromptu car show at the Scottsdale Pavillions on Saturday's.

03-27-07, 09:06 AM
BTW-i love your mach 1!!

03-27-07, 09:51 AM
is it too late to register early for the show, or should i just wait until the day of?

registration closed march 17th. but, you can register the day of the show. :woot1:

Chris B.
03-27-07, 12:16 PM
BTW-i love your mach 1!!

Thanks, It will be at the show on Saturday. I'll be driving the Roush to the Knotts show.