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View Full Version : I'm Cursed!

03-19-07, 03:35 AM
So I couldn't attend the HPS day at the track once again. I haven't had much time to post lately and rant about it but here I go. Every time there is an HPS track day event something happens or goes wrong and I can't race. Even a regular day at the track and stuff happens. First time, clutch wasn't engaging properly and couldn't shift at high rpm. Second time; one of my day old tires decided to shred on me a day before track day. Third time; HPS had it on my army national guard weekends. Now the fourth time (3-10), my car is stuck in the shop with a clutch cable problem. Well, this is what was happening to my second cable.


UPR can't seem to make a decent aftermarket cable. So I just had the stocker thrown back on with a firewall adjuster. While I was at it I uncorked some more of my exhaust and threw a Diff brace too. Why the hell not. So I think im cursed. Don't know whats going to happen next time I try and run this car. Maybe I should just stick to the street :veryhappy:.
Speaking of which, an AMG E33 (not sure if I read the model number right) wanted a run tonight and I gave him much more than he could chew. Anyways,....thats the end of my rant.

03-19-07, 08:23 AM
Sorry to hear about all that, but have until April to get it all sorted out for the next club day. Never heard anything good about any aftermarket clutch cables, always heard stick to the stock cable.

03-20-07, 12:21 AM
I should have everything I need for the next outing including a set of MT ET streets on my spare set of Cobra rims. I want my first 'real' session to be a decent one. That 16.2 I ran limping didn't count of course.......