View Full Version : Rock n Roll Pony Car Show 3-31-07
02-13-07, 07:15 PM
The Copperstate Mustang Club's Annual Spring Car Show at our new club sponsor's Dealership Berge Ford ( Located off US-60 and Mesa Dr in Mesa. $25 pre-registration, $30 day of show. Classes will be awarded trohies by participants choice. To download a registration form click here (
:pepper: We need more cars, and lots of door prizes, If anyone would like to be in the show or donate a door prize here are the forms. We greatly appreciate it as all the money goes for a good cause. All proceeds will go to Packages from Home, to benefit Qtrponys unit the Arizona National Guard's 1st Battalion, 158th Infantry Regiment, who will be on their way to Afghanistan soon.
See ya there!!!
02-13-07, 07:54 PM
:pepper: We greatly appreciate it as all the money goes for a good cause. See ya there!!!
Is this how you are going to get that dual exhaust system for Rocky?
02-13-07, 07:55 PM
Hmmmm, never thought of it that way. maybe by the next show rofl rofl. but NO
02-13-07, 08:06 PM
Hmmmm, never thought of it that way. maybe by the next show rofl rofl. but NO
I know!!!!!!! I know!!!!!!!!
All proceeds will go to Packages from Home, to benefit Qtrponys unit the Arizona National Guard's 1st Battalion, 158th Infantry Regiment, who will be on theirway to Afghanistan soon. Tuck (Qtrpony) would have rather been at Speedworld,with His supercharged Mach 1,but duty called.
02-15-07, 05:58 PM
02-18-07, 11:51 AM
02-19-07, 05:53 PM
Spaces are filling up fast. So make sure you sign up asap if you are coming. This is going to be a great show.....:pinkthumb: :pinkthumb: :pinkthumb:
02-19-07, 06:15 PM
i plan to stop by hanks house sometime this week to drop off my form and check. :pinkthumb:
02-19-07, 06:33 PM
i plan to stop by hanks house sometime this week to drop off my form and check. :pinkthumb:
Very cool, I look forward to seeing ya there tony
02-19-07, 07:06 PM
still tryin to decide if i am gonna bring it out with the track wheels or the stockers. hmm..choices...:icon_cool:
02-19-07, 07:39 PM
still tryin to decide if i am gonna bring it out with the track wheels or the stockers. hmm..choices...:icon_cool:
Dude ya gotta make it look all pimped out hehehe. :pinkthumb:
02-28-07, 11:21 AM
Does anyone have a copy of the new flyer with the GT 500 on it?
02-28-07, 11:25 AM
Yes I have a stack of them but not on the computer!! The new picture is comming today so I can have the magnets made!!!
02-28-07, 11:27 AM
If you can get the computer file email it to me.
02-28-07, 11:45 AM
Just did!!! I just got it in the last hlaf hour!!
02-28-07, 12:11 PM
Got it updated.
03-09-07, 09:32 AM
Better get your forms in, look like our guy at Ford has done it again with some very cool stuuf to give away!!! But I can't tell you, Right Hank!!!!!:yes:
That is if your one of the first 90 entries!!!
03-10-07, 09:47 AM
Get your entry forms in quickly. They are starting to come in and we only have a limitied supply of special goodies to the early entries...
Better get your forms in, look like our guy at Ford has done it again with some very cool stuff to give away!!! But I can't tell you, Right Hank!!!!!:yes:
That is if your one of the first 90 entries!!!
Are spots still available I definitely want to sign up now Trish... Now that I have the money too!!!
03-19-07, 09:27 AM
Spots are still avaiable...Pre-registration ended Saturday so now it's day of show pricing.
Are spots still available I definitely want to sign up now Trish... Now that I have the money too!!!
Do you want me to mail you the application or I can e-mail it to you?
03-19-07, 09:51 AM
Bring it friday if you can make it. If not just bring it to the show and we will slide ya in. :pepper: :pepper:
What class would my car be considered???
2000 GT 'Vert... NOT STOCK :icon_cool:
03-19-07, 03:51 PM
you can park next to me in the slow car section jeff. :twothumbsup:
you can park next to me in the slow car section jeff. :twothumbsup:
Deal. But that means Friday the car stays back at the stable and I detail the living hell out of it to have it measure up...
Just noticed today that some ASSHAT must have backed into where my rear bumper and the unibody connect on the drivers side. Tiny dent and some paint gone :madashell:
03-19-07, 03:57 PM
i hate jerks that do crap like that. sorry to hear that. and yea, mine will be uber clean too. :icon_cool:
Wash and wax party???? Friday night????
03-19-07, 04:35 PM
I can enter the car on jackstands class?
03-19-07, 04:52 PM
Wash and wax party???? Friday night????
word. i'm down. did one last friday for nopi, so i am down for another one! :woot1:
btw- won an award there too(nopi). sweetness. of course it was with my mazda (which is mostly a ford anyways.....)
