View Full Version : Movie Shoot in Phoenix March 30 - April 4

03-25-07, 11:33 PM
Hi All

Good Faith Casting is looking for 1989 and older cars (doesn't have to be a 'Stang). They can't be white (lets me out). They are also looking for extras (I'm in on that already) Males 20 to 60 and females 20 to 40. The movie is "Kids in America" with Topher Grace. The shoot is March 30, 31, April 2, 3 and 4 from 6PM to 6AM. If you sign up you HAVE to be available for all the shooting dates.

I was on the set for 1 night a couple of weeks ago. It's interesting, but can get boring.

If you are interested, send me a PM and I'll forward you their e-mail or go to goodfaithcasting.com

03-26-07, 11:27 PM
Update: They are filming on Cave Creek Road in front of Buddy Stubbs Harley tonite (Monday 3/26/07). They have been shooting fireworks for a couple of hours. There is a '89 2 seat Mercedes in the back of the truck that hauls it while filming. Sorry the photo is not great.
http://www.highperformancestangs.com/gallery/data/500/red_1989_2_seat_mercedes_in_front_of_Buddy_stubbs_ Harley.jpg

03-27-07, 10:22 AM
I sent them an email and haven't heard back. They must have there fill..

03-27-07, 10:23 AM
Wow..Buddy Stubbs this week...it's bike week...what a week to film..

03-28-07, 01:05 AM
I heard back on the second day. As of Sunday they still had quite a few openings. A couple of weeks ago, when we brought the cars down for filming they hired my buddies daughter in the spot as an extra. Hang tight.

PM me with your e-mail addy and I'll send you the e-mail with the direct contact info...

I sent them an email and haven't heard back. They must have there fill..