View Full Version : CMC Cruise to Prescott. 4-1-07
02-15-07, 05:23 PM
The Copperstate Mustang Club will wrap up the weekend festivities with a Cruise to Prescott. We will meet at the Dennys located just west of I-17 on Bell Road. (2717 W Bell), departure time is tentatively scheduled for 8:30 AM, we will Cruise up I-17 to the Carefree Highway were we will head West to US 60, North to Wickenburg, where we will briefly stop to gather up participants before heading out on US 93, and up Yarnell Hill coming in the back way to Prescott. We will be stopping for photo opps along the way, and lunch, for a reasonable price, will be arranged in Prescott. More info to come.
02-15-07, 05:31 PM
We'll be there of course!!!!
02-15-07, 05:32 PM
We'll be there of course!!!!
Of course. LOL
02-15-07, 05:35 PM
Probably not, but I don't know.
02-15-07, 06:02 PM
sounds fun...
Sounds like a good run. If I get my 3M protective film on I might make it.
02-15-07, 06:33 PM
Of course ill be there hmmm its partly my show rofl
Chris B.
02-15-07, 07:13 PM
I'll be there too!
I might be there. Depends if I can switch my schedule around a bit. Just cut back the hours at job #2 and Sunday is one of the days that I do still work. Maybe a Friday switch is in order.
02-16-07, 02:08 AM
is this a CMC only cruise or can anybody go?
02-16-07, 05:05 AM
I'm down for this one. Hell it ends were I live. :icon_razz: It'll be a round trip for me.
02-16-07, 08:04 AM
is this a CMC only cruise or can anybody go?
Membership is never required, we have many out of town folks who like to cruise with us!!!
02-16-07, 08:55 AM
Yeah, The more the merrier, come on along for a fun time:pinkthumb: :pinkthumb: :pepper: :pepper: :pepper: :pepper:
For those that want to make this alittle more interesting....after lunch in Prescott, instead of heading directly home, make the cruise thru Prescott Valley and hit Alt 89 north over Mingus Mountain into Jerome. That's a great windy road that will really challenge your driving skills. Cruise through Jerome, down into Cottonwood and over to I-17 and then back home. It might add 2hrs to your day.
02-16-07, 09:48 AM
Could do option 1 or option 2 who ever wants a longer drive can go one way and whoever is done can go the other 1, Good Idea!!:yes:
02-16-07, 02:36 PM
The Jerome run is practically out my back door. :) I highly recommend it.
02-19-07, 05:48 PM
For those that want to make this alittle more interesting....after lunch in Prescott, instead of heading directly home, make the cruise thru Prescott Valley and hit Alt 89 north over Mingus Mountain into Jerome. That's a great windy road that will really challenge your driving skills. Cruise through Jerome, down into Cottonwood and over to I-17 and then back home. It might add 2hrs to your day.
Talk to Darrel aka Torchmach (torchskippy) he is in charge of the cruise, A longer cruise would be cool
02-25-07, 08:22 PM
03-27-07, 08:19 PM
The Copperstate Mustang Club will wrap up the weekend festivities with a Cruise to Prescott. We will meet at the Dennys located just west of I-17 on Bell Road. (2717 W Bell), departure time is tentatively scheduled for 8:30 AM, we will Cruise up I-17 to the Carefree Highway were we will head West to US 60, North to Wickenburg, where we will briefly stop to gather up participants before heading out on US 93, and up Yarnell Hill coming in the back way to Prescott. We will be stopping for photo opps along the way, and lunch, for a reasonable price, will be arranged in Prescott. More info to come.
Im looking forward to the cruise this weekend, is this still the schedule for Sunday?
03-27-07, 08:26 PM
Yes we are still on, And that is pretty much the schedule, the final details will be worked out by saturday where there will be a sign up sheet and pre ticket lunch purchases will be done then also.
03-28-07, 12:22 AM
Yes we are still on, And that is pretty much the schedule, the final details will be worked out by saturday where there will be a sign up sheet and pre ticket lunch purchases will be done then also.