Deal. But that means Friday the car stays back at the stable and I detail the living hell out of it to have it measure up...
Just noticed today that some ASSHAT must have backed into where my rear bumper and the unibody connect on the drivers side. Tiny dent and some paint gone :madashell:
Drags are the weekend before the show so you don't have to dirty the car the night before the show. You'll have a full week to get it all prudy again.
03-19-07, 08:10 PM
Its not a judged show all peoples choice. So you will be fine there buddy. The Trophies are going to be awesome, Lots of great goodies too. WOW this is going to be a fantastic show for sure!!!!!
03-19-07, 09:21 PM
Drags are the weekend before the show so you don't have to dirty the car the night before the show. You'll have a full week to get it all prudy again.
My car won't see the track again til I get a new clutch. That happened cause last track day I did a nice 35-40 second clutch burnout...
03-19-07, 11:05 PM
My car won't see the track again til I get a new clutch. That happened cause last track day I did a nice 35-40 second clutch burnout...
Burn Clutch!!!!
03-19-07, 11:11 PM
You can still come cant you?
03-19-07, 11:39 PM
and i thought sitting on the rev limiter was bad...:biglaugh: :bounce: :sticktonge:
What time is this thing starting at so I know what time I am waking up!
03-26-07, 03:10 PM
Registration is between 9am and 10am, Be there or be Square........:biglaugh:
03-26-07, 03:57 PM
jeff- meet @ my house at 8am to cruise over? and i am still planning to detail friday night....
absolutely. I was planning on picking Morgan up if she wanted to go. Detail Friday for many hours FTW!!!!
03-26-07, 05:06 PM
absolutely. I was planning on picking Morgan up if she wanted to go. Detail Friday for many hours FTW!!!!
What? huh? I'm not going. I don't like you! :laughing1: So ur gonna come pick me up then go to Tony's house? Kinda the wrong way.
03-26-07, 05:19 PM
you live in central phoenix? if so, we could just meet up and then cruise down to pick you up. :twothumbsup:
03-26-07, 06:13 PM
you live in central phoenix? if so, we could just meet up and then cruise down to pick you up. :twothumbsup:
Westside Yo!
03-26-07, 09:33 PM
This may be off topic, but is our show this saturday going to be judged or is it just going to be participant choice? Just curious....:bouncy:
03-26-07, 11:45 PM
participant choice
This may be off topic, but is our show this saturday going to be judged or is it just going to be participant choice? Just curious....:bouncy:
03-27-07, 01:47 AM
I hoping to be there. In the process of putting my engine back together, should be done by Wed. Probably enter in the Work in Progress(WIP) class. Or what ever you guys are calling that class. :)
03-27-07, 08:12 AM
That would be the project in progress class, If you have not already signed up just bring the form and $30 day of show and we will put you where you need to go. See ya there :woot1:
You still didn't answer what class I am in?
03-27-07, 10:01 AM
the slow broke ass white car class. :biglaugh: :bounce: :hi:
03-27-07, 10:01 AM
You still didn't answer what class I am in?
Yes she did. Work in progress. :laughing:
:uhh: :gloomy: :lies: :kennyshooting: <------------***my emotions in order***
*Little kid yelling "SMILEY WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
03-27-07, 10:16 AM
:uhh: :gloomy: :lies: :kennyshooting:
*Little kid yelling "SMILEY WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Phuqing Nerd... :woot1:
Phuqing Nerd... :woot1:
:computer: :Gun1: apparently one gunned kenny wasn't enough
03-27-07, 10:39 AM
Just found out I'm going to be in town this weekend....I'm in. Trish, you have a PM.
03-27-07, 10:43 AM
Oh, and I'll cruise up with you west siders if that's ok. Not sure if I can keep up though....
Alright its a deal.
When and where are we doing this washing party thingy, if its happening
03-27-07, 10:54 AM
jeff- friday evening. my place. we'll do up some pizza or something too. :woot1:
mike- sounds good. had not came up with a meeting place yet, any suggestions?
03-27-07, 11:25 AM
jeff- friday evening. my place. we'll do up some pizza or something too. :woot1:
mike- sounds good. had not came up with a meeting place yet, any suggestions?
I'll come. bringing my bikini!
03-27-07, 11:32 AM
:perfect10: :flash: BOOBIES!!! hehehehe....
03-27-07, 07:31 PM
Ok So I take it you youngsters arent coming to the hospitality night friday night at Berge then?????? Hmmmmmm and you call yourselves club members sheesh, Your car Jeff would be in the convert gt or whatever it is, but coming day of show with the 30.00 you will be placed in the appropriate class. Not to worry there will be plenty of room there,
Dave, The lightening guys are coming due to the fact that it is going for a great cause. I just got off the phone with him and he is on board with it and will get some more club members to come with and pay the $30.00 day of show. Plus 3 more calls for day of show entries today , Yikes hehehe. CALGON TAKE ME AWAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, Hey mikey can I come to your house and crash in your jacuzzi?????? hehehe
03-27-07, 07:38 PM
i would go on friday, but gas is a little spendy right now, and the 12-14mpg the cobra gets is kinda hurting when all the stuff is 40 miles away from me. not gonna make multiple mesa trips on the same weekend. :icon_cool:
03-28-07, 09:46 PM
Ok what time does everything get started on Saturday?
03-28-07, 10:35 PM
pre set up is at 6am, registration starts at 9am, hope your going to make it :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
03-28-07, 10:37 PM
I will be there. Without my car as usual.
I should have the car together next week.
03-28-07, 10:41 PM
Do you work on Friday? Cause we sure could use the help moving all the cars from the new car lot........that will be at 2:30pm. We need all the help we can get for sure.
03-28-07, 10:44 PM
Do you work on Friday? Cause we sure could use the help moving all the cars from the new car lot........that will be at 2:30pm. We need all the help we can get for sure.
Have some stuff going on Friday afternoon already.
03-28-07, 10:46 PM
:bricks: ok :(
03-28-07, 11:03 PM
unfair I need to work and cant take the day off.:rulez:
03-28-07, 11:25 PM
finally got things straightened away with my wheels and the new brakes, so i am all set for this weekend!
big thanks to indy. your a life saver man!!!
03-29-07, 08:49 AM
Oh man Im so excited about this show, There is some great door prizes we are giving out and the goodie bags have some great stuff in them. I hope you ALL are coming. This is going to be a huge show for sure. Whoooooooo hoooooooooooo:laughing1: :laughing1: :laughing1: :laughing1:
Dave........ yes it will be bigger than MONSOON hehehehehehehe pppttthhhhtttttt:icon_razz: :icon_razz: :icon_razz:
I have spent so many hours this past week cleaning the car I've lost count, and I'm still not done. Wash, clay bar, paint scrub, polish, 2 coats wax, clean the engine, black trim, upholstrey, dash, carpet still needs done, wheels and wheel wells still need done. And this is my daily driver, so each morning or night gotta take the california car duster to it, and go over the trim again, especially since it has been so windy and dusty. Also, part of the reason I haven't done the wheels yet.
03-29-07, 07:58 PM
Should have let me know sooner, I have a carpet shampooer if you would like to use it...
Dream On Trish!!!!!!!!He Hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!
03-29-07, 09:07 PM
yes it will be bigger than MONSOON hehehehehehehe pppttthhhhtttttt:icon_razz: :icon_razz: :icon_razz:
Bigger than Mustang Monsoon Madness II ???????? We'll see !!!!
We had preliminary plans for Mustang Monsoon Madness III that would have blown Rock n' Roll Pony Show into the weeds !!!
But as it is, well.............. The "Big Blue Oval Bash" to be held in Oct could be Arizona's answer to "Fabulous Fords Forever" at Knotts!!!
How many are up for Sundays cruise to Prescott?
03-30-07, 12:04 AM
outside is clean, vacuumed and cleaned the floormats, and polished up the inside. tomorrow night, polishin and engine detailin'! i cannot wait.....
hiker- do not think i can make it. with gas being 3 bucks a gallon, a 160 miles trip will cost me a full tank. and the boss allready veto'd the plan of going...
03-30-07, 01:37 AM
outside is clean, vacuumed and cleaned the floormats, and polished up the inside. tomorrow night, polishin and engine detailin'! i cannot wait.....
hiker- do not think i can make it. with gas being 3 bucks a gallon, a 160 miles trip will cost me a full tank. and the boss allready veto'd the plan of going...
20mpg + 160miles = 24 bucks. Highway driving, so we will probably see good gas mileage. You're telling us you are driving a Cobra but can't afford 24 bucks for gas?
03-30-07, 07:28 AM
20mpg + 160miles = 24 bucks. Highway driving, so we will probably see good gas mileage. You're telling us you are driving a Cobra but can't afford 24 bucks for gas?
I seem to remember someone else saying that they may not make it hmmmmmm who could that have been................................:biglaugh:
03-30-07, 09:41 AM
20mpg + 160miles = 24 bucks. Highway driving, so we will probably see good gas mileage. You're telling us you are driving a Cobra but can't afford 24 bucks for gas?
i do not get that kind of mpg. sorry. 160-190 miles is about all i have gotten out of a full tank. notice i put full in there, 3 bucks a gallon times what do we have, 14+ gallons...hmmm. little more than 24. i know it could probably do a little better, but for some reason my lead foot has not been able to do better. also, i am currently stashing all the money i can for the diff that is toasted. sheesh. yeah, i had the cash to buy it, but am finding i don't have the cash to race it as much as i would like too. :twothumbsup: :sticktonge:
Well the stupid ADOT freeway closesure site hasn't updated yet. I hate to get stuck in crosstown traffic for construction. I'm still debating whether to go. I'm thinking the 101 will be open all the way around from the east valley to 17 and then drop down to Bell.