Where will this sign up sheet be located? Is it going to be all the way out there at Berge Ford with that car show the night before?
03-28-07, 07:15 AM
Yes it will be at the copperstate mustang club trailer, You are coming to the show arent you? its going to be a great weekend.
03-29-07, 12:18 AM
I dunno, that is a bit far for me.
03-29-07, 12:38 AM
ill more than likely be there. after cruisin back from tucson the night before. lol.
Keep this website handy for weekend freeway closures. It updates every Thursday mid day.
Keep this website handy for weekend freeway closures. It updates every Thursday mid day.
It still hasn't updated as of today. East Valley people may want to loop around 101 to 17 and drop down to Bell to avoid inner city construction on 10,101,202.
03-30-07, 07:29 PM
Me thinks I will be there :) But i wont be able to make it to berge ford to sign up i dont think.. someone sign me up!
ADOT site is up...101 is open all the way around.. I hate driving 17
Geezz.. am I the only classic going?
03-31-07, 02:34 AM
Me thinks I will be there :) But i wont be able to make it to berge ford to sign up i dont think.. someone sign me up!
If I make it out to Berge on Sat, I'll sign you up Tony.
Good to see those that made it out for the cruise. Just got home, didn't get stuck behind any accidents on the way, so I trust everyone made it back safely. I'm glad everyone enjoyed the food, I was a little anxious the drive up hoping everything was going to go smoothy, and it did. Can't wait to see some of the pics everyone was taking.
04-01-07, 07:21 PM
Good to see those that made it out for the cruise. Just got home, didn't get stuck behind any accidents on the way, so I trust everyone made it back safely. I'm glad everyone enjoyed the food, I was a little anxious the drive up hoping everything was going to go smoothy, and it did. Can't wait to see some of the pics everyone was taking.
The food was great Ernie, hope you thanked them for us! They can cater for us anytime we are in the Prescott area! Real nice that they were able to take the extra 7 or so orders, while we were on the way up from Wickenburg.
Thanks again for Chairing the Show Trish! We had 31 Cars on the Cruise, nice day for it too. And a fun way of capping off a great weekend. Only problem was getting stuck behied the "Sightseers from Sun City".
Hope I can get a copy of the vidio of us topping the Hill, and going into Yarnell! The Audio part of that will be sweet! Please PM me with info on getting a disk.
Congratulations again on 2nd place in the Mach 1/Bullitt Class too Ernie. The work you put into preping your Car showed.
04-01-07, 09:44 PM
Yes The food was wonderful, I want to thank Darrell for putting the cruise together. It was great, I felt like a nascar driver throught them winding roads on the hill hehehe. It was a blast and I had a perm-a-grin the whole way there. It was great and the scenery was so nice. coming from flat country it just gave me chills. Thanks bunches
Yes The food was wonderful, I want to thank Darrell for putting the cruise together. It was great, I felt like a nascar driver throught them winding roads on the hill hehehe. It was a blast and I had a perm-a-grin the whole way there. It was great and the scenery was so nice. coming from flat country it just gave me chills. Thanks bunches
I noticed you weren't behind me anymore while going through the hills, did you fall back in search of quieter company?
04-01-07, 10:39 PM
That happened after the first stop, darrell changed the driving order hehehe. But yes you were very loud rofl :biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:
Great day.. Good food.. excellent weather.. But man did I the suck gas. Sucks when you only get 14mpg. Pic coming.
04-01-07, 11:13 PM
Here are some pics, Jeff these are from my phone when I was driving. so these are not crappy lol
04-02-07, 05:41 PM
I want to thank Darrell for putting the cruise together. It was great and the scenery was so nice. coming from flat country it just gave me chills. Thanks bunches
Your Welome Trish, it was a nice way to finish a fun weekend! Good food, good company, and lots of nice Cars.
Did anyone take pictures of the scenery between Wilhoit, and White Spar Road??? All I remember is asphalt, and guardrail! Hee Hee Hee :yes:
Hey, who has the video and why haven't they posted it up yet???? :icon_cool:
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