03-30-07, 11:44 AM
Tony keep you lead foot off the pedal and you will get better mileage.:biglaugh:
03-30-07, 11:50 AM
not likely to happen. :bounce: i like the little wining noise it makes. :sticktonge:
03-30-07, 11:55 AM
not likely to happen. :bounce: i like the little wining noise it makes. :sticktonge:
LOL. My car still gets good highway mileage.
03-30-07, 12:07 PM
your a little older and have had you car a little longer. to me, its still has a little newness. :twothumbsup:
Hey everyone been awhile since Ive been around, working my butt off it seems lately and I also have a motorcycle and our bike club does alot right now this time of year.
Anyhow, I am going to try to make it to the Berge deal this weekend, probably wont make it til around 9:30 am since Im coming from 12th Street and Bell area.
Will I still be able to get my 07 Stang into the show? How long do we have to stay to qualify?
You should come with us. A few of us that live in the north valley are all cruisin down together. So far roll call is:
1. Me (Jeff)
2. AZSonicSnake (Tony)
3. 03BlackSVT (Mike)
4. ahawkins (Alex)
Gonna meet at the Cosco @ Cave Creek and the 101 at 8am for the drive down. Any questions call me (602) 380-3037
03-30-07, 03:14 PM
Joe-You can still register at the show between 9 and 10am. Its a participants choice show, so just make the car shine. As long as you check in and register you're good. Voting runs till 11am. Make sure you put the card in your registration packet on your winshield, so people know who to vote for. And make sure you VOTE! The ballot is in the packet too.
Been wondering what you've been up to....
Hey everyone been awhile since Ive been around, working my butt off it seems lately and I also have a motorcycle and our bike club does alot right now this time of year.
Anyhow, I am going to try to make it to the Berge deal this weekend, probably wont make it til around 9:30 am since Im coming from 12th Street and Bell area.
Will I still be able to get my 07 Stang into the show? How long do we have to stay to qualify?
You should come with us. A few of us that live in the north valley are all cruisin down together. So far roll call is:
1. Me (Jeff)
2. AZSonicSnake (Tony)
3. 03BlackSVT (Mike)
4. ahawkins (Alex)
Gonna meet at the Cosco @ Cave Creek and the 101 at 8am for the drive down. Any questions call me (602) 380-3037
Ill see what I can do on that caravan, would be fun to have a few Stangs cruising down the highway, the problem is we are going to a party tonight and I dont know how Ill feel in the AM :woot2:
Ill see how it goes but Ive had this date circled for awhile and Id like to see the crew again!
Finally think I'm done cleaning the mach, but it's kinda hard to tell sometimes in the lower light levels after the sun goes down. Guess wel'll find out tomorrow.
03-31-07, 02:38 AM
I seem to remember someone else saying that they may not make it hmmmmmm who could that have been................................:biglaugh:
Wasn't due to gas millage sweets. More of a time issue. Gots lots to do on Saturday, namely throwing that water pump in my T-Bird for starters.
04-01-07, 07:59 AM
Should have let me know sooner, I have a carpet shampooer if you would like to use it...
Dream On Trish!!!!!!!!He Hawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!
I had a Dream and It came true whooooooooo hoooooooooooo I beat you by 6 cars bubba hehehehehe. Im the Queen :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :pepper: :pepper: :pepper:
04-01-07, 09:53 PM
I want to thank all my volunteers for helping me put on this fantastic show in such short time. With all the not knowing we went through about the sponsor and such. I am very very very happy with the whole weekend, even moving all them pimpin trucks was awesome. I cant wait to see the final tally for everything. Packages from home crew were so very happy with the Copperstate Mustang Club. I cried my eyeballs out when Dan played the first song. "Proud to be an American" The tears just poured out, poor Brenda thought something happened to me, and then it was for sure a chain reaction of everyone standing around me. I just knew we would do a great job on this one, and thanks to Darrell for making that the donation group to give it too. We all cant thank them enough for all that they are doing over there. God bless them all and bring them home safely. Hugs to all of you guys, you rock!!!!!! Trisha
04-02-07, 05:28 PM
Im the Queen :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :pepper: :pepper: :pepper:
Well......I think that Dave would have to agree with me on this, better you than Him!!!!
Congratulations on a great Show Trish !!!!!
It really reflects well on the whole Club, to members of the Mustang Community. No Club hosts a Car Show like the CMC !!!!!!!!!!!!
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